No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 285: The evil kemonomimi is charming

Chapter 285: The evil kemonomimi is charming

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' summarized the information obtained by the skill 'Reader's Perspective' to remove unnecessary information]

Thank you [Paranoia], you saved me a headache and helped decrease the work of the author, that idiot doesn't even have time to breathe and at this rate, he will die of fatigue.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' smiles happily for being helpful to the user]

"Resign senpai, Paranoia-chan will be a waifu~"

… I prefer not to think about it.

Anyway, the information the magician told me can be summed up as that the magicians not only wanted to cooperate with me to face the Outer God, but they also offered me great benefits if I agree to join the Mage's Association.

Historically, several system users have already appeared on Gaia. These system users are usually divided into two groups, those who cooperate with Alaya and the rebels.

Those who made contracts with Alaya are now guardians of this World so they practically only appear during world disasters. They are basically slaves who put chains around their own necks.

The other group is made up of the majority of system users who have a protagonist complex and are not willing to work for Alaya. Sadly for them, they often become food for a Guardian or end up in the lab of a supernatural organization.

In the entire world, the Ichijo family is the one with the most recognition for facing system users who have gone mad from the desire for power and excessive stupidity.

Although the Ichijo family hasn't managed to kill a system user since Ancestor Ichijo's death, the yakuza managed to capture five system users and hand them over to the Guardians so they can get rid of the troublesome idiots.

I'm sure ancestor Ichijo left behind some artifacts for the Ichijo family to take on the system users.

Perhaps there are some restrictions on those artifacts, such as lineage, and that's why Mr. Ichijo hasn't given them to me, although I don't really care. Even if my system is sealed, I have ways to defend myself.

In general, system users do not have a good reputation in this World, but it is known that the Will of the World favors them so supernatural organizations do not constantly persecute them, they just wait for them to do something harmful to society and thus they can justify capturing them for experiments.

Until now only weak system users have appeared so the inhabitants of Gaia do not know the true potential of a system user, most of the entities of this world think that a system user is an idiot with random powers and a lot of luck, but can be killed with the help of Guardians.

Technically that's true, but it only applies to system users who are blinded by the innate stupidity that the system generates. When a system user manages to preserve rationality and learns to become stronger without relying solely on the system, a monster comparable to an Ancient One emerges, or in very rare cases, comparable to an Outer God.

The point is that Nyaruko demonstrated a power far superior to most of the Guardians in this World. The only reason why the natives of Gaia do not see the Harem King as a danger that must be eradicated is that it became clear that the Harem King is an idiot who only thinks of women and has no ambition for authority.

Still, I'm worried about Alaya's lack of response, at this point she should have already tried to contact me, but she hasn't even sent a messenger. I have a feeling that something very troublesome is going on with Alaya, but the lack of information prevents [Paranoia] from making an analysis.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' apologizes for not being useful while lowering its head sadly]

Don't worry, you just have to keep trying to improve.

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill nods and clenches fists determinedly]

Great, now I have to take care of the emotional health of my own mental problems...

Anyway, the point is that the Harem King is seen as a talented magician and so the magicians felt that it wouldn't be a bad idea to recruit him. The most important thing is that the strength of the Harem King would help the magicians have more authority against the Vatican.

I told the wizard (I think his name is Waver) that I'm not going to join other organizations. I just founded my cultivator sect and found martial arts to be fun, especially since I met my new friend, the grumpy hero.

From that point, the truly problematic began.

The Hero Lu Su is a boy named Luis Oosuki and belongs to the Ichijo family, a family in Japan that is known for its hostility against system users.

Koyanskaya showed me secret files showing the atrocities the Ichijo family has done throughout history.

The best thing is that they showed evidence that Luis is the serial killer known as Kuro, a psychopath who has no regard for human life. The collateral damage from his assassination missions has cost innocent lives, including women, the elderly, and young children.

No, that's not the best, the best fucking part was a folder with various magical stamps so that the information is deleted after I see it.

