My Little Sunshine

Chapter 201: The Search For More Clues

Chapter 201: The Search For More Clues

"I think so." A man spoke up as he flipped some pages which were thrown before her on the table in a haphazard manner. These pages were actually printed out police reports about all the previous kidnappings. It wasn't easy for him to get them out as they were some just paperwork. He had to contact a man who owed him a huge favor so that he could get their hands on them. 

"Yes." He replied as he pulled out a few papers from the huge pile of papers placed before him. "The black Camaro was found abandoned at some remote, secluded place. The police did check those places, but found nothing." 

"And did the police check out those old warehouses?" Adam questioned him. 

He picked up another bunch of paper and passed it to Adam. "Not all of them." He began to speak when Adam had the papers in his hands. "They checked out the warehouse before which they found the car and three other warehouses which were surrounding it." 

Adam looked through the papers, processing the information in his mind. "Whoever is behind this kidnapping, they tried to make it look like the previous ones. The police fell for it and instead of investigating it properly, they are just waiting for the kidnappers to call and ask for ransom." 

He frowned as he placed the papers back on the table. "But they are never going to get the call." He continued. 

"Pull out a map of the area where they dumped the car." He ordered the lean man again. The tapping sound of keys was heard and the screen went black before lightening up again. A map of the area was projected on the white screen. 

"Let me try something." The lean man spoke up, pushing his glasses up on his nose. His fingers flew over the keys of his laptop. His tapping resulted in one red and three green blipping dots appeared on the map. "The red dot shows the warehouse where they found the car and those three green dots are the other warehouses they searched." He added, pointing his chin towards the screen.

"Zoom in at the red dot." Adam asked him to which he complied. Looking at the abandoned building which was almost in a run down condition, he questioned him again. "What's that light blue line behind it? Is it some sort of stream?" 

"Yeah." He answered him as he zoomed in further. 

"Form five teams of two and search all of those warehouses, even the ones that the police have already searched. I don't want a single stone unturned. For all we know, there are high chances that he is being kept in one of those warehouses. But don't do it today, do it tomorrow." He ordered them. 

"Yes, Boss." All of them replied to him at once. 

"And you." He pointed towards the lean man. "I want you to track that stream, look for potential sites where they can get off if there is a chance that they used the stream to transport him." He asked him as he was the eleventh member of his team who had joined him directly in the city as he was sent off for a mission in a nearby country. 

"Sure, Boss." He nodded his head. 

"I will visit the project site tomorrow, so don't call and bother me if you run into something. We will gather here tomorrow night again to discuss further. All of you can leave now." Adam added as he dismissed his team. 


"Did you miss me?" He questioned her as he looked at the screen of his phone. 

The duo were having their dinner while video chatting with each other. Though it was just the end of day two, the two love birds were missing each other crazily. They had gotten so used to each other's presence that with the distance, their lives felt incomplete, as if it was missing an important component. 

"Nah! Why would I miss you?" Stella rolled her eyes and answered him, her voice laced with sarcasm. She sliced through her steak and decided to turn a blind eye to the man on the other end, who was smiling at her. 'How could he even ask me such a question?' She lamented to herself.

"I can't say about you, but I surely missed my little elf." She heard his voice coming from the phone. 

She clenched her jaw as she tried to fight the anger building within her. She hated it whenever he called her with that title. 'What little elf? I am not even that small.'

"Little elf?" He called her again, his smile becoming wider with each passing second.  As he realized that she wouldn't back out from ignoring him easily, he decided to push his luck harder.  "I won't touch my food any further if you continue to ignore me." He put down his knife and fork on the ceramic plate forcefully, producing a clank sound. 

Stella shut her eyes tightly, trying to keep herself sane. He knew that her only weakness was he, himself and surely how to use the fact for his own advantage. 

"Adam! Eat it." She gritted her teeth, still not bothering to look up from her plate.

"Not unless you look at me." He added in a pitiful voice and even pushed his lower lip out, curling it. 

Rolling her eyes again, she finally looked at him and couldn't help but chuckle as soon as her eyes landed on his 'pitiful' face. "Stop it. You don't look good."

"And you should stop rolling your eyes. It won't be a wonder if they get stuck in the same position." He did listen to her but didn't forget to pass her a teasing remark. 

"Who cares if they do get stuck? You are the one who's stuck with me for life." She cheekily added as the two of them continued to eat their dinner. 

Adam didn't bother replying to her remark. His silence was enough for her to know that she was right. 


"You know what you have to do, right?" A man spoke spoke into his phone as he sipped on his whiskey. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, only wearing a night robe which covered his naked self. His eyes were set on the burning wood chunks in the fireplace, how they burned away, turning themselves into ashes just so they could provide some warmth to others. 

"Good! Keep me updated on how the plan progresses." He spoke to his lackey again before disconnecting the call. Picking up the crystal glass which was half filled with whiskey, he brought it to his lips before chugging down it's content. A devilish smirk hugged his lips as he continued to gaze at the blazing flames. 

"Just one more day and everything that I have desired so far, will be mine. Just one more day and you will be out of my way Adam Levinson." He let out a sinister laugh. 

He heard the covers of the bed shuffle as two fair, slender arms wrapped around him. Two bouncy yet firm mounds of flesh were pressed against his back as a sweet, tender voice made its way into his ears. 

"Who are you talking to at this hour?" 

"Why are you up so early? Looks like you aren't that tired. Should make you?" He smirked at her. 


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