MMORPG: Genesis

Six Months

Six Months

[Vincarna: It's a dungeon. I'm in the safe zone and logging out now, meet me in Thasinia's lab.]
Alea smiled broadly when she saw the message from John appear before she said to her friends.
"Girls, it's confirmed it's a dungeon, Vulxis use the class promotion stone and then meet up with Sarah."
"Sarah go speak to your aunt and request the use of the intercontinental teleportation circle for Thamethalas, I will speak to my mother and get permission for the intercontinental teleportation circle to Waning City to be used then meet up with Vulxis."
"Understood." Vulxis said with excitement.
"On it." Sarah said with joy.
"Good, I will end the call here and go meet with John and notify you both about when to send him a friend request since you have both of your accounts set to private, also I need to speak with him about the banquet." Alea said with a happy smile.
"Good luck." Sarah said.
"I hope he agrees to help you," Vulxis said before all three ended the call.
Alea got up off her bed and stood in front of her full-length mirror to check her appearance.
Once she had smoothed out her clothes and made sure to show a bit more skin and cleavage than she would to any other man so that the necklace John gave her was on full display, she left her room and headed to her aunt's lab.
John arrived at the lab and knocked on the door before hearing Thasinia say.
"It's open"
As he entered the lab, he saw Thasinia working on some sort of holographic projection of a design that looked like an access band.
"Hello Thasinia what's that you're working on?" John asked.
Thasinia turned to look at him and smiled before saying.
"An idea I had for your access band, it's still in the early stages so I won't spoil the surprise in-case it does not pan out, however if it does then it will revolutionize both Atlantia and Genesis." Thasinia said excitedly.
"Sounds big, let me know if I can help at all." John said with a smile.
Thasinia showed a look of surprise before smiling and nodding.
"Sure, now pass me the MK0 and then sit on the bed like normal, I want to run a scan."
John nodded before taking off his access band and passing it to Thasinia who placed it on the usual scanner where the machine started to scan it as John took off his t-shirt and entered a separate room that was separated by glass and lay on the medical bed before he too started to be scanned.
As he lay there being scanned the lab door opened and Alea entered with a smile that grew bigger when she saw John, she also blushed slightly from seeing his chest again, she could never get enough of looking at John's chest for some reason.
"Any updates?" Alea asked Thasinia.
"Just waiting on the results now." Thasinia said with a smile before asking.
"I keep meaning to ask you, where did you get that necklace? I have seen you wearing it every day recently but never saw it before a few days ago."
Alea smiled happily before responding.
"John purchased it for me when I took him shopping for clothes that day in the city."
Thasinia showed a surprised look because she knew how her niece never accepted gifts from anyone that was not family.
"Really, it's nice, maybe I should take him shopping next time so he can buy me one." Thasinia replied with a grin teasing her niece.
Unfortunately, she did not get the expected response.
"That sounds like a good idea, I'm sure John would be happy to escort you out into the city next time you need to pick up supplies and even get you a gift." Alea said with a smile.
"Well, that's unexpected." Thasinia said with a thoughtful look.
"What is?" Alea asked, already knowing the answer.
"I expected you to get jealous of me wanting John to buy me a gift when it's quite obvious you like him." Thasinia replied with a wink.
"For a woman who has always been single for several hundred years you're certainly up on romance, even mother had not noticed until someone told her." Alea replied.
"Well just because I have never been in a relationship and I'm still a virgin after several hundred years, I still keep up to date with certain things and I have my needs like any other woman." Thasinia said with a wink causing Alea to blush.
"As for your mother not realizing that's not surprising, after what your father did, that made it so she had to have him executed she lost interest in anything romance related, I hope one day her heart can heal and she can also find love." Thasinia said with a sad look as Alea also showed a sad face.
"Anyway, who told her about your feelings for John?" Thasinia asked with interest.
Alea grinned before replying.
"Ask her yourself, trust me it's one hell of a story, you may even gain something from it if you're so willing."
"Hmm?" Thasinia replied with a curious gaze before a beep was heard to say that the access band scan was complete.
"Ok, let's see here." Thasinia said before looking at the results.
After a moment another beep was heard as the scanner John was under and so he exited the room and smiled at Alea before saying.
"Hi" Alea said back happily.
John grabbed his T-shirt but opted not to put it back on because he noticed how Alea seemed to like looking at his chest and he was fine with her doing that.
Alea noticed that John had not put his t-shirt back on and showed a small smile while blushing slightly.
"Oh, it improved again." Thasinia suddenly said happily.
"Ok so the Genesis the sync rate actually increased by point zero zero eight while the loss rate reduced by point zero zero eight."
Thasinia turned to John before asking.
"Apart from that week where you spent basically twenty hours a day inside Genesis, how long are you normally in Genesis for?"
"Hmm probably twelve hours on average, I sometimes play in my sleep, but I am still not fully used to that yet." John replied.
"Ok it's safe to say that the sync rate changes by roughly point zero zero one for every twenty-four hours you are in Genesis."
"That means I would need two thousand hours in Genesis to reduce the loss rate to zero and have a ninety five percent sync rate." John said in shock before adding.
"That's just over eighty-three days or almost three months, so if I only played for twelve hours a day that's doubled to one hundred and sixty-six days or almost six months."
"That's correct, I'm afraid I am going to hold you captive here in Asyath Serin for at least half a year." Thasinia smiled before winking at Alea.
"I have no problem with that." John said, making both women smile before he asked.
"What about the poison?"
"Let's see." Thasinia said before turning to a different monitor to check the readings.
"Ohh these readings are good, the levels have actually dropped by themselves without you needing treatment, which is surprising, that normally has only been shown to happen with Elves and Draconian in the past." Thasinia said with a thoughtful look.
"Why only those two races?" John asked.
"It's the magic quality, while having a higher level of magic quality makes it more dangerous for those who take the poison in, once the poison is discovered and stops entering the body the higher magic quality makes it possible for the body to remove the poison on its own without treatment." Thasinia explained before adding.
"If my numbers are correct, you should be completely cured in about two to three days, just after the banquet."
"I keep hearing about this higher magic quality and that I have it." John thought out loud.
"Oh? Tell me more." Thasinia said with interest.
"Several times now npc's in Genesis have made comments about my quality or thickness of magic being equal to the elves, the last to do so was when I and Alea met Elrinira." John explained.
"Wait, you met Succubus Queen Elrinira?" Thasinia asked, surprised.
"Indeed, we helped her rescue her sister as it was connected with a class quest Alea had."
Thasinia was about to say something else, but Alea cut her off with a look as she said.
"Aunt, remember that topic I told you to speak to my mother about, this is connected to that."
"Oh really? Ok I will speak to your mother later regarding this." Thasinia smiled as she started to have a few suspicious ideas about what Alea was talking about.
"So there actually is a banquet happening in a couple of days?" John asked before continuing.
"I remember that Natures Guardian spoke about it, I will be sure to keep out of the way that night so as not to cause any of you problems and not to have the guest's raise questions about my presence." John said looking at Alea with a reassuring smile.

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