My Succubus System

Chapter 91: Chapel Of Demons (1)

Chapter 91: Chapel Of Demons (1)

“Hello..Ogthin.” Agni responded. “I’m Agni, by the way.” She added.

The man known as Ogthin bowed his head in her direction ever so slightly before turning to address Vivian once again.

“This one has a familiar she wishes to awaken. As you can see, she’s only rank 0 but I think she’s more than qualified to at least visit the Adventurer’s city.” Vivian said to Ogthin. He glanced over at Agni once more as if to reassess her.

“I see. Well, the Demonic Chapel takes care of our own so the reason is irrelevant. Besides, it’s always a pleasure to meet a Leviathan class.” Ogthin said.

*Leviathan?* Agni thought, though she didn’t voice her question.

“Indeed.” Vivian simply responded with a nod of her head.

Agni was beginning to feel a bit confused by the conversation, she felt as if she was being excluded via inside knowledge. At times like this Katrin would definitely chime in and ask a well timed question.

“Well, it won’t do to keep you two ladies outside like this. I’ll allow the young one in since it’s her first time, as for you Vivian Lex– could you please present your coin?” Ogthin asked as he prepared to open the gate, apparently his request was just a formality. He waved his hand, prompting the gate to slide apart before Vivian even presented an old, black coin.

The coin itself resembled something that had been burned in a fire, it had traces of silver within it and the insignia of a demon’s head in the center.

Ogthin nodded and motioned for the two adventurers to follow him as the gate opened fully.

“Only adventurers who have demonic blood are allowed to enter the Demonic Chapel.” Vivian explained as she followed Ogthin, Agni falling in just behind her.

“Oh.” This answered one of Agni’s more pressing questions, which was why Katrin was not allowed to come. Even if she had, there would have been no way for her to enter the building.

“I didn’t know chapels could be exclusive.” Agni remarked.

“They are few and far between, young succubus.” Ogthin responded this time as he neared the front entrance of the Demonic Chapel. Upon closer inspection the building was made of stone marbled with grey and black which caused the structure to look like charcoal from a distance.

“You’re very observant.” Ogthin remarked as he observed Agni as she inspected the building’s composition.

“Hmm?” She didn’t feel as if she was doing anything which would win praise, thus Agni was caught off guard.

“This building is a mix of dark materials. Sulphur, onyx, sodalite and various others. The construction is used to both trap and contain energy. As a demon yourself, I’m sure you’ve realized that you’re very in tune with the auras of others. A person’s intent, their emotions — it manifests in many different ways but this is a common trait amongst demonkin.”

“Trap energy?” Agni asked.

“Indeed. For demonic classes that feed off the energy of others its best not to let even a morsel go to waste. The structure of this building allows the latent energy to stick around long enough for it to be processed.” Ogthin further explained as the pair of ladies followed him into the building and he closed the large, red wood doors behind them with a wave of his hand.

*I never expected something like that to be the meaning behind a black building.* Agni thought, but that single thought was easily pushed to the back of her mind within an instant of stepping into the chapel.

A wave of energy consumed her, it was almost as if a rush of air passed by. Agni’s eyes took on a ferociously pink glow as her body tensed up for a few moments.

*This is..someone’s lust.* Agni thought as she cast her gaze around the reception area of the chapel. The same black marble compositions were used for various tall columns which reached upwards to the ceiling. A long, red carpet extended the length of the room leading towards a magnificently sculpted statue. The floor was checkerboard, white and black with minute gold trimming laced less than half a centimeter away from each plate’s edge.

In the far corner of the reception area, this was where Agni’s senses led her gaze as her tail swished to and fro uncontrollably.

Ogthin watched all of this as it occurred, he anticipated it in fact. It was a secret pleasure of his, watching the reaction of new demonkin the first time they set foot in a “pandora’s box”. The “box of sin” as some other demons called it, was essentially a construct that helped to contain latent energy.This was exactly in line with Ogthin’s earlier explanation.

The difference between this and any other box was that the Demonic Chapel spared no expense. That, coupled with the chapel’s blessings, allowed any demonkin within the chapel’s walls to enjoy a 95% increase in the amount of energy they could enjoy. Ogthin imagined this to be like a drug, and this wasn’t far from the truth. He wondered if Agni had ever experienced such pure “lust” before.

