MMORPG: Genesis

That would be me, do you have a problem with my home?

That would be me, do you have a problem with my home?

In a large forest in the central continent there was a huge city built into the forest as if one with nature. 

This city looked remarkably similar to how Thamethalas looked in Genesis because it was the capital city of the elves in the real world called Asyath Serin. 

Inside the royal palace of the elves a female elf was sitting behind her desk reading some documents and speaking with her advisor when there was a knock on the door. 

Looking up the female elf said 


After which Alea entered the room before greeting. 


The female elf was of course Queen Tanelia Keagwyn. 

She looked like a more mature version of her daughter Alea with silver white hair but with sharp green eyes.

"Ah my daughter, what brings you here at this time? I thought you were meeting your friend Blue Ice Queen?" Tanelia asked 

"I did meet with her mother but something rather unexpected came up and now I must speak with you in private." 

"Hmm very well." Tanelia answered before turning to her assistant and nodding who bowed and left. 

"Now tell me what is so secretive?" 

"The human race it's about to lose Stone-mist castle as punishment by Tia." 

Tanelia's eyes widened in shock and her mouth opened into a small O as shock overtook her for a moment. 

"What did they do? Tell me everything." Tanelia said after finally recovering. 


At Dawnscape city airport a private plane had just landed, and a beautiful woman was disembarking with a man who seemed to be her assistant. 

The woman looked almost exactly the same as her Genesis character with blue eyes, however her hair was black and not blue at this moment and she had no tattoos under her eyes.

Shortly after acquiring a car, they set off for the location where Tia suspected John Michaels lived in a wooden shack. 

As they proceeded deeper into the city, they finally arrived at the coordinates Tia had supplied to Sarah which was undoubtedly the slums. 

After getting out Sarah frowned as she gazed around at the piles of rubbish littered around before she noticed a wooden shack. 

As she approached the shack she noticed it was patched up in places to protect it from the elements as much as possible. 

She clicked her access band before saying. 

"I have arrived at the coordinates." 


Inside Genesis Tia transferred four beautiful women, two humans and two elves into a private space that looked identical to the room the ladies were having tea in before. 

As the four women appeared they looked around before greeting each other. 

"Alexia, it's been too long, how are you?" Tanelia said using her game character 'Silver Queen' before approaching Alexia for a hug. 

Alexia who was using her character 'Fire Empress' accepted the hug and returned it before saying. 

"It's been too long Tanelia, we really need to meet up more often to catch up." 

We do indeed but we both know that the leaders of races get very little free time. 

"I must say though I was shocked to hear about this incident when Alexa told me about it, how did this happen?" 

"I would very much like to know that myself and I plan to conduct a full investigation and hand out punishment as required once Tia concludes her investigation." 

Tanelia nodded and was about to reply when Tia appeared and addressed them. 

"Ladies if you will be seated, Blue Ice Queen has just contacted me to inform me that she has arrived, and I will be starting the live stream from her access band." 

After Tia finished speaking a large screen appeared in midair that showed what was undoubtedly a slums area with a wooden shack in the middle of it. 

Upon seeing this Fire Empress's eyes turned livid before she said. 

"Bastards, they dare not follow my order to get rid of all slums?" 

"Calm yourself for now Alexia, let us see what happens." Silver Queen advised as they watched Sarah approach the shack before knocking on the door. 


After knocking on the door and waiting, no response came from inside the shack. 

Suddenly Tia's voice sounded from Sarah's access band. 

"According to satellite footage the suspected individual left here at sunrise as per normal and has yet to return." 

"If he follows his recent routine he should be back in a few minutes as the sun is already setting." 

Upon hearing this Sarah decided to look around and see what she could find. 

Circling the shack, she came across an old, cracked mirror that had a stool in front of it and a basin of water beside it. 

As she got closer, she noticed that the basin of water had something floating in it. 

Looking closer she found it to be a dead rat. 

"What the hell!" Sarah said out loud. 


"Is that a dead rat?" Rose asked with shock on her face. 

"It would appear so; he doesn't wash from that basin, does he?" Oracle asked. 

"He does." Tia replied before continuing. 

"Satellite footage shows that early in the morning before he leaves for work the individual in question uses the water from that basin to clean his body, it should also be noted that satalite footage shows other people approaching the shack before putting something into the basin and leaving." 

"What is the meaning of this and why are the officials in Dawnscape allowing it?" Fire Empress asked in anger.

"That is yet to be confirmed and why I need to speak with the individual in question." 

"Alexia, if I may make a suggestion, I recommend you purge the entire government force in that city and replace them all." Silver Queen suggested. 

"Believe me I have thought about it Tanelia, however these things must be done properly, and a full investigation will have to be conducted to conclude who in the city government is guilty." 

Silver Queen nodded in agreement as they focused their attention back on the screen. 

They heard the male accompanying Sarah say. 

"Who would live in such a shit hole?" 

However almost instantly a different male voice came from the display though they could not see who spoke. 

"That would be me, do you have a problem with my home?" 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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