No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 300: Lostbelt 4

Chapter 300: Lostbelt 4

(Yui Kanakura Perspective) (Nisekoi)

Today marks one month since we are in the artificial world called Lostbelt.

Every day, thousands of people die of starvation, attacks by the Qin Emperor's army, or commit suicide. The horrors of war are too much psychological pressure for people with little willpower.

Ceres Fauna, the Goddess of Life invoked by Luis, used her power to create fruit plants, which was very helpful in staving off starvation in our group, but the civilians we fail to rescue only had two fates, death or being turned into Emperor Qin's puppets.

The group of goddesses and angels has been our main help in dealing with the enemy as the cultivators, super soldiers, demons, and other supernatural beings on our side are unable to use their skills due to the Qin Emperor's Authority. Only people who receive the blessing of a powerful Higher Entity can use 100% of our abilities.

In that aspect, the only reason we managed to face the Qin Emperor's troops was that Luis has Daedalus, a woman capable of deciphering the enemy's technology.

Luis has been recruiting allies from different places.

A couple of days ago, Luis managed to contact some gods in China, but we discovered a big problem, or well, a lot of problems.

Apparently, the God King of the Mythological Pantheon in China decided to ally with the enemies. Now more than 80% of the fighting forces of the gods of China are on the side of the enemies.

Another problem is that three of the Four Great Families have surrendered and are now on the side of the Qin Emperor. Even the main forces of the Chinese government allied themselves with the enemies.

Worst of all, this is reportedly Luis' fault...

That silly kid not only seduced the Jade King's wife, one of his wives murdered the prime minister's son which is why the government now labeled us as terrorists.

I love my country, but I am sincerely disappointed in the government. I can't believe they prioritize honor over the apocalyptic disaster we are facing.

As for Luis's actions, I wanted to scold him, but that kid is trying too hard to protect millions of innocent people, so I can only indulge him whenever I see him.

Womanizing brat, why does he have to be so cute?

Ah, this is infuriating.

The situation has become too bad. The number of enemies is increasing faster than the number of allies.

To complicate matters, we have to take care of millions of innocent people who have been sucked into this artificial world.

When the Lostbelt appeared, it spanned several cities in an instant so it is impossible to determine how many Chinese citizens there are in the Lostbelt, but at the very least, it must be a tenth of the total population of China.

The underground base can house millions of people thanks to spatial warping skills, while the blessings of the goddesses have prevented starvation, but having so many people in one place has created a new problem, people just looking to cause trouble.

Parasites are inevitable, but I was hopeful that this crisis situation would make people able to cooperate.

I was wrong.

Since the base was built, Luis had already warned that any crime would be severely punished, but people underestimated the seriousness of his words.

The problem was that three days ago, a group of children tried to steal other children's food.

This was a senseless act as no one goes hungry thanks to the goddess Fauna, but greed is ingrained in the human heart, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or religion.

The children were captured and we all thought that they would be scolded or something similar, but what happened was something far beyond our imagination.

Luis left the matter in the hands of one of the women he seems to trust the most, the mercenary Revy.

Using Daedalus technology, Revy made a video broadcast for all to see as the 8 children were shot.

This caused great indignation and fury among the citizens, who did not hesitate to protest while demanding that Revy be sentenced to death for being cruel and inhumane.

The result was that Luis, with his bare hands, decapitated every person who criticized Revy.

Luis remained calm despite being subjected to inhuman torture, he was able to cope with the stress of protecting the world, so it was the first time I saw him angry.

It bothered me a bit to see Luis murdering innocent people, but all my experiences in the mafia have taught me that mercy towards ungrateful people is a mistake, rebels, and traitors should be killed regardless of circumstances or identity.

Sure, all of this got Luis in trouble, in fact, many of the women who were interested in him drifted away. They didn't like a cruel man who didn't hesitate to kill children, women, and the elderly, but personally, I think Luis is more trustworthy for being ruthless.

Luis is a womanizer and surely he was hurt by the attitude of those ignorant women, so I wanted to comfort him, but recently I am facing a problem with two nasty pieces of fat attached to her chest.

