MMORPG: Genesis

Elrinira and Silver Oracle part 1

Elrinira and Silver Oracle part 1

*READER NOTICE* Though this chapter does not contain romance it is from these chapters where the romance really starts to come into the story, while romance is not the main focus of the book there will be plenty of it later on as well as sex scenes. I will add warning notes at the start of sex scene chapters for those who are not interested so you can skip them.

"It's the same for you is it not?" 

Silver Oracle nodded and sighed before saying. 

"Yes, I have always known that the many suitors I have from all the different races don't want to be with me because they like me for who I really am or because they truly love me." 

"They want to be with me because of my beauty that will never age as I am an elf, or as a trophy piece to show off, or my position in the royal family and future queen." 

Elrinira nodded in agreement before saying. 

"It is the challenge that we with beauty, wealth and power have to try and overcome, finding a lover who truly loves us for who we are and not what we are." 

"But Vincarna is different, correct?" 

"He is." Silver Oracle confirmed before continuing. 

"He has always just treated me as he treats everyone else who shows him kindness and respect, he has never once flirted with me or made a move to try and make me fall in love with him." 

"The gift he gave me was meant only in thanks and not in a way to try and woo me." 

"And yet you have fallen in love with him?" Elrinira said with a cheeky smile. 

"Honestly I am not sure since I have never been in love before, all I know is that I think about him almost constantly, miss him when I am not with him and check on my appearance more often than I used to just in case I see him." 

"Sounds like love to me." Elrinira replied before saying. 

"Now onto the part you are most worried about, and with good reason." 

"If you want to be with Vincarna then my advice is to act as soon as possible, but I will tell you now that you won't be his only lover." 

"What do you mean?" Silver Oracle asked with a frown. 

"Vincarna is too good a man and soon many women will come to realize this and try to claim him for themselves, unfortunately no one woman will be able to monopolize him." 

"Don't get me wrong he would never cheat on his wives or lovers, as you may have noticed from his reactions to how my race sleeps around, I get the feeling he was cheated on or betrayed by a women in the past and now because of that he is very wary of getting too close to any women." 

"Because of this Vincarna is essentially a double-edged sword, if you can find your way into his heart so that he opens it up to you then he will be the greatest lover you could ever hope for." 

"He would be loving, caring, protective to a degree most men are not even capable off, however with all this comes a weakness that you would have to protect him from." 

"But you see this weakness is too big for any one woman to protect him against." 

"What weakness?" Silver Oracle asked. 

"Women who want to use him, just as we are wary of men who want to use us." Elrinira stated before she explained. 

"While his heart is big enough to shower you with endless love and happiness if you can enter it, his heart is also one of the most fragile." 

"What happens to the most beautiful fragile glass in the world if it is dropped?" 

"It shatters, wait, what you mean is..." Silver Oracle said. 

"Correct, if a woman enters his heart and then betrays him it could shatter his heart." 

"All it would take is one bitch to betray him after he has fallen in love with her, and he may never recover." 

"He would enter a cycle of endless torment of never being able to trust anyone again up until the point where he would end his own life." 

Silver Oracle gasped and had sad eyes after hearing that. 

"This is why I say that you can't be his only woman, while he would be more than happy to love only one woman his entire life, I believe what is best for him is to be surrounded by powerful women who love him and will protect him from the bitches who would do him harm." 

"Can you princess honestly say that you can protect him from harm all on your own from every evil bitch in the world?" 

"My advice to you is to become his first woman and staple yourself as his queen, so in the future you will be the leader of all his women and also hold the biggest spot in his heart."

There was silence for a moment as Silver Oracle went over Elrinira words before saying. 

"How can I trust what you have just told me? I have seen for myself that you're also after him." 

"Maybe you're only saying this so that I agree to form some sort of harem to let you be a part of it." 

Elrinira sighed before saying. 

"You're partially right, as I said before I am interested in Vincarna however I am not after him just yet." 

"Everything I said to him and did to him was all a test to see if he would succumb to my charms, from offering him sex to letting him feel my body when I pressed it against him." 

"At first I did not believe him when he said he had no interest in me, after all I have never met a man who has ever refused me when I offered them my body and also because my instinct told me that he was attracted to me." 

"As a Succubus, let alone the queen, I can tell he is attracted to me just as you're also attracted to me by instinct." 

"However, time and again he has refused my advances and made no attempt to flirt or charm me." 

At this Silver Oracle blushed again causing Elrinira to laugh. 

"Don't be such a shy and modest princess, if everything goes as I hope it will then we will be sharing the same bed in the future." 

"Excuse me?" Silver Oracle asked. 

"Ok here is the deal, you tell me why he hates his own race so much and I will tell you my plan." 

Silver Oracle gave Elrinira a dark look before saying. 

"Fine, but I want you to tell me something extra as well and it's not something difficult." 

"Oh, what is it?" 

"What is the meaning of the constellation Cassiopeia?" 

Elrinira raised an eyebrow in surprise before saying. 

"That's a strange request, would you tell me why you want to know?" 

Silver Oracle nodded before saying. 

"When Vincarna used the spell 'Guidance' and summoned the galaxy from within him many different constellations appeared and circled around him." 

"One of those constellations was Cassiopeia who actually turned and looked towards me even though I was not part of the spell." 

Elrinira's interest was piqued as she asked. 

"Did Cassiopeia do anything other than look at you?" 

Silver Oracle shook her head before answering. 

"No, though I got the feeling she was encouraging me in something." 

Elrinira was silent for a moment as she considered her words before smiling and saying. 

"The Cassiopeia constellation tells a story of love, jealousy and betrayal, interesting is this all connected or just fate playing games." 

"This could be viewed in any number of ways so don't fully accept my interpretation as I may be wrong, but I would like to believe this represents your love for Vincarna and the fact that you must not succumb to jealousy so that you can truly protect him from betrayal." 

"Or it could mean that you must protect your love from the jealous bitches who want to use him and don't really love him." 

There was silence for a moment before Elrinira asked. 

"So, what happened between Vincarna and the human race?" 

Silver Oracle sighed before telling Elrinira the story of how the human race treated him for eleven years." 

"I see, that would certainly explain his hatred towards his own race." Elrinira said. 

"You don't seem angered by the news." Silver Oracle stated. 

"I'm a demon, remember." Elrinira said flatly. 

"Fair point." Silver Oracle conceded. 

"I have seen, heard and even committed much worse acts in my long life, do not take my pleasant attitude to the two of you for granted." 

"I am only like this with you because I like you both, if you were anyone else, I would not even give you a first glance let alone a second." 

"Still, I will admit his past does annoy me slightly so I may have to speak with Madam Death about this." 

Silver Oracle's eyes winded before she asked. 

"Wait, Madam Death?

"Indeed, it's no surprise you have heard of her. She is very talented, much more so than that blowhard old man who claims to be the most powerful human just because he is the head Necromancer." 

"There was a rumor that she had somehow managed to form a contract with a high-level demon, but everyone thought it was just humans being humans and lying." 

Elrinira laughed before saying. 

"This time it's true, Madam Death did manage to form a contract with me after I saw her potential, however it cost her dearly." 

"Though interestingly the cost she paid may not be so bad for her after all." Elrinira said with amusement. 

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