MMORPG: Genesis

Skills, Spells, Abilities and Quests

Skills, Spells, Abilities and Quests

After John logged back into Genesis, he found himself where he had logged out as normal and was back in his human form. 

After stretching slightly, he decided to head back towards the gazebo in order to learn the spells the other circle leaders wanted to teach him. 

As he arrived, he noticed that they were all discussing something but stopped and looked towards him as they saw him approach.

"Welcome back Vincarna, do you feel more comfortable in your bear form after playing with Ursel for a while?" Tiriana asked with a smile. 

"I do though it will still take more time to get fully used to it." 

"Naturally, well in the meantime why don't we get the other leaders to teach you something." 

"Ascal, would you care to go first." Tiriana said with a small smirk. 

Ascal rolled his eyes before saying. 

"Very well, human step forward." 

After John did so Ascal continued. 

"As the leader of the 'Circle of the Land' I will teach the skill Earth Skip." 

"This skill will allow you to become one with the land to instantaneously teleport a short distance." 

"A teleport skill, seriously?" John asked stunned 

"What do you think because I was against you at the start, I would not treat you well now you're a druid?" Ascal asked before continuing. 

"You think too little of me, Vincarna." After which he pressed his finger against John's forehead as Mossy had done in the past. 

[Class Spell Learnt: Earth Skip] 

[Earth Skip - Become one with the ground and teleport a short distance.] 

[Nature Element] 

[Instant Cast] 

[Teleport up to 20 yards in any direction] 

[Cost: 20 MP] 

[Quest Update] 

[Circle of the Land skill, spell or ability learnt 1/1] 

"Very good."Ascal said before turning and saying "Melandrach" 

Melandrach laughed before saying. 

"Do not take it to heart, young one, Ascal is just grump by nature." This caused Ascal to scoff but did not say anything. 

"What I will teach you as the leader of the Circle of Tempest is Lightning Bolt." Melandrach said before continuing. 

"While Lightning Bolt is not a Druid specific skill and can be used by many different classes it is of the nature element and a core skill all Druids should learn." After which Melandrach also touched John's forehead. 

[Spell Learnt: Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)] 

[Lightning Bolt: Hurl a bolt of lightning at your enemy, damaging them.] 

[Nature Element] 

[Instant Cast] 

[15 + M ATP Damage] 

[Cost: 10 MP] 

[1 Second Cooldown]

[Quest Update] 

[Circle Of Tempest skill, spell or ability learnt 1/1]] 

"Very good, Elduin if you would." 

"Of course, young Druid as the Leader of Circle of the Stars I shall not teach you a damaging spell since you already have Moonfire, instead I shall teach you the ability Guidance." 

"Guidance is a curious spell that allows you to channel your need to the stars and ask them to guide you." After which Elduin touched John's forehead as the others had. 

[Class Ability Learnt: Guidance] 

[Guidance - Seek answers from the stars when you are unsure of the path to take] 

[Nature Element] 

[Channeled until Guidance completes] 

[Cost: 50% off maximum MP] 

[Cooldown: 3 days] 

[Quest Update] 

[Circle Of Stars skill, spell or ability learnt 1/1] 

"Very well use it wisely since it can only be used once per three days, Syllia." 

"As the leader of the Circle of the Shepherd it will be up to me to teach you how to summon the spirit of your bonded beast of the wilds in the future, but as we have already said little Ursel is still too young, so for now I will teach you the spell Entangle." Syllia said as she pressed her finger to John's forehead. 

[Class Spell Learnt: Entangle (Rank 1)] 

[Entangle: Roots the target in place causing damage for the duration, can only be used on one target at a time.] 

[Nature Element] 

[Instant Cast] 

[10 damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds] 

[Cost: 30 MP] 

[Quest Update] 

[The Circle of the Shepherd skill, spell or ability learnt 1/1] 

"Ciliren if you would please help our young Druid here." 

"Of course, now my young Druid." Ciliren said before continuing. 

"Circle of the Dreams focuses more on the healing aspect than damaging and with that I will teach you our beginner healing spell Healing Spirit." 

[Class Spell Learnt: Healing Spirit (Rank 1)] 

[Healing Spirit: Heal yourself or an ally.] 

[Nature Element] 

[1 Second Cast] 

[Heal for 100 HP] 

[Cost: 20 MP] 

[Quest Update] 

[Circle Of Dreams skill, spell or ability learnt 1/1] 

"Rosaniya it's finally your turn." 