"My boy just needs mom~" – A Servant was hugging my cute little brother.

Damn cheeky woman, using her body to seduce my little brother...

Luis didn't even pay attention to the woman hugging his back, he was reviewing the reports on the situation.

"Ara ara~ you're so cute when you concentrate on work~" - The Servant pressed her big breasts on my little brother's back.

I looked at that woman's Master, but she just sighed and shook her head. – "Each command spell takes 12 hours to recharge so it would be a waste to use it to release the husband"

I sighed, my little brother is a magnet for annoying women.

Luis and Wukong go out every day to attack the Qin Emperor's army using guerrilla tactics, that way they can confuse the enemy from finding this underground base, but this has meant that I can hardly see him since he is always busy.

I want to take advantage of the time together, but that unpleasant woman is taking away the opportunity to hug my little brother...


Did she just sneer at me?!

Damn old cow!

That nasty woman proved to be comparable to a deity, while my skills specialize in Contracts, Lies, and Trap Detection, but regardless of the disparity between our strengths, I want to fight that nasty woman.

"Raikou, don't make Yui angry" – Luis sighed.

The unpleasant woman made a disgusting pout. – "It is not fair, you should support mom, not that woman who is not even in a relationship with you…"

Ugh, that comment made my chest ache.

It's true, I don't have a formal relationship with Luis.

It's not because he rejected me, it's just that my heart can't accept the idea of ​​being with a man who literally has hundreds of wives.

I nearly fainted when he told me the number of wives, mistresses, and maids in his harem. I even heard that he has a category for slaves, although I don't understand how Luis divides the women in his harem.

For now, I can only feel frustrated as I curse my hesitant heart.

I could only look at the unpleasant woman hugging my little brother. I don't want to make a fuss as Luis is very focused on analyzing the information we have collected.

We are currently in the room where we meet to make plans. Only miss Yu Mei-ren, the unpleasant Servant, Luis, and I are present.

The rest of the people are busy, either training the recruits or keeping the citizens from causing trouble.

Using Lucifer's blessing, I can detect false information in the reports, but Luis has a sixth sense that allows him to detect possible dangers, so I gave him the information to look for something strange.

Unlike me, Luis doesn't depend exclusively on the blessing of a Higher Entity, he possesses hero abilities so he can fight even if he loses the blessing.

Before, I hadn't realized my extreme dependence on the blessing of Lucifer and my subordinates, but now I realize that I need to be strong to protect what I love...

Although my martial arts are at the level of a veteran soldier, it's not enough.

Luis showed me that he has taken martial arts to a point where he can deal with supernatural abilities with just his fighting techniques, so I wanted to ask him to teach me how to fight, but the door to the room was opened.

"Leader!" – A soldier entered the room with an anxious expression. – "We found a distress signal!"

I frowned, it's not normal for a group to be able to send distress signals.

There are only two possibilities; that group or person managed to crack Emperor Qin's technology or is this a trap.

Luis made the Servant stop hugging him to receive the report. The woman made a nasty pout of dissatisfaction, but it didn't cause any trouble and she let Luis work.

"This isn't right" – Luis frowned in annoyance at the report, then he showed it to me.

Now I understand why Luis is upset, the distress signal is from the Clock Tower wizards.

"This is a trap" – Yu Mei-ren snorted disdainfully. – "Those idiots decided to work together with the slaves of Beast VII, it is better to let them die"

I can't currently contact Lucifer so I can't get any information on Beast VII, but when we get out of the Lostbelt, I'll send her a report so she can help us deal with the enemy. The actions of that entity also harm the interests of Hell, so Lucifer should not refuse to help us.

The problem is that I can't detect cheating in the information, plus we recently found evidence that the forces of the Clock Tower and the Vatican are fighting with the Qin Emperor.

Maybe there was a conflict of interest, or maybe that was a set up to lure us into an ambush. Regardless of the circumstance, they hurt my little brother so they must be killed...

