MMORPG: Genesis

Druid’s Mantle

Druid’s Mantle

"All together that's 15 Silver 75 Copper, sound good?" Mossy asked. 

"Yup sounds great thanks mossy." John replied 

"No worries kid, now I suggest you go report your progress to the mayor. He is starting to get really anxious." 

"Seems everyone in the village knows about this incident, don't worry I will go report and put his mind at ease right now, catch you later." John said as he left the shop with Mossy yelling after him. 


A few minutes later John arrived at the town square where the usual crowd was gathered shouting for people to form groups and as normal, they all completely ignored John until he went up to the mayor's house and knocked on the door. 

They then started making fun of him until the mayor got excited at seeing him and invited him in, letting them all recognize him too late as he was already inside the house. 

They planned to swarm him again when he came out, but it was a shame, he was about to leave Yesta Village. 

"Vincarna I am glad you have returned please tell me what you found." Olrus asked. 

"Calm down, mayor, everything has been settled." After which John went on to explain what happened after he left the village.

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Sickness in Yesta Forest Part 3 (Unique)] 

[Because you were discovered by the individual named Vulred you will now be forced to confront him, and you must defeat him in order to save Yesta Forest.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Defeat Vulread to stop the diabolical magic circle from activating] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[3200 exp] 

[Access to the teleport circle to travel to Thamethalas] 

[Druid's Mantle Common (White)] 

[Exp: 960/3200>>4160/3200] 


[Level up] 

[Level: 5>>6] 

[All stats increased by 2 with extra 3 added to INT and 2 to Wis] 

[SPI: 24>>26] 

[WIS: 21>>25] 

[STR: 24>>26] 

[INT: 23>>28] 

[VIT: 23>>25] 

(Nice I leveled up, but what's this Druid's Mantle? Seems a bit low rank for a reward from a Unique quest) John thought before he looked at the item and soon changed his mind. 

[Druid's Mantle (Growth Item)] 

[Rank: Unique (Black)] 

[Current Rank: Common (White)] 

[DEF: 2] 

[Soulbound to Vincarna] 

[A special mantle once worn by a famous Druid long ago, it has since lost most of its power from lack of care and being forgotten.] 

[*Notice* You have just received your first growth item; these items can be upgraded to higher ranks by completing the necessary tasks. 

[Rank up requirements for Uncommon (Green):] 

[Obtain your first Wild Morph Ability: Completed] 

[Merge any 5 Uncommon (Green) pieces of armor with the Druid's Mantle 0/5] 

The Druid's Mantle was very worn down and battered looking, it had a long cloak that was long enough to fall all the way past John's knees with another layer of leather over his shoulders that fastened with a brown broach over the sternum, it was finished with a hood. 

It was dark brown in color with faded green highlights around the edges, if you looked very carefully you could just make out the image of leaves over the mantel. 

"A growth item, I never knew these existed." John said in surprise. 

"This mantle was left with us many years ago and has long been forgotten about and lost its former glory because of the lack of care of the former village chiefs I am sad to say." Olrus stated before continuing. 

"Legends say that it once belonged to a very powerful Druid and that at the height of its power it rivaled Transcendent items or maybe even stronger." 

"Why offer this to me then?" John asked. 

"Because you did more than I asked of you in stopping the sickness single-handedly, not only that I can tell you have become a Druid yourself as if fate herself wished for this item to come into your possession." 

"Thank you for the gift. I will take excellent care of it." John said as he chose to equip the Mantle. 

[*Notice* You are about to equip a Unique item for the first time, these items require a name be given to them, please choose a name.] 

John looked at the notification and thought for a moment before saying. 

"Phantā" (Translation: to veil, cloak) 

[Name recognized and accepted] 

[*Notice* Phanta has reacted to the name and a special skill has been unlocked.] 

[Phanta (Druid's Mantle) (Growth Item)] 

[Rank: Unique (Black)] 

[Current Rank: Common (White)] 


[DEF: 2] 

[Skill: Veil] 

[Soulbound to Vincarna] 

{Veil: Gives the user the ability to hide everything other than their name to other players who inspect them.] 

