No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 299: Lostbelt 3

Chapter 299: Lostbelt 3

(Koyanskaya Perspective) (Fate/Grand Order)

My biggest hobby is forming psychological profiles of entities with complex personalities, studying the behavior of rational beings is wonderful.

Seeing how desires, life history, emotions, upbringing, traumas, and teachings can shape the personality of a rational entity is something that never ceases to amuse me.

Animals move by instinct and intelligent beings move by a mixture of rationality, knowledge, and emotions. The struggle between rationality and emotions is one of the fascinating things about human nature since the internal contradiction generates the human characteristic that amuses me the most, stupidity.

When I got information about the Hero of Harmony, I made a psychological profile based on his multiple identities and life record.

A ruthless and methodical man, but who does not have a cruel or sadistic attitude, but a pragmatic and utilitarian thought, with a rationality comparable to a machine without emotions.

Most of the supernatural groups that investigated the Hero of Harmony have the mistaken idea that he is a lustful, temperamental, impulsive, and sadistic man. They see him as an uncivilized barbarian who can be manipulated through worldly pleasures like wealth and women.

That was complete stupidity, I was able to see beyond that wild animal costume and found the true nature of that man.

Manipulator, liar, cunning, and determined, the perfect model of a serial killer who commits crimes out of a selfish sense of the greater good. A microscopic virus that nobody pays attention to, but with the slightest carelessness, it will cause a terrible contagious disease with a mortality rate of 100%.

Honestly, I thought he was an interesting man and thought I'd recruit him through a formal negotiation. I even had the idea to bind him to my side with a Contract to help me achieve my goal in life, becoming Beast IV to become the strongest predator.

My plans could not be carried out as I received a spiritual message from the entity that showed me how wide the world is, Beast VII. She ordered me to work together with Beast V to capture the Hero of Harmony, but she gave the specific order not to kill him, just to prevent him from interfering with the other 6 Lostbelts.

Until that moment I did not fully understand how the multiverse works, so I did not give much importance to the matter and followed the orders, anyway, what happens to a human could not matter less to me.

Now that I understand the complexity of the multiverse, I can understand why Beast VII wishes to restrict the Hero of Harmony. He is the biggest threat to Beast VII's plans within this world as he has close connections with one of the leaders of Paradise.

From what I could comprehend, Beast VII is much more powerful than I can fathom, but in the larger context, she is an ant compared to the entirety of Paradise.

If the Hero of Harmony discovers Beast VII's plans within this world, he can request help from Paradise.

Due to the love that the Archangel of Hope has for her subordinates, it is very likely that she will start a Crusade against Beast VII.

The same will happen if the Hero of Harmony is killed. Auriel, the Archangel of Hope, will carry out a deep investigation into the death of his knight, which will bring problems to Beast VII.

I can't really comprehend the full magnitude of that conflict, but I understand an army led by Auriel is something that could cause the destruction of this world. The only reason we're relatively safe is because of a powerful barrier covering this world, but that barrier has a few cracks.

After learning the true identity of the Hero of Harmony, I have done my best to gather information about the multiverse, the Higher Entities, and the workings of the multiverse.

I couldn't blindly trust that man's words so I spent monumental amounts of money to gather classified information from major organizations like the Vatican, the Clock Tower, the Freemasons, the Adepts of Baphomet, and basically every supernatural organization in this world.

I spent 40% of my company's total income, but it was worth it.

Everything the hero said was real, he had not hidden a single fact and even gave me more information than I found in other groups.

I was able to verify that the Ancient Ones and Outer Gods are the most feared and hated creatures in the multiverse, while the Beasts are not one of the main forces of the multiverse, there are not even records of them.

The man who is now my husband told me the whole truth, and that is why I cannot trust him, it is obvious that he tries to manipulate my heart to lead to absolute love and thus have my complete loyalty. It is the same thing he did with the other women around him, he manipulates them until they are totally fascinated with him, to the point where they will die if he disappears from their lives.

Actually, I find all this fascinating and interesting. My husband is a very funny man~

He will try to manipulate me to make me love him with all my heart, and at the same time, I will seduce him to love me to the point that he will want to die for my sake.

If this was a battle of strength, then I wouldn't have a chance of winning, but this is a battle of wits so I still have a chance of winning.

