No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 303: After the Lostbelt

Chapter 303: After the Lostbelt

After the Lostbelt was destroyed, the tedious process of cloaking began.

Inside the Lostbelt about two months passed, but in China, not a single second passed.

Because of this, people panicked when in less than a second a massive earthquake occurred, killing thousands of civilians in an instant.

The earthquake was 9 degrees on the Richter scale, which is already classified as a natural disaster at the continental level.

This earthquake caused disasters worldwide, but China was most devastated by the natural disaster.

The chaos worsened when it was reported that the president and most of his cabinet were killed in the quake.

As if that weren't enough, the Four Great Families received irreparable damage, in fact, three of the Four Great Families had perished, and although there were survivors, all property and primary members were gone.

In a single day, it seemed as if one of the world's greatest powers would completely collapse, but times of crisis are opportunities for heroes.

To begin with, several of China's largest companies came together to create the China Defense Trade Association.

This group managed to sustain China's economy while promoting multiple social support programs to help people who lost their homes, businesses, and loved ones.

While big business managed to prevent China's economic collapse, the government showed great strength in being able to respond to the crisis.

Of the Four Great Families, only the Yang family retained enough political power to run the country, the problem being that the family patriarch had died and his son had been left in a coma.

The Yang family had no direct heir who could take control of the family, so in an act that broke all age-old traditions, a woman was left as the head of the family.

Guo Xuehua, the wife of the late patriarch, became the new representative of the Chinese government.

This broke many interests and traditions so it would be normal for people to protest, but what surprised everyone is that Guo Xuehua received unexpected support.

China's largest gang, Char Siu, gave its full support to the Yang family's rule.

Normally, citizens would criticize a government backed by a criminal group, but after the earthquake, Char Siu mobilized its members to rescue earthquake survivors, causing citizens to view the gang as heroes.

There is no new president yet, but publicly Guo Xuehua is the new prime minister of China.

Char Siu, Guo Xuehua, and the China Defense Trade Association, these three new forces were now running China. Even the army showed its full support towards the new government, with the Lin family being the new official representatives of the army.

There are even rumors that the new national defense general Lin Zhiguo treats Guo Xuehua as his own daughter.

On the other hand, many people questioned why the CEOs of the most important companies were mostly extremely beautiful women.

There were conspiracy theories saying that they were all part of the harem of a powerful man who controlled the government from the shadows, but that idea was so absurd that it only remained an internet joke.

In short, after two days of the earthquake (Lostbelt), China had managed to reach certain stability, which showed the high level of organization on the part of the new government.

The country had stabilized so quickly that other world governments did not have time to send humanitarian aid, in other words, the other great powers did not have time to make a military intervention under the guise of humanitarian aid.

Because of this, I am now sitting in a meeting room with a group of influential people.

Returning to China, I rounded up the surviving government and big business, then threatened them into helping the new government.

As always, there were many ungrateful people who were not happy to survive and wished for wealth instead.

All the idiots that gave me trouble were killed.

Several ambitious and treacherous people were left alive, but I let them live as they will be useful in creating opportunities to increase my control of public opinion globally.

Currently, the names Lu San, Luis Oosuki, or Seiji Ichijo are irrelevant names to normal people, but major groups now recognize me as a dangerous individual.

The envoys from the Vatican and the Clock Tower sent the reports about my power, they also reported that the Harem King is actually a woman and she is in love with me.

Since I am a believer in equity, I had Monika send those same reports to the spies of other world powers like Russia and the Templars, I even had the information reach the Eternal Heaven Immortal (immortal cultivators) and the Truth Seekers (scientists and alchemists).

As for the Free Agents (system users, protagonists, and independent heroes), [Paranoia] warned me that they already know about my existence, there is even an 85% chance that they are looking for information on the Hero of Harmony and the Harem King.

Honestly, my mind is busy with more important things than the meeting in front of me.

