MMORPG: Genesis

Dungeon Quests

Dungeon Quests

"HIM? Sarah shouted in surprise. 

"Him." Alea said with a grin. 

"You know him?" Vulxis asked. 

"Of course, he was the one Tia was talking about during the Human races racial punishment announcement that lost us Stone-mist Castle. 

"Really?" Vulxis asked in surprise before adding. 

"Well, if what Tia said is true it certainly makes sense why he is not fond of the human race and would side with a Draconian against them. 

Sarah nodded with a sigh. 

"Not fond of the human race except for three individuals, right Sarah." Alea said with a grin, making Sarah roll her eyes. 

"Oh who?" Vulxis asked with interest. 

"Sarah because she was the one who found John for Tia and brought the information about his mistreatment to light, Empress Alexia because she passed down judgment and Adria because she is our close friend and Alexia's daughter." Alea answered. 

"And you were flirting with this guy Sarah? Do you like him?" Vulxis asked as Alea smirked. 

"Not as much as Alea does." Sarah replied with her own smirk causing Alea to blush before she added. 

"Alea is in love with him." 

"WHAT!" Vulxis shouted with shock looking at Alea before asking. 

"You're in love with a Human male Alea? You? One of the impossible Princesses?" 

"What impossible princesses?" Alea asked with a frown as Sarah giggled. 

"It's the nickname for a group of women going around, have you not heard it?" Vulxis asked, surprised. 

"I have not." Alea stated as Sarah shook her head to confirm that she had not heard of it either. 

"The Impossible Princesses are a group of women from different races of Atlantia and Genesis that are thought to be impossible to marry or even date because they have never shown any interest in men or women that are pursuing them." Vulxis explained before adding. 

"Also, Adria is also on the list." 

"Haha wait till I tell her about this, she will love it haha." Sarah said with a laugh. 

"Hmph, I have just never found anyone who has caught my interest before and shown to be interested in me as a person instead of my position or race." Alea said with a pout. 

"Oh? Am I to believe the issue Sarah and Adria are helping you with involves this human man?" Vulxis asked with a grin. 

Alea sighed before saying. 

"It does, his name is John Michaels or Vincarna in Genesis, and the plan is..." 


John was still being led towards the bandit hideout, they had been walking for close to twenty minutes now and John started to hear a noise getting louder and louder as they walked onward. 

After a short while later, they emerged from some trees into a huge clearing in the forest that had a large waterfall and lake. 

They started to walk around the edge of the lake towards the waterfall that was on the other side before the three bandits led John along a narrow path that was so small you could not see it unless you were literally next to it. 

The narrow path led them behind the waterfall where they entered a cave and walked for a bit longer before they stopped in front of a metal door that seemed to have the image of a tiger's head carved on it. 

Folwin, who was in front, knocked on the large metal door with a strange rhythm almost like a passcode and a few seconds after he stopped a small hatch on the door opened and John could see two eyes looking out. 

After a moment the hatch closed again before bolts could be heard being pulled back and the door opened to reveal another Orc who looked at the three with the bear before asking in puzzlement. 

"What the fuck is that?" 

"A bear you dumb-ass." Gujjab replied with a grin. 

"I can see that Gujjab, I mean why have you brought a bear back here and with a collar on also, I thought you only had tiger collars?" 

"We did and it is, we brought it back for entertainment, figured we could have it fight the other animals we are holding here." Gujjab stated his plan proudly. 

"Riiiggghhhhttt." The gate guard said before moving aside and saying. 

"Get on in then and take that bear to the cages where all the other animals are stored, food will be up soon and it's venison." 

"Yes," Hedgal said happily, doing a fist pump. 

As John was led through the metal gate his notifications suddenly lit up like crazy. 

[*NOTICE* You have discovered the dungeon 'White Tiger Bandits Hideout'] 

[White Tiger Bandits Hideout: The white tiger bandits are a group of bandits from different races that have come together under their leader, the white tiger boss.] 

