MMORPG: Genesis

Killed while naked in bed

Killed while naked in bed

After throwing away the ratty water he went towards the well thinking about how ridiculous it was that the only people to ever wish him a happy birthday did so as a prank, and also the fact that people only knew about it because it was the same day they would finally be initiated. 

As he reached the well, he began to pull up fresh water. 

John lived in the worst of the worst part of the slums of Dawnscape City, he basically lived in the slums of the slums. 

There was no electricity, no running water, nothing. 

Someone once told him that as an underage orphan he should be entitled to basic living conditions provided by the city, however when he asked his teachers or at city hall no one seemed to know anything about it. 

Of course, he expected he knew why, their name was Dean Thomas, he was the main instigator of all the bullying John received and he suspected he was also the one behind the ratty water just now. 

Dean's family had some reputation in the city, in Genesis they ran a profitable mine for the Dawnscape guild which as anyone could guess from the name was the main guild run by the city officials in the game. 

Because of this John suspected that Dean asked his father or someone else from the family to put a word in at city hall to conveniently forget about him. 

As for his teachers, well, they did not care about him in school so why would they care about him outside of school, in their eyes he was a hopeless case that would never amount to anything because he lived in a wooden shack, what could possibly be achieved in Atlantia or Genesis. 

Honestly he was surprised he had not been kicked out yet considering the initiation was something monitored by Tia who could put heavy penalties on anyone in Genesis if she so wished, and even an entire race could suffer if they pissed off the AI, he guessed it would just cause too much work for them.

Particularly since the initiation took place at the school.

After grabbing some more water John returned to the mirror and sat down before cleaning himself.

He may have been the poorest human in Dawnscape or maybe the entire continent but that does not mean he did not like to feel clean. 

After washing up he went back inside and quickly heated some hot water to add to an instant noodle pot before chowing it down for breakfast. 

He got dressed into his well-used school clothes and set off for school. 

Normally, as he was still in school, he should get free public transport to and from school, and indeed he could, but John preferred to walk for two reasons. 

The first was to help him stay in shape, the half-hour walks to and from school helped him to keep fit, which helped in his after-school jobs. 

Second was his fellow students, they never missed a chance to bully him so he would much rather have them laugh at him walking to school from their vehicles than to suffer through their insults on the bus. 

As John walked to school, he soon left the slums and entered a residential district which 15 minutes later changed into a huge intersection where two different dual carriageways met, full with modern electric vehicles. 

On one corner of the intersection was a huge skyscraper with a TV on the side that attracted the attention of everyone waiting to cross when familiar music to anyone who played Genesis came on. 

It was the intro music for Genesis News, this news program had two separate channels in each continent, one that covered news pertaining to the races of that continent and the second was a world channel that every continent could watch.

The reason Genesis News was so popular was it was the main information source for anything official that happened in Genesis, it was said that Tia herself verified the information was 100% accurate.

"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to Genesis News, we have just received a breaking news report regarding Silver Serpent and Blue Ice Queen who I am sure everyone knows are the two most famous humans in Genesis and also humanity's most famous couple." 

"However, we have just received news that Blue Ice Queen discovered that Silver Serpent has been cheating on her with Golden Phoenix" 

"Reports say that Blue Ice Queen walked into their bedroom at The Silver Guild just as Silver Serpent and Golden Phoenix were naked on the bed together."

"After finding this out Blue Ice Queen flew into a rage killing both Silver Serpent and Golden Phoenix as they lay there naked in each other's arms before she went on to the treasury of The Silver Guild who Silver Serpent is Guild-master off." 

"After using her vice guild master position to gain entry to the treasury she stole half of everything that was in the treasury before teleporting away and quitting The Silver Guild." 

"According to reports of our sources inside The Silver Guild, Ice Blue Queen left Silver Serpent a message in the guild chat just before quitting, it read:" 

"Fuck that bitch's pussy while you can Daniel, because in the future I will be back for revenge and destroy everything you hold dear." 

"As you all may know, Silver Serpent's name is Daniel Sanders, and he is the son of Clifford Sanders the mayor of Silver City." 

"We will bring you more information as it becomes available." 

John along with the other people paid attention to the news feed, however while everyone else was interested in the news story and started to gossip about it, John only watched out of boredom while waiting to be able to cross the junction. 

As soon as the green man showed and beeped to say it was safe to cross John shifted his focus away from the TV and proceeded on his way to school. 

Eventually John got to school and headed towards his classroom while ignoring the comments of ratshack and other names that were now a daily occurrence for him. 

Once he reached the classroom, he took his seat right in the back corner and waited for the bell to signal class would begin. 

Unfortunately, or should John think predictably, after only 2 minutes of being in his seat, he heard the familiar drown of Dean Thomas coming over to insult and bully him. 

"Ratshack it's about time, you know how long we have all been waiting for you to turn fucking 18." 

"By the way I hope you liked the birthday gift we left you." 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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