My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 233 New beginnings, changing times, and culinary crimes

Chapter 233 New beginnings, changing times, and culinary crimes

When Beluga left, Chuck squinted at Monica, wondering why she took responsibility for the scream.

Seeing this, Monica smiled. "So this is why you were so shy and panicked last night..."

Chuck looked at the ground, then spoke with a pitch that was a little higher than yesterday. It was her natural voice. "Sorry... Yea, I’ve...never actually gotten this far with a girl."

"Why dress up as a guy?"

Chuck sighed. "It’s a long story..."

"Well, I’d love to hear it."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Chuck decided to share a little. "I get lonely...but...something happened to me once, and I couldn’t trust men after. No, I became terrified of even touching them... So I thought maybe...I’ll try dating girls, but...being reserved, I didn’t know how to approach them either. Then, I found a group of guys online, who I could hang out with, and with whom I could speak to women."

She bit her lip. "But I didn’t think they’d accept me as a girl. So I started dressing this way, and found it helped me open up more too. When I’m in men’s clothes, it’s like they see me differently; I feel like they don’t want anything from me. And I see them in another way too. The tension’s gone, so I don’t have the same fear...

I can even touch them without...triggering my issues; Something I couldn’t deal with no matter how hard I tried before. I hoped I could bring some of this into the rest of my life, but so far, it hasn’t happened..."

Then, she smiled. "The guys aren’t bad either, a bit weird but, they’re funny... I enjoy my time with them, so..." She stared at Monica with her big eyes, showing a pleading expression like a hungry puppy. "Please, you can’t tell anyone..."

Monica got up from the bed and came to sit next to her on the futon, prompting Chuck to move her contact lens case before Monica sat on it.

She patted Chuck’s back and smiled. "Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me... You sure are cute as Chuck though, but that can’t be your real name, right?"

Chuck brushed back her hair with her fingers, as she tried to recover the slicked-back style which had come undone over the course of sleeping. Blushing, she shook her head.

"What’s your name, dear?"

After a long pause, she answered. "I-its...Charlotte."


A while later, Ben, Beluga, and Antonio were sitting in a booth at a diner near Beluga’s house. The smell of coffee, orange juice and eggs permeated the air as they prepared to order their breakfast, a victory feast of sorts.

The girls were gone already, having gotten picked up by a friend after waking up in various states of ’what the f*ck?’

The rooster crow of the drunk slut...

Chuck also went home after saying he didn’t feel well. So, that left the three guys. "That was some night." Ben rolled his shoulders back in a stretch as he leaned back against the red upholstery.

Next to him, Antonio nodded as he sipped on his chocolate milk with honey and lemon. "Yea, that’s why they say Latrine’s the best place to piss in..."

Picking up his coffee on the other side of the booth, Beluga also thought so. "The quality of the females was indeed notable."

Ben’s preferences were different though. "I still prefer the smaller bars like Domina. They’re more intimate, with less nonsense like what happened with the VIP."

On that note, Beluga couldn’t help recalling many things as he gazed at Ben. It amazed him how much Ben changed in a couple of short months. Beluga still remembered teaching the fat boy to open women, and how Ben failed hundreds of times before getting any semblance of success. Now, this 18 year old even pulled off a miracle play in the top club of Manhattan that he shouldn’t have even been in.

It didn’t become any less shocking each time he thought about it.

First, Ben cleared the VIP somehow, which Beluga still didn’t understand. In the boy’s words, he weaponized his anus and launched a nuclear beefwalk...

The truth was a matter of debate, but amazing either way. Then, Ben pulled that set of girls back to the house, leading to all of them closing, which was unthinkable. Yet, it wasn’t only that.

He was dating multiple beautiful girls, developed his body, and even got a job at a great company. This pace of development, somehow made Beluga feel a bit uneasy. It forced him to compare his own life to Ben’s, and realize that in many areas, he’d have to admit he was lacking...

A few moments later though, Beluga smiled and shook his head. ’What am I thinking about? I don’t need all those things. A real player can get women with game only. Everything else is a waste of time.’

Then, he placed his coffee down as his face became serious. ’I need to be careful. I almost slipped up there...’ Exhaling, he closed his eyes and repeated something in his head several times. ’Never doubt the sect. The scriptures are correct. Never doubt the sect. The scriptures are correct...’

At that moment, a waiter approached their table. "You ready to order food now boys?

Hearing this, Antonio’s face lit up as he hurried to go first. "Let me get some bacon with peanut butter on the side..."

The waiter’s eye twitched but he wrote it down.

Antonio continued. "Oh, and you got cereal? Froot Loops? Yea, let me some get some pancakes, covered in Froot Loops..."

"What the hell are you ordering?" Ben couldn’t listen anymore. It was worse than ordering lobster at a diner...

Beluga also frowned in disapproval.

"What? It’s my food! Mind your business!"

Ben sneered. "You’re right. I need the energy. After all, you seemed real ’tired’ last night..."

Gritting his teeth, Antonio slapped the table. "I told you! It’s not that I finished fastest! I held her mouth closed cause the moans were hurtin’ my ears! I put her in silent mode!"


Ben cringed. "Oh, so that wasn’t you who yelled ’Fittin’ to cum?’"


"I always yell that!" Antonio was doubling-down...

Soon, they were tugging on each other’s shirts, forcing Beluga to get their attention with a dramatic gesture. He lifted a knife above his head, and stabbed it into the counter!

*Snap* Or he tried to but it broke because it was plastic.


Meanwhile, the waiter watched all this with a dead face. ’F*ckin kill me now...’

He closed his eyes and dreamed of oblivion...

’If my acting career doesn’t take off soon...’ The waiter opened his eyes and stared at the broken plastic knife, thinking it would look great lodged in his brain...

Anything to get away from these three...


*Author’s Note: Charlotte? Bet you didn’t see that coming again. Fooled you twice...

So, this is the official end of volume 2, which is a sub-volume of the larger volume I originally planned to publish as volume 2. Once I started writing from my outline, I realized volume 2 would go for 600 chapters or more, so I broke it down into sub-volumes to make them a more manageable length. Right now, I have 1000-2000 chaps of an outline in medium-detail planned for this story. There’s more info on the next volume in the author’s thoughts section following this.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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