No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 286: The violent hero of the jade-skinned waifus

Chapter 286: The violent hero of the jade-skinned waifus

I shared my plans with Koyanskaya after having her sign several Contracts.

Beast VII had placed restrictions and contracts on Koyanskaya's soul so that other entities would not steal the puppet from her, but those contracts were designed to disappear when Koyanskaya died and thus leave no evidence of Beast VII's presence.

I used [Mythomania], [Schizophrenia] and [Silly Jack] to trick the Contracts into thinking that Koyanskaya died.

I was careful that Beast VII didn't get this information, then I used [Contract] and BB's help to form a new contract so Beast VII wouldn't realize that Koyanskaya is no longer her puppet. Also, Koyanskaya is now my property so Beast VII cannot steal her soul, contrary to the other Servants who were stolen from the Throne of Heroes.

After doing tax fraud at the conceptual level, I went back to Yui's residence and waited with the woman until she woke up.

The mages think that the Harem King hasn't agreed to work with them to capture Luis yet, but Koyanskaya managed to convince me of another idea.

The enemies of the Ichijo family will kidnap Luis to brainwash him and thus facilitate harm to the Ichijo family.

Kuro is a meticulous and calculating assassin who uses logical thinking without emotion.

Luis is an impulsive and violent young man resembling a juvenile delinquent who is easily seduced by women.

Seiji is a calculating, sadistic and vindictive man who knows no honor and only cares about the results without measuring the consequences.

Koyanskaya formed a psychological profile of Seiji based on these three identities and presented it to the magicians to find out how to capture him.

It is amazing that Koyanskaya managed to do an almost accurate analysis of my personality before waking up my system based on those three identities. That woman is fascinating.

Now the magicians will begin the plan to capture the hero Luis, torture him to break his will, and then return him to Japan to have a traitor who can eliminate Mr. Ichijo.

The most important thing is that they have to finish the preparations this week since they will kidnap me next week, then they will only have two days to brainwash me since the Ichijo family will get suspicious if I disappear for more than a day.

The details of the plan are quite complex and it will be overwhelming for the readers to see more than 5000 words explaining the situation, so I will summarize it in a paragraph.

Luis will be kidnapped and tortured, someone will come to save him which will start a large-scale fight where the gods of China will fight against the cultivators which will lead to the activation of the Lostbelt, this will cause the Servants to be sent to China to eliminate the Lostbelt and to the traitors of humanity who agreed to collaborate with an Outer God to form the Lostbelt.

I asked Koyanskaya to delay the activation of the Lostbelt to make it look like the enemies of the Ichijo family are the traitors to humanity so it will be like killing a flock of birds with one stone.

This will be the beginning of world domination as various governments will be punished for collaborating with an Outside God.

In addition to that, there is the current health and economic crisis that is beginning due to the virus that I spread and the disappearance of large monetary amounts, which in a couple of weeks will cause a recession in several first-world countries.

Many people will die, but in the future, the world will be peaceful.

Koyanskaya will take care of making the necessary adjustments for everything to work so I have to hurry to get everything I need from this city because in 5 days this place will be destroyed and thousands of people will die.

Tsubaki is mad at me, but it's all for the greater good.

The cupid's chocolates incident reinforced my idea that picking up women using special skills is too boring, but I don't have enough time to search for every major heroine so I removed all the limitations in [Lucky Pervert], put extra energy into my titles [Protagonist Netori] and [Protagonist Harem], and additionally, I'm using [Masochism] so that my constant migraine is powering up my urban cultivation plot armor.

With this, I should be able to gather the most essential heroines of this country this week. Heroines who can't get close to me before the Lostbelt activates will possibly die, but I don't care, it's just bad luck.

[Paranoia] already warned me that strengthening my plot armor this much will cause unknown effects even out of this world so more trouble will start looking for me, but I don't care anymore. I can't stand any more frog analogies and I even think I developed an amphibian phobia.

So I relaxed a bit at Yui's house until it was time to go to class.

