No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 282: Nee-chan is helpless

Chapter 282: Nee-chan is helpless

I found myself desperately needing to run away from school for a stupid and simple reason. More than 20 of the most beautiful students of the institute sought me out saying all kinds of nonsense about being married for several years, marriages arranged by our parents, having official families, and other nonsense shit.

Cupid's chocolates not only affect the emotions and memories of those who eat them, but that garbage can materialize part of the false memories to validate the hallucinations of people in love.

The chocolates access the Laws to modify aspects of reality. While that sounds dangerous, the changes are insignificant to how the world works, so using these chocolates doesn't harm the fabric of human society.

For example, a girl had a fucking marriage certificate signed by her father and is supposedly engaged to me after I saved her father's life 2 months ago. The worst of all is that her father really thinks that it happened and even he thinks he has business agreements with the Ichijo family...

A few minutes ago, Mr. Ichijo called me to ask me why several companies in China are calling him to arrange political marriages with Luis, aka Lu Su.

I told Mr. Ichijo that I met a cupid woman and she thought I needed more love in my life so she used the stupid chocolates, but somehow the chocolates were much stronger than normal and now several women think I'm their fated love.

Mr. Ichijo said that this is a serious matter as I may get in trouble with the Love Association, the group that manages the work of cupids all over the world.

Throughout history, there have been idiots who have tried to use cupid's chocolates to get a harem of women so the Association is very careful in dealing with these incidents.

I am a Hero supported by the Ichijo family, additionally, I have the friendship of a talented and powerful individual, the Harem King.

If I didn't have this, then the Love Association would use an antidote to remove artificial feelings in women, then erase any trace of this incident, and finally, kill or imprison me since I am technically a criminal who used the Cupid's chocolates to fulfill my own carnal desires.

They would not even investigate if Mei Tata is to blame, I would be the scapegoat so as not to damage the image of the cupids.

Mr. Ichijo told me that he will speak with that Association to reach an agreement and thus allow me to maintain the harem of women who consumed chocolates since that would be beneficial for commercial relations between Japan and China since some of the women who seek me come from families important.

Fortunately, none of the women belong to one of the Four Great Families or it would be the beginning of a political conflict with too much paperwork.

Still, this will be a headache...

Anyway, Mr. Ichijo said he would help me solve this with the help of an ally of the Ichijo family.

Now I'm sitting in a limo massaging my forehead, stupid migraine.

"Do you want something to drink?" – A lovely woman asked me with kind concern.

"Thank you, I would like some water" - I replied politely.

"You don't need to be so polite" – The woman smiled warmly at me. – "Issei has been almost a father to me and since you are his adoptive son then we are almost siblings, come on, you can call me Nee-chan ~"

I can feel that Chiyo is biting her nails to resist the fury, her self-control is improving.

I smiled wryly. – "Miss Kanakura, you are the current leader of Char Siu, it would be impolite of me to call you that way"

The woman is Yui Kanakura, the current leader of Char Siu, one of the three largest mafias in China. The amazing thing about this mafia is that they managed to grow up without being affiliated with the Four Great Families so they have a hostile relationship with those families.

One of the reasons why this mafia managed to grow is that the last 3 leaders were cunning men who knew how to grow discreetly.

When the big families noticed this mafia, it was already too late and no family is willing to eliminate this mafia. Although Char Siu is weaker than any of the Four Great Families, they have the power to defend themselves and in a desperate fight, they could cause irreparable damage to a prestigious family.

Years ago, Char Siu got into a war with other mafias, so the leader left his daughter in Japan for a couple of years. The leader was a close friend of Mr. Ichijo so the daughter lived in the Ichijo residence.

The war between mafias ended with the victory of Char Siu, but the leader was seriously injured so he only had three years to live.

Yui Kanakura was called back to China and her father spent the rest of his life raising his daughter so that she would be Char Siu's heir.

Although in this society it is very difficult for a woman to achieve such an important position, the members of Char Siu are deeply loyal, so they not only accepted a woman leading them, but they also did not care that Yui Kanakura was half Japanese despite the historical hostility between the two countries.

One more thing, and the most important thing. Yui Kanakura is linked to the Nisekoi plot and she seems to have feelings for Raku.

