My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 213: Changes In The Landscape

Chapter 213: Changes In The Landscape

"Who'd have. Thought it. Would take. Only a month. To return." Grugda sighed helplessly from his spot beside Kace. He was wearing a complicated expression on his face as he watched the sight of Stonefall growing in the distance.

Kace could understand his feelings. It had taken them a year to make the same journey on foot. Sure, they were chased from the heroes and could not take a direct route, but the airship's speed was still impressive. Since a week ago they had begun to see signs of how much influence the monsters had in this area now. 

They had flown directly over a small town that Vaskra had kindly informed them was now completely inhabited by Orcs. Since then, they had occasionally witnessed small groups dragging carts towards the direction of Stonefall. Apparently, these were resources that had been gathered from the many settlements. They essentially had the same purpose of taxes back on Earth.

No matter the world or races involved, any war was sure to be a costly thing. They had to think about supplying the front lines with food and water, new weapons and armour, and pretty much anything else that they would need. The highest cost would, of course, be manpower. It would be naive to believe that they were not suffering any casualties to gain this new freedom.

Kace wondered how many in the groups were planning on fighting on the front lines. He could guess that most Orcs would sign up to do so, but at the same time, he guessed those who were deemed too young would be put to work in hunting. Even though Vaskra had told them about the changes, there was a big difference when finally seeing it for yourself.

Kace was now eyeing the footprint of Stonefall on the landscape. He estimated that it had roughly grown to five times its original size. New walls were encompassing what could now be described as a city. These seemed to not only cover the perimeter, but the interior looked like it had been divided into districts.

'It's not at the same level as the vampire's city.' Kace was a little disappointed when he realised that. After all, the second hero army that had arrived there had easily overcome it. To powers like that, Stonefall literally meant nothing. They would have to spend a lot of time modifying the city and pushing the research into defensive methods to reach a safe enough standard. 

"Impressive isn't it!" Vaskra beamed at Kace as she drew up next to him.

"Sure, but it could be better," Kace replied he did not even bother to hide his lack of enthusiasm.

"Hmph! What do you know? This place has easily held off every army sent against it!" Vaskra retorted with displeasure.

Kace could only give her a sour-looking glance before turning his gaze back to the city. 'How would she feel if she saw what we witnessed? I doubt this city would still be standing if the heroes in the other countries weren't busy trying to put down the monsters that have risen up in their own domains.' He could only shake his head at the thought.

Basically, to Kace, they had only survived due to pure luck. Nothing more. Having a threat inside your borders was far worse than the one outside of them. He was certain that if the situation became contained within the surrounding countries, they would not waste any time invading with their own armies.

However, that confusion was exactly what was buying them time to grow. To survive and become smarter. To prepare for a long war. Obviously, there would be a lot of isolated monster domains in the other countries that were either being suppressed or had already been wiped out. Apparently, there were only one or two cities left in the humans' hands in this country. 

Once they were taken, then it would officially become a monster nation. How many tribes of various races would rush here at that point? Probably too many to count. The safety of large numbers and a unified army was too much to ignore. However, that would come with its own risks. They would have to expose themselves and cross the vast distance completely in the open to get here. 

Every country that they would have to cross over would be extremely hostile towards them. Kace lamented at the thought of the number of monsters that would be sacrificing themselves in their attempt to get here. They were no use to their plans if they were dead! It would be better if they just lay low for their nation to expand until they entered their territories!

However, Kace knew how impatient any sentient race could be. There was no doubt in his mind that they would most likely never even consider waiting until the journey became safer. Who could blame them? Everyone wanted to be free to live their own lives without hiding in the shadows, afraid to draw too much attention to themselves.

It did not take long for their ship to finally fly over the outer walls. Their speed had decreased slowly over time. Now it felt like they were going at a snail's pace. However, the sight below within the city was something that surprised Kace. As soon as they cleared the walls, the monsters gathered in the streets all cheered. Many of them had even begun to make their way to crowd the airship docks.

"They're here for me." Vaskra declared proudly when she saw the look on Kace's face. Then she pointed to a symbol that had been marked on the exterior of the ship. It looked like it was supposed to be a skull with wings.

Kace immediately realised what was going on. Vaskra had told him of her exploits during the war so far, so of course, she would be famous here. Obviously, that mark was personal to her. Allowing those dwelling in Stonefall to know of her return immediately.

"Don't worry, nobody but those who came with me, my army and the leaders knew that bringing you back was our objective." She flashed a toothy grin at him as she thought about the commotion that was sure to happen when the city learned of his return

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