No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 269: Milf in the Harem and Trouble on the Horizon

Chapter 269: Milf in the Harem and Trouble on the Horizon

Back in modern China, I went to a hotel and used a light hypnosis technique to get the staff to leave us alone, then put Tang Wan to bed.

Envy followed the memories of the Yao family heir to call the Yao family saying that an unknown enemy ambushed her and all of her bodyguards were killed.

Envy explained that the unknown enemy could ignore Authority Administrator and even managed to steal Authority.

Although this made the Yao family panic, Envy also reported that the Tang family also lost their Authority so they are vulnerable to attack.

Envy's current identity is Patriarch Yao's favorite son for which he only scolded her, but did not sentence her to death.

Being overly permissive with children only makes for stupid and troublesome children, fortunately, my daughters are learning the importance of not acting like stuck-up jerks.

Now the Yao family will plan an attack against the Tang family to gain power as they need to make up for losing the Administrator Authority.

Lastly, Envy explained that she managed to escape from the enemy thanks to a wandering cultivator chasing the same enemy that stole the Authority.

The great families already know that the Harem King faced Shub-Niggurath so the Yao family will now think that the enemy who stole the authority is the Outer God.

This will start a conflict between two of the most prestigious families in China at the same time that the Vatican will approach this city since for them Shub-Niggurath is worse than Satan.

The most important thing is that not only will this cause great chaos on a political, economic, social, and supernatural level, but it will also be the beginning of the legend of the Harem King which will give me many benefits, especially when others know that I am the reincarnation of Ortro since Alaya is likely to seek to contact me so I can finally talk to that idiot who doesn't know how to manage this World.

I looked at Yu Mei-ren who was standing with an expressionless face and sighed. – "I know you will not trust me so there is no point in talking, just tell me why you are in this country"

It will be a long way to make her fall in love with me since, despite being a tragic woman in need of acceptance and affection, she is already in love with a dead man, Xiang Yu.

In fact, she has a slight hope of being able to summon him as a Servant, but she is not very optimistic as she is used to misfortune.

Yu Mei-ren answered monotonously. – "I came to China together with Koyanskaya and two other magicians as part of a Clock Tower investigation squad"

The Clock Tower is the main association of wizards on Gaia. They are so important that despite having their headquarters in Europe, they have influence in several countries and there are even some important families of magicians in Japan.

Chaldea is not supposed to be totally affiliated with the Clock Tower and Koyanskaya belongs to a prestigious security company with many contacts, so she had to make some adjustments to include Yu Mei-ren in the research group, so she could develop the Lostbelt without arousing suspicion from Chaldea and the mages.

Despite everything, Koyanskaya and Douman did not give importance to the appearance of an Outer God as they both have the false idea that the Beasts are as strong as the Outer Gods… Ignorance is bliss.

"I see" - I sighed. – "Do you need another Servant?"

Yu Mei-ren shook her head. – "Chaldea only allows the summoning of Servants to deal with situations that threaten the survival of humanity since it will be dangerous if other organizations know that we magicians can call Servants outside of the Grail War, I called the Prince of Lanling because we were in the Lostbelt, but it will be better not to call another Servant without the permission of Chaldea or the Clock Tower"

Grail War? The cup of Jesus?

This is too mysticism for my taste...

"Oh, Fate canon!" – Nyaruko shouted excitedly. - "I remember now! Hey, we have to go to Fuyuki!"

Fuyuki? If I'm not mistaken that's a city in Japan that was assigned as neutral territory and is used by foreign forces like magicians from Europe and the Vatican...

Again, I have a bad feeling.

"I'll think about it" - I sighed internally and continued talking to the immortal woman. – "Did you receive any specific task from Chaldea?"

"I must confirm the presence of an Outer God, in case the Black Goat is really in this city then I must return to Chaldea, most likely Chaldea will send a group of Masters to suppress the Outer God while the Clock Tower and The Vatican will use this as an excuse to steal resources from cultivators" - Yu Mei-ren spoke with disgust, she seemed to feel a deep distaste for human greed and selfishness.