"How troublesome" – Luis sighed.

"Don't tell me…" - I sighed.

"That's right" - Luis smiled at me bitterly. – "My instinct tells me that it is best to help magicians"

"Are you sure? Although Lucifer's blessing showed me that this information is real, this seems like a trap" – I frowned with concern. – "Couldn't it be that your skill is wrong?"

"I would like that" - Luis held his forehead tiredly. – "This stupid ability is never wrong when it comes to saving the world, the problem is that my own safety is not guaranteed since the job of a hero is to save the world, even if it costs his life"

I hugged the silly boy in front of me. – "Isn't there an option where you don't put yourself in danger?"

"Of course" - Luis caressed my back as if he was trying to comfort me even though I am the adult...- "We can let the Lostbelt destroy part of the world, then we will look for a space crack and escape another world"


"But you don't like that option, do you?" – Luis hugged me kindly. – "You are not suitable to lead a mafia, you are too kind"


I didn't know what to answer, I felt guilty for making him risk his life to save this world.

Luis is not kind and if it were up to him, he would let this world die without caring about the millions of innocent deaths, but he is willing to fight against the greatest dangers just because there are people who love this world. I myself do not want to leave this world that I consider my home.

"I'll take a strong but discreet group, I'll be back in a couple of days, Navi will keep you informed of my situation" - Luis released me, but I clung to his body, I don't want to let him go to a dangerous place.

Every time he goes out to fight, my heart fills with anxiety for the fear of never seeing him again.

My father never saw me as his daughter, but as the successor of his legacy. Ichijo Issei was like a father to me, but he always kept a certain distance and I'm just a friend's daughter. Raku was like my younger brother, but that was many years ago. Lucifer is my best friend, but we have never met in person.

Whether it's family or friends, I don't have anyone, just this silly perverted boy showed me the love of a real family, someone to laugh with, cry with, be happy with...

I will not give up this happiness, and if he is to die, I will not leave him alone.

"I'm going with you" - I smiled with all the affection I'm capable of showing. – "With my skills, I can sense if there is any danger nearby, I will also be able to see any lie or trap of the magicians"

Luis is rational and careful, so he will not let me accompany him if I only express my desire to accompany him, it is best to show him the benefits of taking me with him.

Luis sighed. – "Even if I refuse, you will find a way to accompany me…"

I smiled and caressed his cheek. – "You are so cute when you resign yourself to reality"

I really like that he's smart, it saves me a lot of explaining time.

"It's fine, but you must follow my instructions" - Luis sighed with irony. – "I will take Coco and Kanata to protect you"

Kiryu Coco, also known as Dragon God, despite being female. Among the group of goddesses, she is the strongest with great destructive power, I even have a feeling that she is close to becoming a Higher Entity.

Amane Kanata, an angel from Paradise who became Luis's assistant in his work as a Hero. She is a Higher Entity, but she has no conceptual abilities so many think she is weak.

The strongest weapon of a Higher Entity is the use of Concepts that transcend the Worlds.

A mortal entity with magical abilities will be weak in a world without magic, but a Higher Entity with a Concept related to magic will be practically God in a world without magic. That is the power of the Higher Entities.

The fact that Kanata doesn't have a Concept of her own despite being a Higher Entity is comparable to a baby born blind and deaf, basically a helpless creature with no future.

At least that's the general idea, Kanata showed that he can be strong without needing a Concept.

Kanata has a monstrous physical strength that is comparable to a special skill, the problem is that that strength is useless against incorporeal enemies or enemies immune to physical blows, plus she didn't know how to fight.

I talked to Kanata and she told me that Luis taught her how to fight, as well as that he gave her special weapons so that she can fight against supernatural beings.

Kanata apparently lacked talent in martial arts, but she wanted to be useful on the battlefield so Luis taught her a fighting style that makes the most of her brute strength.

I was surprised to learn that Luis likes boxing, the absurd thing was that he taught Kanata to fight in the style of Mike Tyson.

Then I'll have to talk to Luis about his strange sense of aesthetics and irony. For now, there is a mission to accomplish.