There is currently a discussion between the UN representative and the BRICS representative.

The BRICS is a trade alliance established by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, hence the name.

Although this alliance is purely commercial, there are agreements under the table where military support is established in the event of a conflict against the world powers of the West.

The discussion arose because the UN insists that China must open its borders so that NATO can help citizens, be it with rescue squads, volunteer doctors, the construction of houses, and security support to prevent riots.

It all sounds good, but it's really an excuse for military intervention before China can stabilize.

The BRICS members insist that they will be the ones to provide humanitarian aid, arguing that they are allies of China, but the reality is that they too want to take advantage of this disaster to take control of China's economy.

Watching these idiots argue is like watching a turtle arguing with a hamster over who is better at flying, a complete waste of time.

Guo Xuehua is completely silent, although she is a very intelligent woman, she knows that she is just a puppet.

The other nations know that too and that's why they ignore her, even though they think that the real mastermind behind the new government is Yui Kanakura.

In the opinion of the great nations, the Hero of Harmony was seduced by the leader of Char Siu, who, in turn, stole the heart of the Harem King.

Now Yui has two of Gaia's strongest beings by her side, and at the same time, she gained control of China.

At no time did anyone think that everything was a plan by the Ichijo Family.

On the one hand, Mr. Ichijo has a nationalist and conservative thoughts, he would never get involved in conflicts outside of Japan. Even if Seiji is more violent than Mr. Ichijo, everyone thinks that Seiji would never do anything that would harm the Ichijo family.

Lastly, it is known that the Hero of Harmony is Auriel's knight, therefore he must be a fair and noble man.

Thus, Yui was listed as an insidious, cunning, and dangerous woman who can manipulate people for her benefit, basically, she is a James Bond villain.

Yui got mad at me for causing her all this trouble, but she agreed to cooperate with me since according to her, an older sister's duty is to protect her little brother. She is cute.

As the idiots continued to argue, Yui finally lost her patience and raised her voice.

"China is not for sale!" – Yui's voice surprised the foreign representatives, but they quickly smiled ironically, no one takes Yui seriously because she seems like a kind and naive girl.

"I don't like subtleties and political mind games seem like a waste of time, and time is what we don't have right now" – Yui showed a serious expression worthy of a person with authority. – "China is in crisis and that is an undeniable reality, but China is not a cake waiting to be divided, China is a strong nation and it will not be conquered by any of you"

I sighed internally, I'll have to intervene. She was too direct.

The UN representative sighed and shook his head as if he saw a little girl throwing a tantrum. – "Young lady, your words are very unpleasant, we only want to help a sister nation in trouble, but your words…"

The idiot stopped spitting garbage and began to sweat out of fear, my look had aroused his instinctive fear of death.

I put down the cup of coffee that I was enjoying, I can't even have a moment of peace. – "Yui is talking, don't interrupt her"

Another idiot was about to raise his voice against me, but my presence made all the idiots blanch.

At this point, it is useless to keep a low profile, it will be better to show that I am a violent idiot who solves problems by force, so it will be more convenient for people to conspire against me.

"You are misunderstanding something" – I frowned. – "My title is not because I am a kind man who loves everyone equally, I am the Hero of Harmony because I treat everyone equally, I will be friends with any race that treats me well, I will kill any idiot who causes me inconvenience, that's my definition of equality"

All the idiots present know that Luis and Seiji are the same person due to Bee Hive Gang leaking the information.

Claude really wants to kill me, but well, Tsugumi already gave me permission to kill him so it doesn't matter.

"Your holiness, please calm your fury!" – A representative of the Vatican spoke to me in a pleading voice.

I forgot to mention, the Vatican gave me the title of Saint, although this is unofficial so ordinary people don't know about it.

When I got out of the Lostbelt, the first thing I did was contact Seraph or she will be depressed if she knows what happened to me through the Vatican agents.

I had a long discussion with Seraph that I will explain later, but among the topics discussed, she convinced Auriel to name me her oracle.

