My Little Sunshine

Chapter 202: Project Site

Chapter 202: Project Site

The next day, 

Adam woke up bright and early. Just like the previous day, the first thing he noticed was the face of his beloved girlfriend which was not only brightening up his phone's screen, but his day as well. 

He smiled like a lovesick fool that he always was around her, keeping his eyes set on the 6.5 inches long screen of his limited edition phone. Placing a kiss on it, he ended the call with a heavy heart. He got out of the covers, but not before sending her a loving text. 


"Good morning, Boss." His team entered the meeting room, one by one and greeted him. They were a bit confused when each of them received a text from him. They couldn't understand as to why would he call them so suddenly when he himself had ordered them to go and search the warehouses to look for clues. 

"You guys must be wondering why I called you here?" He began to speak when everyone had settled down. "You guys can go back to the assigned task but I need two of you to look over something." He added as he passed them a bunch of papers which were stapled together. 

"I decided to come here before heading to the project site. While talking to the head manager, I realized something. His secretary, she is new at the job. His former secretary was a man who was working by his side since we established this branch. I have even met him a few times in person when the construction work wasn't complete. It's really out of his character to resign from the job. I feel like there's something fishy at the back end." He continued. 

"Why don't you try calling him, Boss?" One of his men suggested to which Adam just shook his head. 

"I already tried that, but his phone number doesn't even exist." He pursed his thin lips. "I want two of you to look into this matter and track him down. I want him present before my eyes by the end of the day. You can coordinate with number 'Eleven' on this one." He added as he pointed towards the lean man. 

He got up from his seat and began to head out of the room. "You guys can go and work on your assigned tasks." He uttered slowly yet firmly without turning his attention towards them. 


"This section is basically for the machines. They scan each and every part using a laser system to make sure that they aren't faulted by any means. Each machine is set to analyse a single part. The ones which are okay, are passed to the assembly lines where the parts are put together." The head manager explained to Adam as he gave him an overview of the production unit which was one of the four main buildings. 

They were currently standing behind a thick transparent glass wall. The room was in such a position that it looked over the entire area, allowing the person standing behind the glass wall to easily visualize the entire production process. 

Adam just hummed in response. At that particular moment, he couldn't care less about the process of how their cellphones were made. It was the first time that the Levinson's Corp. was going to launch their own cell phones under the brand name of 'Touch'. The marketing team decided on such a name because they will only produce high end smartphones for the upper class people. 

He eyed the people who were present with him inside the room. All of them held an important post and were the higher ups assigned to look over the project. 

"What's next?" He questioned the head manager who was sweating buckets under his scrutinizing gaze. Before the poor man could answer him, his phone began to vibrate inside his pocket. He could tell without even looking at the screen of who the caller might be. He asked everyone to leave the room to which they complied right away. 

He locked the room from the inside and finally took out his phone which was still vibrating. 

"I am so sorry. I know you must be busy right now and I promised myself that I won't call you until you are back to your hotel room. But I was just having this weird feeling that something bad might have happened to you so I decided to check on you myself." Stella's voice came through the phone's speaker immediately after he had connected the call. He heard her apologizing and explaining herself, all in one breath. He couldn't help but chuckle as he asked her to stop her ranting.

"Hey, hey, hey! Easy girl. Take a deep breath." He asked her to which she complied. He heard her exhaling out a long breath. Even from her tone, he could tell how much she was worried about him. 

"I am so sorry." She apologized to him again for disturbing him at this hour, knowing fully well that he must be busy. 

Adam shook his head sideways, even though he knew that she couldn't see him on a voice call. "There's no need for you to apologise to me, sweetheart." 

"But.. I-I" She tried to explain herself, but was stopped by him right away.

"Didn't you hear me?" He rolled his eyes back before frowning. 'Damn! When did I started doing this?' He couldn't help but think to himself. Unknowingly, he had started to act like her when it came to certain things. 

"I just needed to hear your voice to make sure that you are alright. I have been having this weird feeling since yesterday. And I woke up all startled up this morning." She exhaled out another sigh in relief that he was completely fine. 

"Don't worry about me, love. I am completely fine. Did you have your breakfast?" He replied to her, questioning her at the same time. 

Before he could hear her reply, a loud bang made its way into his ears, making him frown. He walked close to the glass wall which looked over the machinery, thinking that it was one of the machines malfunctioning. 

But before he could register what was going on another loud bang was heard. This time it was way more closer than the previous one. He saw the entire production line blowing up before his eyes as scraps of metal began to flow in every direction. The only thing which acted as his protective barrier was the thick glass wall which now had cracks running across its entire length.

He knew that it wouldn't protect him for much longer. He made his way towards the door as he spoke into his phone's speaker. "Stella, go and have some breakfast. I will talk to you once I get back to the hotel." 

"W-what was th-at s-sound?" Her stuttering voice entered his ears. He knew that she must have heard the sounds clearly based on how loud they were. 

"Listen to me!" He raised his voice a bit as he made his way out of the room, only to find that the entire army of his subordinates had already left. "No matter what happens, I will always find my way back to you. You just look after yourself for me and promise me that you won't give up on us." He asked her as he tried to find his way through the bursting flames which were engulfing everything. With each passing second, the number of bangs were increasing. 


"I-I-I promise." She managed to speak in her dazed state. Her eyes had already started to tear up.

"I love you so, so much, my little elf." She heard his voice before another loud, deafening bang entered her ears before the other line went quiet.


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