For safety, we travel in a small but strong group.

Sun Wukong, Kiryu Coco, Amane Kanata, Yu Mei-ren, Minamoto no Raikou, Ikaros, Luis and me. That was our group.

"Hey Listen! Give me a sandwich, you submissive bitch!"

Also, that unpleasant creature was with us.

Luis brought out a sandwich for the fairy, my poor little brother seems so used to that noisy thing that he doesn't even show disgust.

We traveled on Coco's back in her dragon form so we were able to reach the location within hours. She can travel at ultrasonic speeds, but that would alert enemy radars so we travel slowly.

"Hey brother, give me some alcohol" - The disappointing monkey king paid no attention to the fact that we are in enemy territory, he kept demanding alcohol.

"Hey Listen! And pizza!"

"Or peaches"

"Hey Listen! Fatty, unhealthy food is superior to stupid fruit! Eating healthy is for losers!"

"Do you despise peaches?! You are courting death!"

"Hey Listen! The only one who courts and fornicates death is the stupid siscon!"


"Hey Listen! It is a sexual fetish focused on sisters, it is very popular in Japan and is usually caused by a lonely childhood which causes an emotional disorder due to the need for affection, it usually appears in people without maternal affection, in short... Those who have incest fetishes are because their mothers didn't want them ahahahahahahahaha!"


Only that fairy can make something smart sound so stupid.

The monkey king sighed and patted Luis on the shoulder. – "Brother, I did not have parents since I was born from a rock so I do not understand your pain, but if you need to talk, I can listen to you"

…Is this touching? I am not sure.

"You pair of idiots…" – Luis seemed to want to hit the pair of idiots, but he held back.

I admire his self-control.

We arrive at the location of the distress signal so we prepare ourselves in case this is a trap.

Luis grabbed Navi and threw him toward what looked like the ruins of a Buddhist temple.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH BITCH! Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

Is he suffering or is he having fun?

Navi went through the walls without damaging them, her ability to ignore barriers is very useful to use as a surveillance drone.

After a few minutes, Navi appeared in front of Luis.

"Hey Listen! Habemus waifu! With a chihuahua dog as a gift!" – The fairy shouted with joy.

From what I've researched, Luis has always been involved with women, even in his childhood, but I'm pretty sure Luis became an uncontrolled womanizer because of that evil creature.

The fairy told us what he saw inside.

There were several corpses of magicians, cultivators, Vatican agents, and soldiers of the Qin Emperor.

Although we can't jump to conclusions, it seems that the trash that hurt my little brother had a fight with the Qin Emperor's soldiers which caused hundreds of deaths.

The battle occurred several hours ago, so it is strange that the enemy soldiers had not removed the bodies or killed the survivors, although it is possible that the enemies had gotten what they wanted.

In reality, there was only one survivor, a fifteen-year-old girl who is badly injured.

Although she seems to have some strange secrets in her body, what caught my attention the most was the other person described by the fairy.

"Koyanskaya" – Yu Mei-ren and Luis spoke at the same time, the woman spoke contemptuously while he sighed wryly.

"Let's kill her" – Yu Mei-ren spoke with extreme hatred.

"What's happening?" – Raikou spoke with curiosity since Yu Mei-ren usually acts indifferent towards everything.

Luis sighed. – "She is the one who enslaved Yu Mei-ren, she was also the person who organized my capture, and it was she who had the greatest participation when I was tortured"

"…" – Raikou drew her sword. - "I got this"

I shook my head. – "Do not kill her quickly, she must suffer for her crimes"

She hurt my little brother...

"Wait a minute" – Luis put his hand on Raikou's shoulder.

"Luis" - I frowned. – "I know you have particular tastes, but that evil woman was the one who hurt you, she literally cut off your limbs"

"I know" - Luis rubbed his head with annoyance. – "But something is strange, that woman is a headache, but she is not stupid, she seems to be the one who called us for help and there are no signs of a trap so something must have happened"

"Luis…" – I began to worry, I don't want Luis to forgive that woman, she must die.

