My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 318: Mad Genius (2)

Chapter 318: Mad Genius (2)

"The hell?" Gyn glanced around at the familiar yet somewhat different view of Stonefall that he could see. "Who brought me back!"

Everyone stared at the angry, petite and naked goblin in shock. They could not believe that Kace had succeeded in bringing someone back from the dead. Shagrat wanted to rush forward and embrace his newly resurrected kinsman, but he was concerned for Kace's health since he had collapsed. As his eyes went to Kace, Gyn happened to notice it.

Gyn was like an angry wife who had just discovered that her man had been cheating on her as he stormed over to Kace's figure with Grugda standing beside him. Gyn frowned at the Eljein. Of course, he recognised him, but he had no clue who Kace was. This was only to be expected. After all, Kace looked a lot different too how he remembered him.

"You! Why would you bring me back!" Gyn grabbed the collar of Kace's armour and raised him up to look at him. "Do you have any idea what you've done! I was in the middle of a new invention when you did this! All those materials! My workshop! Everything is gone! Gods, you look like crap!"

Gyn went off on a rant that had the onlookers perplexed as they watched on. Nobody knew how to react to this scene. Gyn slapped Kace a few times to try and wake him up so that he could rant some more. However, when that failed, he dropped Kace so that his face slammed on the ground.

"Well, he's useless! Ok, you guys had better have replacements ready for me! Where's my workshop? Oh, clothes. I need some clothes. Right! You!" Gyn turned towards Grugda and looked as menacing as a goblin could look when faced with a monster much bigger than they were. "Fetch Kace and Kharja! Oh, and that little witch Vaskra as well, I suppose. I have so much to do!"

Grugda hesitantly glanced at Kace lying at Gyn's feet for a moment. "Kace is. Right there"

Gyn frowned before looking down at Kace again. "You sure? I don't remember him being so ugly! I mean Look at him! Does he think those horns and that ridiculous hair makes him look cool or something? Ah, forget him for now then! You! Take him inside. I'll deal with him later!"

Shagrat glared at Gyn. "Who do you think you are to order your King around!"

"Shagrat?" Gyn gasped before glancing over Shagrat's figure once again. "Damn, you got fat! Ok, well, you better hurry and get him inside. He obviously needs to rest. I'll be sure to have something ready to punish him once he wakes up."

Shadow was unsure what he should do in this situation. This goblin was clearly threatening his Lord, but Kace had gone to great lengths to resurrect him, so he must be important. Shadow decided to take himself out of this awkward atmosphere by taking it upon himself to get Kace somewhere safe.

"Oh! See! He gets it. Shame on you! Ok, now take me to my workshop." Gyn had no shame as he admonished Shagrat and looked at Grugda. 

'Did this guy lose his mind while he was dead?' Shagrat was grinding his teeth in frustration as he stared at Gyn, but he had no other choice but to lead the obnoxious runt to the area where new airships were being built. After all, Shagrat recognised the value that Gyn could bring to them. Along the way, he was forced to get some clothes for his kinsman, who was happily looking around at the town while his green stick waved about.

"Oh! Look at this! You guys went and discovered furnaces and how to use other metals while I was gone! I'm slightly impressed. But see this and this? You could definitely improve these parts. I'll be sure to lecture the craftsmen later." Gyn was eagerly pointing out defective parts on anything that he had found. 

Shagrat was close to throttling Gyn as he stopped to point out something else for the umpteenth time within just a few streets. Grugda followed along behind them with Vaskra, who was quietly seething. Gyn had failed to recognise her due to her wheelchair, so she had heard his insult and was now contemplating how to get away with murder.

As they neared the docks, one of the airships just happened to be there at that point. Shagrat felt somewhat smug when the sight of the behemoth finally shut Gyn up. 'Maybe now he'll realise that we can actually get things done without him!'

"No!" Gyn screamed after he finally finished studying it. "What have you done! You've completely butchered it!"

"Huh?" Shagrat glanced at him in confusion.

"Look! You haven't optimised those cannons! What about its weight! Oh god. You used defective materials, didn't you!" Gyn rounded on Shagrat with a furious expression.

"We just followed the instructions that YOU left behind!" Shagrat roared back. He had finally lost it with this little green shit!

"What I left behind?" Gyn frowned in confusion. "No wonder you fucked it up! That was just a rough draft! It was never meant to be used! Do you really think I would the finished stuff just laying around for you guys to rob me? Of course not! Don't worry, I'm here now. I can totally fix your incompetence."

Grugda could not help himself and chuckled in response to Gyn's rant. He was clearly still the same Gyn that he remembered, just a bit more eccentric than he remembered now. 'Hm. Kace was. Right. We need. Someone like. Him.' 

Gyn threw up his hands in exasperation as he caught sight of the building where the council was producing its war weapons. It seemed like he had plenty to say just about the design of the building alone. The goblin ran towards it, screaming his head off, and Shagrat felt a headache brewing. Somehow, he could just imagine the number of complaints that were about to be directed towards him in the recent future. 

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