Being Auriel's knight means that I am her sword, but being Auriel's oracle means that I am the representative of her voice, my actions are Auriel's actions so I can mobilize Auriel's army, also establish agreements with other Higher Entities, and if I wish, I can declare war on another world in Auriel's name.

According to common sense, it's stupid to give such authority to a teenager, especially since I've never met Auriel personally, but she trusts Seraph too much, and since Seraph put all her hopes in me, then Auriel blindly believes in me.

I feel more and more disappointed with Auriel's intellect. Anyway, idealists.

Auriel is practically the equivalent of God from the perspective of mortals, so when this news reached the ears of the Vatican, I became the representation of God on earth.

BB keeps taunting me that I am Christ with alcoholism, even though according to historical evidence, Jesus was a man who enjoyed eating and drinking in large quantities by the standard of that time...


I shook my head while my expression was tired. – "If I were angry, all of you would be dead"

They all had expressions of discomfort. Although these people had strong bodyguards, those bodyguards had also turned pale from feeling the pressure of my presence, even though I have no killing intent.

"Like Yui, I also hate puns so I'll be direct" – I looked apathetically at the UN representative. – "Who was the person who stopped the Lostbelt and saved practically all of Asia?"

The man looked at me with false flattery. – "It was you, Mr. Hero, and on behalf of humanity we are grateful for the great effort you made…"

I raised my hand to shut him up. – "No flattery, just short answers"

The man managed to perfectly control his micro-expressions so as not to show his fury, he just smiled kindly.

"What would have happened if the Lostbelt hadn't been destroyed?" – I spoke apathetically.

These idiots already received detailed reports of what happened in the Lostbelt.

Beast VII's name was not mentioned, but now the world knows that a powerful Higher Entity designed an alternate reality to destroy the Laws that protect this World.

In addition to that danger, they also know that the system user Dr. Madness had interfered with the Lostbelt.

His motives are unknown, but it is obvious that he has bad intentions toward this World, or he would not have displayed his infectious abilities with Madness. There are even theories that the current virus that is spreading throughout the world is his work.

The UN representative frowned with concern. – "Our world would be in great danger, it is possible that the enemy could use the so-called Lostbelt to create a Dimensional Gate and thus invade our world"

I nodded. – "That's right, if the Lostbelt succeeded in joining our world, invaders from other worlds would have a direct route to invade us"

Most of the idiots present didn't show much concern, they think that humanity on Gaia is capable of facing any threat from other worlds, but that is pure stupidity born of ignorance.

If it weren't for the barrier that protects this World, then Gaia would have perished millennia ago.

By the way, thanks to the Lostbelt, Abby was able to confirm that the barrier covering this world is in a terrible state. According to System Goddess calculations, the barrier will be broken in less than 10 years according to the flow of time in Gaia, additionally, each Lostbelt that is destroyed will reduce one year of that time.

When the barrier is broken, it will be the end of the world. Not even my entire group could protect this world.

Gaia is one of the most coveted Worlds in the multiverse, so large organizations and independent Higher Entities will start a war to take the resources of this World.

"Now, that brings up a little problem" – I sighed. – "A group of imbeciles prepared an ambush to capture me, torture me, try to brainwash me, and even planned to kill me if the brainwashing did not work…"

The UN representative, the Vatican representative, and the Clock Tower representative all had terrible expressions.

One of them was about to speak, but again I raised my hand to shut him up.

"Taking revenge on you would mean facing the most important organizations in this world... I'm not afraid to fight against the world, but I don't want to destroy this world that is my home" – I increased my presence to show that I'm serious. – "For the sake of peace, I will forget what you did, but I will make something clear…"

With [Dissociative Identity] I switched to the 'Hero' Concept. With this Concept, people who love or respect me will feel that they are in the presence of the savior of the world, on the other hand, people who hate or fear me will feel that they are being judged by the fury of the world.