Although she seems to have a slight crush on my stepbrother, her feelings are more like an older sister's love, almost a motherly love.

Because of Chitoge, Marika, and Kosaki, I have 100% of Nisekoi's plot armor so Yui's feelings of attachment towards me should increase drastically, but she has multiple artifacts, rituals, blessings, and skills that protect her mind and soul so even the plot armor won't be enough to get her into my bed.

Here comes the convenience of plot holes.

Yui sees me as her younger brother and her perspective is basically motherly love, she herself is opening her heart to me so her defensive skills don't recognize her own feelings as something harmful.

My titles and skills like [Dimensional Motherfucker] don't generate new feelings but enhance existing feelings. I am indirectly and accidentally taking advantage of the plot hole in her defensive abilities...

I can't even complain about this being too easy since it was a convenient accident, it's even possible that [Lucky Pervert] had a hand in this coincidence.

By the way, she knows that Luis and Seiji are the same person so she sees me as Raku's brother, and thus her own younger brother.

Yui pouted. – "It's not that hard, repeat after me, Nee-chan~, come on, I know you can do it~"

"Incest haunts you" - An idiot smiled next to me.

"Shut up you idiot, this is your fault" – I resisted the urge to punch Nyaruko's stupid smiling face.

It's annoying to see Nyaruko's smirk, but seeing her smirk in her Harem King costume is a hundred times more irritating.

"Don't be a tsundere, tell your Nee-chan how much you love her" - Nyaruko's smile grew, this idiot is having fun...

"Are you embarrassed to play with Nee-chan in front of your friend?" – Yui feigned sadness. – "Are you ashamed of Nee-chan?"

"I don't think so, my dear friend always talks about his beautiful and perfect sister, but he hits me if I make a comment about introducing her to me, he's a total siscon" – Nyaruko had a damn smirk.

"Oh, I see, so you love Nee-chan and you can't live without me~" – Yui couldn't hide her amused smile. – "Come, let Nee-chan give you a hug~"

….. Although I like women with their own personalities and who are not afraid to make fun of me, this is ridiculous.

"Fuck, I also want to annoy senpai! Ne, senpai, build an identity so that I can also be by your side just like the idiot otaku" – BB said something so horrible that I wanted to empty my thoughts, but the voices kept ringing inside my head.

"Um… I also want to go out and see the world by your side, but I don't want to cause you problems…" – Abby spoke shyly.

"I want to go on a date around town with my cute little brother♥" – Chiyo had a loving smile.

"I want to go to play!" – Haachama had the smile of an arsonist looking at gasoline.

"I want to go where Nyaruko goes♥" – Kuuko was blushing.

"Gogh is fine here, it's comfortable to be here, the outside world is mean to Gogh" – Gogh is a wonderful girl who prefers to stay in her room without going out.

"I don't really like going out or interacting with strangers, I don't want to go out" – System Goddess is an adorable woman.

"Well, senpai, start preparing identities for us~ Also, it would be useful for you if both Ancient Ones and Outer Gods can walk by your side" – BB smiled like a swindler.

I can't deny that, and when someone finds out the identities of the women, I'll already have my organization set up so I can oppose big groups like Paradise or Eternal Heaven Immortal… Still, the headache will be hell.

I ignore the voices and focus on the two women in front of me who keep making jokes about older sisters.

"To think that you wouldn't accept Nee-chan's love just because we haven't seen each other… You'll make Nee-chan cry…" - Yui was holding back her laughter when she saw my gloomy expression.

Well, if that's what she wants, so be it.

I moved from the seat to sit next to Yui, my right hand hugging her waist while my left hand caressed her cheek.

My movements were so smooth and sudden that both Yui and her bodyguard couldn't react.

Before the bodyguards attacked me, I smiled warmly and spoke with a tone of voice that showed maturity while my facial expression was slightly childish like an innocent child. – "I am glad to see you, Nee-chan"

"…." – Yui froze, her face quickly reddened, but she didn't seem angry, instead, there was a slight feeling of happiness.

The bodyguards who were hidden around the limo relaxed seeing that Yui was fine, I even think they are expecting me to make the next move since Yui doesn't seem to have any friends, much less a boyfriend.