One thing I checked is that the Char Siu mafia is genuinely allied with the Ichijo family so the alliance of enemies also wants to harm Yui's group.

Apparently, the idiots think that the Harem King's depravity reaches the point of raping women so they offered to give me Yui if I helped them destroy Char Siu.

I already have my own plans to make Yui part of my harem before I go back to Japan, for now, I'll just follow the threads of destiny to get as many heroines as possible before everything goes to hell.

I thought of thanking Yui for her hospitality and going back to school with Nyaruko, but Yui insisted on taking me in her limo.

"Do you have a meeting today?" - I smiled ironically.

Yui is 19 years old and extremely beautiful so she could be mistaken for a celebrity if she wears outstanding clothes. Still, currently, she is wearing a modest office outfit that is complemented by glasses even though she has no vision problems.

She appears to be about to become a teacher, though because of her age, she looks like a college intern rather than a credentialed teacher. Well, she's very smart and I wouldn't be surprised if she already has a master's degree at that age.

"Don't ask questions, it's a surprise~" – Yui smiled happily.

It seems that she enjoys having someone to chat with in a friendly way without empty flattery or absurd displays of authority, just friendly small talk.

I shrugged. – "Well, if my pretty and perfect Nee-chan wants me to stay quiet, then I can't refuse"

Yui pouted, though she had a small smile. – "Don't say it like that, people will think I am intimidating you"

I smiled with amusement. – "Oh, so I am the one who should intimidate you?"

Yui blushed slightly and hid it with a disdainful snort. – "Again you are acting like a playboy, your dear Nee-chan does not like that you do that"

"Oh my Arceus, already get a room and have incest" – Nyaruko rolled her eyes.

The idiot has been playing with her cell phone since last night. She really worries me that video games and anime are rotting her brain.

Yui's blush deepened so she hid her face with a briefcase while she pretended to go through some documents.

As we approached the institute I felt my lip tremble at the stupidity unfolding at the entrance of the place.

"Wow, you're popular" – Nyaruko smiled with amusement.

In front of the institute were approximately 20 outstanding-looking women.

In terms of appearance, all of them were above average which was quite striking as it looked like a meeting of young celebrities, the problem is that the way they argued and looked at each other made it seem that at any moment a fight would start.

"Hey Listen! Female kittens figth!"

It seems.

"They are talking about you, heh, what is expected of a womanizer" - Nyaruko was having fun.

Yui looked at the group of women and sighed. – "Cupid's chocolates are something that should not exist… Can I help you with something?"

I smiled. – "Of course, you can become my fiancée, maybe then they will leave me alone"

"…" – Yui looked at me angrily. – "S-Stop joking around, I'm your older sister!"

"In Japan the fetish of older sisters is popular" - Nyaruko smiled mockingly. – "Say ara ara and enjoy the experience~"

God, the Navi virus infected Nyaruko's brain.

"Ahem…" – Yui coughed to hide her embarrassment and looked at me seriously. – "I can recognize some of those girls, their families have enough money and prestige so it will be a problem if they make a flashy scene in public…"

Yui stopped talking as she saw trouble approaching. My excessive plot armor is starting to bring convenient plot scenarios.

Eight vans stopped in front of the institute, from which a dozen gang members got out.

If this happened in a public school it wouldn't be so striking, but this institute is private with students from rich families so this is not normal.

At the same time, I can see that most of the gang members are idiots who only rely on numbers to intimidate the weak, but there are four people out of the ordinary. An innate ability user, one of the humans I modified to cause chaos, and 2 elite assassins comparable to mid-level ninjas.

If it wasn't for the protagonists in the institute, those four people are enough to murder all the students and teachers in the institute, the interesting thing is that the human that I modified is one of my experiments to nullify the plot armor so he should be able to ignore a bit of the luck of the protagonists.

Good job plot armor.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' puffs out its cheeks in dissatisfaction while saying that it was its job that drove the plot to reduce the number of problematic variables]

… Now my skills can feel jealous, this is ridiculous.

Wait, now can you guide the plot?