"If someone betrays this world again, I will kill him, I will kill his entire family, I will kill his friends, I will make sure that there is no trace of his existence" – My gaze focused on the idiots who still thought to hurt Yui to take control of China. – "In my opinion, if someone harms Yui, it is an enemy of humanity, if someone seeks to cause instability in society, it is an enemy of humanity, and if someone tries to kill me again, it is an enemy of humanity"

Everyone was sweating from fear and anxiety, only the representative of the BRICS and the representative of the Vatican could keep a bit calm since they did not see me with hostility.

After threatening the world leaders, I stood up and gently placed my hand on Yui's shoulder. – "I don't understand politics or economics so it doesn't make sense for me to be here, but if someone intimidates Yui, I'll kill him"

The UN representative managed to work up some courage to speak to me, even though he couldn't look me in the face. – "Are you speaking on behalf of the Ichijo family?"

I sighed with disappointment. – "I see you don't understand… I am not speaking on behalf of the Ichijo family, nor do I represent Japan, I am speaking on behalf of Paradise, on behalf of Auriel"

Those words made the members of the Vatican shudder.

Yui looked at me with a little tiredness. Like me, she hates politics, but she is willing to carry this burden to help me.

I left the conference room as I have various matters to attend to, but behind me came the representative of the Vatican.

"Your Holiness, wait a moment!" – The man spoke to me respectfully, in his gaze there was genuine adoration.

I frowned. – "Shouldn't you stay at the meeting?"

"My assistant can manage mundane problems" – The man smiled respectfully at me. – "I have an important message for Your Holiness"

If BB were here, she'd make fun of me as an atheist messiah.

Shit, I'm starting to miss her annoying voice inside my head.

"What is?" – I sighed.

The man took out an envelope sealed with red candle wax, on the seal was the logo of the Pope's ring.

"Your Eminence wishes to meet with Your Holiness" – The man handed me the letter with an extremely respectful attitude, this idiot seems to want to throw himself on the ground and kiss my feet. – "Your Eminence said there is something important you want to discuss with Your Holiness, but you do not need to rush, Your Eminence understands that Your Holiness is busy"

The highest authority in the Vatican wants to speak to me in person… It's hard to describe how ridiculous this seems to me.

I accepted the letter and said that in the future I will pay a visit to the Vatican, but for now, I have something very important to do.

I left the government building and headed to the residence where I am temporarily staying, Yui's house.

I'm going back to Japan in two days, I need to settle some things first.

Upon entering the residence, I found a beautiful blonde woman having tea with a pink-haired girl who wore a maid's dress.

Next to the girl, there was a cute little girl with tanned skin who also wore a maid outfit.

Cerberus was trying to hug Ortro, but the little head eater was avoiding her.

Ortro noticed my arrival and rushed to embrace me.

"..." – Ortro rubbed her face on my abdomen to which I smiled wryly, this brat is too attached to me.

We've only been apart for three hours, but she acts like we haven't seen each other in years.

"Hmph" – Cerberus pouted at the behavior of her little sister.

"Oh, how did she do?" – The beautiful blonde woman smiled at me curiously.

"The usual" - I sighed. – "Humans being idiots"

I sat across from the woman and Cerberus poured me a cup of coffee.

That girl doesn't like me, but she is a very obedient maid.

The blonde woman was Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

When the Lostbelt activated, she and Cerberus were trapped inside the Lostbelt.

At first, both women managed to hide with the help of the Hades Helmet, but Aphrodite was unlucky enough to meet the reincarnation of Hades, Yang Chen.

At that time, Yang Chen had already been consumed with rage as he found out that his birth mother was now the Hero of Harmony's sex slave.

Yang Chen had totally lost his mind and that caused him to lose control of his divinity, he had started a massacre against Qin Shi Huang's soldiers and resistance members. Basically, he was a crazed beast with no allies.

