My Little Sunshine

Chapter 213: Little Angel

Chapter 213: Little Angel

Before the two of them could discuss it any further, the door to the room flew open and a couple of people barged in without announcing their presence. Looking at the familiar faces wearing worries expressions, her heart melted into a puddle and her eyes teared up.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked her with concern. "How is she? Is she okay? What happened to her? Why would she faint out of nowhere like that?" He shifted his attention to the doctor who was standing next to the bed as he started to fire a series of questions her way. 

"Please, tell us." Another voice joined in which belonged to Scott who was standing on the other side of the wide hospital bed. Katherine who was standing next to him, asked a couple of questions regarding Stella's health as she hugged Scott's arm tightly. 

"Umm hold on, please." The doctor raised her hands up in the air. She wasn't able to understand whatever questions they were throwing her way as their voices were overlapping with each other. "I am sorry, but I can't get a single word you guys are saying. But I can definitely understand that it was about her health." She added dad she pointed towards the woman who was sitting comfortably on the soft mattress, enjoying the warmth that the covers were providing her. 

"I can assure you that she is completely fine and that there is nothing wrong with her health. She just fainted because she overworked herself and her body couldn't take it anymore. She just needs to eat more healthy and get some nutrition inside her body." The doctor explained to the three people who were bobbing their heads up and down at her every word. 

"I will ask the old butler to make sure that you don't skip a meal." Liam added as he threw a glare towards Stella who was sitting with her head lowered down, trying to avoid his gaze. 

"That would be good." The doctor spoke up, interrupting Liam. She didn't want him to scold Stella as it won't do the baby any good. It was important for her to not only keep her body but her mind healthy as well. "I hope you don't mind this but the patient needs some rest, so if you guys could leave. I will ask the nurse to take you to the waiting room and will let you know once she can be discharged." 

"Yeah, sure. Just let us know if she needs anything." Katherine spoke up as she moved her eyes from Stella to the doctor and then back to Stella. 

"I will." She politely smiled towards them as she asked the nurse who had followed them inside to guide them to the VVIP waiting room. 

"You have got a loving family." Veronica smiled at her once everyone else had left, leaving the two of them alone. 

"You haven't seen the rest of them yet." Stella chuckled lightly. "But, yeah." She nodded her head lightly. 

"So, tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock sharp. Is that fine by you?" Veronica questioned her only to get a firm nod in response. She pulled out a card from the pocket of her doctor's coat and handed it to her. "It has my personal number, keep it. Just give me a call whenever you need to ask me anything. I will try my best to help you." 

"Thank you so much." Stella took the white card from her and put it securely inside her pants' pocket. 


It was around ten o'clock at night when Stella had just finished her dinner for the second time. She still wanted to eat some nachos with some cheesy dip but decided against it as her stomach was already bloaty enough for her to shove anything else inside her mouth. 

After the empty cutlery was taken away my a maid she made her way towards the walk-in closet to change into her night wear. On her way out, she couldn't help but stop before the full length mirror and look at herself. 

Her hair was tied up in a messy bun with strays of locks escaping from the grip of her scrunchie. The dark circles around her eyes were becoming more and more prominent with each day and her sunken cheeks were enough of a proof that she hadn't been taking care of herself. 

Heaving out a tired sigh, she scolded herself internally. She knew that she needed to take care of her health more now, whether or not she liked it. Because it was no longer about herself any more. It was about the little life that was growing inside her body. 

Her hands moved towards her belly and rested over it as she looked at her own reflection. "Don't worry, Mommy's going to take good care of you my little angel. And when Dad will be back home, we won't talk to him for a long time as his punishment for leaving your Mommy all alone like this." She muttered to herself as she caressed her belly from over the cloth of her sweat shirt. 

The news about her being pregnant hit her more like a shock, but she was elated by it at the same time. If only Adam was here with her to share this wonderful news. Not even a single day or moment passed by since the incident of the project site that she didn't miss him. Of course, she was sad but at the same time she was hopeful that he would return, sooner or later, but he would definitely come back to her little elf. She wasn't worried about whether or not he would return but when he would come back home.

A lone tear escaped her teary eyes as her thoughts drifted to the person who had gone missing from her life. She knew that even though this baby wasn't planned or the two of them have never even talked about it or discuss it for even once, Adam would have been elated by the news. He would have been over the moon after knowing that he was going to be a father in a few months. 

"I miss your Daddy so much, little angel." She talked to her baby even though she knew that he or she wasn't old enough yet to hear her. "If he was here, he would have loved you so, so much. May be way more than how much Mommy loves you." She continued to caress her belly. 

She didn't want to hide the existence of their baby from the world. She wanted to share the news at least to her friends and family. But at the same time she wanted Adam to know about it before anyone else. And for that, she will keep it a secret for as long as she could. 

"You would want Daddy to find about you first, right? So you have to be good to your Mommy, little angel. Don't give me all that morning sickness. Mommy needs to work and take care of the company as well." She knew that she wouldn't be able to do all the work if she kept getting nauseous and tired.


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