New Game+

Chapter 24 - The School’s Secret

A confident and unmatched figure stood on the stage. His eyes stared softly. As if he was the most tender man alive. But his huge and well-built frame showed power, strength, and might. Adding to this was the medical reputation that caused the world to turn to him.

He is Doctor Charles Lindmitt. Model, Actor, world-renowned doctor, and a nominated candidate for the Pangean-Nation's Heroes of Today.

"As you all know, Seeker Carlean had an intense migraine attack a few days back. I handled the case and discovered a new type of neurological disorder where Seeker's brain is in constant regeneration and degeneration. It caused quite a panic at the hospital. However, after undergoing an experimental treatment, Seeker's health started to stabilize. This treatment, however, requires Seeker to constantly produce adrenaline on a daily basis."

Charles already had the charisma of a superstar, and with the eloquence of a doctor in his speech, it easily drew listeners like moths to a flame.

"As such, dear friends, I have approached Principal Decker and discussed Seeker's condition. Some of you may be familiar with an online stream that Seeker has been hosting in the past two days. In fact, it has caused quite a sensation. You may remember that Seeker has participated in several transactions that some of you may consider being gambling. I appeal to everyone in this school to see this in a different light." Charles smiled and walked over towards Seeker. They stood on the high stage, which everyone continued to observe with great passion.

"Seeker is gambling because he needs to pump adrenaline. The excitement, the thrill, the adversity, and the stress of putting money on the line allows this to happen. You may ask, then, why gambling? Are there not other means to accomplish such an event? I have concluded that though physically strenuous activities may induce his brain to pump, it may ultimately damage his brain and health. We do not know what possible side effects that may spring out if we pursue this route, especially when he is taking a variety of medication. Also, given Seeker's small frame, he may not be able to do this on a daily basis."

Several students who experienced the weakness of Seeker's thin and small frame smiled wryly. This little frame of his had lifted their bodies and tossed them around as if they were pillows.

"Of course, I could allow Seeker to run around naked or pilfer items from his classmates every now and then, but I'm sure many may not enjoy this." Charles grinned.

The audience laughed and applauded. Somehow a seemingly innocent statement, when delivered by this man, transformed into a memorable punchline.

"The necessity of his gambling was an experiment that delivered great success in aiding his recovery as well as my studies." Charles patted Seeker in the shoulder.

"So I ask everyone not to view his acts as evil. Principal Decker had shown nothing but the best of support when we hammered and laid the details on him and on his table. He will support Seeker in his recovery and me with my research. Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation! Let history be made today!" Charles announced happily.

The school was ecstatic. People were clapping and rejoicing. History was indeed made. The media club made sure to record the entirety of the speech. In fact, they made a lot of money when several news channels arrived later. Charles met and took pictures with several of his fans, and when all was said and done, Seeker and Charles soon walked out of school.

The news started to circulate online and shocked both the medical and the gaming world. People began to talk about the latest developments in Charles' neuro-alteration program while the gaming world was surprised to see that Seeker had such a supporter. Even non-gamers started to watch Seeker's trend. Even while the talk was happening, the photos that the students posted were already flooding the internet.

While all of this was happening, a group of three students was busy dragging three unconscious bodies through the garage at the back of the duplex.

"You sure no one saw us?" Meryl asked worriedly.

"I'm sure. I've checked again and again. No one's in the vicinity. It's a good thing that this duplex is on the outskirts of the city. Cliff, you did a good job." Lynd commended.

The third student was sitting down on the couch, drained of all life. It was an adrenaline-pumping hour. They were driving all over the city in an attempt to shake off imaginary pursuers and waiting for nearly an hour outside of Charles' duplex to make sure the coast was clear. And during this entire time, they kept checking if any of the three were awake or were feigning unconsciousness. Eventually, after much bickering, they finally got the courage to quickly drag the bodies inside.

The three bodies they dragged were now tied up in a chair with an excessive amount of ropes and duct tapes around them. Their mouths were gagged excessively. Duct tapes over clothes, over duct tapes. It was clear that the three were amateurs to these sorts of things.

Meryl looked at the three figures. She laughed. Lynd gave a strange glance at her.

"Sorry. It's just, Seeker promised us to keep us out of dangerous situations but look where we are right now! We've beaten up and kidnapped three people! Ted, whose father is a major business mogul, Miss Cipril, the daughter of a General who has God knows what kind of connections, and there's Principal Decker." Meryl sighed.

"What about Principal Decker?" Cliff interrupted the conversation with a worried look. The reality of the titles that his victims carried scared him.

"Nothing scary. He's just a scared Principal caught in the cobwebs of what possibly could be a very scandalous drug trade in the entire history of drug trades." Meryl sighed. She went off to get herself a drink from the refrigerator.

"What exactly is going on?" Cliff finally demanded.

"I put through everything you said because you said Seeker would kill me! But it looks like I'm going to die anyway!" Cliff started to complain angrily.

"MMMMHHHHH!!!" A groaning sound was heard. Cliff and Lynd jolted in surprise and turned to find Alean Cipril struggling to break free.

"Quick! Hit her!" Meryl shouted.

"What? I can't do that!" Lynd retorted.