My smile grew more affectionate. – "What's wrong Nee-chan? Why is your face red? You feel bad?"

"N-No… I-I'm f-fine….." – Yui was blushing more and more.

Although she is an intelligent woman and certainly has blood on her hands, she seems totally inexperienced in handling romance. It seems that she has only been interested in Raku, but that was many years ago so she has not experienced this kind of direct approach and seduction.

I made a worried expression and moved my face closer to hers until our lips were almost touching. If she leaned forward a bit then we would kiss.

"You seem a little nervous, Nee-chan" - I spoke with concern and affection.

Yui must have many suitors so she knows the displays of romantic interest and carnal desire, but what I'm showing is brotherly love so she doesn't know how to react.

I moved gently to bring my mouth close to her ear and spoke quietly. – "Nee-chan, it makes me happy to see you… I hope you will be kind to me when we start having fun"

Lastly, I blew softly into her ear, being careful not to let the air enter her eardrum as this would give an unpleasant sensation that would break the atmosphere of seduction.

Yui's body shuddered, she nearly dug her nails into her own thighs as her legs clenched. This woman had a small orgasm…

A very particular fetish, although I have no right to judge.

I turned my face away and smiled as my right arm continued to hug her waist. – "Are you alright Nee-chan?"

Yui nodded and then looked down, she is too embarrassed to speak.

I already stole Raku's two fiancées and his school crush, it won't make a difference if I stole his older sister as well. Later I'll get the boy an irrelevant girlfriend.

I looked across the car and sent a mental message to Nyaruko. – "Clean your nose, you have a hemorrhage"

Nyaruko took out a handkerchief and wiped away the blood on her nose, then sent me a mental message. – "You are too dangerous a womanizer…. Hey, do the same to me, hug me while you make fun of me…."

…. Perverted idiot.

That reminds me of something.

I looked into my mind and sure enough, Chiyo fainted with a stupid smile as blood spurted out of her nose.

"Little brother senpai is cute, but I prefer the violent moody version of senpai" – BB sneered at Chiyo's unconscious body, then looked at Navi. – "That makes me think… Why don't we make a line of senpai cards? Senpai shota, senpai neko, senpai inu, senpai serial killer…"

"Hey Listen! The real profits come from the sale of merchandise! In addition to cards we can make action figures and even dakimakuras!" – Navi shouted with joy.

These idiots have been corrupted by capitalism… Besides, the stupid author barely knows how to write, there is no chance of making merchandise.

After a while, we finally reached Char Siu's base. A large building that at first glance looks like a prestigious real estate company, but in reality, it is the base of one of the most important mafias in China and the world.

Although the building is not a Pocket Dimension like the Ichijo residence, the number of barriers, spirit formations, and supernatural beings protecting the place is almost comparable to the Misty Peak sect.

It may not sound impressive since I destroyed that sect with ease, but consider that that sect was thousands of years old while Char Siu was founded 70 years ago which shows the intellect and skills of those who have led this group.

Once in the place, Yui totally changed her attitude. She became a professional and pragmatic woman who does not give in to any kind of personal emotion. Her leadership skills are very good.

Nyaruko stayed in the dining room while we went to Yui's office to sit face to face and have a professional conversation.

Yui had already heard about the Harem King, a system user who had the strength to destroy one of the most important sects and even founded his own sect in the company of one of the most feared demonic cultivators in the history of Gaia, the demon Luo De.

Although reports say that the Harem King is a simple-minded individual with childlike behavior, Yui has been looking into the possibility that it is all an act and in reality, the Harem King has harmful plans for China and human society.

A highly contagious disease that cannot be cured with science or supernatural elixirs, an increase in violence, the constant appearance of innate ability users harming citizens, the possible interference of an Outer God, strange actions among cultivators, and the appearance of a powerful system user.

It all happened too suddenly so it's suspicious.

In fact, I am also a suspect since the trouble started when I arrived in China, but the support of the Ichijo family and the help of Lin Ruoxi's grandfather helped remove the suspicions against me.

Yui mentioned her theories to me and asked me to be careful with the Harem King since it's not certain that he's a true ally.