Vivian as well reacted, having set foot in the Demonic Chapel for the first time in over three years or so. Her eyes, which always resembled a fox’s took on a certain glow. Her canines lengthened, as did her fingernails — they now resembled claws.

Ogthin allowed the ladies a few moments to adjust to the sensations bombarding their bodies and minds before ushering them through the reception area. Agni couldn’t help but stare as they went along. There were several people on either side of her, all different and preoccupied with their own endeavors. What’s more she found it strange that no matter how much she stared none of them seemed to register her presence — or even care.

Agni’s eyes were immediately drawn to an act of exhibitionism, the lust energy emanated from there. The sounds of moans filled the air as a woman busily bounced on a young man’s lap. His cock was thick and bulging, Agni could see as much from the way her body gripped his shaft. She seemed to be totally engrossed, oblivious to the fact that anyone else was present, save her and her beau. The man was obviously not ordinary, his appearance was a bit shocking. His skin was fair and peach colored while he was simultaneously marked from head to toe with long black stripes. They ran all the way down his body, making him resemble a candy cane in some aspects. Even his dick bore the marks, a fact that Agni couldn’t help but notice.

*I’m totally eye fucking his dick. Wow.* She had mixed feelings about the spectacle after all, still she couldn’t help but stare. The woman bouncing on his rod was totally normal it seemed, an adventurer class magician. The man on the other hand was an Incubus.

“A sex demon, similar to yourself.” Ogthin explained, almost as if he’d been observing Agni as they walked along.

“Incubus?” She echoed, her curiosity having been piqued.

“A sort of sleep demon. He can use his abilities to create a hypnotic state in his victims. While under the illusion granted by an incubus, a person’s most coveted fantasy will play out. During that time the incubus feeds.” Ogthin explained.

*And by feed he means fuck.” Shula’s voice echoed in Agni’s mind. Agni couldn’t help but agree, the woman seemed to be awake, but upon closer inspection her eyes held a completely blank stare. She seemed to be riding on auto-pilot. Literally.

The trio made their way out of the reception area and to an even larger room, one which seemed to be a lounge area of sorts. There were even more demonkin in this area and most were conversing. The moment Agni and Vivian walked through the door all eyes were on them, a stark contrast from the previous room. Agni suddenly felt nervous, though she couldn’t rightly explain why. It was as if an overbearing pressure had fallen upon her.

“Don’t mind them. They are probably wondering why a zero ranker, regardless of class, would be allowed into the chapel. The truth is one must usually reach rank one or higher to enter.” Ogthin said, once more, as if he could read Agni’s thoughts.

Thankfully it didn’t take long for the trio to leave this room, they made a left at a long hallway and entered into a side room. After knocking and being allowed to enter, the scent of old scrolls and books lay heavy in the atmosphere. The room that appeared before them was one stacked with piles of books, parchments, maps and scrolls. The stacks were so high that Agni felt she might be buried with one wrong step. Fortunately a green and gold colored carpet led the way to a desk situated near the far wall of the room.

“What is it?” Another man’s voice asked. There, almost hidden behind three large piles of paper was another demonkin. His horns resembled Ogthin’s in the sense that they were spiral ram style, but not nearly as impressive. His hair was like a mane almost, well groomed but thick nonetheless. He was also older, appearing to be in his early fifties or sixties, with a grey mustache and beard. His glasses were also round, yet the lenses were so thick that Agni couldn’t rightly see his pupils.

“Well?” He asked impatiently as he finally looked up from an unfurled scroll on his desktop.

“The Leviathan here would like to summon her familiar.” Ogthin said, seemingly unperturbed by the other’s impatience. The robed man got to his feet, he was dressed in something that a scholar might wear — baggy, free flowing robes.

Unlike Ogthin his posture was a mess, the man hunched over slightly as he stepped forward from around his desk to inspect Agni. He drew so close that Agni could almost feel his breath upon her skin. Thankfully his hygiene was impeccable, he didn’t smell at all like he looked.

*Do older people even have a smell?* Agni wondered to herself as she tried not to show just how awkward she felt currently.

*Yes. Yes, they do.* Shula responded.

“Hmm. Very well.” The impatient, older man replied with a wave of his hand. Give me a moment and we can perform the sacrifice.

“T-the what?” Agni echoed upon hearing his words.

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