Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 44: Sorry, Couldn't Protect Your Little Sis Village!

Chapter 44: Sorry, Couldn't Protect Your Little Sis Village!

Ibro was speaking seriously, so damn serious. Every time he dealt with his system and saw its greedy nature, he started to become angry and mad at it. this wasn't the first time, or the last, when the system would act based on its desires.

'C'mon, you won't do it!' the system said, in a joking manner.

'Dare and test me!' Ibro replied, coldly said, without even a hint of a smile or a joke on his solemn face.

'Ok, ok, I will stop, but don't forget your word and promise.'

The system stopped at once absorbing the energy from the pillar, making it regain its vitality, moving rapidly towards the cracked and tattered dome of the shield, repairing it.

Ibro sighed, helplessly, as this system had no limit to his own gluttony. Ibro then watched, in silence, the repairing process of this island. He knew he had already won the battle this time, as the rest of the monsters down below were just cannon fodders.

Ibro just watched, from high up there, the ongoing battle at the ground below. His defending army was doing great, and he added more to them whenever he felt it was necessary. He didn't want to lose a lot, after all victory was in his grasp, and he just needed to increase his gains, nothing more.

As being there, doing nothing, he started to think back to all the events that just happened. He had many difficult encounters here, saved two villages from the brink of destruction, and now his gains were overshadowing his losses.

He was content, though he was passive all the time, running from here to there, defending and not attacking, however he swore he would change that in the next days and weeks.

He wasn't that small, weak person he was before, when he sat his first steps on this game world. He was now strong, far stronger than many players in worlds above.

He just needed time, to prepare, to organize everything, and then his momentum would be unstoppable.

To do so, he needed to focus on two aspects, his skeletons, and his human army. His skeletons were already easy for him to produce, as he never felt the pressure of being short on them, but human armies were rare.

Besides, any loss of them meant forever loss, and this made him feel bitter thinking about ways to secure human tokens.

If he had his other village here, Hepatia village, he would be easily relieved from this. Making skeletons going into transformation there to be humans again wasn't a mere fairy tale, but a fact. besides they would be stronger, far stronger than any other unit he had, as they would obtain both cultivation and game system support.

He sighed, recalling his lost village. He regained one, secured it hard, but in exchange he lost another. He yearned, deeply yearned to the day when he would recollect all his scattered territories, friends, armies, and women.

"It seems this day is so far away that it looks as if it won't come!"

He muttered, helplessly, when he thought of his biggest dream. He had a feeling that this desire was also a desire of Rioneed, his old self before reincarnation. Thinking of her made him think how hard it was to achieve this dream.

He knew nothing about his past self, and there was no one who could help and step in to fill the gaps. All he knew came from the mouths of his enemies, how ironic!

The first thing he thought of doing after the end of this war, was to enter into a long period of preparations. He didn't want to feel this passive ever again. Also, though his worlds in his pocket space were full of skeletons most of the time, he couldn't forget the critical moments when he had to jump from one heated battle to another, with his skeletons reserve being almost depleted.

He didn't want to feel like this ever again, and to do so, he had a rare moment of peace, where he could just catch his breath, stay inside his worlds, and focus only on upgrading his power.

What bothered him was the mission he came here for, saving Sefiera.

He knew he had a limited timeline here, one year, only one year. He didn't know where she was, or where she was from, or even if the name she gave him was her true name or not. He felt searching for her wouldn't go smoothly as he initially thought, long before he came to this moment.

"I needed to start sending search teams out there," he muttered to himself, as he had Noda's brother to help, plus that cultivation-interested master.

"Not enough," that was what he ended up with. Depending only on these two was nothing near enough. He was searching for a girl he only knew a name for, with no other info, supposed that her name was a right name, not a fake one.

If he could use a bigger network for search, like a news agency, then he could reach his goals faster, with less risks. The point wasn't in money, as he now could easily amass money through the runes he made, but the issue was the fact he didn't know if such agencies existed or not.

As he was distracted in his own thoughts, Loud horns were issued all over the world, announcing a retreat order from the leaders of the monsters and demons. They had failed, defeated, again, on the hands of one man.

Ibro didn't feel anything as he watched these losers retreating, as his mind was set on another problem, and an answer he needed to seek.

'Can you absorb this castle into my world?' he asked, the system as he didn't have the mind to freely investigate the castle now.


In a blink of an eye, the whole castle disappeared, like it was never there, while Ibro moved towards the bottom. Once he reached the village sky, loud cheers roared from everywhere, celebrating this heroic victory, but Ibro just nodded to them, as he went straight towards Noda.

Noda was speechless, entirely speechless, as what she saw here wasn't a fight at all, it was a one-sided massacre done by Ibro. The only moment which was, to some extent, challenging was when that huge castle appeared in the sky.

She looked deeply, with some fear and wonder, towards Ibro who descended directly towards her. She wasn't alone, as she had Mamor and Hoden standing beside her, next to the market.

"Hoden, you will be responsible for repairing everything, and set plans for further expansion," Ibro once touched the ground said, as he had no patience to oversee these things.

"I will see it done, your majesty, but to what extent do you want us to expand?"

Hoden was a saint, someone with the knowledge and experience that exceeded most people. He realized how far his king had developed, how strong and mighty he had become. Kingdoms stretched as far as the strength of their kings reached, and so he asked this question, wanting to ascertain from Ibro his true intentions.

Ibro just glanced, without care to the question, to him as he replied:

"Just as far as you can build, Hoden."

"What about defenses?" Mamor suddenly asked, as the role of defending the territory was on his shoulders. This huge expansion, without enough defenses, it meant they would be vulnerable, soon they would even lose everything.

"Don't worry about defenses, I will always support you with armies enough to rule this whole world," Ibro said, with no interest, as he shifted his gaze finally upon Noda, as he hurriedly said:

"Let's go back."

Noda's face changed slightly, as she asked with concern:

"Any other attacks on my village?"

"Nope," he replied, before moving towards the market, "I have to speak with your brother now!"

Noda just looked at him for a moment, before laughing shortly as she said:

"You can speak with him through here, right?"

Ibro didn't get her meaning, long before he got it. "Do you mean he had already added me?"

"Yes, it seemed you forgot it. let's speak to him here, shall we?"

Ibro then entered the market, opened the interface of it, as he scrolled into his extremely short list of friends there. there was only the group he recruited, which were now offline, all of them. There was also Noda, her little annoying gang, the cultivation master, some good merchants, and finally her brother.

"See?" she said, in a triumphed tone, " I can now lurk here for a bit, can I?"

Ibro didn't understand the hidden meaning, and desire, behind this question and request of her, so he just nodded, before he opened the chat with her brother and asked for a chat session.

It wasn't long before the face of Moran, who seemed to be worried, after all the last news he got was prior to a grand attack on her sister's village.

"Hi, why do you call me from your village?" he asked, with much worry over his face.

"Oh, sorry about that," Ibro said, "I couldn't defend your little sis village, and it was now destroyed," he simply said, in an apologizing tone that seemed quite real.

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