"Oh, for crying out loud, Lynd! Get over this stupid attraction you have for our damned teacher and smack her! Cliff, you do it!"

"Hell no! You still haven't explained to me what exactly is going on!"

"Just hit her, or I'll ask Zeek to kill you!" Meryl gave an irritated reply.

Meryl scoffed, seeing his hesitation, and paced for Alean.

Alean was squirming in fear.

"Relax, guys. I'm here." A voice called out, stopping Meryl. Seeker was walking inside the door.

"Seeker! Thank God you're here!" Meryl ran and gave Seeker a tight hug.

"Looks like Miss Cipril is awake. Good afternoon miss!" Seeker grinned.

"MMMHHHHHHHH! MMMMHHHH!" The struggling teacher tried her best to break free from her bindings, but it was to no avail.

"Looks like you went a bit overboard in the gagging of these three." Seeker chuckled. Just after chuckling, Seeker suddenly sent a powerful punch to the stomach of Alean.

"GUH!" Alean gasped underneath the duct tapes.

"ZEEK!" Lynd couldn't help but cry.

Seeker gave a surprising look at Lynd.

"Even now, Lynd? I thought you'd be over her after everything." Seeker sighed.

"Fine. I'll humor you. It looks like I'll have to exert other methods to make this beloved teacher of our squeal.

Seeker walked closer and turned to another youth.

"You two better find a seat." Seeker said as he looked at Cliff and Charles.

He then walked back and stood in front of Ted. Alean, who was to Ted's right, was now struggling more intensely.

"Alright, Miss. This is what's going to happen if you shout or make any noise." Seeker grinned.

An empowering wave of fear was once again clutching the hearts of everyone except Meryl and Lynd.

"It's happening again!" Cliff exclaimed. Luckily he was already seated down. He clutched the hand of Charles, who was also clutching back.

At this moment, Seeker smiled and winked two times towards Meryl and Lynd. After that, he pushed Ted's head upwards, revealing his neck, and Seeker then did a quick slash on Ted's neck.

A bright red liquid splashed on Alean's face. At that moment, blood was tricking down of Ted's neck and the blade that Seeker held.

Alean started to struggle and was shouting.

"OH MY GOD!" Cliff shouted. The two clutched their hands all the tighter. Charles couldn't believe what he saw.


"Oh. So you still want to shout, huh? Guess I'll have to kill you too." Seeker smiled and pushed her head backward.

Alean was struggling to keep her neck covered. At this moment, she gripped the handles of the chair to which she was tied to and bit her own tongue to stop screaming.

"Very good!" Seeker smiled and patted her head.

"Lynd, Take Ted's body out to the back. We can't have him bleed here. Meryl, start recording."

Lynd immediately sprung and dragged the body out of sight, and Meryl ran to take a camera and focused it on Alean's face.

Seeker used the knife to masterfully slice off the excessive tapes on Alean's mouth. And he ripped the last piece of duct tapes to reveal Alean's mouth.

"Why are you doing this? Please stop!" Alean was trembling in fear.

"You forced my hand, dear teacher. I would've loved to play the innocent and simple Seeker Carlean, but you really got greedy there. Now tell me. Why the school? Don't play games with me, Miss. I could easily kill you and head over to your father and kill him. We know you are using the school as a front for selling drugs. What I want to know is how and why." Seeker playfully pointed the edge of the bloody knife on Alean's forehead.

"It has never been my hobby to dismember stubborn hostages, especially ones that are as beautiful as you." Seeker smiled. The fear in Alean's heart continued to fester.

"The school is a perfect cover for selling drugs."

"Is that's why you selected this school? A school in Phil-Central would allow easier distribution of drugs across the nation, right?"

Seeker's deduction caused everyone to be surprised.

"Wait! The entire Phil-Pangean nations?" Charles exclaimed.

"Of course. Her father's a General, after all. The General would definitely be using this strategic position to attract buyers from the islands north and south."

At this moment, Seeker has undone his deathly aura. Alean, however, was still shivering in fear. Having a sharp bloodied knife moving through her skin had already petrified her.

"Oh, my God! You were right, Zeek!" Lynd exclaimed.

"Why a school though?"

Seeker pressed his blade deeper into Alean's skin. She gripped the chair and closed her eyes.

"It's the safest place for my dad to conduct trades! No federal institution would think that a school would become the hub of the main cartels! People come and go to school, and no one would suspect anything!" Alean finally confessed.

The room was silent as she explained this. Behind the innocent façade of a growing school with high educational training was a den of illegal drug trades.

"So it is as I suspected." Seeker commended.

"The student's become the perfect courier. And some in this school could easily bypass most security. For example, any Royal student." Seeker smiled.

"Am I correct, Miss?" The blade pushed hard at her chest.


"Are Ted's parents among your biggest clients?"

"Yes." Alean gravely replied.

Lynd and Meryl stared gravely at each other. Their Alma Mater had such a dark secret.

"Wait a minute! If the school is a hub for the biggest drug trades in this nation...? Could it also be...?" Charles began as he recalled Seeker's initial discourse.

"You finally caught up, Charles. Yes.. It's also a hub for the biggest human trafficking transactions in the Phil-Pangean nations."

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