Who knows, maybe he used a mind control ability and I've already lost this battle, maybe he knows all my thoughts and just leaves me to my own devices since he gets a kick out of watching my futile attempts to get over him.

Whatever the answer, this is so much fun~

I no longer care what will happen, whether my husband decides to put me on a leash and treat me like his pet, or maybe I will be the one to put him on a leash to make him my personal slave, there is no point in worrying about who will win, in the end, we will be together until one of us dies.

At first, I thought to kill him when my strength was superior to his, but now I want to keep him as my pet and never let him go.

Even though I know he doesn't mind the pain, the pleasure I felt from tearing his flesh was something so wonderful that I want to have him by my side for eternity.

While I don't love him and just want to use him, there's one thing I can't deny. Our conversations to create plans is the most fun I have ever experienced.

Modify the structure of the Lostbelt to connect it with the Chinese Mythological Pantheon. In this way, all the gods of China will be forced to participate in the Lostbelt.

Making the Jade King believe that his wife is unfaithful to him, in addition, to offering him the possibility of breaking the restrictions imposed by the Will of the World, in exchange, he will work together with Qin Shi Huang.

Making Shub-Niggurath's followers join Qin Shi Huang in the misconception that Shub-Niggurath is the one who formed the Lostbelt.

Inform Beast VII about the appearance of an Outer God which will make her cautious, as she is known to have been able to assassinate an Outer God and it is possible that other Outer Gods see her as an enemy.

Due to that caution, Beast VII will reduce her interventions on Lostbelts so it will be easier to change its builds to our advantage.

Eliminate the leaders of the main supernatural and political forces in China, to make it easier to take control of the country by ending the Lostbelt.

Making the supernatural forces of other countries in extreme danger, then they will be rescued by the Hero of Harmony like that, it will become clear that while the hero is a political enemy of many groups, he is also a true defender of this world, so the Will of the World will have to reward him by finishing the Lostbelt.

Everything was organized by my husband and the stage worked perfectly.

Since this is the first Lostbelt to be activated, only two Beast VII thralls were needed to oversee the operation of the Lostbelt, the rest of the thralls are helping set up the rest of the Lostbelts.

Douman was supposed to work with me to get the Lostbelt running smoothly, but I was able to convince him to let me have this place while he finished other preparations.

Now I'm sitting on a comfortable sofa while I watch various screens which show all the citizens of China who were sucked into the Lostbelt.

Originally the Lostbelt did not have this surveillance system, but my husband made several modifications to have full control of the Lostbelt. Not even Beast VII is able to oversee this entire alternate world with such ease.

"Luis gives too much cringe when he acts like a hero" – A woman next to me had a big smile as she ate popcorn.

The woman is one of the most feared entities in the entire multiverse and the second strongest Outer God, Nyarlathotep, although she prefers the name Nyaruko.

"I think it's funny to see him act like a kid's show hero" - I smiled and drank from my cup of green tea. – "He is a bit cute"

"You're right, senpai is cute when he acts like an idealistic hero" – Daoloth (BB), the fifth strongest Outer God, smirked. – "Seriously, the modern model of hero has distorted the concept of hero, in the past heroes were rapists and murderers, but now they are a group of noble idiots with a Mother Teresa complex who seek to save the world"

"Do you know that Mother Teresa was friends with dictators?" – A little girl spoke with apathy.

She is the third strongest Outer God, Yog-Sothoth, although everyone calls her Abby.

BB shrugged. – "Many actors were friends of the owner of an island of pedophiles, but their movies are still good, you cannot completely judge someone just because their friends do bad things"

"…" - Abby looked blankly at BB. – "Are you really being understanding?"

"Heh, just kidding" – BB sneered. – "Although there may be good people, many public figures actually degenerate who wear masks of kindness while secretly doing horrible things"

Abby tilted her head. – "How Tom H…?"

"Oh don't say it! We'll get in trouble!" - BB closed Abby's mouth.

It's hard for me to imagine that this group of idiotic women are the most feared creatures in the multiverse.

Well, an idiot with too much power is a scary thing so maybe that's why they're so dangerous.

I kept looking at the screens, it seems that I am the only person interested in this scenario going perfectly, the women who accompany me are more interested in talking about unimportant things.

Ever since the Lostbelt started, I've been monitoring that everything is working properly.

