MMORPG: Genesis

Elrinira and Silver Oracle part 2

Elrinira and Silver Oracle part 2

*READER NOTICE* Though this chapter does not contain romance it is from these chapters where the romance really starts to come into the story, while romance is not the main focus of the book there will be plenty of it later on as well as sex scenes. I will add warning notes at the start of sex scene chapters for those who are not interested so you can skip them.

"So, are you going to tell me what you're planning?" Silver Oracle asked. 

"Very well but know that it is still in the planning stage because Vincarna has yet to prove himself truly worthy of me as I am waiting on the results of the current test I set for him. 

"Though even if my assumption of him is wrong, you could still use this plan yourself to protect him." 

"What test?" Silver Oracle asked but Elrinira just smiled before she continued. 

"If Vincarna does prove to be worthy of me and ends up being what I hope he can be then I plan to create a hmmm what should it be called." 

"Mate group, no." 

"Lovers council, hmm." 

"Marriage council, that could work." 

"Anyway, my plan to protect his heart is by surrounding him with women who truly love him and will work together to protect his heart." 

"It will be their responsibility to vet any women who tries to get close to Vincarna and when they prove to be unworthy of him, to get rid of them." 

"If they are a suitable candidate to be one of his lovers then they will have to be judged and tested by the existing lovers before they can be allowed to be with him." 

"Everyone will have to agree for someone new to join or they won't be allowed, that includes Vincarna himself and all his current lovers." 

Silver Oracle was shocked as her mouth hung open after hearing Elrinira's plan. 

Elrinira laughed before teasing Silver Oracle. 

"I hope your mouth opens more than that or you will have trouble fitting Vincarna's big cock inside it." 

Silver Oracle closed her mouth and glared at Elrinira before asking. 

"And how do you know how big it is?" 

"Honey I'm a succubus, there are many things of a sexual nature I just know instinctively such as if someone is attracted to me and how big a man's cock is, trust me when I say it's big and you won't be disappointed in the future." Elrinira answered with a perverted smile. 

Silver Oracle rolled her eyes before saying. 

"Sure, if you say so, anyway, why are you willing to go so far? And don't tell me it's just to protect his heart, you're still a demon." 

"Ah you're finally learning little princess." Elrinira said with a smile. 

"Little I am over one hundred years old you know." Silver Oracle retorted. 

"Compared to me you are still a baby little princess, but to answer your question the main part is to indeed protect his heart, if he became my lover, I would not want him dying on me now, would I?" 

"The other reason is for the sex." Elrinira replied with an even more perverted smile this time. 

"What?" Silver Oracle asked in a flat tone with judging eyes. 

"Don't look at me like that, do you have any idea how long it's been since I have had sex? How long it's been since I tasted cock." Elrinira complained. 

"At least if my plan comes to pass, I know I will get regular sex with you two and probably more in the future." 

"Excuse me?" Silver Oracle said. 

"Oh, please don't try to deny it, you're already attracted to me, and I know you have already had thoughts about all three of us having a three some." Elrinira proclaimed, rolling her eyes. 

"Honestly princess, does your mother know how perverted your thoughts are?" 

"Is this your Succubus intuition again?" Silver Oracle asked with a sigh. 

Elrinira grinned smugly before saying. 

"Nope it was just a guess, one that you just admitted to I might add." 

"Why you?" Silver Oracle snarled with narrowed eyes. 

"Hahaha don't be so angry it's just a joke, but seriously what other thoughts have you been having?" 

"You can't seriously expect women who join to want to be in a huge relationship with each other when they originally joined for Vincarna can you?" Silver Oracle asked instead of answering. 

"No of course not, if a woman joins in the future and wants to only be with Vincarna that's their choice, however if my future sisters want to have fun with me either alone or with others then that is also fine." Elrinira proclaimed proudly. 

"Would that not technically constitute cheating on Vincarna? Something we are trying to protect him from." Silver Oracle asked. 

"Princess for someone who is over one hundred years old you're pretty dense when it comes to sexual matters, it's easy to tell you're still a virgin." Elrinira said as she stuck out her tongue. 

"You know very well I am still a virgin since I have never allowed any man other than Vincarna to touch me before now." Silver Oracle exclaimed embarrassingly. 

"Oh, where have you let him touch you?" Elrinira said as if hunting for juicy gossip. 

"We held hands, now answer my question," Silver Oracle said proudly. 

"Wow, so intimate." Elrinira said in a deep sarcastic voice while rolling her eyes before she continued. 

"If Vincarna did not know about it then yes it would indeed be cheating, but what if he is aware his lovers engage in their own intercourse at times, and he is ok with it?" 

"In the end Vincarna is only one man and if my plan works out, that one man will be surrounded by more lovers than he can satisfy alone in one night, therefore some of his lovers will have to find pleasure in each other while understanding that his needs always come first." 

"His needs will come first?" Silver Oracle asked surprised before saying. 

"I thought as a Succubus and the Queen especially you would care most about your own needs." 

"If you ask me right now then you are correct, my needs and desires take precedence over anyone else's, however if I take Vincarna as my lover that will change for two reasons." 

"First is what I have already explained, to protect his heart I am willing to put my lover's needs ahead of my own." 

"Second, when a Succubus takes a lover and bonds with them their priority is no longer only about themselves, but also about their lover and making sure to give them absolute pleasure." 

"After all, the more pleasure the succubus gives their sex partner the more magic they can absorb, the same is true for those that they are bonded to, however the amount of magic that is absorbed is far greater with your bonded lover than a regular sex partner." 

There was silence for a moment before Silver Oracle asked seriously. 

"How serious are you about him and this plan of yours?" 

Elrinira's face turned serious also before she replied. 

"More serious than any individual I have ever had in the past, that is why I am testing him." 

"You yourself said that my race only accepts the best as their lover, so as the queen I will only accept the best of the best, if I can't have or find the very best then I will never have a lover." 

"I will do everything I can to protect whoever ends up being my lover so that my sex life is not ruined." 

Silver Oracle sighed and pinched her brow. 

"And you say I'm perverted." 

"Well, I'm a Succubus so it's expected." 

"Then why are you telling me to become his queen and not taking it for yourself?" Silver Oracle asked. 

"Simple I am still testing him, and it is unknown how long it will take for him to pass or fail in my test, in the meantime I don't want him falling into some bitches' hands and ruining my plan which is why I want you to become his first lover." Elrinira explained. 

"Plus, there is the fact that I like you elf princess, I enjoy talking and spending time with you and I can tell you have both a perverted and vindictive mind which is something we will both need if we are to protect him." 

"I can also tell you are in fact open to this idea even if you have been questioning me about it the entire time."

"So, what do you say?" 

There was silence again before Silver Oracle asked. 

"Even if I did agree and I mean if, how would we even bring this subject up with him?" 

"For now, I suggest you don't worry about that and try to make him realize how you feel about him so you can start a relationship with him, if it helps, I can tell you that he is also attracted to you." 

"He has never shown that." 

"My instinct doesn't just work on detecting who finds me attractive but all those around me, trust me he is attracted to you, but he is holding back, like I said I am guessing it's got something to do with being betrayed in the past by a woman." Elrinira said before thinking for a moment. 

"Who are the three humans he spoke of before that helped him in the past?" 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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