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that it can only make small convenient adjustments with the use of the skill 'Schizophrenia' and the energies 'Rasen', 'Anti-Rasen' and 'Reader's Madness', but it is not possible to intervene in the actions of Higher Entities]

Oh, good job. It would be nice if you can get the gods of China to contact me as soon as possible.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' nods enthusiastically and says that it will do its best]

"First, senpai made his black blood become a loli capable of devouring almost all matter and energy, now senpai is turning his prediction skill into a waifu capable of intervening in the author's writing... Senpai needs to be nerfed"

And yet I am still the weakest Outer God in direct combat…

"I'll take care of it" – I sighed and looked at Nyaruko. – "Stay here and protect Yui"

"You must call me Nee-chan" – Yui made a fake angry expression and then smiled gently at me. – "Don't worry about me, my bodyguards are competent so it is better if your friend accompanies you, I can see that there are some professional assassins hidden among the gang members so they must have a secret objective and seeing the situation, maybe some of the students are in danger"

She was able to study the situation easily, I like her ability to observe and analyze.

I left the limo next to Nyaruko and approached the group of gang members.

"Hey, why don't we wait for those idiots to spout cliche phrases about being in a great gang? Then you can slap their faces" – Nyaruko looked at me expectantly.

"Why do you like that kind of stupid stuff?" – I sighed.

"Cliché is my passion~" – Nyaruko smiled proudly.

"You're disappointing" - I spoke tiredly. – "Anyway, enhancing one's image through such stupid methods are the acts of an egocentric with an inferiority complex who needs the approval of others to raise his low self-esteem"

"You just insulted 90% of the protagonists of Chinese novels and fanfics" – Nyaruko sighed with disappointment.

"Does it seem like I care?" - I rolled my eyes.

"Mmm, good point" – Nyaruko nodded and smiled. – "You are an idiot bitter with life so this does not matter to you~"

My lip trembled. – "Do you want me to hit you that much?"

"Yes!" – Nyaruko looked like a child in a candy store.

I sighed and ignored the masochistic idiot.

"Ignoring me won't save you, your nonchalance turns me on~" - Nyaruko walked beside me with a carefree smile.

"Nyaruko…" – I heard Kuuko's heart breaking.

I walked faster to get to the gang members to avoid this stupid conversation.

The gang group seemed to be here for two purposes; Liao Shasha, the rich girl who belongs to 'My Beautiful Teacher', and another beautiful girl that I don't know, but seems to be under the effect of cupid's chocolates.

By the way, both Liao Shasha and her big-breasted friend (Wu Xin) ate the chocolates. The first one is an irrational tsundere while the second one is a shy girl so I haven't been able to talk to them.

In front of the group of gang members was a muscular man over two meters tall.

Considering the average height of Asians, the man looked like a mountain, and if that wasn't intimidating enough, the man was holding a huge steel bat that could easily crush a human's skull.

That man was one of the lab rats that I modified to have superhuman strength, bullet-resistant skin, organs that can resist attacks from internal Qi, muscle tissue capable of regeneration, and superhuman reflexes. He is a living armored tank, though the huge increase in genetic potential caused his cells to rapidly deteriorate so that he will die of old age in six months. He doesn't seem to know that.

Let's see, that man seems to be aiming to capture Liao Shasha. Behind him, there is the innate ability user who is targeting the other rich girl.

The problem is the murderers, they seem to have infiltrated the gang members for another mission. Furthermore, almost five hundred meters away there are two snipers who seem to be waiting for a specific target.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' has collected information through the skill 'Reader's Perspective'. Professional assassins and snipers were dispatched to eliminate the mistresses of the user, 'Su Ji' and 'Su Fei'. The assassins were sent by the older brother of both women named 'Su Yao' who wants to keep the inheritance of the Su family]

For this type of thing, I am a firm believer that physical punishment is important to prevent children from becoming imbeciles, of course, without overdoing it or the punishment will turn into senseless violence which is detrimental to the upbringing of children.

