My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 214: Homecoming

Chapter 214: Homecoming

Kace wanted nothing more than to hide in the background quietly as the airship began its descent. However, it seemed like a peaceful homecoming would never happen for him. Soon the cheers that had been aimed at Vaskra took a sudden turn. First, they began to notice the strange dark-skinned goblins hanging from the guardrails. Especially since they were doing all they could to get the females' attention in the crowd.

Soon, however, shocked gasps escaped from a select group in the crowd. These came from the Eljeins'. They had spotted Grugda hanging on near where the boarding plank would be let down. The crowd began to stare at them in confusion. It was, after all, just a single Eljein. However, most of those currently present did not know what Grugda looked like, so they had no reason to assume that the Eljein that they were staring at would, of course, be accompanied by the Chimera.

A ruckus began in the crowd's rear ranks, two towering treants began to push the crowd aside like they were nothing. Behind them came an honour guard composed of two Eljein, four Trolls, ten Orcs and Twenty Goblins. Each and every one of them was wearing their best equipment. The sight immediately caught the attention of some of the onlookers. As a new wave of surprise was sparked amongst them.

This was because walking right in the middle of the honour guard, was the Goblin King. He rarely left what the normal citizens called his palace. Even though it was just a large mansion. Nobody in the crowd could remember the King himself coming out to welcome Vaskra home any other time that she returned. So that could only mean one thing!

There was someone even more important on board the airship! A large number of the crowd reached the same speculation. Some had even begun to bet on who it would be. Most of these guesses were some of the monster tribe chiefs they knew were attempting to reach them. Judging from the dark-skinned goblins, well, it was safe to say that most were betting on a new goblin leader coming to serve Shagrat.

Most of the goblins in the crowd had become ecstatic seeing their dark-skinned brethren on board the airship. This meant that their numbers were about to grow again! Further solidifying their position in their nation! The crowd stared hungrily at the ship as it slowly lowered itself to sit on the platform. The vibrations of the great magical machine slowly died away.

The crowd held their breath at the same time, causing silence throughout the area. King Shagrats group had made their way to the front of the crowd. The honour guard spread out to flank both sides of where the boarding platform would land. Most of those present had now realised that this was not as simple as they had thought! Why would the King's Honour Guard take up a position to protect whoever was on the airship?

The first to appear on the other end was Vaskra, her chair had been fully prepared as she appeared as gracefully as she could to the crowd. Immediately loud cheers could be heard. This was the Witch of Stonefall! A celebrated hero to every citizen of the city. They would always be happy to see her return safely! As she made her way down to the dock, those that had followed her began to appear.

Their faces appeared solemn, this was a momentous occasion after all. They had to appear powerful and reliable. It was one of the best times for them to catch the eyes of potential suitors! Soon after this group reached the ground, a new formed to take their place. This was, of course, the Tu'Thrag goblins with Lorget leading their descent. More than one incredulous look was cast towards the strange creature in his frilly dress and a wide-brimmed hat.

Lorget naturally took these for looks of awe and respect. He was too caught up in the moment to realise that they were just surprised and had no idea how to react to his presence. However, as the last of them stepped onto the plank, the next to appear was Grugda. The Eljein in the crowd erupted into a round of applause. They knew how important their brethren was to the overall cause. However, most of them were eager to see the entity that would soon follow behind him.

However, they were caught off guard by the pair that stepped onto the ramp next. They looked like humans but radiated an immense sense of danger. They were graceful with every one of their movements. Only King Shagrat, the Treants and the Eljein recognised them for what they were. They had succeeded in their mission! They have returned with vampire envoys!

A new wave of excitement swept over the crowd who were in the know. This should mean a sharp increase in their combat capabilities and new reliable allies, after all! What was there not to celebrate! As Sophia and Dao reached the ground, they took up their positions beside Grugda, who was in the Tu'Thrag's formation centre.

Next came Shadow, he gave off a cold aura that was a clear warning to anyone that he would kill them without hesitation. Everyone immediately recognised his role in the proceedings. He was the personal guard of whatever powerful figure would be next to descend. Most of their eyes were fixed on the lethal shadowy scythe that he held as he maintained only a few steps worth of distance from his Lord.

The crowd went silent as that figure appeared. Women of different races, and even a few males, cast amorous glances towards him. He stood there, wrapped in an aura of power. There was a sharpness to it that unmistakable. It easily made him stand out as a veteran of many bloody battles. His amour strangely reflected the sunlight, his white hair with its single black streak swayed in the gentle breeze. 

His golden eyes scanned the crowd as he held Sylvan in his left hand. Many of the monsters thought that he looked like a mighty general or ruler. However, King Shagrat beamed at the newcomer with delight.

"WELCOME HOME! KACE!" Shagrat bellowed for all to hear.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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