My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 212: Room At The Table

Chapter 212: Room At The Table

Kace wiped his mouth carefully, he made sure to not be seen in his act of throwing up, so it did not damage his image. The deck beneath his feet vibrated softly as they rose into the air. The Island's scenery spread out before him, allowing him to see details that he never saw before.

Yul sat calmly outside the almost completed fortress that was based on the cliffs he had seen when he first arrived here. Giant creatures of all shapes and sizes could be seen lumbering around deep in the jungle and mountains. Kace shivered as he thought about the fact that they could have run into any one of them all that time ago. 

The cave that held the gate looked more like a small crater from up here. Though technically it was probably apt to call it that now. Since that was what a cave would become if the roof were removed. The ship continued to steadily gain altitude. Though it stopped before too long. They drew roughly even with the highest mountain peak on the island at the peak of their ascent. Meaning that most of its features below were still recognisable.

Kace glanced to his left only to discover Shadow and Lorget having some kind of competition. Both of them were dangling from the guardrails with their bodies on the exterior of the ship. The high winds were not exactly flattering towards Lorget as his signature dress was blown around revealing all. 

Apparently, the goblin had decided to completely forsake the need to wear pants beneath it anymore. So it was just another sight that Kace immediately wished that he never witnessed. The few female goblins on board seemed to be enraptured by their display of courage. However, the two competing males had disappointed expressions on their faces. 

This was because Vaskra had not even once looked in their direction. Instead, she labelled them as idiotic kids in her mind. She was completely unimpressed with their endeavours to gain her attention. She seemed completely comfortable in her chair, in fact, she was on the point of dozing off. There was not much for them to do during the trip anyway!

The sound of heels clicking against the deck entered Kace's ears as he became aware of Sophia and Dao approaching him. He turned with an inquisitive expression to face the duo, only for Sophia to nod in the direction of the door that led below deck. Kace immediately got the hint and followed after them. It was obvious that they wanted to talk about something in private.

Vaskra lazily opened her eye to cast a casual glance at them. However, seeing that Dao was accompanying them, she saw no need to interfere. It was not like the vampire princess would steal a march on her for Kace's affections with him present. 'No matter what you say to him, I'll win in the end!' Vaskra smiled at the thought before falling into a gentle sleep.

Meanwhile, Kace followed the vampires down the wooden staircase beyond the door. The interior was lit with metal lamps that held a magical light. Softly swaying with the motions of the airship. When they reached the next level, they chose one of the closer cabins to go into to have their chat. Kace was extremely curious as to what it was that they wished to discuss with him.

Inside the cabin, a bed was nailed to the floor in the back right of the room. There was an old-looking table next to it that was obviously meant to take meals at. This was especially true in their situation. Since most monsters would not bother with reading books or writing letters. Kace raised an eyebrow at Sophia as she sat on the bed and gestured towards the lone chair that accompanied the table.

"Please, sit." Her voice sounded anxious, which raised his concern to a new level.

"So? What's this about?" Kace asked dubiously as he took the offered seat and watched Dao lean against the cabin door with his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry to ask you this, but please hear me out."

"Go on." Kace leaned closer to her, his curiosity had definitely reached a new peak.

"It's about what will happen when we reach Stonefall. I've already heard about the power struggle and how precarious the situation is for the Goblin King."

Kace raised an eyebrow at this statement of hers. 'Why would the political situation bother her? It's not like we'll be sticking around their forever.' 

"We want to ask you to secure a seat for our race at the leaders' table." Sophia's voice was unusually timid as she said this.

'A Seat at the leaders' table? But there's only two of them! I doubt they would agree to this, surely she knows that! Who would even take that seat? Dao? Sophia knows that I'll need her by my side.' Kace's mind went into full throttle as he tried to discern their reasoning behind such a move. On top of that, why ask him? It was not like he had the authority to make sure it happened!

'She's probably thinking about the future.' Sylvan suddenly chimed in.

'What do you mean?' 

'Hm, well. What if her mother survived? What if there are other survivors? Of course, she would try to secure a place for her race and a seat of power. She's the only one who can ask for this right now. If they left it until later, they might not secure as much for their race.'

The conversation between them did not even last a minute. So the atmosphere in the cabin did not have enough time to become tense under his silence. He slowly nodded his head as he agreed with Sylvan's deduction. It was quite a selfish thing she was asking of him. However, he could understand it. Even if he did not believe that Sonja would return.

"I'll see what I can do," Kace replied slowly, holding up a hand to stop Sophia from becoming excited. "However, you should know that I can't promise anything"

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