I sighed and gestured to Nyaruko. – "Do not intervene, I will take care of it"

"Oh, so the hero saving the princess" – Nyaruko smiled with delight. – " I'm glad to bring popcorn"

Nyaruko opened her backpack where she had bags of food instead of school supplies, she is a lousy student.

In the distance were the agents in charge of supervising the Harem King, they do not intend to intervene since they only have the mission of preventing the system user from causing chaos, so I will have to deal with this quickly….

Although maybe… If I make a flashy scene then the government will have an excuse to interrogate me and it will be easier to carry out the plan where I am tortured.

The greater good is difficult.

One of the protagonists was about to intervene, but I was faster.

I reached the elephant-like idiot's side and grabbed his arm before his hand grabbed Liao Shasha.

"I knew you would come" – Liao Shasha smiled arrogantly as if my appearance was in her plan, though her trembling legs show that she was trying hard to hide the fear she feels.

"You should have tried to escape" - I sighed as my hand increased its strength causing the elephant to kneel in pain, his bones began to creak.

"Let go of me you fucking bastard! Do you know who I am?!" – The elephant shouted at me with hatred while he was kneeling.

Normally people would feel scared when someone is breaking their arm easily, but this idiot thought he was invincible when he found out that he became some kind of villain with superpowers, so being subdued so easily is causing him so much fury that he forgot his fear.

I let go of the elephant's arm. Before the idiot could feel relieved, I grabbed his face with my right hand and pushed him back causing the back of his head to hit the ground. The solid concrete couldn't withstand the force of the impact so the idiot's head was stuck in the concrete.

The idiot didn't die as the genetic modifications made him as strong as a Tyrant, a biological weapon from the apocalyptic world.

Although the idiot didn't die, most of his weight is pressing on the nerves in the back of his head so he'll stay put until a tow truck gets him out of here.

I shook my hands as if I had touched something unpleasant and looked at the other gang members. – "Could you please go? Classes are about to start and having you here is bad for the school's public image"

"Damn ignorant brat, daring to challenge our Green Bamboo Gang! You are courting death!" – An idiot with face piercings and dyed hair yelled at me as he pointed a steel pipe at me.

"Yes yes, courting death and frogs in wells, whatever" – I sighed and approached Wu Xin. – "Do you have a pen to lend me?"

Wu Xin nodded fearfully and took out a pen from her pocket. – "H-Here you go"

This big-breasted girl is cute so I patted her head and smiled kindly. - "Calm down, everything will be fine"

"Hey, you're my fiancé so don't flirt with Xinxin!" – Liao Shasha yelled at me angrily which made the other girls who were infected by the chocolates look at me with resentment.

I sighed. – "We will talk about this later…"

"Hey imbecile! Go to hell and stay out of our business!" – An imbecile with a chain on his nose yelled at me with hate, then his gaze went to Wu Xin's big breasts. – "Heh, that cow girl is too good… Hey boss, let us brothers have fun with these women… Now we are invincible and the government can't stop us!"

"Why don't idiots stop courting death? Is suicide that much fun?" - System Goddess sighed in my mind.

I literally just incapacitated a monster capable of lifting trucks and yet these assholes think they're invincible.

I wonder if the plot armor is making them idiots or if they have always been idiots.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that both guesses are correct]

This world needs to be purged...

I shook my head as my disappointment in humanity continued to grow, though I never had any expectations of creatures as stupid as humans.

"Well, then it'll be the hard way" - I pressed the button on the pen to take out the tip and then hurried towards the gang members.

Some idiot pulled out a gun and didn't hesitate to shoot me even though that could lead to the death penalty under the strict gun control laws in this country. These idiots really think they are above the government just because they have some idiots with slightly outstanding abilities.

With the tip of the pen, I touched the bullet and diverted its trajectory so that it hit the ground without causing collateral damage to the women behind me.

My martial arts will be enough to deal with these idiots, I just have to watch out for the snipers to prevent them from killing any of the women I care about.

The gangsters looked at me in disbelief when they saw what I did, but that moment of surprise prevented them from reacting when I arrived in front of the idiot who dared to covet my future wife.