"At last." Rosaniya sighed before saying. 

"As the leader of Circle of the Harvest, in the future I will teach you how to wield a magical scythe which I am sure excites you but for now you're still too weak, so instead I will teach you how to better protect yourself with Protection of the Wild." 

[Passive Learnt: Protection of the Wild (Rank 1)] 

[Protection of the Wild: Increase your Endurance Stat by 5%] 

[END: 23>>>24] 

[Quest Update] 

[Circle of the Harvest skill, spell or ability learnt 1/1] 

"With that you have learnt something from each of us but remember young Druid, there is always more to learn, and we will have more to teach you in the future." Rosaniya advised before continuing. 

"Go now young Druid, train your new skills and grow." 

"When you think you are ready to learn more or find a Spell Tome, return to us here in the Emerald Enclave." 

John bowed to the seven elves before saying. 

"hanta ldë an illi golthanneth hyárë" (Translation: Thank you for your teaching this day) 

John once again surprised the leaders as they heard him speak in their native elvish. 

"Impressive young Vincarna, not many take the time to learn our tongue." Tiriana complimented before adding. 

"Go now and cé nassë turma ldë" (Translation: May nature shield you) 

After which Tiriana raised her hand and channeled a spell making magic circle under John's feet that he recognized as the teleportation circle and ten seconds later he vanished. 


John re-appeared in front of Yesta Village just as the two guards Beluar and Bialaer pulled out their weapons startled at his sudden appearance. 

"Oh, it's you Vincarna, don't just appear like that you almost gave us a heart attack." Beluar complained as they put away their weapons. 

"Sorry it was out of my control." John apologized. 

"Who on earth teleported you? You only left for Yesta Forest yesterday on the mayor's request, have you finished already?" 

"I have and I must go report to him." John said before waving to the two guards and entering the village." 

"Since I will be leaving Yesta Village after I report to the mayor, I should hand in my other missions first." 

John set off and went to hand in the rabbit fur first since the leatherworker was closest. 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Rabbit Fur. (Ordinary)] 

[The local leatherworker knows you're heading into the forest to help the mayor with his task, he has asked you to acquire some rabbit fur if you have the time.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Rabbit Fur x 3/3] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[320 exp] 

[Rabbit Boot's (Common (White))] 

[Exp: 0/3200>>320/3200] 

[Rabbit Boot's] 

[Rank: Common (White)] 


[DEF: 1] 

John quickly swapped out his old shoes for his new boots. 

[END: 24>>>25] 

"Next is the butchers." John said, setting off. 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Boar Meat. (Ordinary)] 

[The local butcher has asked you to gather boar meat if you encounter any while helping the mayor on his quest.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Boar Meat x 6/6] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[320 exp] 

[Wild Boar Ribs] 

[Exp: 320/3200>>640/3200] 

[Wild Boar Ribs x 5] 

[Simple bread that restores 50% of your total HP when eaten but must be out of combat to receive the effect.] 

"Oh, they're twice as effective as normal bread, let's go see Mossy." 

"Oh, what have we here, why are you visiting me brat?" Mossy asked as soon as John entered her alchemy shop. 

"I'm here to hand in the quest you gave me." 

"Oh, you managed it? Well, it has been a week and I heard you completed all the training over at the Weapons Hall, good job kid." 

"Thanks." John replied 

"Ok hand over Briarthorn." She said and John took it out his herb pouch and handed it over. 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Ordinary: Help Mossy gather Briarthorn] 

[Mossy the Alchemist of Yesta Village is doing a good deed by asking you to gather Briarthorn for her since she knows you need money.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Briarthorn: 5/5] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[320 exp] 

[20 copper] 

[Minor Healing Potion x 5] 

[Exp: 640/3200>>960/3200] 

"Oh, nice job kid there all here, any trouble with the rabbits?" Mossy asked with a giggle. 

John rolled his eyes before answering. 

"No thanks to my training I beat them easily." 

Mossy clicked her tongue in disappointment before asking. 

"Did you gather any extra herbs you want to sell while you are out in the forest?" 

"I actually did." John said, taking the herbs out his herb pouch. 

"Hmmm quite the collection let's see here." Mossy said as she began to count them out before giving the total. 

"You have five extra Briarthorn, twenty Peacebloom, fifteen Silverleaf and ten Stranglekelp and even five Earth Root." 

"All together that's 15 Silver 75 Copper, sound good?" 

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