Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 45: Hi, Brother in Law

Chapter 45: Hi, Brother in Law

Ibro didn't understand the hidden meaning, and desire, behind this question and request of her, so he just nodded, before he opened the chat with her brother and asked for a chat session.

It wasn't long before the face of Moran, who seemed to be worried, after all the last news he got was prior to a grand attack on her sister's village.

"Hi, why do you call me from your village?" he asked, with much worry over his face.

"Oh, sorry about that," Ibro said, "I couldn't defend your little sis village, and it was now destroyed," he simply said, in an apologizing tone that seemed quite real.

The face of Moan was really hilarious, as he was stupefied for a minute when he heard Ibro. Noda found it interesting, and so she didn't correct him, and left her brother to be shocked and couldn't say a thing.

"You are joking right? I have the state of her village right clear in front of me. the village is safe!"

"Oh, c'mon, is this the amount of trust you have in your brother in law?" Ibro continued to tease him, and once he said that the face of Moran was really funnier than before.

"Who is the brother in law?" it was Noda's time to be shocked and embarrassed, though deep inside her heart, she felt she was happy from this fact.

"Stop fooling around, would you?" Moran said, as he suddenly became distressed byt the idea of his sister being with Ibro.

"Strange, I thought you would be happy!" Ibro kept fooling with him, but this time Moran's face didn't show any reaction, dead serious as he decided to be. "Fine fine, I want your help anyway," Ibro finally stopped fooling, and started to speak about what he had in mind.

"What help? As I can see, you are handling yourself pretty well!" Moran said.

"Not here," Ibro corrected him, "I need your help to look for a place to buy information from," he added.

"You want info? Just say what you need to know and I won't charge you more than those greedy guilds," Moran said.

Ibro just smiled, silently without commenting on his greedy nature. He knew that when he opened his mouth, that Moran, a greedy merchant disguised in a lord's skin, would show his true colors.

"What? Why are you looking at me like this?" Moran said, as Ibro didn't open his mouth and kept glaring at him.

"C'mon brother, just stop your foolish greed and just tell him how he can get info," Noda said, as she knew how greedy her brother was.

"Ok, tsk, fine, I know a couple of info trading guilds. Do you want me to contact them for you?" Moran finally spoke seriously, after throwing away his greed, of course not completely.

He intended to take a commission from the guild he would contact, after all he knew Ibro could amass wealth as much as he wanted.

"I want a really good guild, as I'm looking for someone," Ibro said, as his face showed how important what he was seeking after.

"Don't worry, they are situated in most of the world," Moran said, while hitting his chest in a confident manner.

"Not enough," Ibro said after a moment of pause, "I want a guild that's present in every world," he added.

Moran looked slightly changed, as he saw his commission going away from his hand. "What do you need a guild in every world for? The two I know are really great! I can vouch for them!" he added.

"No," Ibro shook his head, "I want guild inside every single world here, and the more powerful it is, the better."

Ibro's refusal cut the way over Moran to take any profit from this deal. He just sighed, helplessly, as he knew he wouldn't get a penny from Ibro. "Fine, I will contact the largest information guild in the game, which is also the highest bounty hunter guild here," he said, reluctantly, and paused for a few minutes, waiting and hoping Ibro might change his mind.

"Contact them, and bring them to me," Ibro said, before pausing and saying, "I want you to contact more merchants, I want to sell a lot of runes in the next few months, and I want them to be traded in soldier tokens."

Ibro's words finally made Moran's face shine, as he took a good commission from the merchant he brought last time. if this trade was regular, done on regular base, then he would end up being wealthy from this trade alone.

"I will, don't worry about that, and I will try to get more tokens than what we got last time," he said, in a very cheerful tone that made Ibro wary, but he had no other way but to use this greedy lord!

"I will depend on you in this," Ibro said, before adding, "I will wait until you contact the information guild and make them contact me."

"Sure, sure, I will contact them and also contact the merchants I know. Tell me, how many runes do you intend to sell? And for how long?" Moran asked.

"I can sell as many as I can, and I will do this for only two months only," Ibro said, as he decided to set a time limit for this quest, so he could get the highest possible gain from the merchants.

"Ok, give me time until I can reach the info guild," he said, before closing the interface with Ibro, in a thrilled excited mood, even though he didn't say goodbye to his own sister.

"He is a really good brother," Noda said, in a disturbed mood. That wasn't the first time her brother left her like this, even when there was a stranger here, not her own little gang.

"I think he will take a long time before he can reply," Ibro said, as he turned to look at Noda, "Do you want to stay here, or do you want to return home?"

Noda's face turned red when she understood his meaning. She wanted to say yes, but she was unable to control herself while being with him, and she didn't want to take the first move towards him, not like this. So, she regretfully said:

"Sorry, but I need to go back to my village."

"Ah, repairing and defense, right?" he said, "If you like, I can make Hoden control your village as well, and start rebuilding and defending it like my own village."

Noda's eyes sparkled, as she wanted to say yes, but she didn't know why, she couldn't say yes, for inexplicable reasons.

"Don't worry, I won't get near you," Ibro said, jokingly, but he was regretting not able to make her his, not now.

If he had time, and in another mood than this stressful one, he would have chased after her, and not stopped until she was his. But, he was now in a very important phase of his evolution, and he needed to focus on the task in hand, not on her.

If he had Maya still, he might not refuse to flirt a bit with her, as he knew how much she affected his mood.

"Sigh," he regretfully sighed, and Noda misunderstood it, which made her face turn even redder.

"I- I will have to leave," she said, before darting towards the bridge, entered there, and left right away.

Ibro just stayed silent in his place, not knowing what just happened. He sighed again, reluctantly, as it seemed he really missed Maya and her amazing dual cultivation, but he couldn't find anyone like her, not yet.

Ibro then stayed inside the market, waiting for the return of Moran, and at the same time he used his divine sense to scan everything around him. He watched Hoden order everyone to work, noticing the stunning Mony as she was aiding Hoden in his task.

Ibro focused for a while over her, watching her every move, and finally he moved his eye from her after an hour or two. he decided to invite her into his pocket space world and have a nice chat with her later, after he sets everything in motion here and inside his own pocket space.

As for Mamor, he was now busy organizing and ordering the skeletons here to be stationed in important places inside the village. The situation of the village was really terrible, but Ibro knew this was just temporary, and after some time, this place would be brim with motion.

As he was watching the ongoing repair and expansion operation of his village, Moran finally returned, as he looked to Ibro in a very delighted mood.

"Hi my brother in law, where is my dear sister?" Moran said, as he noticed that his own sister wasn't here.

The good mood and calling Ibro his brother in law, made Ibro doubt him, as he must have gained some benefit from the deals Ibro planned to make. He just inwardly sighed, as he didn't care if he got a commission from his back or not, he was now in the need of his help, no matter what.

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