Hero Luis is a disguise, his true identity is Seiji Ichijo, heir to the Ichijo family who bears the title of Hero of Harmony, a Hero who works for a group known as Paradise.

This information was extremely sensitive and only a very small group knows that Luis and Seiji are the same person, if this secret comes to light then Luis will be in danger since the enemies of the Ichijo family will take the opportunity to assassinate him while he is in foreign territory, and that is precisely the idea.

Basically, the Ichijo family is hostile to system users so Hero Seiji only pretends to be my friend to get a chance to assassinate me so the kind wizards offer me help to deal with the Hero and the Ichijo family.

This is fun.

This is fucking fun.

This is so fucking funny that I needed to use [Mythomania] to contain my laughter and the desire to kill the assholes around me.

I left information leaks so this was unavoidable, that's why I formed the identity of the Harem King and the plague doctor.

I'm not bothered by the information leak even if it happened sooner than I'd like, what really makes me want to kill someone is the group who gave this information to the mages.

"As you can see, the Hero of Harmony is not really your friend" - Waver sighed, he seems to hate this kind of method to make friends want to kill each other, but this is for the good of the Clock Tower, the good greater is important, the most important…

I didn't answer, my expression was one of disbelief and pain as if the possibility of this kind of betrayal hurt my heart.

"Senpai is hated by his wife's family, how tragic~"

"Hey Listen! Revenge is sweet and served cold! Revenge is ice cream!"

"Luis, don't do something reckless, there must be an explanation"

"There is and I know what it is" - I took a deep breath to calm my frustration.

The idiots are a headache.

The document that unmasked Luis's identity also had a record of the alliance formed to eliminate the Hero of Harmony and harm the Ichijo family. Mr. Ichijo has troublesome enemies.

The Mage's Association, various government officials including China, the Vatican, the Freemasons... Damn, this list is a conspiracy theorist's wet dream!

Mr. Ichijo put a lot of resources and connections to hide my identity, but he made a big mistake, trusting idiots.

In the list of groups that joined the plan to attack the Ichijo family was the main gang in the United States, the Bee Hive Gang.

Chitoge and Tsugumi's household was the one who leaked the information about my identity.

Both girls would have contacted me if they knew about this plot against me so this must be something Tsugumi's stepfather did, or maybe Chitoge's father... Damn, it could even be some traitor who discovered this information by chance, and actually, both men are not part of this stupidity.

[Paranoia] didn't find enough evidence to find the culprit, the bastard is pretty careful so I'll have to investigate to justify killing Chitoge's father and Tsugimi's stepfather.

Although I can forget the problems I had with that mafia before I moved to Japan, both of them are the leaders of the mafia and the mistake of the subordinates is the mistake of the leaders. Besides, I've been wanting to kill Claude for a long time...

"Hey Listen! The blonde gorilla's mom is a sexy Milf! Now you have a justification for stuffing her as a Christmas turkey muhahahaha!"

That's true, actually, this is not so bad.


"I'm the victim" - I shrugged internally.

Tsubaki sighed. – "Stop victimizing yourself, you cannot commit genocide without investigating first, maybe there is a traitor in Bee Hive Gang so you should investigate before feeding Ortro"

"Food?" – Ortro was happy.

"Wait a bit" - I smiled internally, she is so cute.

Ortro nodded and went on eating biscuits enthusiastically.

I was silent as if I was in deep thought. After a few minutes of looking at the documents, I finally spoke with a trembling voice. – "I trust my friend… But hypothetically speaking… The hero did not use all his cards when we fought and according to this, he has the support of strong people outside our world… Do you have something prepared to eliminate him?"

Waver nodded bitterly, he really doesn't want to get involved in this.

Waver opened his jacket and took out a small wooden box.

"That's the seal to restrict Heroes" – System Goddess confirmed my suspicions.