My left fist hit the asshole's abdomen causing his navel to touch his spine. The idiot turned into a cannonball and hit his companions.

The innate ability user seems to have the ability to control the flow of electrical impulses in the brain so they can use a low level of mind control that only works on weak-willed people or cause the enemy to feel stunned. It's not an impressive skill.

That idiot seems to be the gang leader and he tried to use his ability to make me dizzy while an idiot with a hunting knife attacked me from behind.

I grabbed the idiot's knife hand and stabbed him in the eye with the pen causing him to drop the knife in pain. I let go of his hand to hold the knife and kicked his crotch in such a way that the ancient tradition of eunuchs returned to the modern age.

Some idiot went to the back of a truck to get a military-grade rifle, so I threw the knife at his heart.

"Firearms are illegal." I waved my hand to brush the blood off the pen. – "Those who use illegal weapons will be killed, the rest will only spend the rest of their lives connected to an artificial respirator"

"B-Bastard!" – Some idiot pulled out a hunting shotgun, then pointed it at me while his hands shook with fear.

I tossed the pen into his hand just as he pulled the trigger. The barrel of the weapon moved toward his allies causing the shot to kill two of his allies.

I moved in front of the idiot. - "I warned you"

"Wait…!" – The idiot couldn't keep screaming because my finger pierced his chest until it went through his heart.

"Hey Listen! You are so depraved that you now pierce the hearts of men hahahahaha!"


As the idiot's corpse fell to the ground, I grabbed the shotgun and smashed it, then looked at the rest of the idiots.

Less than five seconds and the idiots are already terrified to the point that they just want to run away.

"Dear~" – Monika spoke to me with her usual affectionate voice. – "The police have already been notified to come and give support, they will be here in ten minutes, the problem is that some idiot said that you are to blame for this and there are even idiots who are recording you while you kill gang members to make yourself look like a criminal dangerous that he should be put to death... I'm jamming the signal so they think they're uploading this to the internet so don't worry, I also have their personal information so you can delete them discreetly later"

"Thank you Monika" - I smiled internally at how cute she is my wife. – "Although it is better if you allow this to be uploaded to the internet, also edit the video a bit to make it look like I am a dangerous criminal"

"Well, if that's what you want then I'll do it" – Monika agreed. – "Although I will make sure you look like a handsome psycho~♥"

I suppressed the wry smile, this girl flatters me too much.

As for the people who called the police and try to make me look like a criminal, I think it's the idiots who are jealous that I'm now loved by the most beautiful women in school, they might even be the leads since my title [False Antagonist] warned me that more than four protagonists have already marked me as the main enemy.

Anyway, I'll deal with them later.

I approached the leader while the rest of the gang members stood still, none dared to try to attack me. – "Well, any last words?"

The leader put all his effort to use his skill to damage my brain, but the overexertion only damaged his own brain to the point that his nose, eyes, and ears began to bleed.

I shook my head in disappointment. - "Pathetic"

"What happened here?!" – A female scream came from the entrance of the school.

Su Ji and Su Fei finally noticed that something was wrong so they approached the entrance of the institute which caught the attention of the two assassins and two snipers.

I grabbed the leader's neck and threw him into the air, right in the path of the two snipers' shots.

The bullets were armor-piercing so a human shield wouldn't be enough to block the two shots so I pulled the leader's leg as the bullets hit his body. The inertial force caused the bullets to deflect and hit the ground without harming the women who continued to watch the show without paying attention to how dangerous it is to watch a shooting.

I will have to educate these women not to stupidly stare at an armed conflict since stray bullets are dangerous, even Umaru knows that she must run away from danger.

I gestured to Nyaruko. – "Go for the snipers"

"Your order captain~" - Nyaruko smiled and ran away.

When she was out of sight of the others, she teleported to the snipers' location and broke their limbs. Nyaruko didn't do this to capture them alive to extract information, she's just playing with those idiots.

The two assassins saw that the plan failed so they made one last desperate attempt.

Both assassins stopped pretending to be ordinary gang members and rushed toward Su Ji and Su Fei.

