MMORPG: Genesis

Genesis basics

Genesis basics

"By the way I hope you liked the birthday gift we left you." 

Dean said before laughing along with his group of cronies that always followed him around and sucked up to him. 

Having spent years of his life receiving the same kind of treatment from Dean and his cronies, John had learned the best way to handle it was just to ignore him and they would eventually get bored and go away. 

John was not afraid that any of them would lash out and try to physically or magically harm him after all the crimes of assault were dealt with harshly. 

Since the Genesis agreements 112 years ago, all the races agreed to keep any physical confrontations inside Genesis, or for those who had not yet received their initiation to enter Genesis there were training pods that could be used to have virtual matches. 

All the races took a harsh line on physical and magical fights in the real world, only the security forces of each race were permitted to do so and even they had to have a valid reason for their actions such as breaking up an existing conflict. 

Predictably after a couple of minutes of not getting a rise out of John, Dean clicked his tongue and insulted him once more before going to find something or someone more interesting. 

The rest of the class, who had been hoping for some entertainment, muttered in disappointment. 

Finally, a few minutes later the bell rang signaling the start of school and Miss Brown, their homeroom teacher, entered the classroom. 

After taking her position at the front of the class behind her desk she looked around at all the students with a smile, that is until she got to the back corner where her eyes just seemed to gloss over as if nothing was worth seeing there. 

"So today is finally the day you will all be initiated into Genesis, and you can start your exciting adventures in the second world." Miss Brown addressed the class as cheers broke out from everyone except one person in the back corner before she continued. 

"Now I am sure most of you are already aware of this but there are some Genesis basics that I am required by law to go over with you before you can be initiated." 

"First off the Genesis world is an exact replica of our world Atlantis with the exact same amount and position of landmass and oceans." 

"The eastern continent is home to our very own human race, and you must work hard to help us prosper and grow stronger than the other races." 

"The south is home to the Dwarves who tend to live underground where they work on their inventions, also known to live there and have friendly relations with the Dwarfs are the Gnomes who are known as genius inventors of small gizmos, it was they along with the Dwarfs who made the access bands." 

"To the west are the Orcs, savage and brutal where only the strong survive, another race known to live to the west is the trolls who have strange witch doctor ways." 

"To the North live the Draconian race, they live in the mountains that are said to also be the home of the ancient dragons though no one has seen one for centuries, maybe you will be the first in Genesis to see one." 

"Finally, the central continent is home of the Elves, this magical race is known to never die from old age, and it was they who of course brought the other races to the table when the Genesis project was devised. 

"Another race known to live on the Central Continent is the Fae, this race assisted the Elves and the Draconians in creating the magic that now encompass the entire world and allows us to enter Genesis, because the Fae specialize in sleep magic, and you can only access Genesis when asleep." 

"Other races do exist but I do not need to mention them all here as it would take too long, also if you have all been keeping up on your school work you will already know about them."

"The location of civilization's towns and cities on these landmasses is different from what you know in the real world." 

"A prime example is our very own city Dawnscape, in Genesis where Dawnscape should be there is only a giant forest known as the Forest of Dawn." 

"Next the wildlife in Genesis is nothing like in the real world, while you may find normal animals like cats and dogs or sheep, you will also find giant spiders or flying lizards." 

As she mentioned giant spiders a lot of the class shivered, and some girls let out little shrieks. 

"When you first get initiated soon, the AI Tia will give you all a full body and brain scan so that you can access Genesis anytime you like, you will then be returned back to reality so that the next person can be initiated." 

"We know you all can't wait to enter Genesis for real, but you will not be allowed access until Tia has scanned and tested everyone." 

Miss Brown explained to disappointed moans from the class. 

"Next when you first enter Genesis properly you will be randomly taken to a starting town and area where you will learn the basics of the game, such as combat, trading, receiving and completing missions." 

"Now while it is possible to die inside Genesis there is no harm done to your body in the real world, however you will be locked out of Genesis for 24 hours unless you're in the starter area where you will re-spawn back at the town, or if you're lucky enough to find an item that breaks the 24 hour rule, or if you're on a quest that tells you that you will suffer no penalty." 

"How long you spend in the starting area and what you do there is entirely up to you, however when you wish to leave you simply have to find the town mayor who will give you a simple quest, this quest is random but it normally involves killing X number of wolves or gathering X material." 

"Once you complete this mission the mayor will allow you to use the transport circle to travel to the nearest city and that's where your true adventure begins." 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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