[They are known to conduct robberies against travelers going to and from Thamethalas, however what is not so well known is that they also hunt and capture wild animals in order to sell them or watch them in fights against each other as they bet on them.] 

[White Tiger Bandits Hideout is a Rank 1 dungeon with a level cap of 20 and a party limit of five.] 

[You can summon up to four other players from your friends list from the nearby summon stone in the safe zone and the timer will start once you leave the safe zone.] 

[*NOTICE* As the first player to discover this dungeon you have exclusive rights to it for 24 hours from the moment you leave the safe zone.] 

[*NOTICE* During those 24 hours all enemies kill Exp and Quest Exp will be doubled.] 

[Dungeon Quest Notification] 

[Save the white Tiger. (Unique)] 

[The White Tiger Bandits Boss is very fond of tigers and will do anything to collect them, from capturing them to buying them and even stealing them.] 

[The Boss has collected a rare white tiger that has grown very weak from its imprisonment and the effects of the Collar of weakness: Tiger, kill the bandit's boss and save the white tiger before it dies.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Save the White Tiger] 

[Kill White Tiger Bandits Boss] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[Piece of Epic (Purple) Gear] 

[5 Gold]


[Quest Failure punishment:] 

[The White Tiger will die, and something far worse than the bandits will appear around Thamethalas because of the white tigers death killing many innocents and causing the city to go under martial law.] 

[This is an automatic quest which you cannot refuse] 

[Quest Accepted] 

[Class Quest Notification] 

[Free the animals (Rare)] 

[You have learnt that The White Tiger Bandits are holding a large number of animals prisoner in their hideout to sell or use for their amusement.] 

[As a Druid it is your responsibility to free these animals and find justice for them.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Number of animals freed and escaped the hideout alive: 0/20] 

[Kill White Tiger Bandits: 0/20] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[Dependent on the number of animals freed and bandits killed.] 

[*NOTICE* Depending on the number of animals freed and bandits killed, quest rank may increase to Epic.] 

[Quest Failure punishment:] 

[Reduction in Class rank.] 

[*NOTICE* Because your class rank is currently at the first level Aspirant, should you fail this quest you will be kicked out of the Druid order and lose the class.] 

[This is an automatic quest which you cannot refuse] 

[Quest Accepted] 

[Dungeon Quest Notification] 

[White Tiger Bandits Records (Rare)] 

[You have learned The White Tiger Bandits sell their captured animals off, but it is unknown to who they sell them to, recover their records as it may reveal who purchased the poor animals.]

[Quest Goals:] 

[Recover White Tiger Bandits Records: 0/5] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[Piece of Rare (Blue) Gear] 

[1 Gold]

[Quest Failure punishment:] 


[Do you accept this, Quest?] 

[Yes] [No] 

[Quest Notification] 

[Eliminate the Bandits. (Rare)] 

[Quest has been updated] 

[Eliminate the Bandits. (Epic)] 

[You have done far more for the quest than was asked of you by getting yourself captured on purpose so that the bandits would take you back to there until now hidden hideout.] 

[Kill the bandits and claim their Insignia's proof.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Bandit Insignia's: 0/25] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[5 Gold] 

[Piece of Epic (Purple) Gear] 

[Quest Failure punishment: The bandits will riot around Thamethalas killing many innocents causing the city to go under martial law] 

As John read all the notifications he was taken to a place in the hideout where there were a bunch of cages with animals in. 

The cages were all filthy as were their occupants, it was apparent the bandits did not care for these animals. 

After John was forced into a dirty cage he pretended not to want to enter, and the door was closed on him he received another notification and the three bandits left while talking about venison. 

[*NOTICE* You are in the dungeon safe zone and will not be attacked while here, you can log out safely and also use the summoning stone to call allies in to aid you, the 24 exclusive timer will not start until you leave the safe zone.] 


[Quest Accepted]

[Vincarna: It's a dungeon. I'm in the safe zone and logging out now, meet me in Thasinia's lab.] 


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