Every day, I make sure there are no mishaps, I also alert my husband about the condition of the most important goals.

Even though the Outer Gods are supposed to be here to help me, they just eat and play all day, they don't care that this Lostbelt is the first step to world domination. The only person who helps me is a woman who calls herself the System Goddess.

She doesn't speak to me and constantly works with a floating screen. I understand that she doesn't like me since my personality is similar to the people who tried to turn her into a spirit pill factory with no mind of her own, but well, I don't care what she thinks.

Something that I find interesting about my husband is that he is, ironically, a communist.

Goddesses or demons, slaves or queens, spirits or monsters, androids or humans, in my husband's harem there is no difference of class or race, we are all the same.

The way to bring equality to the world is to put women of all races in bed with the same man, it's fun.

Anyway, I kept looking at the development of the Lostbelt.

My husband came to what used to be Russia. There he met some of his wives, he also had the opportunity to increase the number of members of his harem.

Something I like about my new way of living is that I don't have to hide my true personality, several of my husband's wives are mentally disturbed women who don't judge cruelty as a bad thing, for example, BB helped me make a small joke.

The Lostbelt absorbed the thousand-year-old residences of the Four Great Families. Those families managed to escape Qin Shi Huang's army but had to leave their residences, which allowed us to send some laborers to collect information and materials.

Comparing information, we found out that the reincarnation of the god Hades was the rightful heir of the Yang family.

Yang Chen had a deep hatred towards the Harem King that had humiliated him, he was even one of the people who cooperated in the attack against the Hero of Harmony. That idiot thought that attacking the hero would cause the Harem King great pain since they are friends.

It's so childish and stupid that he makes me laugh, the fact that humans call themselves the most intelligent race is the best joke ever.

Best of all, in Russia, my husband found Yang Chen's mother. Not only that, she requested to be my husband's mistress in order to save a bunch of useless orphans.

I had this information reach Yang Chen casually, so now he thinks that Hero Harmony violently subdued her biological mother to make her a sex slave.

Yang Chen began to awaken his divine authority due to excessive fury. In a couple of days, he will be able to use the power of Hades, but his rationality will be at rock bottom.

Guo Xuehua doesn't know that her first son is alive, so it will be a surprise when Yang Chen tries to kill my husband. That woman will have to choose between protecting her son or the orphans because betraying my husband is the same as condemning the orphans.

Everything is so funny~

I would really like to see my husband murder those orphans in front of that pathetic woman, but he accepted the offer and now he has another wife.

Well never mind, I have enough fun watching Qin Shi Huang's army kill thousands of innocent people every day.

Authoritarian doctrines mixed with human stupidity always create wonderful things. Dictatorships are a beautiful circus of stupid clowns.

While my husband is having fun with the mother of his enemy, there was something that caught my attention.

"Again they are doing a ritual" - I smiled with amusement to see the worshipers of Shub-Niggurath using innocent children as sacrifices for the deity they worship.

They were first stripped naked on a large stone altar, then whipped with thorny whips. When the children were covered in blood and a breath away from death, they covered them with medicinal herbs so they would not die, then proceeded to **** them to death.

Humans being humans, nothing new, nothing new.

"If the stupid bitch saw this, she would be disappointed to see that her followers are a group of pedophiles, she is bored with children because they are too inexperienced and precocious" - BB looked at the scene with disgust.

I am very curious about everything that involves the Ancient Ones and Outer Gods. The power of Madness is really fascinating and I want to use it, but it is also too unstable a power so I will only do experiments after I thoroughly understand that power.

"Is Shub-Niggurath just as depraved as Lilith in the biblical texts?" – Thinking of nympho bitches, I can only think of Lilith as a point of comparison.

"Lilith?" BB looked at me with amusement. – "The version of Lilith in this world is a virgin girl compared to the Lilith that became a Higher Entity… Several millennia ago, she and the bitch Shub-Niggurath had a competition to see who was the most whore, that competition caused the destruction of 12 worlds as all living things lost their life force"

Should I be surprised?

Well, I admire that destructive power, I'll just focus on that.

