MMORPG: Genesis

Language of Beasts

Language of Beasts

This was not the teleportation magic circle that brought John to the Emerald Enclave, though there were some similarities John noticed. 

This was different, for one it seemed to be made up of thousands of tiny stars that linked together to form the shape in the circle. 

After a moment two shapes, one large though still smaller than Ursa and one small appeared. 

After a second the appearance of the little bear cub John had helped and its parent that breathed over him appeared where the circle had been. 

Once they appeared both the adult bear and its cub seemed to bow to Ursa before yelping and growling to which Ursa made similar noises back. 

As Ursa and the adult bear seemed to converse, the little bear looked around curiously since it was in a new place it had never seen before. 

It then spotted the human who had helped it and made a happy noise before rushing over to John and rubbing against his leg like last time. 

"Hey there little fella what are you doing here?" John asked and the little bear yelped and growled in response. 

"Afraid I can't give you any belly scratches this time as I'm a bit tied up." John said with a chuckle as the bear started to paw him before rolling on its back and showing its belly again. 

While John was conversing with the little bear the elves all showed surprised expressions at how friendly the two seemed and even Ursa was paying attention. 

"Hmm so it seems you helped this little one out when it was injured Vincarna?" Ursa asked. 

"I didn't do much, it had a thorn or something in its paw, so I took it out and gave it some bread to eat." John answered. 

"Still, that's more than what most would be willing to do, plus it seems this little guy followed you after you left to face Vulred." 

"What! You followed me?" John asked, looking at the little cub. 

The cub looked at John and tilted its head to the side. 

"I told you to stay with your parent after what happened last time." 

"That's correct she did, why don't we let this little one explain what she saw, ah but first a gift for helping her in the past." Ursa said before one of the stars Ursa was made of shot towards John's head. 

[Passive Skill Learnt: Language of Beasts] 

[Language of Beasts: Grants you the ability to understand and speak to animals] 

"What that's actually a thing?" John said in surprise. 

"What's a thing big human friend?" The little cub said that John could now understand. 

"I can now understand and speak with you." 

"Oh, hey you right, that's great big human friend, thank you for helping me out when I injured my paw." 

"Don't worry about it little guy, I'm just glad you are better." 

"I'm not a guy big human friend, I'm a girl." 

"So little one will you tell us what you saw when you followed your human friend here." 

"Oh, of course Lord Ursa, I followed big human friend because I wanted to play with him more and I was worried about him as he was heading into the part of the forest that was black and dying." 

"When I caught up to him, I saw him talking with a crazy elf man next to a green fire with lots of dead animals around it." 

"Crazy elf man?" Ursa asked. 

"Yes, crazy elf man spoke normally at first but then at times his face twisted like mine does if I can't get a big poop out." 

"That must have been scary." 

"Lord Ursa finds big poops scary?" 

"Haha I meant the scary elf little one." 

"Oh yes he was a bit scary when his face twisted." 

"So, what happened next?" 

"Big human friend and crazy elf fought, crazy elf sometimes used the normal Druid magic but also some strange black magic that I have never seen before." 

"Can you tell us more about this black magic?" 

"No, it just made me feel cold." The bear cub said as it shivered from the memory. 

"I see thank you little one, how about you Vincarna, can you tell us about the black magic?" 

"I can't tell you much since I am still learning about magic myself and only know one spell, the spells Vulred used seemed to be called 'Darkness Blast and Darkness Explosion'." 

"Hmm, Darkness magic." Said one of the elves. 

"That means either a Necromancer so human or a Warlock so Orc." 

"Don't forget that a magic user can use any type of magic, only space and time magic are the exception as an individual must have affinity with these rare types." 

"Also, you assume since those two classes have more focus on darkness magic, don't forget the Necromancer also uses death magic while Warlocks also use fire." 

"So anyway, back to the original topic, is Vincarna still being suspected of foul play, or do you believe he acted as Vulred wished when ending his life?" Ursa asked the council. 

The council looked at each other as they all nodded, even Ascal. 

"We clear the one named Vincarna of any doubt." Tiriana stated. 

"The question now is what is to be done with the human." Ascal asked. 

"I think the answer is obvious." Ursa said as everyone looked at him. 

"He should be trained as a Druid." 

There was silence for a few minutes as the council considered Ursa's proposal. 

"What makes you think he would be a good druid, Lord Ursa?" Tiriana finally asked. 

"First he was willing to save this little one here which shows he is caring towards the beasts of the wild." 

"Then there is the fact that he was willing to put his life on the line against a clearly stronger foe just save Yesta Forest which shows he cares for the wild." 

"He also discovered a way to use Vulred's disadvantage of not being able to leave the teleportation circle to his advantage, this shows he is smarter than the average individual and also able to plan ahead." 

"There is also the fact that he was willing to complete the training in this place called the Weapons Hall which I have been told would take a long time, this shows patience and dedication, something that a Druid requires." 

"It is possible, after all there is no rule against a member of another race becoming a Druid." Syllia pointed out. 

"This is true it's just that no one has shown the aptitude before, as long as Vincarna follows the rules and accepts the Druid ways." Rosaniya agreed. 

"So, then Vincarna, are you interested in learning to become a Druid?" Tiriana asked turning to John. 

[*NOTICE* Class Change Notification] 

[Class: Druid] 

[Druids harness the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect the cycle of life and death.] 

[As a Druid you will have the chance to learn a large variety of spells as well as learn their iconic Wild Morph skill that allows you to transform into the animal forms of those you have befriended and formed a bond with as well as other temporary forms.] 

[In your base form you will be more of a magic caster and with every level up you will gain an extra one extra stat point in WIS and two in INT.] 

[In your Wild Morph form your stat points will be redistributed depending on the creature you Wild Morph into, also your mama resource may change.] 

[Do you wish to class change to Druid?] 

[Yes] [No] 

John looked at the notification and was surprised, however before deciding he wanted more clarification on what they spoke about before, so he asked. 

"What are the rules and ways of a Druid?" 

"Balance is at the center of everything we believe in, without the balance of the four elements wind, water, earth and fire the planet could not exist." Tiriana began to explain. 

"Without the balance between life and death, life could not exist." 

"Druids are attuned to nature in ways no other individual is, when we say nature, we don't just mean plants and animals although that is part of it, we also mean life as nature is alive and through life we are connected to death as well." 

"We are recognized by the people as trusted advisors and impartial adjudicators." 

"As a Druid it would be your responsibility to help maintain the balance in nature and the base four elements all life is made from, to maintain the cycle of life and death so that people may be reincarnated into their next life, also to advise people where you can and to adjudicate over disputes in a fair and impartial manner." 

"Am I restricted in any way?" John asked. 

This was very important to John since he had just gained his freedom from working to eat and wanted to live his life how he wanted from now on. 

"In general no, you can come and go from the Emerald Enclave as you wish and also travel where your spirit leads you." 

"We only ask that you assist people where you can, and you work to maintain the balance." 

"Also, you are to do no harm to those which you protect, if you do then you will make an enemy out of the Emerald Enclave and all Druids." 

John thought for a bit and seeing no issue he answered. 

"I accept." 

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