My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 211: Not So Simple

Chapter 211: Not So Simple

Kace stared at the airship before him as he thought about his conversation with Vaskra the night before. It had never occurred to him that he was actually in a proper position of power now. Although it was still a minor one. He technically had his own forces, that were of course comprised of the Tu'Thrag goblins. It was natural that the others would not question that he would pledge himself to the goblin king.

However, the political situation amongst the monsters was not as accommodating as he had thought. As their army grew, leaders emerged within the various races. The goblins were the most numerous, and with their technological breakthroughs, they were quickly closing the strength gap between them and the other races. 

However, according to Vaskra, these leaders only deferred leadership to Shagrat because they believed Kace was working under him. In a way, he had been, until he left Stonefall. Since then he had no backing except Grugda, and later others joined him. Vaskra had warned him that the leaders would most likely question his loyalties once he arrived. It was something that they could not hope to do while he was absent.

Vaskra knew that Kace would eventually become an existence that would overshadow Shagrat. So it made no sense why he would pledge himself to his service. Surely the other races would also like to tempt him into serving them. It would increase their gains to have the Chimera under them once the world was liberated. 

They could claim that their faction made the most contributions, considering it was Kace's job to actually free the world. He began to rub his temples as a dull pain echoed in his head. Luckily, Vaskra had not pushed him for an answer. She was just warning him so that he could have some time to think about it.

She also carefully hinted that once the war was over, if he had his own independent faction, there would be nobody who would challenge his claim if he wanted to rule the world. However, Kace had no idea if he would want such a position. He had only been focused on getting stronger and his quests. He had never considered what would come afterwards! Well, apart from that time that he considered a large cave for himself when he retired. 

There was also the problem that many would try to tie him to their own cause. Hopefully marrying one of the females of their race off to him. This would essentially make him a part of the larger family that was their race. Earning them his protection once he became strong enough. Obviously, some who just planned to abuse it would be mixed in amongst them.

'As if things are not bad enough with Vaskra and Sophia at each other's throats. Never mind if they forced more on me!' Kace did not even want to consider a relationship with anyone! A bit of fun? Sure! If they were discreet about it. However, those hopes seemed to be dashed now. Who would be quiet about an illicit relationship with him if it could improve their standing?

There were many things for him to consider during the flight. It would be ideal if he could find a way to get himself out of completely pledging his loyalty to anyone. It would be even better if he could avoid being tricked into a marriage! 

The airship began to hum as it lowered its altitude. A boarding plank was slowly extended to the ground and landed with a dull thud. It was time for them to begin their journey, it was something that tied Kace's stomach in a knot. Everything about how they handled this war could change depending on what he decided upon his return.

Kace led the way onto the airship, seemingly unconcerned about the vibrations beneath his feet. Vaskra was used to it by now, so she was obviously the first to follow him. However, Grugda looked pale at the thought. He did not like the idea of having his connection with the earth severed. What if something happened? He would be unable to use the majority of his magic!

It had already been a problem for him when they crossed the sea. He had felt helpless at that time and was unwilling to experience that again! However, when he saw the tow vampires casually stroll up the plank, he gritted his teeth and followed them. Although, his steps were slow and his legs were shaking the entire time.

Kace watched him from the deck as a slight smirk appeared on his face. He was trying to suppress his laughter. Grugda was a good friend, making him feel bad just because he was not good with not having his feet on the ground would be terrible. Vaskra's group of monsters were the next to ascend, most of them just chatted as if they were out on a stroll. 

However, hell broke loose as Kace's group led by Shadow got a little overexcited. They raced up the plank, causing a chorus of curses to be thrown at them as more than a few fell off the plank due to their passing. Luckily, the fall was not a large one, so no injuries were incurred due to their misbehaviour. Kace could not help but smile at the excited faces they were making as they crowded the deck.

They were so used to living in a cave and had not experienced the joy of travelling through the air. So it was a bit like watching kids on an aeroplane travelling abroad for the first time. A door squeaked open from beneath the wheel of the ship. A female goblin stepped out from the interior seeing his eyes on her she blushed as she performed a quick bow towards him.

Her actions left him slightly confused as she walked towards Vaskra. The pair had a conversation that lasted a couple of minutes. However, Kace quickly tuned from listening when the new goblin blushed before asking Vaskra something he wished he never heard.

"That's him, right? The man you'll marry?"

"Of course! Can't you see how he's enthralled with my beauty!" Vaskra answered the jealous goblin.

Kace's face went pale, he had a feeling he would have to join those who would inevitably throw up when they discovered they suffered from travel sickness

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