No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 270: Business Woman

Chapter 270: Business Woman

(Lin Ruoxi perspective)

That damn womanizer!

Perverted bastard!

Fucking idiot!

I had the desire to throw my cell phone on the ground when I saw that idiot's message.

{Lu: I'll see you there, by the way, your sexy business rival knows about your meeting and is on her way to steal the talent you want to recruit.

How do I know?

Well, I got another wife~

See you there, by the way, you must pretend you don't know me, see you~}

That idiot is making fun of me!

Although knowing him, he doesn't write this way so someone else must have answered the message. It is probable that one of his lovers sent this message since he made modifications to my cell phone to avoid espionage, both technological and supernatural factors that I do not understand...

A part of me feels like that idiot did this not only to protect me but also to keep an eye on me, but as long as he doesn't interfere with my business then I can accept this level of possessiveness.

Damn, I'm accepting my husband's nonsense too easily, I'm like my mother...

I rubbed my forehead in frustration, but despite the anger, I'm thankful that my foolish husband warned me that the damn woman is going to try to steal from one of the best sales agents in the world.

Kang Xia, a talented woman at the age of 22, was able to become a legend in business circles for her ability to grow any business beyond the heavens.

Her unparalleled talent is something I need to restore the stability of my company and I must take advantage of it before that bitch surnamed Tang takes her away from me.

Come to think of it, that nasty woman is probably now part of my husband's harem...

Does that make us sisters?

I feel nauseous just thinking about it… Damn idiot husband who sleeps with any woman who gets close to him…

Although if he wasn't like that, we wouldn't have met...

Life is too complicated.

"You look tired" – My husband's new wife spoke to me with concern.

I always wanted a little sister to take care of her so I became close to Long Aoxue even though we met this morning.

I smiled. – "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired from work"

Long Aoxue sighed. – "Why don't you quit your job? A wife's duty is to take care of her husband, so it would be better if you stop working and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to our husband"

"Em, he prefers that I follow through with my goals so focusing on work will make him happy" - I made a forced smile.

"I see" – Long Aoxue nodded. – "If it is for the good of our husband then I will support you"

…Do all cultivators think like this?

In the movies, cultivators tend to have a mentality stuck in the feudal era, so it is likely that this mentality is common among them...

In that aspect, I like that Luis has never shown bitterness or annoyance towards my dedication to work, he has supported me a lot while keeping an adequate distance so as not to invade my privacy, and he has not told me how I should manage my company and he only gives me advice when I ask...

I like that side of him as normally men feel it's an attack on pride when a woman is more successful than them. At least that's how the men who have tried to woo me have been and only want to have me as a decoration.

That reminds me that today I received a call from my father saying that tomorrow he will come back to the city to introduce me to a man, my damn father must have made a promise to give me to another man in exchange for money.

Before I met Luis, my stomach hurt every time I talked to my parents and I felt miserable, now I know that my father's nonsense doesn't matter since I can fix most of my problems, and in case something else comes up beyond my capacity, Luis will be supporting me.

I hate and love that womanizing idiot...

We are currently traveling by car in the direction of Heavenly Heaven Restaurant for my meeting with Kang Xia.

I kept texting my husband to make sure the damn woman didn't get there before me. Although the person answering the messages obviously wants to make me angry, at least she gave me accurate information.

We got to the restaurant before my husband and his new wife… Just thinking about it is unpleasant.

In the restaurant, we get a lot of stares as we are three outstanding-looking women, Long Aoxue, Xiao Bai, and myself.

(Author's Note: Long Aoxue from My Girlfriend Is Long Aotian)

(Author's Note: Xiao Bai from My Beautiful Teacher)

(Author's Note: Lin Ruoxi from My Wife is a Beautiful CEO)

Since this is a fancy restaurant there was no shortage of high-status men who wanted to approach us when we arrived, luckily Xiao Bai has a rather intimidating look so those unpleasant things didn't approach us.

Earlier today I made a reservation which is where Kang Xia is waiting for me so a waiter took us to a private room suitable for business.

As we approached Xiao Bai stepped forward to enter first which confused me a bit, but then I frowned seeing that there were two people in the room.

Kang Xia is almost my age, but the person next to her was younger, a boy the same age as my husband.

When we entered, both people saw us, but what gave me a bad feeling was that Xiao Bai seemed to be protecting me, but since she hasn't given me directions to leave, it means that the boy is not an enemy for now.

"Miss Lin, it's nice to meet you, I'm very grateful for extending this invitation to me" – Kang Xia stood up and approached me with a professional smile.

"The pleasure is mine Miss Xia" – I made a courteous greeting and shook her hand.

She studied in the United States so her way of interacting is a different style from what we have in China, but I have cooperated with foreign companies so this doesn't bother me.

I looked at the boy. – "He is Miss Xia's friend?"

"Oh, not exactly" – Kang Xia had a wry smile. – "The young man appeared to offer me the position of CEO in the company that he is forming, his perspective is very interesting and his ideas are novel, but he wanted to listen to Miss Lin before making a decision"

Is this boy the son of a prominent family or a renowned businessman?

