MMORPG: Genesis

MK VI Access Band

MK VI Access Band

"That would be me, do you have a problem with my home?" 

Upon hearing the voice Sarah turned to see a young man with long dark hair that covered most of his face and wearing old well used clothes approaching. 

"Are you John Michaels?" Sarah asked 

"That depends on who you are and why you're asking?" John replied. 

"Show some respect boy? Don't you know who this is? She is one of the human race's most famous individuals." The man accompanying Sarah asked with contempt. 

John looked at the man before simply replying. 

"No, I don't know, that's why I asked." 

The man gaped at John as if in disbelief while Sarah giggled. 

"My apologies for my manners." 

"My name is Sarah Lapis." Sarah introduced herself and waited for the expected response that did not come. 

"Hello Miss Lapis, how may I help you?" 

Sarah was surprised for a moment before she recovered and responded. 

"Hello, I am looking for John Michaels as I was sent here by Tia to find him." 

"I see and why would Miss Tia be looking for me?" Michael asked in return and Sarah was about to answer when the annoying man interrupted again.. 

"So, you know Tia but not Blue Ice Queen?" 

"Well first off I have heard of Ice Blue Queen as she was on the news recently, something about finding her boyfriend and another woman in their bed and killing them both." 

The rude man looked stunned, while Sarah lowered her head in embarrassment. 

"As for Tia, who doesn't know about the uniquely beautiful AI with the mesmerizing voice." 


In Genesis four different women broke out in laughter at what John had just said while Tia had a small smile on her normally emotionless face. 

"I can't believe he just said that right in front of her." Rose said while wiping tears from her eyes. 

"I know right, honestly I don't think he has realized who she is but maybe this will knock some sense into her regarding the men she ends up with in the future." 


It took Sarah a few moments to gather herself before she returned to the proper subject. 

"Mr. Michaels, Tia sent me as her representative because she has some questions for you." 

"Why could Tia not ask me herself? Access bands these days have communication as far as I am aware." John asked since they had learned about this in school. 

"You are correct, and Tia did indeed try to contact you however she was not able to, and she believes it is because you have an obsolete model." Sarah explained 

"Figured something was going on when the government official at the initiation looked surprised." 

"Can you tell me more about this?" 

"Sure" John shrugged and continued. 

"After my initiation where I went to collect my access band from the table in front of my pod the government official looked surprised when he saw my access band." 

"He looked over at the head official who just nodded his head slightly before turning away and the official dealing with me just carried on as normal." 

"I see, can you show me your access band so we can determine which model it is?" 

John nodded before lifting his wrist up and pulling back his sleeve that was covering it to show them both his access band. 

Sarah gasped when she saw it and the rude man's mouth once again fell open. 


In Genesis they had all been listening to the conversation and Rose commented on what John told them. 

"Definitely seems it's more than just the financial support and housing departments that are against him, we may have to do a full purge after all." 

Fire Empress nodded and was about to comment when they all saw the band he wore, and she instantly forgot her original words to have them replaced with. 


"Fuck" Rose agreed. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Oracle asked, unsure of her own eyes. 

"It is my daughter, it's a MK VI" Silver Queen confirmed with narrowed eyes. 

Suddenly Tia's voice spoke out, but it was not the usual blissfully sounding musical voice she used, this time it was so cold sounding that all the women in the room shivered. 

"MK VI Access Band confirmed to have been given to subject John Michaels against the orders of Genesis AI Tia as well as being in violation of the Genesis Article against poisoning an individual using Genesis." 

"The punishment of the Human Race shall be increased after this new information." 

After hearing Tia's announcement there was silence in the room however Fire Empress and Red Rose had rage in their eyes. 


"Mr. Michaels remove that access band right now." Sarah said in an urgent voice. 

"Why?" John asked with raised eyebrows. 

"Because it's poisonous you idiot." The rude man said. 

John however figured it would be best to just ignore this man from now on and so did not even look at him and waited for Sarah to explain. 

"That's a MK VI access band, they were all recalled and supposed to have been destroyed under orders of Tia, there was an issue with the manufacturing of their model by the Dwarfs and Gnomes and so they gained poisonous properties that after prolonged exposure result in death." 

"Well, that's just fucking great, now what am I supposed to do?" John complained as he took off the access band before continuing. 

"If my ID and bank account were not linked, I would just toss this away." 

"You can simply go to the local government office and get a replacement one." The rude man said in a condescending tone. 

John ignored the man and walked towards his shack, he opened the door, went inside and then closed the door again leaving the two visitors outside." 

"…" Sarah and the man had no words for the reaction John Michaels had just given them. 



Inside Genesis none of them knew what to say after hearing John's response before going inside his wooden shack and not bothering with his guests anymore. 

Eventually Rose and Oracle looked at each other and saw the shock and surprise in each other's eyes. 

"Did he really just do that? To Sarah?" Oracle asked with uncertainty. 

"I think so, a human and a male at that turned his back on the Blue Ice Queen before going inside his shack and closing the door on her." 

"Hahaha, I like this boy John, he is one interesting fellow." Silver Queen burst out laughing. 

 Fire Empress on the other hand was seething in rage at what the Dawnscape city council had done and trying to think how she could minimize the punishment from Tia. 

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