If the Will of the World knows that an Outer God is on Gaia then she will send her main forces to eradicate any trace of Madness, but so far all supernatural organizations have prevented Alaya from hearing of the presence of an Outer God as they seek to capture the Outer God to do experiments.

The greatest enemy of humanity is its own stupidity and greed...

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this world has no salvation.

A glass vial appeared in my hand, inside the jar was a black liquid that writhed unpleasantly as if it was alive, there were even eyes, teeth, and tongues that swam inside the liquid like fish in water.

BB knows Shub-Niggurath's soul frequency so using [Mythomania] and [Human Transmutation] we faked this blood sample to have the same presence as Shub-Niggurath.

"When I fought with the Outer God I got some of her blood" – I put the vial on a table. – "The vial can isolate the effects of mental corruption so do not open the vial or your mind and soul will be corrupted"

Yu Mei-ren had taken several steps back, she was terrified of the black blood.

Douman and Koyanskaya underestimate the Outer Gods due to Beast VII's brainwashing, but Yu Mei-ren has lived since the Age of Gods so she must have witnessed the horrors caused by Daoloth, Yog-Sothoth, and Shub-Niggurath.

I smiled with slight amusement. – "Don't worry, as long as you don't open the vial then everything will be fine, although if someone opens it I recommend you escape immediately, you can see that thing as Pandora's box"

Yu Mei-ren took a deep breath to calm herself and looked at me with a frown. – "Were the reports that the Harem King made the Outer God escape true?"

I'm not surprised that my talk with Cai Ning was leaked, she should have reported to her superiors and surely there are spies within the defense department of this country.

I shrugged. – "I have faced worse things"

I endured Gogh's panic attack so technically I'm telling the truth...

"…" – Yu Mei-ren had a complex expression, she seems to feel a bit of admiration towards me while she is scared of my strength since I am an enemy of humanity.

If I'm not mistaken, she has the mentality that the strong deserve to prevail over the weak so knowing my strength can be the starting point to start a closer relationship.

I took out a contract and a jade amulet. – "Although the pretentious idiot did a good job with the magical contract, I prefer to use my own contracts so sign this, then take the vial and the amulet, go to the wizards and show them that the Outer God is in this city and then tell them that you can't go back to Chaldea since you caught the attention of the Harem King so you will stay by his side to monitor him, in case they don't believe you use the jade amulet to contact me and I'll go talk to them, by the way, I know it's obvious but you shouldn't mention the Beast and Lostbelts"

Koyanskaya does not work directly for Chaldea or the Clock Tower so she has already prepared her own alibi to stay in China. I like smart women...

"I know, I'm not ignorant" – Yu Mei-ren spoke to me with disgust and signed the contract since she resigned herself to her bad situation, her pessimism comes from realism.

[System Notification: The entity 'Yu Mei-ren' is now owned by the user. A small amount of Destiny Energy has been used to hide character theft]

"Excellent" - I smiled. – "By the way, are there more spies in Chaldea?"

"I don't know" – Yu Mei-ren sighed with a mixture of guilt and anger. – "Two weeks ago I was captured by Koyanskaya and Douman so I don't know if there are other spies, but they mentioned that they plan to control the members of my squad…"

The fact that she retains her personality but she lost her free will is constant psychological torture. Koyanskaya and Douman are quite sadistic.

I nodded showing no concern for her bad mood as any sign of empathy will backfire until she learns to trust me. – "Then go to fulfill your mission, when you finish contact me immediately"

Yu Mei-ren reluctantly left to give the information to the magicians

"Tch, that stupid woman dares to glare at my little brother without being grateful that she will no longer be a sacrificial pawn…" - Chiyo was furious.

"Hey Listen! It's only a matter of time before that ignorant woman is moaning the idiot tsundere's name while her dead husband is writhing in his grave!" – Navi was having fun.

"Tch, that bothers me too" – Chiyo has a hard time being happy.

"In the end, all the female Servants will be in senpai's bed so resign yourself to the situation" – BB shrugged.

Chiyo was angry and frustrated so I sighed. – "Chiyo, tonight you can use the reality cage for us to spend three months together"

"…" – Chiyo's body trembled. – "My cute and sweet little brother♥♥♥"

"Neeeeeee senpai, I also want a week of mindbreak and other very questionable tags" - BB pouted jealously.

