MMORPG: Genesis

Lump of fur

Lump of fur

What he found appeared to be a lump of fur. 

A lump of fur that was making whimpering noises and moving ever so slightly. 

John came slowly round the bush to get a better look and saw that it was a small bear cub that appeared to have a thorn, or something stuck in its front paw. 

"Poor thing." John said before inspecting the cub. 

[Name: Bear Cub (Normal)] 

[Monster Type: Defensive] 

[Level: 1] 

[HP: 160] 

[MP: 30] 

[ATP: 5 + 2] 

[END: 6 + 4] 

[Description: A small bear cub that has injured its paw.] 

(Hmm inspect really does not tell me much, I can tell the cub is hurt but all inspect shows me is its maximum HP.) 

John thought for a while and figured he had two options. 

Leave the cub where it was, though it would probably die, or help it and risk being attacked. 

John looked at his own HP and saw that it was now back to full. 

[HP: 100/100] 

(If I help it and it attacks me it should only do two points of damage, or four if it's a critical like with that bunny.) 

Even though John was not a fan of humans he did not have a problem with the other race's or with animals, which is why he accepted Queen Tanelia's invitation. 

In the end he figured he would help the poor cub and if it attacked him, he would just run again as he was sure the cub would not be able to catch him with a bad paw. 

So, as he slowly got closer to the cub he spoke in a calm voice. 

"Hey little guy I'm here to help." 

The cub, now aware of him, tried to stand up to move back but because of the pain it collapsed again and instead started crying louder. 

"Ok fella no need to panic, I just want to help." 

As John moved his hand towards the cub's paw, the cub used its other front paw to try and bat his hand away. 

John figured he would have to restrain the animal slightly if he wanted to help it, so he gently held it down using one of his knees which made the cub cry even louder. 

After that he pinned the unhurt front paw down with his other knee before grabbing the damaged paw with one hand. 

After that he grabbed the thorn with the other and gave it a quick yank pulling it straight out before he backed away from the cub. 

The cub yet out a yelp of pain but then seeing that its paw no longer had the thorn in the cub started to lick the wound. 

John, relieved that the cub was not attacking him, took out one of the breads from his inventory and pushed it just in front of the cub's nose. 

The cub, noticing the food, sniffed it carefully before taking a small bite and after finding out it was edible it quickly ate the whole thing. 

Once it ate the bread John noticed that the wound on the cubs' paw had closed up. 

"I guess the HP restore effect works on monsters too." 

At this point the bear cub noticed it was no longer in pain and after looking at its healed poor it tried standing up. 

After successfully standing up the bear moved around a bit and finding no problems looked at John for a moment. 

It then slowly moved closer towards him before it took a sniff of him. 

After which it gave a low growl and ran off into the woods. 

"You're welcome." John said as he got back up and turned to leave before he heard a notification sound and a notification window appeared before him. 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Help the poor bear cub (Hidden)] 

[An injured bear cub hurt its paw and was not able to walk, so could not get back to its family.] 

[By helping this injured bear cub, you have shown yourself to be a friend to it and so you may be rewarded in some way in the future.] 

[Quest success reward:]

[150 exp Rewarded] 

[Exp: 0/100>>150/100]


[Level up] 

[Level: 0>>1]

[All stats increased by 1] 

[SPI: 5>>6]

[WIS: 2>>3]

[STR: 5>>6]

[INT: 4>>5]

[VIT: 4>>5]

"What!" John said surprised before saying. 


[Name: Vincarna] 

[Race: Human] 

[Title: None] 

[Class: None] 

[Level: 1] 

[Exp: 50/200] 

[HP: 120/120] 

[MP: 30/30] 

[ATP: 6] 

[END: 5] 

[Stat Point Breakdown:] 

[SPI: 6] 

[WIS: 3] 

[STR: 6] 

[INT: 5] 

[VIT: 5] 

[Stat Point Allocation: 1 point to each stat on each level up] 

[Skills: Inspect, Herb gathering] 


"Hmm I guess the amount of Exp you need increases for each level." 

"Still, that was a lot of exp for one quest, and it was a hidden one?" 

"Maybe they only show up if the right conditions are met, I will have to ask Alea about it later." 

After that John was in a good mood as he headed back to the village and on the way, he even found two more silverleaf and one peacebloom. 

As he left the forest and approached the Yesta Village he noticed that the same to elf guards keeping watch bored before they noticed him. 

"Well look who's back, how'd it go kid? Get the herbs for Mossy?" Beluar asked. 

"Yup all done." John replied with a smile. 

"Nice job, wait here while Bialaer goes to fetch her." Beluar said before nodding at his brother who turned around and entered the village. 

As they waited Beluar decided to spark up conversation since he was bored. 

"So, get attacked by any dangerous creatures in the forest like you thought you would?" 

"No not really, though I did come across an injured bear cub." 

"Oh? What was wrong with it? 

"It had some thorn or something in its foot, so I pulled it out before giving it some food." 

"And then?" 

"And then nothing, it ran off back into the forest." 

"It didn't attack you or anything?" Beluar asked, surprised. 

"No, I mean it sniffed me and gave a low growl before leaving but that's it." 

"Hmm" Beluar said before going quiet to think about something. 

A few minutes later Bialaer returned accompanied by Mossy.

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