No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 283: The Forgotten Angel is Sad

Chapter 283: The Forgotten Angel is Sad

After eating I had to call Lin Ruoxi to tell her that I will not go to sleep at her house since I need to attend some negotiations for our commercial and political alliance with the Ichijo family.

Lin Ruoxi sneered scornfully saying that I must be busy sleeping with another woman, but after a long sarcasm, she told me to be careful and not overexert myself.

My wife is becoming quite cute, although she would turn red with fury if she saw a beautiful woman happily asleep while using my arm as a pillow.

Yui insisted that we stay at her house to sleep.

Nyaruko has her own room which is actually a dimensional cage to prevent her from exploring the residence, though she's not bothered with that as she has internet access and a mountain of her favorite food.

Yui asked me if the Harem King was actually a little boy who used a skill to change his appearance, but I explained that he is a glib idiot.

After locking up Nyuaruko, Yui chatted with me for several hours to get to know each other better.

Apparently, she thoroughly investigated me as she was worried that I wanted to take Raku's place in the Ichijo family and then get rid of the boy. Yui was even prepared to send assassination squads if I was hostile toward Raku.

Due to my blessing from Auriel and her blessing from Lucifer, it became clear that I have no hostile intentions towards Raku and actually treat him like my little brother.

I didn't have to use [Mythomania] since I don't really have hostility towards the boy.

Anyway, I know him well enough to know that he won't hate me when he learns that Kosaki loves me now, he will get depressed for a while and only wish for the girl's happiness. Then I'll get him a girlfriend that suits his tastes so he won't be crying.

During the conversation, I became close to Yui since she had no friends since she became the mafia leader. I am literally the only person she can have a friendly conversation with without worrying about political schemes or ulterior motives.

Again I repeat, she still does not love me romantically.

The reason she's using my arm as a pillow is that she falls asleep early and asked me to sleep next to her.

This wasn't just because she was fond of me, she used a skill similar to [Mythomania] to pretend to be asleep to check if I'm a lout who will take advantage of her in her sleep.

[Paranoia] already warned me that Yui has several defensive skills that work passively and if I really try to overdo it with her, the blessing of Lucifer will mark me as an enemy of The Followers of Lucifer.

This beautiful woman wears a kind and playful mask to hide her cunning and dangerous side… I like her.

Now I'm stroking Yui's hair affectionately, but with no lustful intentions, just romantic behavior.

As my body moves on autopilot, my attention is on something more important. A very troublesome telepathic conversation.

"Hero, I need an explanation as to why you didn't tell me that there are traces of an Outer God in your world, besides, I heard that you fought against a powerful system user who was able to counteract Lord Archon's blessing" - Seraph spoke to me with a tone of an angry wife upon discovering her husband's infidelity.

I'm not surprised that she knows these things since, during my fight against Nyaruko, there were people from the Vatican watching the show.

The Vatican has connections to Paradise so it was only a matter of time before this information spread.

The entities that made deals with my father will now know that the Harem King is the reincarnation of Orthus and that can give me problems, but also benefits.

With the strength of my current group, I can take on the idiots who come to capture the Harem King as long as they are the ones who come to us since attacking their bases will be very dangerous. It is like fishing, you must prepare good bait and be patient until the fish bites the hook.

"You're very busy so I didn't want to bother you" - I replied with a guilty tone.

Seraph sighed. – "Hero, I appreciate your consideration, but I would like you to have more confidence in me… You did not tell me when you were sent to another world, I could not contact you when you were kidnapped by the cultivators and now I had to spy on the reports about Gaia to know what happens around you…"

From the conversations I have had with this woman, I can tell that she has an inferiority complex that makes her need approval and recognition. That also explains her absolute devotion to Auriel.

The fact that I solve my problems without her help makes her feel proud since it shows that she was not wrong to recommend me as Auriel's knight, but at the same time, this gives her a feeling that she is no longer needed, which generates a certain sadness.

This is useful to make her completely fall in love with me and so that in the future, she won't reject me when she knows what I really am and the things I've done, but I must be careful or put too much distance between us will only make her decide already not get involved with me for fear of being an obstacle in my life.

I sighed deeply with guilt. – "Seraph, I'm sorry, I actually wanted to keep this a secret for a reason…"

Seraph remained silent to listen to my explanation.

"Since I met BB I realized something important" - I spoke seriously. – "The Outer Gods are misunderstood monsters and can be our allies"

"It seems that you have become close to Daoloth" – Seraph doesn't seem to notice the jealousy in her voice.

"*Epic entrance* Hello senpai's wife~" – BB joined the conversation.

Seraph sighed. – "What is she doing here?"

"Her soul is connected to mine so she temporarily lives in my mind" - I answered with irony.