I smiled wryly. – "Fine, after Chiyo it will be your turn"

BB was jumping for joy. – "Yay! Let's make the stupid author frustrated at having to write long sex scenes while he gets depressed over his own loneliness!"

… That sounds like fun.

"Don't say those things in front of little girls" – Tsubaki sighed.

Abby was blushing as she muttered to herself. – "Abby wants to be a bad girl… but Abby must be a good girl…"

Gogh kept drawing while she smiled, she doesn't need sexual pleasure since her greatest happiness is knowing that I love her and I won't leave her alone.

It's ironic that the most innocent person in my group is the most dangerous...

For now, I made a few small wounds appear on my skin and left burns on my clothes, then I turned on the TV and pulled up a chair next to the bed.

"In other news, the police have launched an investigation into the disappearance of funds in two big banks, citizens have called for a protest as their life savings disappeared overnight, and there are rumors that the money was transferred to foreign accounts to support areas in extreme poverty, but the government has not yet given an official statement…"

I used acupuncture so that Tang Wan could wake up in a few seconds, then I sat next to her while pretending to watch TV.

When Tang Wan woke up, she did not get up right away and pretended to sleep to try to understand what situation she was in, an intelligent woman.

She subtly touched her genital area and was relieved to note that there were no traces of a ****, although it is likely that she would later properly check her body.

"Where I am?" – Tang Wan pretended to wake up as she looked around her.

"You're awake" - I turned off the TV and smiled innocently at the beautiful mature woman. – "I made you sleep because something strange appeared and it would have been dangerous for you to be aware, I am sorry for acting without asking your opinion"

Tang Wan looked at my wounds and she seemed worried about what could happen since she considers me someone strong, although she is also a little worried about my safety.

This woman really needs some affection in her life...

"What happened? Did you fight with the Yao family?" – Tang Wan got up from the bed and came over to check my wounds. - "It hurts?"

I smiled as if touched by her concern. – "These are superficial wounds, that woman couldn't… ahem, I'm sorry, I can't say much"

Tang Wan frowned. - "Woman? Didn't you fight with Yao Chengdong's bodyguards?"

So that was the idiot's name… I'll forget about it in the next paragraph.

I smiled bitterly. – "A very strong person appeared, fortunately, I was able to protect you, but she killed the man's bodyguards… Well, in the end, she escaped again so I brought you here so you could rest"

Tang Wan frowned as if she wanted to know more details. – "You really can't tell me what happened?"

"Well..." - I made an expression as if I was in an internal conflict. – "It is complicated… I am not supposed to talk about this to unrelated people"

Tang Wan has a great curiosity and as a businesswoman, she knows how important information is to make decisions.

"You do not trust me?" – Tang Wan she chose to use emotional blackmail, although she seems to feel a bit guilty since she started to feel a certain closeness with me.

It seems that all the women in My Wife is a Beautiful CEO are skilled at emotional manipulation while also being emotionally fragile...

"Nothing of that!" - I waved my hands in panic. – "But you will be in trouble if I tell you what happened…"

Tang Wan gently smiled and took my hand. – "I have problems with my family and I have offended the Yao family, my problems are already overwhelming, but I am willing to trust you, I know you will protect me from any danger"

I tried hard not to roll my eyes.

"This woman is so cheeky she's hilarious" – BB was amused by the cheap drama.

"Tch, manipulative bitch" – Chiyo being herself.

I showed resolve and held onto the sexy milf's hands, although I still showed hesitation. – "My goal in life is to form a great family with many wives, if you are willing to be my wife then I will protect you against all odds, otherwise, this could be too dangerous for you"

I think I said something similar to Lin Ruoxi… Well, both women are similar in their way of thinking.

Tang Wan was surprised by my words since it is technically a marriage proposal at the same time that I expressed my intention to form a harem.

Tang Wan thought about the profit and loss based on what she had seen so far.

Considering that I protected her from an entity capable of assassinating the bodyguards of the Yao family's heir means that my strength is enough to oppose one of the great families so I can be a valuable ally, moreover, she was touched by the comfort I gave her when she showed me her vulnerable side.