"Look, let me hear what she wants, right now we are in a crisis and if we don't get help, the Lostbelt will destroy all of China" – Luis spoke to me seriously.

"China is overrated" – Coco shrugged. – "What's the worst that can happen? That they censor us?"

"Hey Listen! They will take away our social credits!" – The fairy shouted with joy.

It's impossible to take things seriously with these kinds of people around, besides, I have a lot of social credit even though I'm a leader of the mafia.

"Fine, I admit I like Koyanskaya's attitude, she's crazy but she can be useful, but don't worry I can be an idiot but I don't think with my dick, if this is a trap then I'll take care of the situation" – Luis sighed and the chainsaw sword appeared in his hand.

Luis explained to me what that thing is, a weapon that can permanently damage souls, and if necessary, Luis can destroy souls…

I sighed with slight annoyance. – "Okay… But if she says something stupid, I will kill her"

Yu Mei-ren was also not happy with the situation, but she is following Luis's instructions.

We entered the temple and I constantly used my ability to detect traps, but there were no traces of ambushes or hidden assassins.

Kanata and Ikaros walked behind me to protect me in case of danger, and Raikou and Coco protected Yu Mei-ren. In front of us were Luis and Wukong.

When we arrived at the location of the disgusting creature, she looked at us in exasperation.

"Hey idiots, you're late!" – Koyanskaya was sitting next to the dying girl. – "This girl will die if you take another five minutes"

I looked at the girl. She was a beautiful junior high school age girl, her facial features seemed to be from England, her gray hair and green eyes were beautiful, while her dying expression made her look like a princess in distress.

I looked at Raikou and then at the girl. She gives me a similar feeling to the Servant, but at the same time, there is something different.

"Since when do you care about humans? Also, where did you get this girl? Her soul is strange" – Luis spoke apathetically, but then frowned. – "This… Artificial reincarnation?"

Luis is Auriel's knight, which is a bit of a contradiction since he doesn't value innocent lives, but something I've noticed is that he values the balance of the Reincarnation Cycle a lot.

therefore, he avoids using the soul destruction function of his sword.

It's the first time I heard about artificial reincarnation, but I have a feeling it's something that goes against Auriel's teachings.

Koyanskaya threw up her hands in panic. - "Wait wait wait! I have nothing to do with this girl, I just met her by chance and thought she would be a nice friendship gift! Look, she is cute! Certain?"

"Hey Listen! I like the chihuahua dog!" - Damn fairy...

"Chihuahua dog?!" – Koyanskaya stood up furiously. – "I am a fox!"

"Hey Listen! I don't speak barking, now she gives the paw or you won't get a cookie!" – Navi begins to like me…

"Shut up idiots!" - Luis spoke with frustration making the pair of brainless creatures stop talking. – "Koyanskaya, you have five minutes to explain what you are doing here and why your soul seems to have changed, give me a good reason not to kill you or you start saying goodbye"

The evil woman smiled with feigned innocence. – "Would you really kill a beautiful, adorable, sexy, and defenseless woman like me?"

Luis had an expressionless look. - "Four minutes"

"Ah!" – The woman panicked and she revealed to us everything she knew.

It is assumed that she was not the same Koyanskaya who enslaved Yu Mei-ren and tortured Luis, the woman who did that was Koyanskaya of Darkness, while the woman in front of us is Koyanskaya of Light.

Apparently, she was Beast VII's first attempt to steal the Servants from the Throne of Heroes, so there was a mistake when Koyanskaya was turned into a living creature and not a disposable clone (Servant).

Koyanskaya was built from the resentment of animals towards humans, the source of her power was one of Amaterasu's shards and the mold for her existence was Tamamo-no-Mae, one of Amaterasu's soul extensions.

What Beast VII didn't expect is that Amataresau's soul fragment had so much power that it formed two Koyanskaya instead of one.

Since Koyanskaya was Beast VII's first slave, there were no other slaves who could notice the abnormality in her soul, though Koyanskaya herself didn't know either.

