Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 43: Conquering The Island at Last

Chapter 43: Conquering The Island at Last

The clock was ticking, however as hard as he tried to search for any hidden spot in this floating island, the more desperate he became. There was nothing suspicious here, and the only places he didn't examine were these pocket worlds attached here.

'It can't be inside one of those worlds,' Ibro muttered, while his head started to ache. He had a very limited span of time here, and thus he was pressured by this.

'Should I go out and defend the village then?' he muttered, as he was wondering if staying here would bring any benefit to him. just as he was in this dilemma, the system came to help him out:

'They are hidden in the shield around this island.'

The words of the system were concise, but they were to the point, unveiling the mystery in front of Ibro's eyes. Ibro then focused his sense over the shield, and strangely it might be, the shield didn't allow for his divine sense to penetrate it.

'So, you are using the shield to mask your presence, and fool me?'

He muttered, with welling anger inside his heart. He was about to leave here, and desperately defend the village against this invincible weapon. Without any delay, he moved rapidly, ascending levels, while spreading more skeletons in each level.

This island was like a pocket space world of his, a place where he could train his skeleton armies to be stronger. The only shortcoming here was the lack of space for his huge armies to be summoned, but he was feeling these pocket spaces inside each level were enough to hold his huge armies.

But it wasn't yet time to enter and explore these worlds. And so, he moved rapidly until he finally reached the surface. The first thing he did was to try and scan the shield again. The opening he entered was long healed already, so he needed to move to the border of the island, looking down from the huge walls here onto the ground underneath.

They were very near his village, and in less than ten minutes they would reach the outer region of his village.

He didn't delay, as he took the stance of the dragon descent strike, holding the two huge swords with his two illusionary hands, and then moved to execute the strike.

He knew using this strike would exert a lot of pressure over him, in exchange for a little benefit, however he would need just a hole, enough for his other strike to kick it.

The two dragons moved with great dignity and strength towards the shield, attacking a single point in it. like before, the shield couldn't take the two consecutive strikes and a hole appeared with cracks around it. the hole was enough for Ibro to move through, but he didn't

He stood in the air, in front of this hole, and repeatedly attacked the spot with his swords. With the tenth attack, the hole was widened enough for a small team of a thousand people to pass through.

'Good,' Ibro muttered in content, as he flew to check the whole. The world outside was getting closer to the outer, damaged wall of his village. 'Next step then,' he thought, before taking the stance of the sword whirlpool strike, and then perfectly executed it.

If he had to direct this strike on the shield from inside or outside, he would have failed indeed, but now he was attacking the inside of this shield, as it would be the most vulnerable place of the shield.

As expected, once his strike hit the inner part of the shield, it couldn't undertake the attack. A sizzling loud sound echoed from this shield, with the hole being widened at a rapid rate than before.

"More more more"

He yelled, angrily and excitedly, waving the two giant swords everywhere, launching an unending barrage of attacks of his strike towards every direction. In minutes, the sturdy shield standing was now full of holes, cracks, and it seemed it wouldn't soon until it lost all of its function and got destroyed.

'Found you!'

Ibro wasn't targeting the shield to destroy it, he had already controlled the interior of the island, but he wanted to spot the place of the commanders of this floating castle, and he now just found them.

As his system suggested, they were hidden deeply inside the shield, in a room that wasn't much big, five meters in six meters roughly. Ibro once spotted their place, moved at haste towards them, while making the stance of the dragon descent strike, aiming to finally deliver the killing blow to them.

Just as he headed towards the room, the whole island shook, as a huge pillar of light appeared, emerging from the bottom of this island, from the levels there, heading up towards the sky.

'Don't hold back, and I will restrict this pillar's strength,' the system suddenly said, like it knew exactly what this pillar was about. Ibro wanted to ask the system about how it intended to stop the pillar, but he refrained from doing that.

The system was greedy, and now it would take part of his own wealth, PSR orbs and crystals he hardly collected. If he asked the system then it might ask for more.

Ibro then focused on the room. Just as he got near it, a change happened to the shield, once the pillar touched it, like it was repairing the shield. Just as Ibro was feeling worried about the shield being repaired, his system kicked in, as a halo surrounded the pillar, which started to be fading under the effect of Ibro's system interference.

Ibro understood what his system was doing, as it was, greedily, absorbing the passive energy stored in this pillar. He knew now why the system was so generous to step in and help him here, he even suspected the prior help of the system to him, guiding him to come here, was part of the system plan to absorb the pillar's energy.

Either ways, Ibro was content by this, as he couldn't figure out the root of the problem alone. As the repairing mechanism of the shield faulted, the room shook, in an attempt to move away rapidly, but Ibro would never let them escape, not easily, not like this.


He yelled, while directing the two swords towards the small part of the room, visible in between the cracks of the shield covering it. the two swords were turned into huge dragons, which roared strongly before hitting the room violently, shaking it for real, before disintegrating it into small pieces.

A loud yell of pain happened, before it turned into a long, high pitched scream, then the room vanished coupled with any living enemy inside it.

Ibro was yet vigilant, as he wasn't sure the control room of this island could be destroyed this easily, or else this floating castle would fall from the high altitude it was at.

As he expected, another room just appeared in the middle of the pillar, but it stayed there, silent, and with this the whole castle was also standing still, in the middle of the sky, like a huge mountain overlooking the ground from high above.

'Can you stop your greed now?' Ibro said, as he noticed his system acted as a fool, not noticing that the war ended.

'What? What do you even mean by that?' the system replied, faking uncertainty and loss.

'Really? Are you playing this little game with me now?' Ibro said, as he added, 'stop eating the pillar, I won the fight, and now I need the pillar to fix the shield.'

'Oh, you won the fight, congratulations, what happened then? C'mon, c'mon, tell me every single detail in it!'

Ibro's eyes corners twitched, as he started to feel angry towards his system. 'if you don't stop fooling and playing around like a jerk, I might let you eat from the pillar every now and then, but' Ibro then paused, before saying in a clear, ruthless tone, 'if you continue to act as a fool, I will stop using you, and concern myself only with the Dinar class I have.'

Ibro was speaking seriously, so damn serious. Every time he dealt with his system and saw its greedy nature, he started to become angry and mad at it. this wasn't the first time, or the last, when the system would act based on its desires.

'C'mon, you won't do it!' the system said, in a joking manner.

'Dare and test me!' Ibro replied, coldly said, without even a hint of a smile or a joke on his solemn face.

'Ok, ok, I will stop, but don't forget your word and promise.'

The system stopped at once absorbing the energy from the pillar, making it regain its vitality, moving rapidly towards the cracked and tattered dome of the shield, repairing it.

Ibro sighed, helplessly, as this system had no limit to his own gluttony. Ibro then watched, in silence, the repairing process of this island. He knew he had already won the battle this time, as the rest of the monsters down below were just cannon fodders.

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