Waver opened the box and revealed a pocket watch. – "This is an artifact capable of blocking the blessings of beings outside our world, it was originally designed to deal with the followers of the Outer Gods, but with the help of a deity outside our world we managed to make modifications to restrict the abilities of the heroes"

Although there are times when Heroes go insane from stress and curses, designing weapons to eliminate them is sheer foolishness as Heroes are the hope of Worlds in danger. Destroying the Heroes is equal to destroying an infinity of Worlds.

"That thing has traces of Madness, the trace is very hidden and can practically only be detected by an Ancient One or an Outer God" - BB was curious. – "I do not recognize this Path of Madness so it must not be a known Ancient One or Outer God, maybe a rookie with a lot of creativity~"

A bearer of Madness devised a method to suppress Heroes' skills...

This will be a disaster.

Wizards are intelligent people, but the greed for knowledge made them trust a foreign entity, worst of all they don't even question because a foreign entity wants the Heroes on Gaia to not be able to use their abilities.

Geniuses are sometimes too stupid.

"I see…" – I nodded with a complex mixture of emotions to make it appear that I am in a strong emotional conflict. - "I'll think about it"

Waver sighed. – "Look, you can try to talk to your friend...…. But if you decide to cooperate with us, we are willing to reward you"

Waver had to make a space between his words since he was put under various contracts that require him to convince me to kill the Hero of Harmony.

He seems like he is not a kind man, but he has his own moral principles and does not like to use treacherous and manipulative methods.

I stood silently staring at my hands as if I was caught up in my own thoughts.

Waver sighed and stood up. – "The Mage's Association wants to work with you, I hope that in the future we can cooperate and if you want to talk, I will be in this hotel"

Waver looked at Koyanskaya as an indication to leave, but she stayed by my side to show that she would stay with me a little longer.

Waver shook his head and decided to leave. Despite Koyanskaya's beauty, it seems that the magician has not the slightest interest in women.

As Waver left the room, Koyanskaya activated a series of magical barriers to block the wizards' surveillance systems.

I subtly used [Anti-Rasen] to cover the room at the same time as Abby put up spatial barriers so that no Higher Entity could eavesdrop on the conversation that is about to start.

"What does Lord V want to do?" – Koyanskaya asked me respectfully with a trace of adoration to pretend that she respects me and begins to love me sincerely.

I kept silent as if my mood was bad.

Koyanskaya looked a bit confused, but then she thought she understood what was happening to me. – "Lord V really values ​​friendship with the Hero?"

I sighed internally, this is a hassle.

[Paranoia] not only looked at what happened to the mages and the alliance that formed to attack the Ichijo family, but I was also able to gain a deeper understanding of Koyanskaya's plans and wishes.

This woman is what can be defined as a 'psychopathic bitch'. Her desire for power reaches the point of insanity and her resolve to achieve her goals overcomes obsession.

I like this woman.

Now if I want Koyanskaya in my harem I'll need to test her, but the alliance of supernatural forces planning to harm the Ichijo family leaves me without enough time to create a proper scenario.

There are two basic ways to get Koyanskaya into my harem quickly.

1) Subdue her by force to make her wild instincts submissive to my will. This method is boring as what I like about this woman is her insane resolve.

2) Offer a power beyond her imagination. This will make her obedient at first, but in the future, she will plan to betray me to get my power.

The best method is the carrot and stick concept.

First is the moment of the stick.

"Koyanskaya, I want you to answer me a question" - A cup of coffee appeared in my hand while my attitude was bored.

Koyanskaya hid her confusion at my attitude and smiled with an unconscious trace of affection, though it was just part of her performance. – "I will answer any question honestly"

I took a sip of coffee and looked into the eyes of the beautiful woman. – "Do you really think you can devour two Beasts to replace Amaterasu?"

Koyanskaya froze and her pupils contracted, for the first time she couldn't control her own emotions.

"Sacrificing powerful entities to get fox tails and thus inherit the position of Beast IV, is an interesting idea, I love the part where you devour me to get the eighth tail and then you will devour VII for the ninth tail..." - I smiled with fun. – "I love this joke"

Koyanskaya didn't stop looking me in the eye, she can't move, her wild survival instincts screaming at her not to move.

