My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 106 Demon race anomaly

Chapter 106 Demon race anomaly

"Hahaha!" Adam laughed loudly, feeling a surge of power coursing through his entire body. He grinned predatorily as he locked eyes with Verison, who appeared as though he'd had an epiphany.

"Y-you..." he began, his voice filled with fear and uncertainty. "Damn... you're alive, you demon race anomaly?"


A powerful chill pierced through Verison's body as he grasped the gravity of the situation. His gaze was fixed on the creature with long, sharp wings that were relentlessly slaughtering Middle Demons, who tried to escape but in vain.

"F**K! You son of a b***h, we're kin!"



Loud curses, insults, and cries of pain echoed across the battlefield, while Verison coldly stared at Adam, whose body was covered in deep wounds rapidly healing. Though the old wounds had already closed, new ones kept appearing.

"What should I do?" Verison thought, coldly pondering the situation, ignoring the screams of his subordinates. His body trembled with fear, although he tried to conceal it, the profound emotions were unmistakable. "This is the curse of the demon race... it should have been banished a year ago, so why did I encounter it here?"

"My f***ing luck," he added, muttering to himself.

However, upon closer examination of Adam's body, he could tell that Adam barely surpassed a Demon General in strength, which brought a wide smile to Verison's face.

"Though his body can resist my spells, it doesn't mean he's immortal, as the legends say..."

Verison concentrated all his power into his legs and suddenly leaped, creating a crater at his takeoff point, accompanied by the sound of rushing air. He reached the speed of light and closed in on Adam rapidly.

"Claws," he whispered, activating a spell that caused sharp, sturdy claws to grow from his nails. These claws plunged into Adam's back, striking his internal organs.

"Hm?" A loud growl was heard as he indifferently turned his head, noticing his back pierced by claws. "G-g-grrr..."

A low, deep growl made Verison feel a strange premonition as if something bad was about to happen. He wanted to retract his claws and increase the distance between them but suddenly found himself unable to.

"What?!" His loud cry was followed by an explosion.



Loud curses, insults, and cries of pain resounded on the battlefield as female demons, for unknown reasons, attacked and killed male demons. They couldn't be reasoned with, and an overpowering urge to kill all demons consumed them.

Meanwhile, Verison gritted his teeth and endured the heat, ignoring the pain throughout his body and the flesh melting under the temperature. Although he managed to retract his claws, it cost him his left eye.

"F**k, f**k... I'm a Demon Baron, so why is a Demon General defeating me?" he exclaimed, feeling shame and fear. "Even if he's a monster and an anomaly, he shouldn't be able to defeat me... I need to retreat and prepare. I didn't bring my armor and favorite sword!"

Verison, clenching his teeth, suddenly roared and kicked Adam, launching him out of the tornado's center. Deep wounds covered Adam's body, and it was clear that he was growing weary.

"F**k, be assured, I'll be back, and then you'll have to grovel at my feet!" Verison shouted, turning and unfurling his wings, flying toward the main forces awaiting the attack.

"Gr-r-r..." Throughout the now-empty battlefield, a deep and malevolent growl spread, making the surviving demons tremble and fall to their knees, pressing their foreheads to the ground and not daring to move. Some did so on the corpses of their comrades.

Adam, on the other hand, looked coldly toward the direction where Verison had fled. Although he had the desire to pursue him, a sudden warning from his sixth sense made him reconsider.

"If I go there, I'll die," were his feelings. "Tsk, such a low level. I thought I could rest, but... I'll have to work a bit longer. Just a little more..."

With a predatory grin, Adam—no, the entity within Adam—landed on the ground and closed his eyes.

"Huh... what an unpleasant feeling," Adam muttered, cracking his neck and looking indifferent toward the demons who were gradually regaining consciousness. His appearance slowly returned to normal. Feeling intense pain throughout his body, Adam noticed that his heart was still healing, and some internal organs wouldn't regenerate properly due to the miasma. "How unpleasant. In short, a strange fusion occurred. Suspicious."

In this situation, he couldn't understand what he could do, but he didn't sense any danger from the unknown entity.

Either way, he turned his head toward the demons, who were gradually coming to, but as soon as Adam released his aura, they bowed their heads once again.