Aphrodite tried to help him, but Yang Chen had gone berserk to the point that he attacked the goddess.

Cerberus protected Aphrodite, but the Contracts in her soul prevented her from hurting the gods of Olympus, so she could only hold Aphrodite and escape.

Yang Chen wanted to **** Aphrodite and kill Cerberus so he chased after both women. Apparently, the last trace of Hades's soul within Yang Chen caused him to long for Aphrodite, but that idiot mistook love for destructive lust.

By 'chance', I arrived in time to save Aphrodite.

She and Cerberus thought the Harem King was the reincarnation of Ortro so they hated me, they had the stupid idea that the Harem King had turned his back on me because I betrayed him.

Even though I saved both women, they tried to attack me so I beat them unconscious, then took them back to my base for questioning.

As for Yang Chen, I almost managed to kill him, but at the last moment, a spatial rift opened up and a hand managed to grab Yang Chen to pull him out of the Lostbelt.

Yang Chen was rescued by Zeus and now that idiot is on Olympus. By the way, I allowed the idiot to escape since I put Madness spiders into Yang Chen's mind and soul, now I can access Olympus to modify Zeus's plans at my convenience.

I had a long talk with Aphrodite where I revealed the existence of Beast VII and the fact that Ortro was Beast V.

Aphrodite refused to accept that Ortro was planning to destroy the world, but she was willing to make a deal with me.

She wouldn't help me with the Lostbelt, but if I was able to destroy the Lostbelt, then she would reveal to me everything she knew about Zeus, Olympus, Athena's location, and a secret involving Hera.

It was a lousy deal since I was able to get all the information with [Reader's Perspective], but it gave me a chance to get close to the goddess of beauty.

Now she is seriously considering being one of my wives, especially since she found out that Ortro is female.

Apparently and contrary to mythology, Aphrodite is not bisexual, she is totally heterosexual and she wants to marry a man who can love her sincerely.

In short, the conveniences of the plot.

Now then, at the end of the Lostbelt, I had a meeting with Yui, Aphrodite, Yu Mei-ren, Harem King, and a magician from the Clock Tower, Reines El-Melloi Archsort.

To begin with, Reines is one of the magicians kidnapped by Qin Shi Huang to turn her into the incarnation of a Servant.

The ritual had started so Reines gained power from one of the generals under Cao Cao's command, Sima Yi.

Even though she is technically a Servant, the fact that I interrupted the ritual prevented Sima Yi's mind from taking control of Reines, besides, she is not bound by the Throne of Heroes so she got all the advantages of the Servants and has no handicap.

Well, maybe the only drawback is a stupid affection system implemented by the Throne of Heroes.

Apparently, Servants were designed to increase in power according to the affection they feel for their Masters, be it friendship or romantic love.

This affection system was modified by Beast VII so that Servants fall in love with their Masters more easily, that way it can guarantee greater Servant loyalty.

The Servant summoning ritual that was modified by Beast VII has the side effect of causing Servants to fall in love with their Masters. This love only grows if the Master meets the Servant's standards.

Qin Shi Huang did not know this and treated Servants as tools, which is why no Servant had any affection for the first emperor of China.

Actually, not even Koyanskaya knew about this affection system, System Goddess only discovered it after summoning Raikou.

When I rescued a female Servant, I became her new Master, so now every female Servant in Chinese history fell in love with me too quickly, which is boring…

Oh well, it was a nice gift, I must thank Beast VII.

The point of all this is that now Reines is part of my harem, she has even started to demand that her family needs an heir immediately... What a headache.

Thus, I gathered the women who represented important groups and had them listen to the Harem King's explanation.

Nyaruko revealed her true identity, the Rampant Chaos Nyarlathotep.

This caused a small moment of panic, but I managed to calm the women down to listen.

Nyaruko explained that she had come to this world by chance and had fallen in love with anime and video games, so she wanted to live in this world, but her reputation as an Outer God made the Will of the World see her as a threat, so she had to wear a costume.