It doesn't look like it, I memorized the faces of all the young masters to avoid getting involved with them, but this boy doesn't belong to any important family.

Something inside me tells me that there is something wrong with this situation, it's as if my instinct warned me not to antagonize that boy, but at the same time I feel calm as if everything is fine... It's strange.

Although the boy seems to be 17 years old, his expression is that of someone with great experience in life, but his indifferent expression annoys me, he reminds me of myself at my worst and I don't like it.

"I'm Tang Xiu" – The boy spoke with an indifferent attitude, which I thought was disrespectful, it seemed that he was looking down at me even though it was the first time we met.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lin Ruoxi" - I nodded calmly. – "Mr. Tang, I will have a business talk with Miss Xia so I would appreciate it if you could leave"

The boy crossed his legs. – "I am here to recruit Kang Xia so I will stay to negotiate"

I am a professional person so the narcissism of a child is not going to affect me, I am here on business.

I ignored the boy and focused on Kang Xia. – "Miss Xia, I want to cooperate with you so I would like us to sit down and negotiate"

Long Aoxue is acting as my assistant so she handed me a briefcase where I have a copy of the contract I want to establish with Kang Xia.

We sat down and I showed the papers to Kang Xia.

"At Yu Lei, we are very interested in Ms. Xia's abilities so we are offering a management position and a fairly generous fixed salary, as well as offering a percentage of the shares of future Yu Lei affiliated companies" – I showed the contract and others documents.

Kang Xia is an intelligent woman so she won't be lured away with empty promises so I showed a layout of Yu Lei's future business, although it's just superficial data since I can't expose business secrets to someone who isn't trustworthy yet.

Some time ago I had the idea of ​​expanding my company to other sectors such as the entertainment industry, but I already have a lot of work and the situation with my family had me very worn out.

Now that I have my husband, I can overcome many problems and expand the reach of my company.

In Japan, I made an agreement with the Ichijo family to expand the benefits of my company.

Luis explained to me that it is illegal to sell supernatural objects and products from other worlds to normal humans, but there are loopholes in these rules.

To begin with, it is not illegal to use the knowledge of other worlds as long as it is adapted to the functioning of this world, Luis mentioned that this is based on the Laws of reality that make this world function.

I don't really understand topics from other worlds, but I understand that I can sell technology from other worlds as long as it is technology within the standards of modern civilization, for example, medicines capable of curing any type of cancer at a price accessible to all.

Although this class of medicine can bring many conflicts with pharmaceutical companies, the Ichijo family will be my support.

An Ichijo family company will be the one to produce these medicines and other items while my company will be the exclusive distributor in both China and Japan.

The Ichijo family has no internal conflicts generated by greed and selfishness, it is as if all the members of that family are indifferent to wealth and although they have their own goals, there are no conflicts of interest.

I envy the Ichijo family at the same time that it makes me happy to think that I am now part of them...

I was worried that the Japanese government would object to a foreign company making so much profit from Japanese technology, but the Ichijo family has enough power that my company is the only one capable of selling these drugs.

When we made this deal I was surprised that the patriarch of the Ichijo family would be so willing to cooperate with a company from China due to the historical conflicts between our countries, but he mentioned that I am his son's wife and therefore I am part of the family.

I am lucky to know my husband.

"A Japanese company?" – The boy saw the documents and frowned. – "Do you really do business with people from the island country? Where is your heart towards our nation?"

"We are all earthlings so borders don't matter, business is business" - I answered calmly.

The boy frowned. – "You sold your ideals in exchange for worldly money, your ignorance has no limits and your lack of awareness is an offense to your ancestors"

Before those kinds of words would have infuriated me, but in the time I've been with Luis I've realized how ridiculous it is to worry about the stupidity of ignorant people.

"I do my business honestly so my ancestors have nothing to claim" - I replied calmly.

Even if my husband is a mobster, I'm running my business honestly so I don't have any guilt complexes.

"Ignorant woman" - The boy sighed with disappointment and noticed the ring on my hand. – "Your husband must be a man blinded by lust for being willing to marry a woman without ethics or conscience"

It is true that my husband is a pervert, but this boy's words bother me.

I wanted to say something, but Long Aoxue stood up.

"You dare to insult my husband, you are courting death!" – Long Aoxue had a murderous look. – "I will give you a chance, kneel down and hit your face against the ground three times or I will cut out your tongue and gouge out your eyes"

… I have a feeling she really will.

Xiao Bai put her hand on my shoulder, she seems ready to take me out if a fight starts.

I don't know what the boy's or Long Aoxue's strength is, but seeing Xiao Bai's serious expression it will be a disaster if she starts a fight.

"This is amazing!" – Kang Xia's excited voice interrupted the tense atmosphere.

All this time she had been engrossed in looking at the documents, I like the way she concentrates on business.

"Did something catch your eye?" – I followed her rhythm to calm the atmosphere and prevent a fight from starting.