"You are such an intelligent woman and at the same time so stupid" - I sighed with slight disappointment. – "Do you really think VII doesn't know about your little plan?"

Koyanskaya couldn't speak, I'm not looking at her menacingly nor am I using spiritual pressure, but she is scared, too scared. She is not afraid of death, but of not being able to fulfill her goals.

"Let's see, you suddenly woke up with no memories in the middle of nowhere due to a Servant summoning gone wrong..."

"Although you were born from the collective resentment and fear of animals, you obtained a real body and not a fake like most Servants so you are stronger than most Servants, moreover, you obtained centuries of knowledge in a matter of seconds which allowed you to understand human society perfectly…"

"Using your intellect, strength, and charm you managed to form one of the most important military companies in the world in less than five years and currently have influence throughout the world, which allowed you to infiltrate Chaldea, the only supernatural organization that recognizes the danger that It involves altering timelines and alternate realities, which, coincidentally, is VII's specialty…"

"You managed to form a high status, found information about Amaterasu, and found a method to usurp the power of the Beasts..."

I smiled wryly. – "You are smart so tell me the truth, did you ever think that so many convenient coincidences were suspicious?"

"Don't say it…" – Koyanskaya began to tremble, she doesn't want to listen to me anymore.

I kept my smile. – "From beginning to end, you were always a pawn moving according to the wishes of Beast VII"

"Please… stop…" – Koyanskaya's voice was weak.

"Your goals failed before they began" - I looked at the trembling eyes of the beautiful woman. – "You will never be free"

"SHUT UP!" – Koyanskaya yelled at me with a mixture of hate, resentment, despair, frustration, and helplessness.

Koyanskaya is one of the most astute and careful women I have ever met, but she has so far had no difficulty fulfilling her plans so her patience is limited.

In an impulsive act of sheer stupidity, Koyanskaya produced a copper talisman and pointed the artifact at me. That is the special treasure that she relies on to steal the authority of a Beast.

The funny thing is that Koyanskaya doesn't know that she got this artifact as part of Ultra-Olga's plans. Beast VII designed everything so that Koyanskaya becomes Beast IV and then is killed, after which she will become an ally of the inhabitants of Gaia which will cause the Laws of Gaia to be tainted with her existence.

In short, Koyanskaya was born to be a piece of radioactive garbage that becomes more toxic to the world when she dies.

"You know about the existence of Higher Entities and powerful organizations like Paradise and Hell, but still you can't help but think that Beasts are the strongest creatures in the multiverse, what's better, you think that this World is the most important of the entire multiverse…" – I sighed with sincere disappointment. - "What a stupid thing"

"Just shut up!" – Koyanskaya looked at me with teary eyes, her instincts and rationality tell her that fighting is useless but her stubbornness forces her to cling to false hope. – "I am more compatible with the authority of Beast IV, but becoming the new Beast V will do for now!"

I couldn't contain my smile, it's like watching a little girl fight so a dog doesn't steal her favorite stuffed animal.

I put the cup of coffee on the table and stood up to go over to Koyanskaya.

The talisman was actually capable of stealing my [Body of Beast V] skill, but [Anti-Rasen] denied the possibility of that happening. I don't mind that skill, but it will be a problem if Beast VII detects that Koyanskaya is the new Beast V.

I walked over to Koyanskaya and held the talisman. I easily took it from her hands since she didn't even try to fight.

"It's over…" – Koyanskaya looked at me with a mixture of complex emotions. Her heart and mind were so messed up that she could only smile. - "I'm going to die?"

"Why does everyone think I'm a genocidal psychopath?" – I smiled bitterly and put my hand on Koyanskaya's head to protect her mind with [Anti-Rasen], Auriel's blessing, and [Reader's Madness]. – "Look BB, your ex-co-worker made an interesting toy"

Behind me, a lock-shaped Space Gate opened.