The two assassins had broken human limiters so it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call them superhuman. It's a shame to have to remove such valuable cannon fodder.

I appeared behind both assassins before they reached the group of women. I grabbed the backs of both assassins' heads and slammed their faces into the concrete at the same time my thumbs pressed acupuncture points on the backs of their heads to prevent them from moving their bodies.

Both killers had suicide pills ready in their mouths in case the mission failed, but now they're completely still so government agents can interrogate them.

I subtly made a trickle of black blood enter the body of both assassins. The thread was made up of my [Reader's Madness] and Haachama's 'Chaos Madness'.

In less than a second, I was able to create new memories in the minds of both assassins so that not only is the brother of the Su twins seen as the culprit of this, but I also left subtle clues that some members of the government planned this attack to prepare a rebellion against the current president. This will create even more cracks in the political ties of the members of the government.

After rewriting the memories, I extracted the threads of blood so as not to leave evidence and released the heads of both assassins who were now motionless as statues.

I looked at the group of women.

Some were terrified to see me murder other people, other women were upset at the sight of human blood, there were women who were relieved that I was okay, and the strangest women seemed excited by my show of force.

In this last group was a woman with a demonic beast bloodline, more specifically something akin to a kitsune, or by this country's standards, a nine-tailed demon fox.

"W-What just happened?!" - Su Fei yelled furiously.

Actually, she is very scared, but she shows anger to hide her feelings so as not to show her weak-mindedness.

I sighed. – "Can I take a break first? So much exercise made me hungry"

Su Fei looked at me blankly, she doesn't know how to respond as there are now several corpses in front of her school while the rest of the gang members don't dare to move for fear of dying. This scene will definitely damage the reputation of the institute.

"Monika" – I spoke with one of the women who live in my mind. – "Call Lin Ruoxi's grandfather, tell him what happened so he can help me protect the reputation of this institute"

"I'll take care of it~" – Monika answered happily.

I sent a telepathic message to Su Fei. – "I already contacted an acquaintance in the government, he will be in charge of protecting the reputation of the institute"

Su Fei doesn't know how to respond to a telepathic message, but her expression turned grateful and relieved.

Su Ji and Su Fei took the students inside the school to protect them in case more gang members appear, it seems that they will wait for the police before calling the families of the students to prevent the parents from putting themselves in danger by coming for their children.

As I was about to enter the institute, some idiot pulled out a knife and tried to stab me in the back.

"LU SAN!" – Liao Shasha noticed this and screamed in horror. She is cute even though I hate tsunderes.

I let the knife make a shallow cut on the side of my abdomen, then turned around and meet the idiot's eyes.

The idiot's eyes were filled with irrational hatred, he himself doesn't seem to understand why he wants to kill me.

This idiot is a protagonist and he hates me because his plot armor recognizes me as an enemy since the chocolates seem to have affected some of the heroines connected to his destiny.

"So you are one of those killers" – I acted as if I was shocked and furious.

Before the protagonist could say anything, my fist hit his face.

The idiot is not dead, but now his face is similar to an abstract art painting.

"Lu San!" – Liao Shasha and Wu Xin approached me with concern. – "Quickly, we must take you to the infirmary!"

I smiled wryly and patted the tsundere girl's head. – "I did not know you cared so much about me"

"Shut up idiot!" – Liao Shasha blushed, but still she grabbed my arm and tried to pull me to take me to the infirmary.

The other women who were affected by cupid's chocolates also approached me with concern to escort me to the infirmary. The fear that I am hurt made them forget their jealousy.

Now that I think about it, I told Mei Tata that we would meet at the institute to settle the matter with the women who ate the chocolates...

I tracked the spatial mark I put on her and realized that she was on the roof of the institute, that cupid woman is eating chow mein noodles while ignoring her work…

I sighed internally, I always have to clean up the messes that cause my wives… Sometimes it seems like I run a daycare for little girls instead of a harem.

"Hey Listen! You have lolis in your harem so yes it is a daycare! You degenerate lolicon!"

…. Damn Navi, I hate him almost as much as the author.

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