I explained that I have the backing of a powerful entity outside of our world so that, in an emergency, I can fight the system user.

I wasn't surprised that Yui knew about Auriel's existence since she has the same level of status as Mr. Ichijo which gives her access to secret information.

What did surprise me is that I discovered the reason why Char Siu can rival the big families.

Two years ago Yui came into contact with Hell. Not the Western Hell within Gaia, but the organization of Higher Entities.

At least she made negotiations with the Followers of Lucifer and not the Riders of Chaos.

Although the name Lucifer is associated with lies and scams, this Lucifer is one of the most trusted entities in the multiverse as each contract of the King of Lies is followed to the letter and this Devil never lies, although breaking one of these contracts is equal to suicide.

Fortunately, Yui is very smart and did not offer an excessive payment. She promised to inform Lucifer if the Riders of Chaos started doing business within Gaia since Lucifer's faction is at war with these psychopaths.

Yui is surprisingly good at diplomacy and even she seems to have become friends with Lucifer as they constantly have video calls. In fact, Yui has Lucifer's blessing similar to how I have Auriel's blessing.

Lucifer's blessing makes Yui immune to Contracts, Oaths, mind control skills, instant death skills, and she can even resist the mental damage of Madness. Sure, if she was directly attacked by an Outer God then she would die in an instant, but she wouldn't freak out from seeing the Nightmare Form of an Outer God.

As a final note, I learned that Lucifer is female.

It was predictable.

Yui told me about Lucifer and I told her about Auriel.

It became clear that while Yui has a friendly relationship with Lucifer, my relationship with Auriel is closer to religious faith.

By the way, she heard about the Hero of Harmony's fight against Ancient One Cthylla in the cultivator's territory so she knows that my strength is far superior to most deities in this world.

The conversion concluded with Char Siu forming an alliance with the Ichijo family.

The fact that she didn't mention Bee Hive Gang makes me question whether the Chinese mafia has hidden conflicts with the American mafia since I have no information about it which gives me a bad feeling.

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill says it won't be dangerous, but it will hurt]

… Well, the pain is irrelevant to me.

Although I am the heir to the Ichijo family, Mr. Ichijo still has the true authority of the yakuza, so Yui will speak with Mr. Ichijo to close the negotiations.

"Then that's all for today" - Yui nodded while maintaining her professional and stoic expression.

I nodded. – "Thank you for listening, but I have a question"

"What is your question?" – Yui asked me calmly.

I smiled. – "Doesn't Nee-chan want to play with me?"

"..............." – Yui looked at me blankly as she struggled to contain her blush.

Yui took a deep breath and managed to calm down, then looked at me with a frown. – "I admit that my prank got out of control and it was my mistake, so please forget what happened in the limo"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" – I asked without much interest.

Yui raised an eyebrow. - "Nope"

"Then I have a chance" - I shrugged.

Yui sighed. – "I researched you and I know that you are a womanizer with several lovers in both of your identities… I am not going to question your actions since we barely know each other, but I want to maintain a friendly relationship with you, so I would appreciate it if you avoid making those kinds of comments"

I smiled slightly. – "It is true that I am a womanizer and you really caught my attention so I would like to try something with you"

Although I have very intelligent and capable wives, there are few women skilled in politics and diplomacy in my harem.

I like Yui's attitude, appearance, and abilities. To make things better, she even managed to create a friendship with Lucifer which is admirable.

Although Lucifer prefers business to battle, rumors say that she was only slightly weaker than an Outer God and that is why she was able to form her own faction in Hell where strength is everything.

Through Yui I can try to do business with Lucifer, that would be very helpful in consolidating my Outer Gods organization. I might even have the help of the King of Lies to form false identities for BB, Abby, Chiyo, Haachama, Kuuko, and any other troublesome entities that join my group.

Yui sighed and shook her head. – "It is better if you give up, even if you are handsome I am not interested in a casual relationship"

Those are the words I was waiting for.

Lucifer's blessing allows Yui to see through the lies. Although [Mythomania] can bypass that blessing, she will be able to detect the use of my skill, that's the strength of that blessing.

Instead of lying to her, I used [Mythomania] to lie to myself.