Koyanskaya of Darkness was a devout believer in Beast VII, but Koyanskaya of Light was against Beast VII and her plan for world domination.

This was not out of kindness, as like her counterpart, she also wishes to see the suffering of humanity, she wanted to protect nature and Beast VII seeks to mine the resources of this world into a dying wasteland.

Koyanskaya of Darkness is the main consciousness and both Koyanskaya inhabit the same body, so Koyanskaya of Light could not take control of the body to talk to us, but a few hours ago an opportunity arose.

A week ago, supernatural groups from other countries had a conflict with the Qin Emperor, causing both groups to break their alliance and attempt to assassinate each other.

The Qin Emperor let them escape as his attention was focused on strengthening his troops to eliminate our group, but a few days ago, Koyanskaya discovered that two Clock Tower mages were perfectly compatible with two Heroic Spirits.

Several days ago, a shipment of resources to summon Servants was stolen, so the Qin Emperor lacked the resources to summon Servants in their real bodies, so he decided to use human bodies as vessels for Servants, the problem is that they need 100% compatibility to do this or the Servant's soul will return to the Throne of Heroes after a few days.

This morning, Koyanskaya discovered that two of the magicians who rebelled against the Qin Emperor were compatible with two Servants, so she led the Qin Emperor's troops to capture the magicians.

The magicians, cultivators, and Vatican agents were strong, but they were eradicated in less than two hours, although Koyanskaya made a big mistake due to her narcissism.

Koyanskaya appeared in front of the enemies thinking that it was her victory, but at that moment, the gray-haired girl showed an explosive power that destroyed hundreds of soldiers.

Dark Koyanskaya managed to avoid the fatal attack but was knocked unconscious, which was used by Light Koyanskaya to take control of her body.

The girl fainted from her injuries, which Koyanskaya took advantage of to use a magical device to make the soldiers think that both Koyanskaya and the girl had died.

The Qin Emperor's soldiers have machine brains and only know how to follow orders, in this case, the order to capture the two wizards. They left after capturing the mages and seeing that both women were dead.

Koyanskaya was the one who taught Emperor Qin how to use Beast VII's technology so she was able to use a communicator to send out a distress signal, although she was careful that that signal didn't reach Emperor Qin, but us.

She was sure that we had cracked Beast VII's technology as that would explain how we were able to predict the movements of the enemy army.

The explanation was questionable and all too convenient, but unfortunately, my Lucifer blessing told me that she was telling the truth. Even Luis used Auriel's blessing to summon a gold coin that can detect lies, but both blessings showed that Koyanskaya was telling the truth.

"Do you expect us to believe this nonsense?!" – Yu Mei-ren shouted with extreme fury, it is obvious that she wants to kill that woman.

"I'm just telling the truth, the fact that you are a bitter and resentful woman is not my problem" – Koyanskaya shrugged. – "But if you do not trust me, you can make me sign a Contract, I just hope you can promise me that my life will be safe, oh, I also want three meals a day, a massage, a bubble bath, and a comfortable bed, the most important is the food of the Japanese hero, the system user keeps fawning over that food…"

"System user?" - Luis narrowed his eyes.

"Oops" – Koyanskaya smiled wryly. – "Ahem, ignore what I said"

Harem King… That bastard who betrayed my little brother…

Luis moved the sword close to Koyanskaya's neck. – "Speak, what are you not telling me?"

Koyanskaya smiled nervously. – "I will talk, but please, move that thing away, stress will make my tail lose its fluffy fur…"

The sword ignited making a disturbing chainsaw sound.

"…" – Koyanskaya was pale. – "You seem to be a moody boy, you need anger management therapy… Ah, okay, I'll talk!"

Koyanskaya stopped talking nonsense as the sword moved closer to her neck.

The situation with the Harem King was much more stupid than the situation with Koyanskaya.

The real identity of the Harem King was unknown to Koyanskaya. According to her, the King of the Harem is a disguise, something else is hidden under that human skin.