"Liquors with exclusive distilling methods, top-notch medicines that will be accessible to the general public, dietary food supplements with flavors comparable to artificially flavored desserts… These projects are very interesting" – Kang Xia mentioned some of the most eye-catching projects for sale to the public. – "Although the ideas are interesting and there are already several official certifications, I want to check the quality of the products to verify that they will be a best-seller, although I have a doubt… What is this gastronomic gift for VIP users?"

The catalog of future products is to be suitable for all public since until now I have sold jewelry and makeup for the upper class so I want to enter the business of products for the middle class.

In addition to cheap products, I also made a catalog for the upper class with medicines that are not totally essential for ordinary people, such as medicines for insomnia and migraines, there are also some artisan liqueurs that are much more expensive since they are made personally by my husband and everything he prepares is more than delicious.

The VIP user system consists of a membership to have purchase priority every time the best products come out, in addition, each month the person will receive a dish prepared by my husband.

I had to push a lot for him to agree to participate in this and in the end, I managed to convince him to give me a warehouse full of food that is frozen in time so it will taste like it was freshly made.

My husband hates fame and since this will increase his reputation as one of the best chefs in the world I had to sacrifice a lot to convince him to help me.

I had to wear a Playboy bunny costume and do a lot of indecent things… It's something I want to forget.

"As the description says, it will be a dish prepared by one of the best chefs in the world" - I smiled with slight pride. – "Although the name of the chef is not yet recognized, the prestigious Tōtsuki Culinary Academy has given this chef its seal of approval"

The Tōtsuki Culinary Academy is the best cooking school in the world and it is in Japan.

Although Luis has not attended that academy, shortly before we left Japan he received an honorary degree from that academy since the patriarch Ichijo is a friend of the director and sent him a dish made by my husband.

I feel proud that my husband is recognized even if he says that things will become troublesome.

"I will need to check the quality of the food, if the taste is good enough then we can organize a publicity event where the chef can challenge other top chefs, even if your chef doesn't win it will be an excellent publicity" – Kang Xia has great ideas interesting.

"So we have an agreement?" – I smiled.

"First I want to confirm the quality of the products and see the facilities you will use, but I assure you that I will not sign with other companies until I see everything you offer" – Kang Xia smiled at first, but then she seemed to be worried. – "About the Pang family…"

Kang Xia studied in the United States where she gained recognition on Wall Street, returned to China 3 years ago, and was hired by the Pang Group, a conglomerate belonging to the Pang family which is a subordinate of one of the Four Great Families.

Publicly Kang Xia was fired for embezzlement so other companies are unwilling to hire her despite her high abilities, but the truth is that she rejected Young Master Pang's courtships and harassment which caused this smear.

I smiled empathetically. – "I understand the injustices you have faced and you do not have to worry, even if you reject my job offer I am willing to help you as much as possible, I know the feeling of helplessness when facing the tyranny of someone with higher status"

I understand how exhausting it is to have a stalker with a lot of status and authority. I am really grateful to my silly husband, his presence helps me breathe in peace without feeling overwhelmed.

"Thank you" – Kang Xia smiled gratefully.

I was about to offer her a meal to talk amicably, but the door was suddenly opened. - "One moment!"

Tch, that woman is here.

Tang Wan hurriedly entered as a plain-looking man walked behind her with an innocent smile.

Although that man is nothing special, I'm sure he is Luis doing one of his usual silly things.

I tried to form the telepathic link, but I still can't control this ability, fortunately or unfortunately, my stupid husband opened the mental link.

"In case you're wondering, yes, I'm the smiling idiot" - My husband's voice sounded ironic and tired.

"It's good that you recognize that you're an idiot" - I snorted with disgust. – "Where were you?... Did you get into trouble?"

I was worried about his safety since he was left home alone surrounded by possible enemies.

Now I feel like a fool because he was wasting his time with another woman while I was feeling anxious… Idiot.

"Well, a lot of things happened" – Luis sighed. – "I will tell you everything at night"

"Hmph, you must have been just being a perverted idiot with this woman" – I couldn't hide my anger. – "Now are you going to support her while you forget about me?"

"I will be neutral" – My silly husband replied with irony. – "You resolve your differences, I will be a spectator"

Idiot… Although I appreciate that he does not intervene in my company's affairs, I like the sense of autonomy that I have in my company.

"Okay ladies, you chat, I'll be outside so try not to fight" - The smiling idiot that is my husband smiled and left the room.

"I'm going for water" – Long Aoxue stood up and went out too.

Tang Wan started to bargain fiercely with Kang Xia, but unfortunately for her, Miss Xia already made a deal with me causing the idiot surnamed Tang to look at me resentfully.

This is nice.

Come to think of it, the boy surnamed Tang was no longer in the room. I didn't notice when he left...

… Did my husband do something?...

That boy was arrogant, but he wasn't a complete idiot either so I hope he doesn't do too much of a bad thing...

Who am I kidding, possibly my husband will take care of the boy with the methods of a yakuza.

I'm surprised and worried that I can accept this in stride...

Well, right now I have to concentrate on business, the rest is irrelevant.



Author's Note:

Kang Xia from "Returning from the Immortal World".

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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