My Little Sunshine

Chapter 212: hCG

Chapter 212: hCG

She tried to take her phone out of her coat's pocket so that she could call Bella. Just as she took her phone out, her vision turned completely black. Her phone slipped through her fingers and made contact with the marbled floor, producing a loud crashing sound as her legs failed her body and she fell down. 


"Can you please bring the dishes back?" Bella asked one of the members of the cleaning staff who was passing by her as she was busy with her own work. The man nodded his head in response and headed towards Stella's office. 

He knocked at the door a couple of times but didn't hear a response from the inside. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked inside throwing caution out of the window as his previous Boss didn't mind it. His eyes trailed towards the table before the couch where the empty dishes were placed. He quietly picked him thinking that his new Boss must be inside the room, resting for a while. 

He was about to turn around after picking up the dishes when his eyes accidentally fell on the entrance of the room where the door was left ajar. He caught something reflecting the light in his peripheral vision and walked towards the door to see what the source was, thinking that it must be some glass or a watch most probably. 

His steps slowed as he came to a halt as soon as her eyes landed on the arm and the slender figure which was lying in the doorway. 

"Boss?" He called out softly at first only to get no reply in return. He hurriedly put down the tray back on the table and ran out of the room, heading towards the reception where Bella he had seen Bella earlier. 

"Ma'am?" He called out to her in between his short breaths. 

Bella looked up from her laptop at the man who was standing across the counter. Looking at his breathless state, she frowned. "What happened to you? Why do you look as if you had just run a marathon?" 

"Boss. she she fainted. I found her lying unconscious on the floor." He added in a single breath. 

"What!" She exclaimed as she stood up from her chair. When he saw him nod his head in confirmation, she started headed right away towards her office. "Call an ambulance right away." She yelled at the top of her lungs in her way. Though they had their own in-house doctor at the company, she didn't want to take a risk with Stella. 


Stella shifted slightly in the huge hospital bed as low hum escaped her lips, making the doctor who was on round to shift her attention towards her as she was going through her reports.

"Are you okay Ma'am?" The nurse who was on duty at the time, asked her with concern when she saw the woman trying to sit up. She quietly supported her back and elevated the head of the bed to make sure she was comfortable. 

Stella looked around the spacy room in confusion as she tried to remember what had happened earlier. "Who brought me here?" She questioned the nurse as she realized that she was in a hospital room.

"It was your secretary. You overworked yourself and fainted." It was the doctor who replied to her as she walked up to her and observed her vitals on the monitor screen. "Excuse us for some time." The doctor turned her attention towards the nurse and asked her to leave them alone. Since her patient had no simple identity, she couldn't discuss her medical records in front of anyone. 

After the nurse had left, she turned her attention back to her patient. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Levinson. My name is Dr. Veronica and I am your doctor. We took some blood samples to run some simple tests. All of your reports are fine except for the levels of hCG, they were elevated." 

"Is that a bad thing doctor?" Stella questioned her to get a smile in return.

"Oh, no! Let me explain it to you." The doctor replied to her as she tried to think of a simple and easy way to break the news to the lady. Judging from her expressions, she definitely had no idea about it. "It stands for human Chorionic Gonadotropin and it's a hormone which your body produces naturally at a certain period of time. Its level inside your body increases by many folds when your body has to support a new life." 

"W-what life?" Stella looked at her with a baffled expression, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets as she couldn't believe her ears. 

"Congratulations, Mrs. Levinson. You are pregnant." The doctor gave her a polite smile.

"I-I Are y-you su-re?" Stella managed to ask her with stumbling words. 

"I am one hundred percent sure, ma'am. A pregnancy stick test can give you a false positive, but a blood test is never wrong. Since you are clearly in a relationship, I suggested the staff to run the test as the treatment we give to a female patient has to be safe for the fetus." The doctor explained it to her. 

Stella sat there silently as she continued to gaze at the doctor in bafflement. 

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" The doctor questioned her with concern when she didn't hear a response from her. 

Her voice brought Stella out of her thoughts and she nodded her head in a yes. "So, I'm pregnant?" She quizzically looked at the woman standing before her as she was still having a hard time believing it. After getting a nod from the doctor in confirmation, she didn't know what to feel. "Can I ask you for a favor?" She asked her doctor. "I don't want anyone to find out about it. Can you please keep it in between the two of us?" She requested.

"Of course, Ma'am. It's the hospital's responsibility to keep any information about a patient confidential. Especially, if the patient has a complicated identity like you." The doctor replied with a smile. 

"Thank you so much." Stella looked at her with gratitude. 

"You don't have to thank me at all, I'm just doing my job. And if you don't have a problem with it, I would like to arrange an ultrasound appointment for you tomorrow morning." The doctor suggested her. 

"Yeah! It's fine. How does 9 in the morning sound to you?" Stella questioned her to get an okay sign from her. "Will you be doing it yourself?" Stella continued. 

"No, it's actually a colleague of mine but I will make arrangements to keep your identity a secret from her or the staff that will be accompanying her." 

Stella heaved out a sigh of relief as her mind registered her words. She didn't want the news about her being pregnant in anyway be some sort of headline. She wanted Adam to get the news first rather than the whole world finding about it.

Before the two of them could discuss it any further, the door to the room flew open and a couple of people barged in without announcing their presence. Looking at the familiar faces wearing worries expressions, her heart melted into a puddle and her eyes teared up.


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