My Little Sunshine

Chapter 203: Panic Attack

Chapter 203: Panic Attack

"I-I-I promise." She managed to speak in her dazed state. Her eyes had already started to tear up.

"I love you so, so much, my little elf." She heard his voice before another loud, deafening bang entered her ears before the other line went quiet. 

Stella stared at the blank screen of her phone as she held it in between her trembling palms. A tear rolled down her cheeks, followed by another. She refused to believe what she had just heard. With trembling fingers she redialed his number only for the pre-recorded message to torment her ears. She tried to call him again and again, but everytime it ended with the same results. 

'The number you are trying to call is currently unreachable.' 

She stared at the blank screen of her phone again which was now wet from her tears. The same words of the pre-recorded message replayed in her mind again and again, causing an immense amount of pain in the center of her chest. Holding onto the site where the pain was radiating from, she felt her breath becoming short as if the insides of her airways were constricting with each passing second.

Her unfocused eyes shifted from the phone as looked around herself, trying to process everything which had conspired in the last ten minutes. With her shuddering lips, she muttered to herself. "I-I-I l-lo-ve you t-too." She collapsed on the ground as darkness shrouded her vision. 


"Can one of you go upstairs and check on Young Miss?" The old butler asked the maids who were busy preparing fresh vegetables for the day's lunch. One of the maids volunteered to do so and left the kitchen. 

He was a bit worried about her as he looked at the time. It was way past her usual time and she hadn't buzzed him yet for her breakfast. He could've gone himself to check on her but it was better to send a maid. 

He was lost in his own thoughts when he heard a shriek. Based on the voice, it must be the maid who had gone up. He walked hastily out of the kitchen followed by the other maids and servants. He was at the base of the staircase when he saw the maid frantically running out of the corridor which led to the master bedroom. She came to a halt at the top of the stairs and spoke in between her gasps for air. 

"Young Miss, she I found her fainted on the floor." 

"You!" He said pointing towards the servant. "Call Young Master Blake and Young Master Wilson." The man disappeared from his sight as soon as his mind registered his words.

"You three, follow me." He continued as he pointed towards three maids who were standing with a baffled expression. 

They nodded in unison as they began to follow him upstairs. All of them knew that all hell would unleash on them if anything was to happen to their Young Miss. They had witnessed with their own eyes how much their Young Master pampered her. Little did they know that their Young Master was the one who was in some way, responsible for Stella's condition. 


Her eyelids fluttered as she tried to shift one her right side, but her body refused to listen to her. She gave up after trying a couple of times. Her body felt so light, yet too heavy at the same time. She felt as if her body was drained of all its energy. 

She tried to pull her heavy eyelids apart, using whatever energy she had left in her body. Her throat was completely dry and she could feel a number of needles piercing her throat because of the dryness. She tried to gulp down her saliva to wet the dry mucosa but failed to do so as her mouth was completely dry as well.

A faint, meek voice which was no louder than a mere whisper, brought the people who were present in the room out of their thoughts. 


Wilson who was sitting on a chair placed next to the bed, swiftly moved and picked up the glass resting on the bedside table. He poured some water in it and placed it before her mouth as he supported her head using his free hand. 

"Do you need anything else?" He asked her with concern to which she shook her head. 

Blake, who was sitting on the other end of the room got up and made his way towards the bed, coming to a stop right next to Wilson.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked her softly. Based on his current facial expressions instead of his usual playful ones, one could tell how worried he was. 

"Hmm." Stella just hummed in response as Wilson helped her in sitting up. He placed a couple of cushions and pillows behind her back to make her comfortable. 

"Why are you guys here? Is everything fine?" She questioned them in her hazy state. 

The two men stood quietly before her as their eyes trailed towards her left hand. Following their line of sight, her eyes landed on her left where she was an IV line was inserted and a patch of surgical tape was holding it in its place. 

"Oh!" She muttered under her breath before shifting her attention to the two men. "I am so sorry for troubling you guys. Where's Adam by the way? She apologized to them, questioning them at the same time. 

Blake and Wilson shared a look quietly before passing her an apologetic look. She looked back at them with confusion written on her face. In the quietness that was engulfing the broad and wide master bedroom, the scenes from earlier rushed to her mind, tearing her insides apart. 

Her eyes began to tear up again as her trembling lips managed to call out his name. "A-Adam." 

Blake moved quickly and sat down next to her before engulfing her in a hug, allowing her to use his shoulder to cry on. He could feel his shirt becoming wet with her tears as she continued to sob. He knew that no words could lessen the pain she was feeling at the moment, so he just continued to rub her back quietly as he let her shed her tears. 

"Adam." She muttered against his shoulder again. "He is gonna be alright, right?" She questioned him.

Heaving out a tired sigh, he nodded his head in a yes as he continued to pat her back. "Of course, he is Adam after all. He will always find his way back to you." 

As his words registered in her mind, she recalled Adam's words. 

'Listen to me. No matter what happens, I will always find my way back to you. You just look after yourself for me and promise me that you won't give up on us.'

"He will find his way back to me." She muttered to herself in between her sobs. 

Wilson cleared his throat lightly to get their attention. "Don't mind this silly doctor here. But can you please stop crying Stella, you had a panic attack earlier. I don't want that to happen again. Moreover, think of Adam, he wouldn't like to you see like this." 


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