New Game+

Chapter 23 - Save-The-World Club

The sudden attack was swift, decisive, and brutal. Alean Cipril laid unconscious with her face hard-pressed on the floor. Jonathan and Ted wanted to shout, but an unusual terror filled their hearts, causing them to be unable to even breathe, much less shout.

Seeker smiled and took his time. He slowly walked towards Ted as he was cracking his fist.

Ted wanted to move, but every step that Seeker took laid an intense burden over his entire body.

Seeker stood right in front of Ted and stared at him straight in the eye.

"You know, I've always wanted to do this to a Royal. Never got the chance, though." Seeker's devilish grin grew wider. Who said hopes and dreams could not be achieved? Seeker was about to succeed in doing one of the most abominable things he wanted to do in his past life.

Seeker started with the stomach. His punch dove deep within Ted's stomach as if it was about to pierce through it.

Ted vomited a lot of saliva at the immense punch. His consciousness was leaving him. But before his spirit could leave, another smashing sensation vibrated on his jaw.

Seeker continued with another power hook that spun Ted's world. A tooth flew out of his mouth. He crashed down to the ground with saliva and blood spilling out of his mouth.

"Principal Decker." Seeker grinned as he approached the last person who wanted to condemn him.

Jonathan was shivering and lost his strength to stand. As he was stumbling over in fear, Seeker jumped, grabbed his head, and smashed it on the nearby desk.


The three were now unconscious.

"That felt good!" Seeker exclaimed happily as he held on Jonathan's head.

Meryl and Lynd were stupefied at the development. Their mouths were wide open.

Charles was now gasping for air. A mix of emotions filled his heart; the recovering state of his mind from the intense fear that Seeker created, the surprise and confusion of Seeker's sudden attack, and his frustration on Seeker's claim about Meryl and Lynd.

"WHAT THE HELL ZEEK?" Meryl cried in surprise.

Lynd immediately rushed for their beloved homeroom teacher. Her once flawless face was smashed on the floor. Blood was oozing out of her mouth. The thin-framed glasses were bent in an odd fashion.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Meryl demanded angrily.

"Taking care of the problem." Seeker grinned as he was smashing the Principal's face on the surface of the table.

"Seeker." Charles, he called out. The sudden shock of fear remained as his hands were shivering, but he tried to remain calm.

"I don't think that violence is the best way to- STOP SLAMMING YOUR PRINCIPAL'S FACE!" Charles shouted as Seeker seemed to be having fun.

"Alright, alright! Calm down, will you?" Seeker allowed Jonathan's body to slide down the table and onto the floor.

"What the hell happened to 'keep your actions low-key to not change the future?!'"

"That went down the drain the moment she tried to blackmail me." Seeker shrugged.

"Do you realize the possible consequences of what you have done?"

"Relax! Everything's fine!"

"That's what you told me last night, and we almost got blackmailed by your homeroom teacher!" Charles complained.

"Ok, Ok. So I miscalculated! I know my actions may seem drastic, but I really had no choice. I can't afford to give them 20 percent of our cash. Besides, everything is within the scope of manageable control!"

"Zeek, please explain how smashing our Principal's face on the table is within a scope of manageable control?" Meryl was also flustered. Lynd also had a pleading look to make Seeker explain.

"Alright. Let me explain. As I said earlier, we really didn't have a choice. We need to earn as fast as we can. I originally wanted to continue this little game of intrigue and keep it as low-key as possible, but they pushed me over the limit. Have you noticed how Principal Decker was supporting Miss Cipril? It's a clear indication that General Cipril's drug connection in this school is very strong."

"Yeah. The moment we entered his office, Principal Decker would just go and do whatever Miss Cipril would say…" Lynd contemplated.

"That's right. There is something strange about this school. I have a feeling that General Cipril's not just selling drugs here. I believe that this school is the main base of his drug operation!" Seeker declared solemnly.

"What?" The three chorused.

"All things will be made clear soon. For now, we have to interrogate them. So here's what we need to do. Charles and I will go outside and hold a meet-and-greet. We can gather every student to get to the Auditorium hall. Meryl, stay here and make sure no one gets in aside from us. You have to tie these three and gag them in case they wake up. Lynd, look for Cliff. You two sneak out and get his car, drive here and carry these three to the car discreetly. Have him drive straight to the duplex and wait for us there."

Lynd's face was flushed white.

"Why does it feel like we are trying to get away from murder?" Meryl sighed.

"Charles, I'll go out first. There are teachers outside. Let me deal with them. Give me about five minutes.

"When you say, deal with them, you mean…?"

"Talk with them, Charles. Why would I go out and start beating everyone in school?" Seeker gave a sarcastic stare.

