MMORPG: Genesis

May I make a request however please Tia

May I make a request however please Tia

"While the death penalty is still an accepted punishment in all the races for serious or violent crimes, especially crimes against the Genesis Article, I must remind you of a couple of things." Tia suddenly said, gaining the attention of the young women. 

Tia took another sip of tea before continuing. 

"First any form of punishment must not damage Atlantia in any serious way." 

"Second though you will of course inform the leader of the human race regarding this matter, I warn you that should this matter be leaked to Dawnscape city before I have spoken to John Michaels and concluded my investigation the human race will suffer far worse than just losing Stone-mist castle." 

After Tia finished speaking Blue Ice Queen and Red Rose both gulped nervously while Silver Oracle stared at her friends with concern. 

"Understood Tia I will be sure that only my mother is present when I inform her of this, and I will pass on your warning to her." Rose promised. 

"That would be best." Tia said before drinking more tea. 

"May I make a request however please Tia?" Rose suddenly asked. 

Tia looked at her before responding. 

"You may, though I may refuse depending on the request." 

"I request that myself and my mother the Empress be allowed to monitor your meeting with John Michaels." 

"You mean you won't invite your father?" Oracle asked with a giggle. 

"That waste of space? Never, all he does all day both in Genesis and reality is eat, drink, fuck women and sleep." Rose answered angrily before continuing. 

"He has never done anything for the human race and if he was not serving a purpose, I would ask mother to get rid of him because he is a stain on our race." 

Oracle giggled at Rose's reaction before Tia spoke again. 

"Oh, and why do you request this?" Tia asked though she already knew the answer. 

"We would like to hear the firsthand account of what John Michaels has endured and also be able to offer our apologies to him for failing to support one of our citizens." 

Tia looked at Rose for a moment before replying. 

"As expected, very well I will allow the two of you to monitor as well as Oracle here." 

"Me, but why?" Oracle asked confused. 

"Since you will no doubt inform your leader regarding this matter, it would be better for you both to know the whole story rather than only part of it and then making outlandish guesses regarding the rest." 

"I see thank you for your consideration Tia, may my mother join in and monitor the situation with me?" 

"She may, in that case I will open a special isolated space and transport the four of you there just prior to meeting John Michaels." 

"Also note that while in this space all external communication will be cut off to prevent any of you from leaking information before I am satisfied." 

"If you and your leaders agree to this, have them log in within the next hour." 

"Very well thank you for your consideration, Tia." Oracle responded. 

"Indeed, thank you." Rose agreed. 

"It appears I am about to land so this is where I will log out, I will talk to you all later." Blue said and waved as her character disappeared. 

"Rose, I suggest we also log out and inform our mothers immediately." 

"Agreed I will see you both soon." And with that both girls logged out and Tia disappeared. 


 Back in the real world inside a fabulous palace that sat on a cliff overlooking the large sprawling capital city or the human race Eclipse City, a beautiful woman with long red hair and sparkling blue eyes awoke from her sleep on her large four poster bed. 

As she rose from her bed, she quickly straightened out the dress she was wearing before quickly exiting her bedroom and approached the maid that stood just outside the door who curtsied and spoke. 

"Princess, how may I assist you." 

"Roberta, where is my mother?" 

Roberta had long black hair with hazel brown eyes.

"I believe at this time she is probably in her study working." Roberta replied, slightly confused as she noticed the slight panic in the princess' eyes. 

"Very well." Adria said before setting off in the direction of her mother's study with a rapid pace. 

Roberta followed behind her wondering what had happened. 

A few minutes later they arrived outside the Empress's study where Adria knocked and entered without waiting for a reply. 

As she entered, she saw her mother Empress Alexia Bristle sitting behind a desk going through paperwork with her personal maid and assistant Maria beside her. 

The empress, like her daughter, had long red hair, with piercing blue eyes and she looked like an older, more mature version of her daughter and just as, if not more beautiful. 

Maria had long black hair and sharp brown eyes and she wore glasses, which was strange because with today's medical technology and healing magic, poor eyesight was something that was healed instantly. 

Looking up with a frown to see who would dare enter without waiting for permission she saw her daughter who had a worried look on her face and panic in her eyes. 

The scolding she was about to give fizzled out and was replaced with a confused question when she saw the look on her daughter's beautiful face. 

"Adria what's wrong? Why have you come charging into my room?" Alexia asked. 

"Mother we have a problem, Maria, Roberta please leave us." Alexia said before turning to the two maids. 

Roberta nodded and left while Maria looked to Alexia before doing the same after receiving a nod from her. 

After the door was closed Alexia asked. 

"Tell me daughter, what could be so serious you had our trusted maids leave the room?" 

"The human race is about to face punishment from Tia, and it is going to hurt us dearly." Adria replied. 

"Tell me everything." Alexia said her voice and face turned serious. 

A few minutes later the two maids waiting patiently outside the room were shocked to hear the empress yell. 


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