"I'm always on senpai's mind because senpai won't stop thinking about me~" – BB spoke in a mocking tone to annoy Seraph. – "By the way lady wife, guess who already slept with senpai~"

This woman is not happy if she does not see the world burn.

"...Hero..." - Seraph's voice was cold.

"Well, she's my wife too even if she's crazy" - I replied calmly as if this was completely normal.

"I may be crazy, but you love that, senpai~♥" – BB spoke suggestively.

I can hear Seraph gritting her teeth.

"Let's leave the jokes for now" - I spoke seriously.

"Senpai, you know it's not a joke~"

I ignored BB and got down to business. – "I am thinking of making the bearers of Madness our allies"

"… What?!" – Seraph forgot her jealousy due to panic. – "Hero, did you go crazy?!"

Remembering my childhood, I was never sane...

"Our holy lady seeks harmony and cooperation among all races so I wish to integrate the Ancient Ones and Outer Gods into our group" - I spoke solemnly like a hero talking about his noble dream.

Seraph was silent, she has trouble objecting since it is true that Auriel wants harmony between all intelligent races that can be defined as people, but the problem is that the Ancient Ones and Outer Gods are not seen as intelligent entities but as catastrophes living.

In a certain way, I am the representation of Auriel's ideal since my harem has a variety of species….

"Hero, you don't understand, the users of Madness cannot coexist in harmony with the rest of the multiverse, they are irrational monsters much more dangerous than the users of the system, it is not an exaggeration to call them disasters of reality" - Seraph sighed without caring that BB heard her words.

"I've been good since I've been with senpai" – BB feigned dissatisfaction. – "Come on senpai, tell her how kind and adorable this cute kohai is"

"I understand the corrosive effects of Madness, I also began to study the attacks of dementia suffered by bearers of Madness" – I kept the tone of an idealistic hero – "With my research, I have already confirmed that I have a skill capable of suppressing the corrosive effects of Madness to the point where I can use a small fraction of the Madness to power up my body without losing my sanity, this effect can be shared with other entities and so the Outer Gods could control their mental problems by being near me"

"This is how senpai will get a harem of yanderes~" – BB spoke enthusiastically.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache...

Seraph thought carefully, it seems that she has already been investigating this possibility since I mentioned that BB was attracted to my presence. – "If so, then you have to keep this a secret, I will ask you to go to the Sword Maiden so that she can make you a complete evaluation and thus be sure that your mind has not been damaged by the Madness… She is trustworthy as well that you can tell him about your theories, but outside of it, don't tell anyone about this, the Old Ones and Outer Gods have become the most sought-after resource in the multiverse and if someone discovers your skill then it will be difficult to protect you unless you move to the territory of our holy lady…"

"Oh, don't worry, I'll take care of senpai~" – BB is having fun. – "Also, when the other Outer Gods know this, they will gather around senpai so we will kill any idiot who wants to take senpai from us~"

This girl is saying unnecessary things, but I like that thought.

Seraph remained in an awkward silence, she seemed to have mixed feelings. It's obvious that she hates the idea of ​​me becoming friends with the Outer Gods, but she also wishes that I had strong allies.

If I keep pushing, she'll start to have conflicts between her devotion to Auriel and her recent affectionate feelings for me.

I'm still not this woman's priority so if she really has to choose, she'll side with Auriel.

"I will not insist on the impossible" - I sighed. – "I will offer my help to the Ancient Ones and Foreign Gods who want to cooperate, I will also make them sign contracts that guarantee the safety of innocent people, as for the entities that refuse to join us, I will personally take care of them"

Though I can't see Seraph's expression, I'm sure she's slightly pleased with my resolve to slay Outer Gods, though perhaps she's worried I'll get into battles against beings that might even endanger Auriel.

"Hero, how much of her power has Daoloth regained?" – Seraph seemed to be making calculations for the future.

"30%, the materials needed to rebuild her body are very scarce" - I sighed in disappointment.

If it wasn't for Nyaruko's warehouse then it would have taken me hundreds of years to find all the materials to rebuild BB's body. Not all Outer Gods have absurd regenerative abilities like Ortro, Gogh, and me.

"I see…" – Seraph seemed to do some calculations. – "Hero, give me the list of materials you need and I will see which ones I could get"

Seraph has a lot of contacts in the two main factions of Paradise so she could get some materials, but it will undoubtedly come at a high cost to her. Not even the formula for Basic Conceptual Magic will be enough to offset the expense.

While BB, Abby, and Nyaruko have all of their abilities back, it's best to have an emergency supply in case one of them gets a deep wound that even [Hero's Martyrdom] can't heal.