By chance, she met the reincarnation of Ortro who had lost all of her past memories and personality, making her similar to a mentally retarded girl.

Nyaruko had Ortro sign a Contract to establish an alliance. Ortro would allow Nyaruko to disguise herself as the Harem King, in exchange, Nyaruko would help Ortro find what the little girl described as her 'best friend'.

Apparently, Ortro had no idea who this best friend was, but she had an instinctive desire to find someone to whom she could dedicate her whole life.

Ortro didn't know who it was or where to find it, so she could only accompany Nyaruko until she found it.

By mere chance, Nyaruko met the Hero of Harmony and found him amusing.

From the first moment, Nyaruko felt that the Hero had a pleasant presence that helped calm the voices inside her head.

Even though Nyaruko is an Outer God, she felt that the Hero was her first friend since only the Hero was willing to scold and punish her when she did foolish things. Normally all entities were afraid of her, be they mortals or Higher Entities, so she was very lonely.

After a few days together, Nyaruko discovered that the Hero had an innate ability that allowed him to keep the mental problems of the Outer Gods stable, so she wanted to stay by the Hero's side.

Before long, that friendship turned into something more. The Outer God had fallen in love with the Hero.

She wanted to be honest with the Hero, but she was scared that by revealing her identity, the Hero would see her as an enemy since Heroes exist to deal with world catastrophes like the Outer Gods.

Nyaruko walked away from the Hero to rethink her own feelings, but at that moment the Hero was kidnapped, then the Lostbelt began. In all that time, Nyaruko had been watching romance anime to find a solution to her dilemma...

God, how stupid.

Anyway, when the Lostbelt occurred, Nyaruko wanted to help the Hero, but she felt traces of Madness and was worried that another Outer God had caused the Lostbelt.

Although Nyaruko is the second strongest Outer God, she did not want to fight. If she faced another Outer God then she would have to use all of her strength, and that could cause the destruction of the world.

That last is not an exaggeration, which is why the barrier that denies access to foreign entities like Nyaruko is important.

Nyaruko didn't want to fight, but seeing that I was in danger, she couldn't stand still and she faced Dr. Madness.

Nyaruko had to hold back from every blow and that's why Dr. Madness managed to escape, if Nyaruko used her full strength then the enemy would have died but the World would be destroyed.

Now, Nyaruko was revealing all of this for three reasons:

1) She wants to live a happy life with me as she enjoys time with me and can't live without the food I make, also, she became a masochist because of me so she demanded me to take responsibility…

2) Although anime and video games exist in other worlds, Nyaruko's favorite anime and video games are concentrated in this world. She is willing to protect this world in order to continue watching anime.

3) Not only Nyaruko had taken a liking to me, but for some unknown reason, Ortro had assigned me as her best friend and now she wanted to live by my side until death do us part. That sounds like marriage instead of friendship, but I'd rather not think about it.

Nyaruko also explained that she had cooperated with Beast VII's plan because she found it funny, there was no other reason.

The Outer Gods are known for being irrational and acting on a whim, so no one questioned Nyaruko's motivations. Even if she is my wife, I would also believe that she is capable of causing an apocalypse just because she is bored.

At first, all the women were against hiding Nyaruko's identity, they even thought of contacting the Will of the World to eliminate the Outer God, so I made the most important revelation.

I showed that Daoloth lives inside my soul.

I explained that I found BB in my first mission as a Hero, at that time I was on the verge of death and it was BB who helped me survive, since then we made a Contract that made us allies, although now that relationship has progressed to the point of marriage.

BB and Nyaruko started arguing like idiots while the other women tried to assimilate the situation.

In the end, we decided to keep it a secret that two of the four strongest Outer Gods were part of my harem.

Even Yui made sure to keep this a secret, she told Lucifer that the Harem King is actually a very strong human woman.