"Oh, that idiot still enjoys making unnecessarily complex and self-destructive games" – BB appeared and took the talisman in my hand. – "Well, her ability to produce junk products has improved, she used to make products comparable to Wish products, but this is slightly better, maybe something comparable to AliExpress"

"Both platforms are garbage, they are all counterfeit products" – Nyaruko also exited the portal. – "The best is the original brands, especially for collectible figures, that reminds me, I need to see if there are new products in the Good Smile Company catalog…"

"Otakus don't have girlfriends or social lives so they can spend money on stupid things, but not all otakus have money so AliExpress is a good option to buy cheap figures, even if they are defective" – BB shrugged.

"Only losers buy fake products" – Nyaruko snorted contemptuously.

"The author buys those figures so the author is a poor loser with no girlfriend" – BB sneered.

"Author?" - Nyaruko tilted her head in confusion.

"Forget it, he's a loser not worth mentioning" – BB shrugged. – "The point is that AliExpress > Wish… They should pay us for this advertising"

"What about eBay?" - Abby walked over to the two noisy women.

"Ugh, stupid auctions, it's frustrating that I never win" – Nyaruko clenched her fists in frustration. – "Even when I use the speed of Flash I still cannot react to the speed of the buyers in the auctions…"

"The talent of otakus to buy stupid is amazing" - BB sighed.

"I wanted the figure of Jack the Ripper, but some evil bastard won me the auction! Aaaahhh I lost my loli!" - Nyaruko cried out in pain.

... The most famous murderer in history is a damn little girl?

No, I don't want to think about it, maybe that's in another World, I definitely won't think about it.

As the women talked nonsense with free, unsponsored advertising, Koyanskaya continued to tremble with horror.

BB, Nyaruko, and Abby were in their human forms, but all three had released the restrictions on their Madness ways.

Koyanskaya is experiencing the presence of 3 Outer Gods. If it wasn't for my mind-protecting abilities, she would have gone berserk to the point of suicide.

I began to stroke Koyanskaya's head. – "These three women are Outer Gods, the most dangerous life forms in the multiverse, compared to them, the Beasts are no better than ants… By the way, the purple-haired woman is Daoloth and has a personal grudge against Beast VII so if you really absorb VII, then she will be your enemy"

When a stubborn person meets an invincible enemy, that person will gain a greater determination to get stronger, that way idiots and lunatics can get stronger as long as they don't die in the process.

Although revealing Koyanskaya's plans made the woman despair, she still had a shred of hope that her plans would work, she had the tiniest hope that I would take pity on her and therefore she would have the chance to betray me to steal my power.

Well, that hope is gone.

Among the many negative effects that Madness causes, utter despair is one of the worst, as witnessing an Outer God could lead to suicide for a brave hero, an obstinate protagonist, or a ruthless villain. That's why Nyaruko can't go to anime conventions without my [Anti-Rasen].

An Outer God is not an obstacle that must be overcome, it is a natural disaster that can only be survived.

Koyanskaya was beginning to fall into utter despair so I held her face so she could see me in my eyes.

Her gaze is almost dead so I used [Hero's Martyrdom] to absorb some of her emotional and mental suffering. I only absorbed enough for her to be able to understand my words.

It's carrot time.

"Koyanskaya, the power of a Beast is insignificant in the larger context, each Beast is a disposable pawn that only exists for the plans of Beast VII so it is a useless power" - I smiled softly. – "My power does not come from the authority of a Beast, I can give you my Beast V power without any problem, you will be strong for a while until you stop being useful to Beast VII, at that moment you will have a tragic death, but it will not be the end, you will become a puppet that will collaborate with your enemies, you will be a simple tool that will eventually die when this world is conquered by Beast VII… You will live and die as a disposable tool"

Koyanskaya stared at me, life returned to her gaze, but she doesn't know what to do with her own life. Right now she is a little lost animal looking for a home.

Now I must revive her lust for power or she will turn into a totally submissive woman which is boring.

