My Succubus System

Chapter 92: Chapel Of Demons (2)

Chapter 92: Chapel Of Demons (2)

“You should probably explain things a bit more….properly, Ergthen.” Ogthin piped up, presumably because he sensed Agni’s growing alarm.

“Why should I do that? A sacrifice is a sacrifice. There’s not much else to call it.” The old demonkin in the green and gold trim robes responded in kind.

Ogthin sighed deeply before turning to address Agni.

“Familiars require payment to persist in this world. Once you provide that payment you can summon them. This is the ‘sacrifice’ my brother is speaking of.”

Agni’s mind went blank for a moment, as if a lightbulb went on in her mind.

“Ah! You two DO look alike!” She exclaimed.

Ogthin simply smiled while Ergthen seemed irritated by the comparison.

“Regardless.” Ergthen said in order to get back on track. “You will need to sacrifice something in order to call your familiar.”

“I see. Like…what?” Agni then asked, growing more curious by the moment.

“What your familiar requires is a mystery. However, we have a way to determine this beforehand. For that, I’ll need you to follow me err–your name is?”

“Agni. Agni Heartfyre.” She responded.

“Very well young Leviathan. Follow me.” Ergthen commanded as she began to briskly follow a secondary path between the towers of books. It led away from his desk further into the room.

“What’s a Leviathan?” Agni decided to ask the question which lingered in her mind upon hearing the word.

“Mmm. Well..” Ogthin began to speak but he was abruptly cut off by his brother, Ergthen.

“A Leviathan is a type of demon. You could call it a hierarchy of sorts. The lowest tier is called Nephilim, and it is to be considered the most common type of demonkin. Next is Behemoth tier demonkin, and finally Leviathan tier which can be considered among the most powerful.” Ergthen explained.

“That’s up for debate.” Ogthin responded, Agni detected a certain edge to his voice and she got the distinct impression he was agitated by having been interrupted.

“It’s not up for debate. The strongest demons to ever live were Leviathans.” Ergthen countered.

“That depends on your definition of strength…” Ogthin countered.

“Perhaps..” Vivian interjected, partially to avoid more back and forth, ” You could explain the differences between the three. It would be easier for her to understand.”

“Hmmph.” Ergthen grunted while Ogthin simply smirked. The walk to their destination was not long. Thus Ergthen continued his explanation as he guided them.

“Nephilim are your average demon. They exist more as feral entities generally, preying upon the weak of body or mind. That’s not to say demonkin are evil, because something like that is largely subjective. What’s good to one person is generally bad to someone else across the spectrum of existence. This has been historically proven time and time ag–“

“Could you, perhaps just get on with the actual explanation?” Orgthin’s emphasis on the word *actual* was enough to win a scowl from his brother. Nevertheless Ergthen did as suggested.

“Behemoths are considered a step up from Nephilim. Vastly superior in strength, agility or toughness — sometimes all aspects. Leviathan are on a different level entirely once they reach their peak. Leviathan are able to wield what are known as ‘vices’, I’m sure as a Succubus you’d know something about that.” Ergthen stopped walking once he found what he was looking for. A stone pedestal with an ornate, black leather book. Agni’s gaze couldn’t help but fixate on the cover. It resembled something like dragon’s scale — at least what she imagined such a thing to resemble.

“More to the point of why Leviathan are the most powerful of all demonkin, most demons have what you would call an affinity. These don’t generally exist as magical affinities like flame or water, but preferences on how a demonkin obtains the energy that empowers them. The most common affinity for a demon is fear. It’s why many demonkin look fearsome to others, simply by having this genetic feature they fulfill the requirement for gathering energy with their affinity.

For example, as a Ram Demon I gather my energy from the acquisition of knowledge. Rather, I don’t need to study, I must simply collect knowledge in its physical forms — the learning is secondary for me.” Ergthen explained as he pointed to the rows and rows of scrolls and books which filled the room. Indeed, he had many more than bookshelves and most of them seemed untouched for quite some time. In addition, there were many smaller pieces of parchment, some as small as scraps. Agni’s examination of Ergthen’s adventurer class simply described him as a Rank 3 Keeper.

*So..just collecting knowledge on…anything at all works for him? Isn’t that like extreme hoarding?* Agni thought to herself.

Ogthin chuckled right about this time. Ergthen ignored it and continued.

“Leviathans have this trait, but it manifests as what we call ‘vices’. Vices are traits that all living beings share and as such Leviathans can manipulate or sometimes completely control these vices as they wish. You for example, once you’ve done some growing — will be able to inspire a raging lust in most anyone with but a thought. But that is not what makes Leviathans so impressive.” Ergthen continued the process of blowing Agni’s mind.

“Leviathans also have the capability to affect hundreds or even thousands of targets with their abilities at once. This, coupled with the fact that nearly all Leviathans also have natural affinities to magic as well, make them most formidable.”

“Indeed, that’s true.” Vivian said after hearing the full explanation, apparently she was learning something new as well.

“So why then do you say that it’s up for debate as to which tier of demon is strongest?” Vivian directed the question at Ogthin who was patiently listening to his brother’s explanation.

“That’s because, in order for a Leviathan to reach that level of power, it generally takes dozens or sometimes hundreds of years–if ever.” Ogthin replied.

“That’s not exactly accurate. And you know it.” Ergthen responded, his words seemed measured as if he wanted to say more but a gaze from his brother seemed to silence him on the matter. Agni picked up on this but didn’t necessarily feel curious about it so she ignored it.

“Behemoth types have impressive physical abilities from the start and the more they grow this only spirals into the realm of ludicrous. A single behemoth demonkin is often enough to solo a blood shard, and a mid level one at that.” Ogthin elaborated even more.

At this, Agni’s eyes widened. She tried to imagine the type of formidable strength it would require to completely destroy dozens if not hundreds of Grimlock by herself. It was something currently unfathomable to her.

Despite this, Ergthen’s earlier assertion that she would one day be able to affect hundreds with her power was very…attractive to her. Would she one day be able to compel more than a single person? Her power seemed weak when she compared it to fireballs or tornadoes of spiraling flame — still…..

Ergthen seemed annoyed by his brother’s words though he couldn’t necessarily refute them.

“In any case. You are a Leviathan tier demonkin. You hold sway over the vice of lust. Learn to use it well and you will be a force to be reckoned with.” Ergthen said as he adjusted his glasses and looked down at the black bound book on the pedestal before all of them.

“Now. I think it’s time for us to find out exactly who you are, Agni Heartfyre.” Ergthen said as an unexpected smile curled around the corner of his lips.

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