I put on a straight posture and a serious expression. – "I have no interest in casual relationships or one-night stands, my interest in you is genuine and I would like us to have a formal relationship"

"…" – Yui's mouth dropped slightly as Lucifer's blessing showed her that I'm telling the truth.

I raised my hand and activated Auriel's blessing causing a copper coin to appear in my hand.

Auriel's blessing has several uses besides healing my wounds and damaging entities with Negative Karma. I don't usually need the abilities of this blessing, but it's times like this when being Auriel's knight comes in handy.

"This coin is a knight's promise, the coin will rust if I lie, it will turn silver if I make a simple promise and it will turn gold if I make an unbreakable oath" – I showed the coin. – "For now I will not take an oath, but I am sincere in that I would like you to be my wife"

Yui stared at the coin and her heart beat faster as she saw that the coin did not rust.

"W-Why?" – Yui's voice began to tremble at my sincerity. – "W-We just met…."

I smiled kindly. – "I have been told that I am an idiot with an easy and fickle heart, I cannot deny that since I have many wives and lovers, but I am sincere in that I fell in love with you when I met you... I am not interested in your status or reputation, but in you, the person you are"

[System Notification: BB-chan has died of cringe. Senpai sucks]

"Hey Listen! Stop complaining, it's all for the greater good! Keep it up tsundere dog!"

Yui struggled to remain calm, my sincerity is hitting her in the weakest part of her heart. – "What you say does not make sense… Even if you are not lying, it is only a momentary infatuation and in the future, you will change your mind…"

She wasn't talking to me but to herself so my smile grew. – "I swear that if you agree to be my wife, then I will be faithful to you and I will not stop loving you… Oh, right, to clarify, I will not leave my current lovers and in the future, I will have more wives"

I am using the 'Fraud' Concept so there was no Contract even though the coin turned to gold.

Yui couldn't keep her calm. – "Have you gone crazy?! Do you know the consequences of breaking an oath involving Higher Entities?!"

"An instant death where my mind will be purified of all traces of personality making reincarnation impossible, or if I'm lucky, I'll be turned into a tool without freedom" - I shrugged.

Yui gritted her teeth angrily. – "Did you take the oath knowing that?!"

"Yes" - I agreed with a smile. – "I am very serious about my love life"

Yui massaged her forehead in frustration. – "Have you never thought about what will happen if one of your lovers chooses to cheat on you or abandon you after you make the oath? The contract will force you to love her even if your wife stabs you in the back from her"

"I know" - I nodded and kept smiling. – "That is why I strive to be a good husband, and if my wife still betrays me, then I will kill her while I still love her"

"…" – Yui she stood still for a moment, then she stared into my eyes. – "Have you ever murdered one of your lovers?"

"Fortunately I haven't had to do it yet" – I played with the golden coin in my hand. – "Life is unpredictable and imperfect, if I have to kill someone I love it will hurt, but I will not stop"

Yui was silent for a few minutes until she finally breathed a sigh of relief and stood up to approach me. – "I was worried that you were a silly and impulsive child who was blinded by lust, but even if you have flaws, at least you are prepared to face the consequences of your actions"

Yui started stroking my head. This woman is too motherly, maybe because she didn't know her mother herself and she got used to taking care of other people from a young age...

"Thank you?" - I smiled wryly without taking her hand away from my head.

Combining the information she gathered about me and my current attitude, she assumed that I have abandonment trauma and therefore have a pathological need for female affection.

Yui smiled slightly. – "Look at you, you have so many responsibilities on your shoulders, but you are just a child… I cannot be your wife, but I will be your older sister so you can trust me if you have a problem"

Self-victimization is a stupid way to get affection, not because it's a pathetic method, but because people don't know how to use it.

Making self-deprecating comments does not generate pity but disgust, so people who do that do not receive affection but rejection.

The correct way is to leave evidence that there is an emotional problem that can generate sympathy.

In this case, I have a history of an abusive family, my childhood is full of deadly situations, I had to feed my family from an early age, although I am a teenager I already have more responsibilities and problems than many adults, I have been involved in fights and wars that could break the will of many heroes… In short, my life record is shit.

Although Yui didn't fall in love with me, this left a precedent that I need affection.