My smile grew softer and gentler. – "You are a splendid woman, your true beauty is in your obstinacy and your greatest charm is your cunning, I really like you and that is why I am going to offer you a deal"

I started stroking the lovely woman's cheek. – "Option one, be my wife and help me solve my problems, in return, I will give you enough power to kill the creatures you hate, but with some limits, for example, you cannot cause genocide among innocent people, you cannot hurt my lovers and most importantly, it is forbidden to be unfaithful to me… As for if you want to kill me, you can try as many times as you want, but I will give you a little punishment each time you do it"

Koyanskaya managed to regain some of her rationality.

She forced a smile and spoke bitterly. – "The second option is my death…"

"You're smart" - I smiled. – "But you are wrong about something, death is not the true end…"

Next to me appeared Ortro.

The little girl only opened her small mouth, but that was enough for Koyanskaya to tremble in horror.

She may not understand what a Devourer is, but she can feel that if Ortro bites her, her existence will cease to exist entirely.

Ortro closed her small mouth so that Koyanskaya could calm down a bit.

After a couple of deep breaths, Koyanskaya sighed to herself. – "My destiny was never freedom…"

"Freedom is overrated" – I shrugged. – "Free of responsibilities, free of rules, free of emotional ties… Too much freedom leads to chaos, and although at first, that sounds fun, over time things will become so boring that death will be more pleasant"

I learned many things during the Samsara Cycle. One of the biggest life lessons I learned was that rules and stability are more valuable than absolute freedom.

Although the idea of doing what we want without any restrictions is fun, the truth is that limits create stability.

A person without limits is a person without a purpose, and being purposeless is no different than being dead.

A purpose can be something as extravagant as ultimate wealth, or something as understated as wanting to eat 3 times a day.

In the end, purposeless people are those who have given up enjoying life and looking for new or better experiences.

Stupid trauma left by the Samsara Cycle, at this rate I'm going to develop a cheap philosopher complex.

Koyanskaya did not seem to agree with my words, she yearns for freedom so the idea of tying her life to my wishes is not pleasant for her.

"Well, think of it this way, even if you get strong, there are limits to what one person can do, unity is strength" - I moved my hand and made my black blood disperse to form a mist.

I used [Schizophrenia] to make the mist turn into a realistic illusion that could even fool the senses of a Higher Entity. This is a trick that I started developing a few weeks ago so there is still room for improvement.

The mist showed my memories of the war in the Buddhist sect.

When that war happened it seemed like something not so impressive since I described it as a battle between martial artists, demons, and angels, but the truth is that the situation was much more complex.

If Koyanskaya were to see the actual scene, her mind would only register asteroids moving across the sky, an endless shower of stars, lights in the sky fading, and dark space expanding.

The weakest minds are not capable of processing the power of beings beyond common sense so, for mortal beings, the battle in the Buddhist sect would be no different than a beautiful phenomenon of lights in the cosmos.

This is why I made modifications so that Koyanskaya could understand what happened.

The overwhelming strength of the cultivators, the unstoppable savagery of the demons, the impenetrable defense of the angels, the uncontrollable degeneration of the Ancient Ones, the absolute apocalypse of Azathoth...

Koyanskaya witnessed a scene that not even the Apocalypse of Saint John could describe.

I only showed two minutes of the war and then dispersed the fog.

"And well? What is your decision?" – I smiled.

Koyanskaya was holding my arm tightly to keep from falling to the ground, her legs wouldn't stop shaking from the mixture of terror, despair, and excitement.

Koyanskaya was horrified to realize the true power of the strongest entities in the multiverse, but at the same time, she was more motivated than ever.

Most of the women in my harem would have gone mad or lost the will to fight if they had witnessed that scene, but Koyanskaya proved to be a splendid woman. She does not have an unbreakable will, but an unstoppable obsession.

Koyanskaya is a very compatible woman with me.

"Okay" – Koyanskaya spoke with a trembling voice, she still hasn't recovered from the intense emotions. – "I will be your lover, but if one day I can be stronger than you, then I will try to kill you with my own hands without resorting to cheating or betrayal, just my own strength…"

I put a hand on Ortro's head since the little girl almost bit Koyanskaya for that comment.