Heaven's anti-chaos weapons, cultivators' order mantra… Surely the demons and Truth Seekers have designed something to eliminate Outer Gods so I need materials to protect my wives.

Still, I'm worried that Sersph might get into a lot of debt for this...

"Hey Listen! That sounds like the NTR stage!"

… Idiot.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that there is a 50% chance that Navi's stupidities will come to pass. A complete analysis cannot be done due to the intervention of multiple Higher Entities]


"Seraph, thank you for your help, but if you do this you will have too many debts and you will be in big trouble" - I spoke with concern.

I need to start planning an invasion of Paradise...

"You don't need to worry Hero, I have contacts that will help me get any material at a low cost" - Seraph spoke with slight warmth upon feeling my concern.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that there is a 55% chance that something will go wrong. A complete analysis cannot be done due to the intervention of multiple Higher Entities]

The percentage increased...

Is someone tricking Seraph to gain her trust and then take advantage of her?

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that there is a 58% chance that the user's speculation is true. A complete analysis cannot be done due to the intervention of multiple Higher Entities]

The fuking percentage keeps going up...

"I understand, thanks for your help" - I spoke with gratitude. – "Then I will give you the list, BB knows the approximate price of the materials so I will leave you a note with the approximate value of each material, for now, I only need the cheapest materials"

I sent a false list of expensive materials, but not difficult to obtain. This will leave debt in Seraph's pocket, but it won't be enough for her to fall for a dangerous scam.

In the list, I only left an extremely valuable material that is not so useful for the Outer Gods, but it has the characteristic that Abby saw it once in the past and left a spatial mark on it in case one day she wanted to revisit the location of the material.

No doubt Seraph will run into big trouble getting that material, but it will allow me to track down who the jerk is who wants to take advantage of my future wife.

I ended the call with Serafin and promised to be careful with the Outer Gods. I also mentioned that I will keep an eye on the Harem King to see if he is a potential ally or a threat that needs to be exterminated.

To give her relief, I explained that in my battle I didn't use the full power of Archon's blessing as it was technically a friendly battle and I want to check his abilities first. Now that I know his abilities and mentality, I can kill the Harem King if I sneak attack him.

Lastly, I sent her a protective amulet that I supposedly got from Gaia. The amulet is of poor quality compared to the treasures of Paradise, but she received it with gratitude as it can be seen as a gift from the man she loves which shows my concern and affection towards her.

The amulet is not really valuable or special, its greatest quality is that it secretly has a spatial mark of Abby that will allow me to track and save (kidnap) Seraph in case she is in danger. At the moment this is better than nothing.

"Senpai, are you going to let your wife be in enemy territory while some idiot plans to take advantage of her?" – BB asked with amusement.

"I'm open to ideas" - I sighed internally.

It bothers me not knowing everything that happens with the women I'm interested in because there are too many dangerous variables.

My only relief is that she has the greatest protection from Auriel so it's very difficult for an asshole to touch her unless he's an absolute leader of Paradise, but the leaders of Paradise have no interest in carnal pleasures as they are obsessed with meeting out justice, albeit from different perspectives.

According to Daedalus, the leaders of Paradise do not have children since they are not interested in reproductive actions so there is no one with enough prestige to blackmail Seraph...


Maybe an idiot with too much brute force could do something… An impulsive idiot who doesn't consider the big picture and isn't afraid to offend a large organization… Something like a system user who has developed his power to be comparable to an Outer God...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' has detected the interference of a powerful concealment skill. The skill 'Paranoia' has used the skills 'Mythomania', 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell', and 'Hero's Destiny' to detect the origin of the concealment skill. The information matches the contract in the soul of the entity 'Rosy Dessy']

Harem Emperor...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia', the entity Abby and the entity BB have modified the user's spatial coordinates so that an enemy cannot detect the user]

"Thank you" - I took a deep breath to stay calm, I must not be impulsive.

"You're welcome senpai~"

"Nn, I like to help"

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' gives a thumbs up while saying that it has things in order]

"Hey Listen! King vs Emperor! The battle for the crown of the patriarchy has begun!"

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that based on the quality of the concealment skill, the Harem Emperor's strength should be comparable to the entity 'BB', but there are multiple unknown variables so it is recommended not to fight within Gaia or there is a 65% chance of causing the destruction of this World]

Are you taking into account the defensive capabilities of Gaia and the Throne of Heroes?

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' calculates a 90% chance that the Harem Emperor will have a party as strong as the user. There is a 68%% chance that the group will be strong because of the numbers and not because of the quality of the fighters. The ability 'Paranoia' sadly apologizes for not being able to analyze more information]

Don't worry, you're doing an excellent job.

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill looks down in embarrassment]

… I will refrain from commenting.

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