"And what should I do with them?" he pondered, hesitating to kill them. "Most of them are women, although there are men too. The total number of survivors is fifty: 45 Lower Demons and 5 Middle Demons. Their powers are mostly useless for anything significant, but they could serve as guards for the city... but what to do about their disposition?"

Adam irritably snorted and took out the Amarantha token, featuring the formless body of a woman with long flowing hair suspended in the air. When he directed his energy into the token, it glowed, and after a split second, there was white noise followed by an explosion.


Raising an eyebrow, he turned and looked at the dust cloud where a familiar female figure had appeared. It was Amarantha, who had appeared before Adam within a second. Noticing his wounds, she started trembling.

"They... they... THEY DARED TO HARM YOU?!"


The demons felt immense pressure that almost turned their bodies into mush. Adam was shocked by Amarantha's furious appearance.

Her green eyes flickered, and her long black hair floated in the air, while the space itself distorted under her anger, as if unwilling to deal with this woman.

"Calm down, I'm safe," Adam reassured her, feeling the need to calm her quickly, or these demons would turn into mush. "Better tell me, can you make them into slaves? They need to be obedient and not even think about betrayal."

With each passing minute, Amarantha's aura became calmer and calmer until it disappeared completely. There was no more trace of her energy, and Adam couldn't even feel that she had magical energy. He was surprised by her ability to conceal her capabilities.

It took more than twenty-five minutes for Adam to finally calm his wife, who had been examining his wounds with concern, feeling each wound and cut on her husband's body making her heart bleed.

However, soon Adam's body began to naturally purge the miasma hindering his regeneration, and his wounds started to heal, which made Amarantha relieved. Regaining her composure, she snapped her fingers, and a sword appeared above each demon, instantly piercing their heads as if passing right through them. There was no blood, no sensation at all, although Adam saw the changes. In Amarantha's hand, a key appeared, somewhat resembling an ordinary door key, and she handed it to Adam.

"This..." Taking it in his hand, Adam looked around in surprise, feeling a strange weight as if he held not a regular key but an elephant. However, what also amazed him was that his vision had changed, and he could see fifty red threads stretching towards the key.

"I have a feeling I can command them to kill themselves, and they won't be able to do anything about it," Adam remarked, and Amarantha nodded.

"Correct. This is a subjugation magic that won't release the slaves even after the owner's death. I'll also create a few duplicates that can assume the main key's rights if we ever lose it," she explained, adding further details. "Once the rights are transferred, the main key will self-destruct, killing any intruders."

Adam smirked when he realized the power of this key, even though he hadn't expected such an effect.

"Anyway," Adam nodded, turning to the demons. His aura once again became overwhelming, and with the arrogance befitting a demon, he gave his orders. "From this day forward, you are my slaves. Any action taken without my permission equals death, although I'll gladly torture you before that."

"First rule: Do not harm my family, have no ill thoughts about my family and do not look at my women with lustful eyes. Violating this rule will result in a painful death."

"Second rule: Do not harm my residents and any humans. Act only upon my orders."

"Third rule: Do not act without permission."

Adam coldly stared at the demons, who bowed their heads in fear and nodded in agreement with each word. He felt a strange sensation in his chest as if he were infinitely above them, and this feeling only grew stronger.

"Pride?" he thought, though he didn't attach much significance to it. "Either way, I have the right to be proud. They lost to me and became slaves; that's the fate of the losers."

Turning towards Varasima, he saw the ruined walls and the bodies of guards, although some were still alive. Some of them were even snoring.

"I put them to sleep and altered their memories. For now, we can't allow everyone to know that you're a demon," Amarantha declared, giving orders to her subordinates who hurried to create a portal and send the demons to the city of Sedyon. "It's a good move, though not well thought out. Next time, don't put yourself in danger, okay?"

Smiling at her, Adam grabbed her waist and pulled her close, burying his face in her hair and immediately sensing the relaxing scent of his beloved woman. It seemed like this scent was driving away all the pain and discomfort he had experienced during the battle.

Amarantha also closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of Adam. Her heart was beating fast as if she had just run a marathon, and the panic that had arisen when she saw Adam's wounds was beginning to subside.

"But... why did that bitch Veronica send her soldiers? She was always indifferent to war and only wanted to increase her level to elevate herself above everyone else."

To be continued...

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