MMORPG: Genesis



"Well, that complicates things a bit." Silver Oracle said before turning to John. 

"Thank you for your help." 

"Don't worry about it, but this is not over as we still need to find the human cleric, maybe we could search the east side of the temple." John suggested. 

"I can't ask you to assist me any further as you have already done more than enough, and you need to focus on leveling up." 

"Don't worry about that because I have received a class quest." John said before telling Silver Oracle about his new class quest. 

"I see, so all the killings of the cats and rats are upsetting the balance." Silver Oracle said before continuing. 

"Still for it to be an Epic quest which normally needs a party, it must be because of the level difference between you and this human cleric." 

"Normally I would advise you to wait till you level up even if I am here as chances are you would get one shot." 

"But as long as he is alone you can just use Daratrine's Balance." 

John nodded in agreement before saying. 

"So do we go search the east of the temple?" 

"Unfortunately, it won't be that easy, there are hundreds of human clerics that are part of 'The Order of the Mother Tree' so finding the one we want is not so simple." 

"Why are there so many human clerics in this religion?" John asked, confused. 

"The main reason is because not every human wants to be a Necromancer." Silver Oracle began explaining. 

"As you know Necromancer is the unique class to the human race and because of that it is very popular among them." 

"Necromancy is focused on death of course and because of that their class members have a rivalry with any light or life-based classes like clerics." 

"When the cleric class is chosen by the player, they have to pick an order as you know, unfortunately because of the number of Necromancers in the eastern continent almost all the light and life-based orders have been pushed out." 

"Because of this many humans and other races from the eastern continent come to the central continent and end up joining 'The Order of the Mother Tree' since it is the biggest light and life-based order here." 

"Anyway, finding the right human cleric among all of them here is going to be a difficult challenge without more to go on." 

"I thought nature was life based magic? John asked, confused.

"Light is more focused on creating life and healing to protect life while Nature is more the middle ground between life and death." Silver Oracle explained before continuing.

"Druid's like yourself believe in balance and that includes the cycle of life and death, this is because nature is essentially the cycle of life and death because things that are born eventually die before being reborn again and starting the cycle over."

John nodded and thought for a moment before saying

"I may have something that can help us in finding the human cleric. 

"Oh, please explain." Silver Oracle said. 

John opened his spells menu before sending Silver Oracle the description of Guidance. 

[Guidance - Seek answers from the stars when you are unsure of the path to take] 

[Nature Element] 

[Channeled until Guidance completes] 

[Cost: 50% off maximum MP] 

[Cooldown: 3 days] 

Silver Oracle read the information before she frowned and spoke. 

"I have heard of this guidance before, it's got very mixed reviews from the Druid's who have learnt the spell." 

"Some claim that it has helped them greatly, while others say that it was a waste and did nothing for them." 

John thought for a moment before saying. 

"Is there anything to suggest why it worked for some but not for others?" 

Silver Oracle shook her head before answering. 

"Nothing concrete, there are lots of theories but that's all they are, also apparently there is no set time for how long you can be channeling the spell, some claim they got an answer within a few minutes while others got nothing after a few hours." 

"It can't hurt to try it but since it is communicating with the stars, I suggest we wait till night time to try it, in the meantime we can try searching ourselves though I don't have much hope to be honest." 

John nodded to show his agreement and Silver Oracle led him over to the east side of the Temple. 

They spent the next few hours walking around and keeping an eye on any human clerics that they saw but, in the end, nothing came of it. 

When evening came Silver Oracle led John back towards her own chambers in the temple because she said that the Guidance spell apparently gave off a rather obvious spell effect so it would be best if they did it someplace private away from prying eyes and anyone who might want to interfere. 

What neither of them noticed was that an elf Cleric that just happened to be passing nearby saw the two enter Silver Oracles chambers together before she closed the door. 

"I should inform the boss about this." The elf said with a frown before leaving. 

Inside the room Silver Oracle told John to sit in the middle of the room before she cast another Isolation barrier around the room for added protection. 

"That should do it, go ahead and start when you're ready." She said to John. 

John nodded before taking a deep breath and saying. 


[Guidance spell has been activated please sit cross legged and close your eyes before thinking about what you're unsure on.] 

[MP: 250/250>>125/250]

[Guidance Cooldown: 2 Days 23 Hours 59 minutes 59 Seconds] 

John read the notifications and though he thought it was strange he followed the instructions and sat down cross legged and closed his eyes before he thought about finding a human cleric. 

After a few minutes of nothing happening, John figured it would be best to think about everything that Silver Oracle had told him about her quest and what they learned from Ratatoskr. 

As he replayed everything over in his mind, Silver Oracle who was watching John quietly saw that he was slowly starting to float off the ground. 

She was surprised about seeing this since no one had ever said that the Guidance spell had this sort of effect. 

Once John reached a few feet off the ground his cross-legged body stopped rising and he just floated in midair for a few seconds. 

Then all of a sudden, his eyes shot open, however Silver Oracle did not see the normal two piercing blue eyes that John had. 

What she saw instead were two stars, it was as if his eyes had turned to stars. 

He suddenly spread his hands out wide and as he did so a huge galaxy of stars and constellations seemed to emerge from his body and fill the entire room they were in. 

Silver Oracle looked in wonder at the sight before her as she watched the stars and constellations orbit John as if he was some sort of celestial body. 

She saw Leo the lion bounding around John before it tilted its head back as if it was roaring. 

Orion the hunter took aim before firing a starry arrow that disappeared from sight. 

Aquarius the Water Bearer seemed to empty her cup over John as starlight fell from it before washing over his head and face. 

Ursa Minor was looking down on John and Silver Oracle could swear the constellation was smiling. 

Suddenly the constellation Cassiopeia, the queen who sat on her throne and was looking at John turned and stared at Silver Oracle. 

This surprised Silver Oracle as she was not part of the spell so why would the constellation turn and look right at her.

Being made of starlight it was hard to tell any facial expressions, but Silver Oracle got the feeling that she was being supported and encouraged in something. 

Finally, after a few minutes of the constellations moving around John, they began to form together before becoming a giant starry moving picture that showed a man walking down a corridor before going down some stairs. 

At the bottom of the stairs the man stopped in-front of an old door and looked around before opening the door and entering. 

Inside the room the man entered where many bookcases spread all across the room. 

The man went towards a specific bookcase at the back of the room and selected a book before pulling it back slightly so that it was at an angle. 

Suddenly the bookcase started to shift sideways before a passageway appeared that led down into darkness. 

After that the starlight split up again and orbited John for a moment before collapsing back inside his body. 

John closed his eyes as his levitating body started to slowly descend back towards the ground. 

A moment after he landed back on the ground John let out a sigh of breath before opening his blue eyes to see Silver Oracle looking at him in shock. 

"What's wrong?" John asked. 

It took a moment for Silver Oracle to compose herself before she asked. 

"Do you know what just happened?" 

John tilted his head in confusion before replying. 

"I used the Guidance spell and after a few minutes I saw in my mind what seemed to be a moving picture made of stars that showed me what we are looking for, why?" 

Silver Oracle looked at John for a moment before sighing and saying. 

"It seems you're not aware of the rest that just happened, though I also saw this moving picture." 

"You did? How?" 

Silver Oracle then explained everything that happened though she left out the part about Cassiopeia as she was not sure what Cassiopeia represented and wanted to check up on that. 

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