"I like your attitude" - I smiled sincerely.

It will be interesting to make this woman sincerely fall in love with me.

Koyanskaya smiled and hugged me in a gesture similar to a loving wife. – "You already told me all this, I guess I have to sign some contracts"

"You have no idea how nice it is to talk to such an intelligent woman" – I hugged her waist with genuine appreciation.

Koyanskaya rubbed her cheek on my chest, she is acting like a little fox marking her territory. – "So VII is an enemy?"

"I still don't know, many things can happen" - I shrugged. – "But I will certainly hit that idiot"

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

"And what will you do with the hero?" – Koyanskaya continued to act like a caring wife, although her actions remain calculated and there is no genuine affection in what she does. – "I managed to accumulate a lot of information about the hero, before attacking the body it is more effective to attack the heart so we can first attack his loved ones, you can even take advantage of his lovers since that hero has a very striking harem"

Bee Hive Gang really did a good job investigating me… Very interesting plan… Too interesting…

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' used the skill 'Mythomania' to prevent the destructive impulses of the 'Chaotic Beast' lineage from taking control of the user's mind]


It seems that my overprotective attitude towards my lovers increased due to the Samsara Cycle. I should be more careful with my emotions.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' gives a thumbs up with a smile]

I need a vacation.


"Koyanskaya, from now on tell me your plans before you make them, I'll also tell you my plans or we could have communication problems" - I sighed and changed my appearance to Luis.

"Oh…." – Koyanskaya stared at me for a few seconds and then began to tremble as if she was trying to contain her laughter. She failed in her attempt and finally began to laugh out loud. – "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT! We are all such idiots, we tell you the plan to kill you while trying to convince you to attack your own lovers! Ahahahahahaha oh damn, we are such idiots! I bet VII doesn't even know that the system user and the hero are the same person! This is so absurd that it's great!"

"Well done senpai, you broke her" – BB approached me with an amused smile.

"Hey Listen! In the future that idiot with a Roman numeral name will be moaning in this idiot's bed! If you work hard you can be in a bondage threesome to humiliate that idiotic woman who tried to enslave my partner! Nobody puts this horny dog ​​on a leash!"



"Hahahaha… hahahahaha!"


I understand that Koyanskaya was under a lot of stress and this is her way of releasing some of the anxiety, but it's still a strange scenario.

"Luis, your talent for gathering psychopaths is comparable to your culinary abilities" - Tsubaki smiled wryly, she seems resigned that crazy women will continue to increase in my harem.

"Hey senpai, I like this woman, I don't think she can become an Outer God, but I know some methods to make artificial Ancient Ones" - BB smiled at me sincerely, although her look shows that she just wants to use Koyanskaya as a lab rat.

Why are my wives addicted to human experiments?

At this rate, my harem will become Josef Mengele's ideal.


"You can't use Koyanskaya as a lab rat, but I'm interested in your idea…" – I seriously thought about it.

Currently, my group can be considered the strongest squad in the multiverse and there are practically no individual enemies that can threaten us. The real problem is the numbers.

I have the population of 3 worlds at my disposal, but they are mostly weak entities that barely serve as cannon fodder.

Luis and Seiji are one step away from becoming a single identity, it is only a matter of time before the big organizations know that I am the monster that is bringing together the bearers of Madness.

The war in the Buddhist sect was child's play compared to a real war. If every Higher Entity organization decides to send their true armies, then I can only run away even if Gogh fights by my side.

The problem is not brute force, but the resources, strategies, coordination, and combination of skills.

Every organization is creating methods to eradicate the Ancient Ones and Outer Gods so not only do I need to increase my army, but I also need to create a way to protect my wives…

If I can create a way to counter the anti-Madness weapons, then an army of monsters with Madness-based abilities will come in handy.

… The more I think about it, the more I like the idea.

Lovecraft is still my favorite author even though he was objectively a bad writer, so in his honor, I'll make his nightmares come true.

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