"Don't talk about it" - Abby frowned. – "I was in one of those worlds when both bitches appeared, that world had beautiful forests, but everything became a wasteland of sexual fluids, it was disgusting"

"It was worse when the perverted system user joined them" – Nyaruko sighed. – "Those three idiots got carried away and provoked the fury of Paradise… System users with skills based on hentai are the most stupid and disgusting, I hope Luis can kill them all"

BB rolled her eyes. – "You learned to draw just to make doujins of your favorite characters, you are just as disgusting as those idiots"

"Hey!" - Nyaruko frowned. – "At least I am not a furry!"

"…Good point" – BB nodded. – "Furries do not deserve rights… Neither do otakus"

"Hey!" – Nyaruko seemed to want to fight.

I ignored that nonsense and thought of something more interesting.

System user… Until recently I thought that system users were slightly strong idiots since that's what the historical records said, but I finally understood how dangerous they are.

The Outer Gods are some of the most powerful existences in the multiverse and a system user has the potential to match them, though most of them die in the process through their own stupidity.

Regardless, the concept involving system users is fascinating to me. I want to capture some of them to study them, and if possible, I would like to obtain a system…

"You have many interesting anecdotes" - I spoke with genuine curiosity, it makes no sense to lie to beings that can possibly read my thoughts. – "I would like to hear more stories, albeit with details"

"Oh~" – BB smiled and put her hand on my shoulder. – "Heh, I like you~"

Something in her smile makes me feel uneasy, but I don't have the ability to resist if she wants to hurt me.

"Don't worry, senpai made me promise not to hurt you" – BB was still smiling. – "But… Hey, would you like to become an Ancient One?"


I want to nod, but my instincts tell me it's best not to answer.

My husband accepted me into his harem for one main reason: he has a bizarre fetish for psychopathic women.

I dare not enter BB games or my fate might be more miserable than death.

"Tch, you're just as paranoid as senpai" – BB rolled her eyes and took her hand off my shoulder. – "At this rate, you will become one of senpai's favorites…"

Her look scares me.

"Em, I thought of a joke to annoy the husband" - I smiled.

It is true that this woman scares me, but at the same time, I like her.

Like me, she seems to enjoy making my husband suffer.

Sure, there are several limits that I must not exceed or she will kill me even if my husband forgives me.

"Interesting" – BB smiled as her eyes lost their red glow. - "What you thought?"

"Well, the Lostbelt is almost complete" - I took out a notebook where I kept a record of important events. – "The Four Great Families have lost most of their strength, even if they return to modern China, they can only surrender or perish…"

"The gods who are my husband's friends have already been captured, when my husband rescues them, they will become reliable allies..."

"The supernatural forces of foreign countries are too injured, they will become loyal when my husband helps them..."

"We are one step away from finishing the last act of this play, so I thought I'd make some adjustments to the script" – I opened the notebook and handed it to BB.

BB began to read and a smile formed on her lips. – "Pffffff ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, senpai will have a big headache~"

The other Outer Gods were curious and came over to us to read the notebook.

"… I love 'it!" – Nyaruko shouted excitedly.

"…Abby doesn't want to be a bad girl…But…" – Abby also seemed happy.

We hear a tired sigh.

"Please, talk about this kind of thing when I'm not around, I don't want to be punished by Luis when you touch the inverse scale of the dragon" - System Goddess looked at us with frustration. – "And before you threaten me, no, I will not say anything to Luis, so do not let me hear what you will do"

Will my husband punish us?

It can't be something that bad, maybe it's just something related to intense sex or something similar.

From what I've seen, he is a man with a short temper who gets angry easily, but he is always holding back excessive stress in order not to hurt the women in his harem.

Instead of calling him gentile, I'd say he's a masochist.

"Coward" – BB sneered.

"I am and I'm proud of it" – System Goddess looked up proudly.

The cowards survive and the brave die. In my opinion, her way of seeing life is correct.

If a creature is weak, it has no right to be brave.

"Then we will follow the new script" – BB shrugged and smiled.

"Yay!" Nyaruko clapped her hands. – "I can go to the Comiket!"

"I want a date…" – Abby was happy too.

"For now we will have two identities to have fun, but in the future, we will need more disguises" - BB seemed very excited, then she looked at me with a smile. – "If your ideas help me to stay next to senpai in public places, then I will help you get your own path of Madness, without side effects, without using you as a lab rat, you will really have the power you want~"

So she was thinking of using me as a lab rat.

I'm not surprised.

I nodded, it's stupid to negotiate with a devil, but it's fun to negotiate with an Outer God.

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