Koyanskaya is not entirely sure what the Harem King is, but there is one thing she is sure of, the Harem King wishes to protect this world and human society.

That is already absurd, but there is something much more ridiculous.

"The system user is the only entity that he could see through me, he noticed that my soul splits in two so he chatted with me" – Koyanskaya scratched her cheek uncomfortably. – "I thought he would blackmail me into making me his sex slave since he is famous for being a pervert, but things were… Well, unusual"

"I don't have much patience so be clear with your words" – Luis seemed genuinely angry.

"God, you are so bitter that only a crazy woman could love you" – Koyanskaya rolled her eyes, then smiled. – "Although, I remember you have a nice body, heh, maybe you are my type~"

That's it, I'm going to kill this woman.

"Wait, that looks dangerous!" – Koyanskaya panicked when Raikou's sword almost decapitated her.

Luis stopped the Servant's sword, but his look at Koyanskaya was one of frustration so she began to speak.

"The Harem King kept talking about you, and his tone was a bit… Well… Like a maiden in love" – Koyanskaya had a wry smile. – "He seemed very sorry for betraying you, but he said it was necessary to protect you…"

That reminded me of something.

When we made an alliance with the Raksasha Sect, their representatives mentioned that the Harem King had genuine affection for my little brother.

When the Lostbelt started, we scrapped the idea of ​​contacting the Raksasha Sect since Yu Mei-ren revealed to us that the Harem King was an ally of Beast VII.

Now, things got very strange.

This is too suspicious, I feel as if someone is putting on a play and we are the actors, rather puppets.

"The Harem King told me that helping you before the Lostbel would only put you in danger, it was only possible to help you when the Lostbelt was activated" – Koyanskaya sighed in frustration. – "He gave me the order to contact you when I had the opportunity to control my body… Now that I think about it, maybe he knew that the girl had great hidden power, so he sent me the information about the two magicians so that my life was in danger… Tch, fucking homosexual bastard"

"Luis, this is too suspicious, I don't like how this sounds" - I frowned.

Lucifer's blessing tells me that everything is true and there is no trap waiting for us, but I can't always blindly trust the skills, I need to analyze the situation and my conclusion is that everything is too convenient.

Luis sighed and bent down to put his hand on the girl's forehead, only now I remembered that she was dying.

Luis used his blessing to heal some of the girl's wounds, but not all of the wounds. I like that he is cautious.

"For now you will come with us, form a Slave Contract and tell me everything you know about the Lostbelt" – Luis looked at Koyanskaya with disgust.

"Okay" – Koyanskaya smiled and licked her lips. – "Do you want to put a necklace on me and show me who is the alpha male?~"

"Luis..." - I looked at my little brother. – "Please, let me kill this woman"

"Heh, give up" – Koyanskaya smiled at me. – "Now I am the adorable pet of the hero, you can't hurt me~"

I frowned. – "Why do you seem so happy to be a slave?"

"Be it a dead woman or a living pet, the choice is simple" – Koyanskaya shrugged. – "Also, being punished with bondage sounds fun~"

"Hey Listen! Bondage in a maid outfit!"

"Besides, I already have fox ears and tail, I think in Japan it is called maid kitsune"

"Hey Listen! The furry got a kemonomimi pet!"

"Oh right, it was kemonomimi… Hey master, should I say Kon at the end of every sentence? Or do you prefer a nya?"

"Hey Listen! Tell him Onii-chan!"

"Oh, I didn't think the hero would have a thing for little girls, heh, lolicon~ I made a good choice saving this girl"

I looked at Luis's expression, my poor little brother seems to want to die.

"..." - Luis sighed tiredly. - "I need vacations…"




Author's Note:

I entered the world of making drawings with Artificial Intelligence, it's fun.

I will upload the most normal images to Twitter (@BukaroNovels), on the other hand, the most… well, flashy images will be uploaded for you, my beloved Pa -tre -on readers. I will upload them as part of the drawings benefit for those who pay level 2.

I can't help it, the global crisis forces me to look for income.

Finally, a hug <3

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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