"We don't know each other and I don't even know your name…" – Tang Wan sighed, but she didn't let go of my hands. – "But we can get to know each other better, meanwhile I can be your lover"

Lover and if things go well she will be my wife… It sounds stupid, but my love life is already stupid so it doesn't matter.

I smiled like an innocent child. – "I will do my best to make you happy"

Tang Wan smiled lightly, she really is in need of an emotional pillar.

"Then I'll tell you the truth" - I put on a serious face. – "I don't really understand what is going on, but according to a woman who works for the government, this country is in an unstable situation due to the appearance of something called Outer God or something like that… I also heard that the Yao and Yang family Authorities were robbed, but I don't understand what that means"

Tang Wan paled.

This confirms that she knows about the existence of Administrators, but she doesn't possess supernatural abilities and it seems that her family has obstructed her from obtaining supernatural resources as she doesn't even have a low-level supernatural artifact to protect herself.

"D-Did you face that thing?" – Tang Wan was trembling.

I smiled. – "Yes, it was a bit funny, but she escaped"

If I get to meet Shub-Niggurath, I wonder how she will look when she hears that I made her the scapegoat for the disaster on Gaia...

"…" – Tang Wan took a deep breath and made a decision. – "It does not matter, thanks for protecting me, I really owe you"

That's how I got another milf.

Tang Wan asked me some questions about the fight so I made up stupid things.

I made it clear to her that there are still some things I haven't told her , but when the time comes I will tell her all my secrets. Although she was very curious, she accepted this as she is a smart person and she knows when to stop pressing for answers.

"Husband~" – Monika called me in my mind. – "You just received a text message from Lin Ruoxi, she asks if you will take a long time to go to her company since an important meeting has just come up and she hopes you can accompany her"

Monika is in charge of checking my different phone numbers and emails since I don't like those things, I don't even have social networks.

I thought about what to do, but Tang Wan received a phone call so she apologized to me for interrupting our conversation and answered the call in front of me as if she wanted to show that she has nothing to hide from me.

With my superhuman sense of hearing I could easily hear the conversation, it was a man who seemed to be an employee of Tang Wan. – "The CEO of Yu Lei International managed to set up a meeting with the business prodigy Kang Xia, I will send the location of the meeting as this is a great opportunity to recruit her"

It seems that Lin Ruoxi hasn't managed to get rid of all the spies in her company.

"Inform me about any movement of that woman" – Tang Wan frowned and put the phone away, then she looked at me with concern using her beauty to ask me for a favor. – "I have to go to an important meeting, but I do not want us to be separated… Would you come with me?"

"A wife whose beauty rivals beauty goddesses or a sexy milf~ Who are you going to support senpai~"

"It is obvious that the pervert will choose the milf, so he will also have the daughter"

"Luis, this happens because of your greed to get all the beautiful women you see..."

It's the fault of the readers who put pressure on the stupid author, that idiot lacks willpower...

"You are being too naive, Luis is an authoritarian and insatiable man, so he will choose both women"

"What are you going to do senpai? Are you lying to your wife to accompany the milf?~"

I sighed internally. – "Monika, tells Lin Ruoxi that I will see her at the location of the meeting, but she must hurry since her business rival is going to that place"

I sent a mental message to Aotian to tell her to pretend not to know me, she will be the wife of the hero Luis and will have no relationship with the Harem King system user.

"Fine, if it's what the husband wants I'll do it" - Aotian replied calmly, she really was raised to be a submissive woman to her husband...

I smiled at Tang Wan. – "I will accompany you"

"Thank you" - The beautiful woman smiled with genuine happiness.

"I want to see a fight of conceited women with a simplistic personality that only reflects the wishes of frustrated men! *clapping sounds*"

"Hey Listen! Do not forget to mention that they are the representation of the sexual fantasies of loser men who think they are capable of marrying beautiful and successful women!"

"Jade beauties are the cliche of otaku fantasies"

"It's depressing to admit since I'm technically a jade beauty since I'm a cultivator... now I'm depressed..."

This will be a headache...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' looks at you with pity and says that it will be worse than you imagine]


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