My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 105 Nymph Girls [Extra]

Chapter 105 Nymph Girls [Extra]

Extra 6. Nymph Girls (at the reader's request)

"I think it's a foolish idea, Adam," suddenly declared a young girl with platinum hair and bright blue eyes, looking at the man in front of her with a raised eyebrow. "You're a demon, and if you train your endurance with the element of light, you'll soon turn to ashes, you know?"

The situation was as follows: One day, Adam decided to visit Aurora, who was peacefully sleeping in her cave. He asked her to use a light spell on him to increase his physical endurance and teach him how to resist enemies with the light element.

However, the girl categorically rejected this idea, showing concern and irritation, though her cute face made her anger somewhat amusing.

"I know, but... who can say for sure that in the future, I won't encounter an enemy who can kill me with a single blow? I need to train at least to avoid becoming dust afterward," Adam replied, sitting on the floor and looking into the girl's eyes. "So, please, help me with this."

"You... sigh. You're as stubborn as a ram!" Aurora grumbled irritably, sitting down next to Adam, their shoulders almost touching.

"I know," he replied, hugging her shoulder.

Aurora rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Her thoughts seemed to be turned off by an unknown force, and in their place came tranquility, a desire to rest and sleep. She had never felt anything like this before.

Like her sisters, Aurora's dream was to have a child. She wanted a complete family filled with love and care, but finding someone good was impossible. So, she had lived for a thousand years, feeling lonely and forced to bury her dream deep in her heart.

However, one day, a stranger demon came to Silvana. At first, everyone was cautious and treated him with suspicion, even expressing hostility, but soon, astonishingly, the demon blended into their company. Many nymphs chatted happily with him.

Some chose him as their future partner, some considered him their family (an older brother), and some a good friend. In short, he had a good character and could engage in conversation, which was most important for the lonely nymphs.

"And for me... he became my husband and the future father of our child," Aurora thought, her cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

If someone had told her a year ago that she would have a family in the future, Aurora would have shown an "X" sign with her hands and denied even the slightest possibility. After all, she had long lost hope of ever being happy.

"Anna..." Aurora grew sad, remembering her friend who had lived even longer than she had.

She was one of the oldest beings in this world, even older than the queen. In this world, she had seen everything she possibly could. And not long ago, she... destroyed her source.

For any creature, it would have been painful, and agonizing, but not fatal. They would have lost their ability to use magic forever, and that would be it. But for nymphs, for whom magic was their life source, such an act meant slow death.

However, looking at Adam, she felt that he might be able to do something about it.

An hour later...

Aurora reluctantly agreed to use magic on him. And so, Adam sat in the lotus position and waited while Aurora chanted the spell and directed it at him.

The spell looked like bright particles that gradually increased in size and floated toward Adam's body. It was a simple "Light" spell, but when it came into contact with the demon's skin...


There was a hissing sound, and Adam squinted as he felt his skin melting under the influence of the element. However, his natural regeneration could handle the task, and he successfully passed this test.

"Use stronger spells."

"This is dangerous!"



Such a dialogue occurred during one of the breaks. Aurora was reluctant to use stronger spells, but under Adam's persuasion, she reluctantly agreed.


She pronounced the spell's name, and a large ball of light appeared. It reached Adam's body in a fraction of a second, and when it touched his exposed skin, there was again a hissing sound. Although it was incredibly painful for Adam, as if he had put his hand in boiling oil, he didn't make a sound.

Burns appeared on his skin, but the demon's body regeneration was no joke, so within a couple of seconds, his skin returned to its normal state, and the ball of light became smaller and smaller.

Thanks to her help, Adam was able to increase his body's resistance to the light element. However afterward, he had to spend a long time comforting the girl.


There was a loud and energetic sound as a nymph with bright red hair and green eyes let out. In her hand was a wooden bow, and she had just shot a wild boar, which fell to the ground with a squeal as soon as the arrow pierced its body.

"Adam, I found food!"

The girl smiled and turned back, looking at the man who emerged from the forest cover, dragging something behind him. When Seraphina took a closer look, her eyes widened as she realized it was a demonic beast resembling a deer.

"Hey, what the hell?! We agreed not to use magic!"

She pouted her cheeks and crossed her arms over her chest, looking disappointed and offended, to which Adam simply shrugged. He genuinely hadn't used magic, and he quickly clarified.

"I didn't use magic. Just my sword and physical strength, that's all."

"Eh... you don't even know how to use a sword!"

"I've got the strength, don't need the skill," Adam smirked, looking at the broken sword that rested at his belt. "It couldn't handle my strength and broke. I'm sorry."

Seraphina had crafted this sword for him, given her blacksmithing skills. Adam had noticed that this girl shared her name with one of the Elders of Elvenhome, although their abilities and personalities were quite different.

Seraphina, a fairy, was more energetic and sincere. She spoke her mind directly, like a train on its tracks, without any reservations.

She enjoyed hunting for games and then cooking it among friends. Adam had often seen her and other nymphs organizing picnics.

With a thud, the carcass of the demonic deer fell to the ground, and Adam broke a thick tree branch as he approached it. Placing the branch on the ground, he smiled and looked at the boar.

"Hehe... that's my victory."


