MMORPG: Genesis

The Council of Seven

The Council of Seven

After John finished going through the notifications, he thought to himself. 

(Why did I get a super critical right at the end? Vulred was not pinned to the ground like before with those four bullies, I should ask Alea or the others.) 

After thinking about this John looked around and realized he was in some sort of prison cell. 

He lay on a cot against a wall with a window and bars just above him, there was a bucket in the corner that he didn't want to think about the use of and there were bars running along one wall. 

Groaning slightly, he got up off the cot and headed over to the bars to look at what was on the other side. 

Not much was the answer, a small hallway that led to a door and that was it. 

Surprisingly as he looked through the bars the door opened and an elf came in, seeing John looking back at him the elf turned around and said out the door. 

"The human is awake, come help me." 

There were some grumbles from the door before a second elf entered and they both headed towards John's cell. 

"Human back away from the cell doors and turn around, you're coming with us." 

"Where to and where am I?" John asked. 

"You will know soon enough now do as we tell you or we will use force." 

John sighed and decided to comply, backing away and turning around. 

"Smart choice human, hands behind your back." 

John did as he was told and soon felt some cuffs being placed on his wrists before they led him out of the cell and outside. 

As John emerged, he saw that he was no longer in Yesta Forest, it was still a forest, but the trees were different and there was more space between them. 

He saw the familiar sight of the elves' buildings built into trees climbing high and their walkways crisscrossing. 

The jail he just left was situated on the ground near the outskirts and as the two elves urged him forward, he noticed he was heading further into the settlement. 

Elves both on the ground and in the trees whispered and pointed at John as he passed them, they also seemed to be talking with the animals that accompanied some of them, but John was not sure. 

As they moved further into the settlement, he noticed shops and other buildings like a forge and an inn appeared. 

All the elves gave him suspicious looks, some even filled with hatred and anger that he did not understand. 

Eventually he was led up some steps cut out of stone to a large open gazebo that overlooked a huge lake down below them. 

The gazebo had a half-moon shaped table with seven seats all of which had a male or female elf sitting in it dressed slightly differently. 

As John entered the gazebo the seven seated elves all looked at him with either curiosity, worry, anger or a mixture of the three. 

"Stand there on the circle in the center human and don't move." Said one of the guards before they both backed away to the entrance of the gazebo. 

"Welcome human to the Emerald Enclave." Said the Druid in the middle before she continued. 

"You stand before The Council of the Seven, I am Tiriana Thezorwyn, leader of the 'Circle of the Moon." 

"On my left we have Ascal Pajyre leader of the 'Circle of the Land', Melandrach Erydark leader of the 'Circle of the Tempest' and Elduin Trisric leader of the 'Circle of the Stars." 

"To my right is Syllia Qiphine leader of the 'Circle of the Shepherd', Ciliren Omasalor leader of the 'Circle of the Dreams' and Rosaniya Thesys leader of the 'Circle of the Harvest." 

"We have brought you before us because we wish to know how you came to be here and why your blade was plunged through Vulred's heart when you arrived." 

John looked at the seven elves before sighing and saying. 

"For how I came to be here I am not sure, though I guess it had something to do with the teleportation circle that the monster was trying to corrupt." 

As he spoke his first sentence the elves frowned but did not interrupt. 

"Though I don't know why I got transported here since Vulred said only druids could use the circle." 

"As for why my blade was in his heart, it's because I killed him as he wished me to do." 

BANG "HOW DARE YOU!" Ascal Pajyre roared after hitting the table and standing up. 

"Calm yourself Ascal." Tiriana said before turning back to John, though she was now frowning at him before saying. 

"Please explain." 

"Of course." John replied before telling them everything that happened since he found the magic circle. 

"I don't believe it." Said Ascal who shouted earlier before he continued. 

"Vulred may have been a young member of our order, but he was still a gifted Druid and a talented member of the Circle of the Land." 

"We are aware of this Ascal, but you must admit that it is strange, we all sensed something wrong with the teleport circle which is why we gathered." Melandrach stated before explaining. 

"Normally a teleportation only takes a few seconds, but this was well over half an hour." 

"Not only that this human transported over with Vulred, we all know there are only two ways someone gets transported via our circle." 

"First is if they are a Druid and second is if the Druid is accompanied by someone the circle recognizes as having potential to become a Druid." 

"You can't seriously be suggesting that this human has the potential to join our order?" Ascal protested before continuing. 

"First of all, he killed Vulred as he admits himself and second no other race has ever become a Druid except the elves." 

"The fact that no nonelf has ever become a Druid does not mean it's not possible." Melandrach replied before continuing. 

"It has always been theorized that any race can become any class, such as a nonelf can become a Druid, or a nonhuman can become a Necromancer." 

"Do not speak of those heathens here, Melandrach." Rosaniya spoke with disgust. 

"Apologies Rosaniya, we all know the 'Circle of the Harvest' hates them." Melandrach replied. 

"Their actions go against the natural order and balance of life and death." Rosaniya explained. 

Melandrach sighed before continuing. 

"Anyway, can you also not feel the nature energy in his mana, the fact that he came over with Vulred shows he came from Yesta Village, which is again something a human has never visited, plus let's not ignore the fact he has been marked by a beast of the wild." 

"Tell us human why you we're in the vicinity of Vulred.'' asked Tiriana. 

"I was given a mission by the Mayor of Yesta Village to find the sickness in Yesta forest." John answered. 

"And why would the mayor seek you out instead of another member of the village?" Ascal challenged with a disbelieving tone. 

"As far as I am aware others were also out investigating, as for why he asked for my help, apparently it was because I completed training in all the weapons in the Weapons Hall." 

"Indeed? If that is true it is quiet the accomplishment, not many outside the trainers themselves who spend every day at the Weapons Hall can claim to be a weapon master." Tiriana complimented. 

"I do not claim to be a weapon master, especially since I have only trained in the basics." John replied and this got approving nods from most of the elves. 

"The fact still remains that he killed Vulred and unless he can show evidence that he was indeed asked to do so then he must face punishment." Ascal challenged. 

"Perhaps I can assist with that." A deep voice said before what looked like stars started flying into the gazebo and swirled around before forming a giant bear made out of stars. 

All the elves in the gazebo were stunned before they rose to their feet and bowed before saying. 

"Welcome Great Lord Ursa." 

"Forgive my intrusion young ones but I have been listening into this conversation and believe I may be able to offer some assistance." 

"Of course, Lord Ursa, we welcome your guidance as always." Tiriana stated with reverence. 

Ursa turned to look at John for a few moments before it said. 

"Greetings young one, I am Ursa Minor." 

John was stunned for a moment at witnessing the giant bear. 

"Forgive my rudeness, it is an honor to meet you Lord Ursa Minor, I am Vincarna." John introduced himself, getting the usual surprised looks from the elves. 

"An interesting name Vincarna, tell me how you came to be marked by a beast of the wild." 

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by 'marked." John answered. 

Ursa looked at John for a moment but seeing no falsehood he said. 

"Interesting you truly don't know, then let us ask the one who marked you." After which power seemed to radiate off Ursa as a magic circle started to form in front of him. 

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