She has a motherly side that will prevent her from ignoring my feelings. She will at first want to help me out of kindness, then that kindness will turn into family affection, and with a few convenient situations, romantic love will emerge.

I sighed. – "That is better than nothing, although I will not give up"

Yui smiled tenderly. - "You're adorable"

My methods are questionable, but not my results.

"It's late so let's eat" – Yui removed her hand from my head. – "By the way, keep this a secret from your friend, I am serious that you should be careful with him, according to the information I have collected, system users are not trustworthy"

"*Insert meme about irony*"

I nodded and sighed. – "Actually, I already killed a system user"

Yui looked at me in surprise and then showed a beautiful smile. - "You are a box of surprises"

Yui took my hand and led me to the dining room. Although Nyaruko confirmed that I am one of the best chefs in the multiverse, I honestly prefer to eat the food prepared by other people.

A good chef knows how to appreciate the efforts of other chefs even if they are less talented.

Arriving at the dining room we find a particular scene.

"This orange duck has as much salt as the gacha from Fate GO!"

"You call this a hamburger?! I have seen more meat on the limbs of a child in Africa!"

"This venison is so raw that it's still looking for its son Bambi!"

"Who is the idiot who made this soup?! I'm going to cut off his hands for not knowing the difference between salt and pepper!"

"You bunch of idiots should learn to boil water before pretending to be chefs!"

Nyaruko was acting as the jerk judge in a cooking contest.

The pitiful chefs were running around in a hurry to bring food to the picky eater.

The funny thing is that the chefs couldn't even get mad as Nyaruko's insults were helping them see their cooking mistakes.

"What's wrong with your friend?" – Yui asked me expressionlessly.

"He's an idiot" - I sighed.

Nyaruko saw me and her eyes lit up. – "Hey, show these idiots what a real chef is! I'm hungry so please make me a burger!"

I can't complain, this idiot got this picky for eating my food every day.

Yui's expression filled with excitement. - "Now I remember that you received an honorary certificate from the Tōtsuki Culinary Academy, your dear Nee-chan really wants to test how good your food is~"

"The rabbit jumped into the tiger's mouth" – System Goddess sighed.

I used [Anti-Rasen] to limit my culinary talents and went to the kitchen.

Yui may have Lucifer's blessing, but it will be dangerous if something in her mind is ruined by my food so my food was within human standards, but my food will still be the best on Gaia.

When Yui saw her food her eyes lit up, when she smelled the dish her mouth began to salivate, and when she finally tasted the food it was as if she had achieved enlightenment.

No, she really did attain a kind of enlightenment….

"Congratulations Luis, now everyone will know that your food can awaken the hidden talent towards cultivation" - System Goddess smiled wryly.

Shit, that's what I get for wanting to show off...

When Yui finished eating a bowl of ramen, she hurriedly grabbed my arm. – "Stay and live here! I will take care of everything you need!"

"Forget that! I want to go to Japan and I won't leave without him!" - Nyaruko stood up angrily.

Yui hugged my arm. – "I am his older sister so he should stay here"

"He promised to take me to the Comiket!" - Nyaruko yelled in exasperation.

"I never promised that" - I sighed.

Both women ignored me and continued arguing.

In the end, I threatened not to give them dessert if they continued arguing so both women sat down to eat in silence.

At first, they both looked at each other with hostility, but everything was forgotten when they tried the Flan Napolitano that I made.

"I'm glad I exist…" – Nyaruko cried while she ate, this idiot loves to exaggerate things.

Yui ate in silence, she just concentrated on enjoying the food.

I ignored the chefs' requests to teach them and continued to eat the leftovers that Nyaruko refused. I hate wasting food.

The burger needs a little more cooking to give it a crispier feel but it's not bad, at least it's not a blue steak type of cooking. I've eaten raw meat, but that's ridiculous.




Author's Note:

An apologize for the long time between posts.

On the other hand, I want to share small happiness.

I received two figures that I ordered a long time ago. A Jeanne Alter in a school uniform and a Jack The Ripper (I'm already a mom!).

Now I can start wasting my life collecting anime figures, yay.

I'm going to put the photo on Twitter. You can find me as @BukaroNovels

Thank you for continuing to support my work, a big hug <3

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