"Just making sure that we are on the right page." Charles sighed in relief.

"For now, you guys tie up and gag these three."

Meryl went straight and used the various duct tapes that were lying around in the office to tie up and gag the three. Lynd and Charles helped her.

Seeker slowly opened the door and swiftly went out, not giving the outsiders any chance to see what was going on inside.

There were several teachers waiting. Before any of them got to voice out their concerns, Seeker spoke.

"Sorry for the excitement, guys. We were so excited about the news that they were stomping and clapping inside! As was proposed by Principal Decker, Doctor Charles has agreed to hold several lectures and talks here and will temporarily be an associate teacher in this school!" Seeker announced with great joy.

There was immediate applause once the crowd heard that.

"They are still working over the details, but Principal Decker asked me to inform you to suspend the remaining classes this afternoon. Everyone is to gather in the main auditorium for a quick meet and greet with Doctor Charles! He will also be explaining his partnership with this school as well as the experimental studies he is currently handling!" Seeker excitedly announced.

The teachers applauded once more. No one bothered with the strange sounds they heard earlier and immediately started to rush in order to organize the sudden event.

Seeker returned inside once the teachers left.

"Oh yeah. Charles, cancel whatever appointments you have for the next three days. I told everyone you are going to be an associate teacher at this school. Later, give a short talk on how you are helping me recover and ask the school for support. Act under the pretense that we are going to follow Miss Cipril's suggestion."

"What! Didn't you just smash your teacher's face on the ground because you didn't want to go with that, and now you want me to announce that we're going to make it official?"

"I didn't want to give them 20% of my earnings. But the benefits they mentioned are tempting. So we're going with it. Obviously, we won't be giving them the money." Seeker grinned.

"Lynd, be careful that no one else will see you. Alright, guys. Time is of the essence. Let's move out!" Seeker commanded.

There was excitement in the school. A chance to meet and talk to one of the most famous personalities on Earth was something that not even a school as prestigious as theirs could afford. Everyone was rushing to the main auditorium.

"Cliff." Lynd chased the said student who was walking towards the auditorium.

The group staggered and stared in fear towards this gentle giant.

"Wha-what do you want? He said that I have until the end of the week! I'm working on it! Give me more time!" Young Cliff pleaded with his life.

Lynd gave a depressed smile. Since when did he become a dangerous thug who would kill without batting an eye?

"Uhhh. Change of plans. I don't think you need to do that anymore. Anyway, we need to get your car."

Cliff had a scared expression as he looked with pleading eyes to his gang. His gang dared not help him. There was something they feared more than their leader. The wounds in their body haven't even healed yet. These painful sores were a fearful reminder of the man Lynd Indigo called 'friend.'

Cliff slowly walked towards Lynd, indicating his intent to follow Lynd's orders. After taking a quick detour to the parking lot, the two drove towards the building where the Principal's office was.

The two walked upstairs. As they reached the door, Charles had a contemplating look and gazed at Cliff as he was staring at the most pitiful person on the planet.

"What am I here for?" Cliff asked hesitantly.

"I feel sorry for you." Lynd shook his head.


"I'm sorry, Cliff. Once I open the door, you have no choice but to help us. He will kill you if you back away now." Charles immediately swung the door wide open. There sat three of the schools' most respected figures; gagged up, wounded, and unconscious. Meryl had a sheet of cloth that she was trying to wrap around Alean.

"What are you doing?" Lynd reacted.

"Nothing dangerous, Lynd! Why are you worried? After everything she's done to us, you're still holding on your little attraction towards her? Disgusting!"

While the two friends were bickering with Lynd shouting in the nugatory, Cliff's brain melted, and he started to feel that everything was wrong in this world. He knew Seeker was a demon, but now he realized that his two friends weren't any angels either.

"Oh, man! No! No! No! I don't want anything to do with this!" Cliff stumbled backward as what he saw terrified him. Great fear filled his heart.

"He'll kill you if you back out now. You know too much." Meryl took the initiative and stated the fact.

Cliff stumbled once more at that statement. He turned around and pleaded with Meryl.

"Wait, man! I don't want to be a part of this! Please let me go! Please-"

"Seeker will kill you if you run. You should have backed out earlier when you had the chance."

Cliff started sobbing. He wanted to complain but knew that these two would only make things more difficult if he did.

"Now, enough whining. These three are still alive, let's get them to the car and get out of school while no one's here to notice it."

Cliff turned to Lynd. Maybe this gentle giant would pity him and allow him to return to his normal delinquent life.

"Welcome to Seeker's Save the World Club!" Lynd announced with a pitying smile.

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