[*WARNING* This effect will not work on those significantly stronger than the user.] 

[Would you like to activate the Veil ability now?]

[Yes] [No]


[Which of the following stats would you like to hide?]






[P ATP] 

[M ATP] 


"Hide all except Race and Level"

[Class, HP, MP, P ATP, M ATP, END have all been hidden]

"It appears the mantle likes the name you gave it and has responded to your thoughtful name." Olrus said. 

"Wait, it's alive?" John asked, surprised. 

"Alive is a stretch, it's more like it has its own spirit and consciousness." Olrus began to explain. 

"When an item becomes old enough and also reaches a certain power level it can birth its own spirit and consciousness." 

"While no one is exactly sure on the exact requirements for this to happen, such as how old or how powerful an item must be, what we do know is that it has never been seen before in an item below Legendary rank." 

"I see thanks again for the fabulous gift." John said while bowing. 

"It is me who should be thanking you for what you have done for our village and indeed the entire forest." 

"Now I believe it is time for you to leave our little village and move on to Thamethalas if you are ready and have finished all your tasks here?" Olus asked. 

"I have mayor." 

"Very good, then stand there and I will send you on your way." 

After saying that Olus moved back slightly before raising his hands as a teleportation magic circle appeared beneath John, after which Olus began to speak. 

"Menta si súlë apa sanomë lé ana yesta ya veryandë imi Thamethalas" (Translation: Send this soul on their way to begin his adventure in Thamethalas) 

As Olus finished speaking the magic circle lit up and John vanished. 

[*NOTICE* You have left the starting village and zone and will need to read the following notifications before you can arrive at your capital city.] 

[Certain aspects of the game where disabled or reduced so that new players can get used to Genesis before stepping out into the real Genesis world] 

[As you have now left the safety of the starting zone the death penalty will be activated, and any death now incurred will result in a 24-hour lockout from Genesis] 

[Armour Categories activated] 

[The following items will have their amour categories updated] 

[Phanta (Druid's Mantle) (Growth Item)] 

[Rank: Unique (Black)] 

[Current Rank: Common (White)] 



[DEF: 1] 

[Skill: Veil] 

[Soulbound to Vincarna] 

[Common Shirt] 

[Rank: Common (White)] 



[DEF: 0] 

[Common Trousers] 

[Rank: Common (White)] 



[DEF: 0] 

[Rabbit Boot's] 

[Common (White)] 



[DEF: 1] 

[Transfer of money and items can now take place between yourself and other players] 

[*NOTICE* Accumulated money will now be transferred to you] 

[Received: 9,487 Gold 56 Silver 20 Copper] 

[Money: 20 Silver 84 Copper>>9,488 Gold 13 Silver 4 Copper] 

[You will now be transported to Thamethalas] 

As John opened his eyes, he found himself inside a large hall where people were appearing out of midair before walking outside. 

(What the hell, almost ten thousand gold?) John thought as he stood rooted to the spot in shock. 

People who passed him pointed at him and commented about him being a noob and poor who had never experienced teleport before either in Genesis or Atlantia. 

John decided to follow the other people outside as he did so he found himself looking at a city that was very familiar looking to Asyath Serin. 

Though the layout was slightly different it still had the same basic structure of how the elves built their houses and shops up in the trees while the larger buildings like the one John just left were on the ground. 

John turned around to look at the building he had just left and he saw above the entry way the words 'Teleportation Hall'. 

John opened his friends list and sent a message to Alea. 

[Vincarna: I just arrived in Thamethalas.] 

[Silver Oracle: Understood, you should be outside the Teleportation Hall, I will meet you there in the meantime go back inside and ask at the reception counter for a Portal Stone to Thamethalas.] 

[Vincarna: What's that?] 

[Silver Oracle: You will know when you get it :p] 

John shook his head before going back inside the Teleportation Hall and going up to the reception counter. 

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