My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 232 The tattoo of a memory

Chapter 232 The tattoo of a memory

Author’s Note: Trigger warning. There’s almost no comedy in this scene. It’s quite serious. I’m not going to give away what happens but it’s a very traumatic experience for a woman so if you can’t handle that, you can consider skipping it.


It was hard for someone not to like a cheerful, friendly girl who was kind to everyone, but when that like grew too strong, even such a spirited girl couldn’t avoid getting broken.


The school bell rang as she collected her books with a smile. She couldn’t wait to leave class to walk home. After all, it was such a beautiful day outside, and she always got so much enjoyment from listening to the birds sing at this hour. Plus, there were still the cookies her mom baked last night. ’Mmmm...chocolate chip.’ She licked her lips thinking about them, before getting distracted by a voice nearby.

"H-hey..." A boy with short dirty-blonde hair appeared there, holding his head down as he called out to her.

"Ryan! What’s up?" she greeted with a bright grin, which soon changed into an expression of concern. ’Why does he look so nervous?’ She noticed him fidgeting with his fingers and gazing around with uncertainty.

"What’s the matter? Are you okay?" she asked. Knowing his penchant for getting into trouble, she became a little worried now, wondering if he’d found his way into something bad again.

"I-I’m fine..." Despite saying that, he continued acting a bit odd.

Yey, even though he was still twitchy, her tense shoulders relaxed a bit when he said that because she believed he’d never lie to her. Whenever something bad happened, he always told her first, and she listened with patience every time, trying to help him figure it out. They were best friends since they were little, after all.

Although Ryan got into fights and received school discipline often, she knew he had a good heart, and trusted him as much as she trusted anyone, including her parents. She only wished things between them would stay that way forever. Although, since the past summer, that was becoming more difficult.

He’d been a little more distant since then and it upset her, even more so because she didn’t know why. That had been a weird season for her in general, having grown into her female body for the first time, developing curves everywhere, although modest.

After that, she noticed the boys glancing at her differently, and despite trying to ignore it, Ryan’s eyes were sometimes like that too--strange, and hazy... She’d been wanting to talk to him about it, to see if they could continue on the way they were before: talking on the phone every night before bed, finishing each other’s sentences, laughing at jokes in class. Sharing those moments was one of the highlights of her life.

"C-come with me. I want to t-talk to you," Ryan mumbled while gazing at his feet.

Hearing this, she spread a wide smile. This would be the perfect chance to have that chat that’s been on her mind. "Okay!" So, putting her books in her schoolbag and getting up, she followed him out of class.

Five minutes later, when he brought her to another part of the teaching building where there weren’t any students, she followed in silence, waiting with patience for him to tell her what was bothering him. She knew Ryan would brood sometimes, and the best way to deal with it was giving him space until he was ready to open up. Then, after he led her into a classroom, he stopped at last, and turned to face her.

As she gave him a smile to make him feel comfortable telling her anything, when she saw his face, her smile became a bit stiff. ’Why’s he looking at me like that?’

His eyes were different than she’d remembered seeing, ever...with dilated pupils, scanning up the white stockings on her legs, gazing at her in a way that made her very uncomfortable. He looked animal...

*Tap* *Tap *Tap* *Tap*

Out of nowhere, a handful of other boys entered the classroom behind her...


"Great, you brought her!"

"Haha, I didn’t believe he’d do it, but here she is!"

The boys jeered as they surrounded her on all sides...looking at her, with those same eyes that Ryan showed.

Her heart was thumping now. She could feel it in her throat... With a shaky voice, she glanced at him, her best friend. "R-Ryan...what is this?"

Yet, he didn’t hear her. With a wide grin, he only licked his lips, staring at her chest, like she was a chocolate chip cookie...

The next moment...was when the first boy struck...

Pulling her school bag off her shoulder with force, he tossed it to the side.


It landed against the wall, provoking a round of laughter that rang in her ears, surrounding her, suffocating her...

Then, more strikes came.

One pulled her jacket down...

Another puller her arms out of her sleeves...

One hugged her from behind...

They grabbed and clawed...soon ripping the buttons off her white dress shirt...

Exposing the white bra she’d only learned to wear recently...

And starting touching her...

She didn’t know if she was breathing anymore...she couldn’t tell... She just kept trying to move her lips, attempting to mouth the words, a silent scream for help saying only one thing: ’’

She couldn’t say them though...because he was the one violating her the most...

Yet, the pain in her body was the least of it...

And soon, she was on her back, on the cold ground...

All she could hear was howls and noises...

All she could see were those eyes...his eyes...the gaze of an animal...

As Ryan tried to undo his pants and lie down above her, another boy did the same, causing Ryan to push him away.

"I said I get first!" Ryan roared like a beast. Then, he climbed on top of her...

She could feel his heavy weight pinning her, pressing her down...It was a weight she used to rely on, now--crushing her...

With her eyes blinded by tears, she tried to make a final cry. "R-Ry—"

When his name began to leave her lips though, he frowned, and put a hand over her mouth...

Then, his face turned back into a manic grin, as he finished pulling his pants down...

Her consciousness began to escape somewhere else...anywhere, anywhere but there...and as she closed her eyes, she saw that beautiful scene outside she’d longed for...

It was the last thing she remembered seeing that day.

Though, she did recall hearing something, a yell from adult’s shout. "What the hell are you boys doing?!?"


"KYAAAAAAAAA!" Her upper body shot up from the futon on the bed, sweating and heaving. It took a few seconds before she got her bearings... ’It was that nightmare again.’

That event’s haunted her ever since; the day a bunch of schoolboys tried to act out a scene from a hentai they watched but forgot adults existed...

She was fortunate a janitor discovered them before anything happened. After that, the boys were arrested, including...him...

That didn’t make her feel any better though. She thought she’d grow accustomed to it one day, but that day didn’t seem to be getting any closer. Although she lost count long ago of the number of times she woke up screaming from it, she hadn’t suffered it in a while. Yet, here it was again, and this time, in front of a stranger.

Catching her breath, she looked at the other girl in the larger bed, who she startled awake. ’Her name’s Monica, if I remember right.’

She wondered why Monica was staring at her with a dropped jaw, until she glanced down and noticed her shirt had slipped off, revealing the compression minimizer bra underneath, the one to flatten her chest. Turning pale, she hurried to correct her top.

"Y-you..." Monica’s eyes were bulging, in complete disbelief.

She wasn’t the only one rattled this morning though. Soon, a large man opened the door and looked inside. He looked around in concern, before addressing Monica, "Are you all right?"

She paused for a second, before replying. "I’m fine, just a nightmare. Sorry..."

Then, he glanced at the other girl in the room. "You cool, Chuck?"

Swallowing, she replied. "I’m good, Beluga. No worries..."


*Author’s Note: I bet you didn’t see that coming. Fooled you...

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