Roaring like a wild tigress, Seraphina snorted and turned away, carrying the boar's carcass to the picnic area. Adam prepared a comfortable spot and lit a fire, setting up skewers on top.

"I'm glad I made friends with an Armenian in my past life. Knowing how to make khorovats always comes in handy," he thought with a smile, recalling his cheerful and kind friend.

Turning to Seraphina, he saw that she had already started to dress the boar's carcass. He scratched his head and approached her with a request.

"Listen, I don't know how to dress an animal. Can you help me with this?"

"Huh?" Seraphina turned to him, looking at him with sparkling eyes and a bright smile. Despite the blood on her hands, she looked very charming. "Hahaha, since you're asking, I guess I'll help!"

Adam smiled and nodded, playing along with her. He liked Seraphina's cheerful and carefree nature, where she expressed everything she felt openly. At least he didn't have to rack his brains to understand what she wanted.

For example, if he were to ask her, "What do you want for your birthday?" she would give a straightforward answer: "To sleep cuddled up with you."

Honestly, even Adam, whose skin was as thick as an elephant's, couldn't help but blush at such a candid request, but he didn't refuse. It was nice to realize that the girl wanted his attention.

Seraphina soon approached him and began teaching him everything she knew. Adam followed her advice with a smile.


Today was an unusual day for Anna. Adam had come to visit her, bringing pies that he had baked himself.

If you were to describe Anna's personality, it would be more like: shy, enjoying solitude, and not very talkative.

However, since she had become pregnant by Adam, she had become livelier and more active, preferring to spend time with him and revel in his embrace.

"Good morning," she greeted Adam, inclining her head.

"Good morning, dear. Why did you lower your head?" Adam was surprised. He had already set up a small space for a tea ceremony.

"Eh? But isn't a wife supposed to greet her husband this way? I heard that we shouldn't look our husbands in the eyes; otherwise, it would be considered disrespectful."

Adam's reaction? Shock and confusion. Such customs were unknown to him, as he was accustomed to a society where women's and men's rights were becoming more equal. However, considering Anna's age... ahem.

"No, I think that's unnecessary. I like your eyes, so please, look into mine more often, okay?" Adam replied, placing the basket of pies on the table, which he had pulled out of his inventory. Don't ask why he had it.

"Al... alright! I'll try!" Anna nervously nodded and clenched both her hands into fists, looking determined.


"Why are you laughing?" Adam smiled, and his body shivered as he tried to contain his laughter. He found it genuinely amusing how innocent Anna was about everything, despite her age.

"N-nothing really. Let's have some tea. By the way, I baked the pies myself," Adam proudly stated.

"Wow! I've never eaten anything like this before... Can I try?"

"Well, of course. I made them for you."

Anna nervously took a slice of pie and placed it on her plate, which Adam had also brought with him. Then she took a bite, and...


She exclaimed joyfully, closing her eyes and savoring the taste, which was unfamiliar to her. A silly smile appeared on her face, and seeing it made Adam's heart skip a beat.

"She's so cute..." he thought, covering his face with his hands.


Gaia was watching with a strange expression on her face as Adam slept on her lap. An hour ago, he had come to talk to her and ended up falling asleep during their conversation, which had greatly startled the usually composed girl. She had checked his body and sighed with relief when she realized that everything was fine.

"Fool..." she mumbled, running her fingers through his long hair.

Gaia was an Earth nymph, and for most of her life, she had been asleep in the ground, awaiting something interesting. One day, a visitor, a man, came to her. She had never seen men in her entire life because when Sierra brought slaves, she was asleep.

Very unusually for her, this man completely changed her life. She became pregnant, and in the future, she would have a child with him. The man even said he was willing to take her as his wife.

Of course, Gaia was happy, though her face didn't show it. However, she didn't agree right away.

In terms of their relationship, they were almost like strangers. The fact that she was carrying his child had brought them closer, but Gaia wasn't ready to give her heart to this man just yet.

Although she had heard that her other sisters had agreed to become his wives, they had decided to stay in Silvana for now. Even Adam himself couldn't confidently say that he could protect them.

However, she was still glad that he was thinking about them.

Two hours later, Adam woke up and apologized to her for the inconvenience. Gaia replied, "No problem," with an indifferent face, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

Afterward, Adam suddenly kissed her on the forehead and said goodbye, heading back to Elyra's cave. Watching his departing figure, Gaia placed her hand on her forehead and blushed.

"Idiot, damn it."


Nyx was eagerly examining Adam's body, finding it all very intriguing. To her, Adam was a kindred spirit because they shared similar elemental bases.

"Damn, your body is just an anomaly. Are you a mutated demon?"

"I don't think so. The chances are slim," he replied, dressing up.

Without any reservation on her face, Nyx watched him get dressed and swallowed, feeling an itch all over her body. However, she was suddenly shocked when Adam hugged her.


"I've caught you~," Adam smiled, pulling Nyx close to him. Due to her small stature, she reached only to Adam's chest, hugging him.

"His scent. His scent. His scent. His scent." Suddenly, Nyx's thoughts became chaotic, and her body trembled in his embrace. A spark of obsession appeared in her eyes. She held Adam tightly and began to sniff him. "Aaah... I feel so calm. But why?"

Although Adam saw Nyx's actions, he chose not to comment.

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