My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 319: Mad Genius (3)

Chapter 319: Mad Genius (3)

"When's he going to wake up! He's got a lot of explaining to do!" Shagrat's voice sounded shrill as he screamed at Grugda.

The Eljein glanced at Kace and checked him over. He had administered several different potions to Kace over the past three days. However, he had no idea what was actually ailing him. Grugda had to deal with Shagrat's complaints every day since they had resurrected Gyn. The eccentric goblin had pretty much managed to piss off every craftsman in the town.

"He's awake. He's just pretending." Grugda broke out in a broad grin as he sold Kace out. When he checked the Chimera out just now, he was able to spot the signs that Kace had recovered.

"Damn it, Grugda! You could have waited until he was gone." Kace groaned. He had heard Shagrat complaining about Gyn's antics and did not want to deal with him until he had spoken with Gyn personally.

"What do you mean, wait until I'm gone! This mess is your fault! Take some damn responsibility!" Shagrat growled at Kace.

"Look, is he actually helping out? Is he improving anything?" Kace sighed as he glanced at Shagrat wearily.

"Well Yes! But that's not the point! You need to talk some sense into him. He can't just go around offending everyone!" Shagrat appeared at his wit's end, but Kace had no sympathy for him. As far as he was concerned, dealing with a few complaints was a good trade-off for having someone like Gyn around.

"I'll try and talk to him, but I won't make any promises." Kace finally agreed to Shagrat's pleading. However, he had no intentions of offending Gyn by actually bringing it up. He just wanted Shagrat to stop his whining.

"I'll leave it to you then. I've had to leave Vaskra with him to prevent others from bashing his skull in. But I think Vaskra is close to doing it herself." Shagrat rolled his eyes. "Oh, once you've dealt with the menace, you need to come by and explain things to the council. I'm sure you realise that what you've achieved has kicked up a fuss."

"Sure, sure. I'll be over once I've taken care of a few things." Kace waved the Goblin King out of his chambers. "Grugda, do you think the way Gyn is acting is a side effect of being resurrected? He was always not quite right, but it sounds like he's gotten a lot worse."

"I think. So. He keeps talking. About an. Afterlife. Where everything. Was just. How he always. Wanted." Grugda paused while he rubbed his chin. "You know. He's quite. Angry with you."

"I guess he would be if I dragged him away from something like that. But I bet he's loving the challenge of having to work with whatever we have to hand." Kace burst out laughing as he thought about the face that Gyn was probably making right about now as he examined something. "Give me a moment, and I'll meet you outside."

As Grugda left the manor, Kace hopped out of bed and readied himself. He was feeling rather happy right now. He could not wait to properly talk to his old friend again. 'If there really is an afterlife, does that mean Gyn has had plenty of time to come up with something new?'

Kace's grin broadened on his face as he thought about that. After all, it meant that Gyn might just prove to be more beneficial than he initially thought. Kace quickly met6 up with Grugda and joined the Eljein on a trip through the town to track down Gyn. However, Kace noticed that more than one angry gaze was directed at him in passing.

'I guess these are Gyn's victims.' Kace sighed. He could easily imagine that Shagrat had rightfully blamed him for releasing Gyn on the unsuspecting citizens. 'They'll thank me later once Gyn proves his worth to everyone.'

As they reached the docks, Kace noticed a crowd of goblins and orcs waiting outside the nearby building. Kace frowned at that sight because he somewhat instinctively felt that the gathering was due to Gyn somehow. Grugda chuckled by his side as he eyed the crowd. It seemed like Kace was about to deal with the first bunch of monsters that were upset.

"Is Gyn in there?" Kace asked as he caught the attention of one of the orcs that seemed to wear something that was supposed to be work clothes.

"You mean that arrogant little prick? Yeah, he's in there. Are you going to do something about him?" The orc growled unfazed by Kace.

"Depends. What's he done to you guys?" Kace raised an eyebrow towards the door that they were all staring at.

"I'll tell you what he's done! He ordered us to bring the airship inside to receive some upgrades. Naturally, we were all excited to work with him once we found out who he was. But as soon as it was brought in, he showed us all out!" The orcs tone gradually became more furious as he recalled those events. "He said that mediocre minds would only result in the airship becoming faulty! I've no idea what mediocre means, but it pisses me off for some reason!"

Kace had to stile a chuckle as he heard that. After all, it seemed like Gyn had pegged them pretty well. So far, these guys had just been following what he had left behind when he passed away. Any modifications that were done were only minor and to replace something that they did not understand.

"I'll talk to him for you. See if he's willing to teach you or something while you work. Does that sound good?"

"Sure If you can even get in! He barricaded the door to prevent any interruptions, he said! I'm telling you, you've got no chance of getting in there!"

"Wait, isn't Vaskra in there with him?" Kace asked in surprise. After all, she should be able to handle him. What could he possibly to her when she had magic at her disposal.

"Oh sure, she's in there alright. But we haven't heard her at all since yesterday!"

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