By the way, Nyaruko said that Ortro's system was based on getting a harem of important women, but Ortro only had an interest in me so her system was useless.

Supposedly there was a loophole in her system. Ortro made a soul-binding contract with me, that way my harem would help her complete the quests in her system.

If I want Orthro to become stronger and more helpful, then I need to keep expanding my harem.

After all that stupidity, Aphrodite proceeded to reveal everything she knew about Beast VII, Zeus, the Lostbelts, and the future invasion of our World.

In the end, we agreed that the situation was a crisis on a world scale, not even the presence of two Outer Gods ensured our victory in case a war against the invaders started, in the worst case the whole world would be destroyed.

In this way, a secret alliance was formed to protect Gaia.

Because Ortro's system can measure the loyalty of the women in my harem, the rule was established that only the women in my harem could be part of this alliance, all other organizations and countries are not trusted.

I must congratulate BB, this script is quite suitable for my situation, although I won't lessen her punishment for all the migraine her crap caused me.

Yui talked to Lucifer and apparently, someone put a huge bounty on my head. Now there are Higher Entities specialized in murder that will begin to persecute me.

Why is that?

Simple, I have too much potential and that makes me dangerous.

Even within Paradise, there are entities that wish for my death, my presence has made the idealistic faction able to match the prestige of the racist faction.

Stupid political conflicts...

Anyway, my life is completely chaotic shit, nothing new.

For now, I will relax drinking coffee with the goddess of beauty.

Mythology describes Aphrodite as a promiscuous woman who only thinks about sex, but in reality, she is a charismatic woman with whom it is pleasant to talk.

She knows all kinds of interesting stories and her voice is nice, so I enjoyed a moment of peace while Cerberus continued to look at me resentfully. She thinks Ortro is ignoring her because of me.

Cerberus no longer has a sexual interest in Ortro since she is not a lesbian, but she is jealous that her younger sister would rather hug a complete stranger than her older sister.

While we were relaxing, I had [Paranoia] block all telepathic messages pleading for help from BB and the other troublesome women.

Those girls won't learn their lesson even if I punish them with [Sadism], so I had an idea based on something Umaru told me a couple of years ago.

When I gave Umaru a cell phone, she downloaded a Chinese short video app.

Umaru had seen several nonsensical videos of people dancing in ridiculous ways. It was just minor garbage in my opinion, but Umaru vomited while saying that TikTok was God's punishment against humanity.

There are a lot of memories that I forgot because they were irrelevant, but thanks to my mind enhanced by [Reader's Madness], there are a lot of stupid things about my sister that I can't get out of my head...

I think I'm starting to miss that little jerk.

Anyway, Umaru's reaction seemed like an exaggeration to me so I forgot about it, but a few weeks ago, Nyaruko had a mental breakdown when she downloaded that app and watched videos of idiots dancing like drugged monkeys.

BB also showed extreme disgust so I chose the punishment.

BB, Chiyo, Abby, Kuuko, Haachama, and Koyanskaya are locked in the basement while Monika forces them to watch the stupidest videos on TikTok.

Tsubaki said that it is a suitable punishment since torture is very cruel to the women I love, but considering that BB was crying blood, I think this punishment exceeds the concept of torture.

Anyway, they're already crazy so they'll be fine.

By the way, I didn't put Navi through the same punishment since that idiot enjoys those videos. It is proven that only complete jerks enjoy that kind of content.

Navi is receiving his own punishment.

The idiot was bound with [Anti-Rasen] chains while he was forced to watch my daughters eat his secret stash of snacks.

"Why do you smile?" – Aphrodite asked me curiously.

"I just thought about how wonderful it is to have a cup of coffee in peace" - I smiled with genuine satisfaction. – "All the wealth in the world does not compare to this tranquility"

"Oh" - Aphrodite smiled. – "So this moment gives you happiness for being peaceful and not for spending time with me?"

I smiled. – "Enjoying this moment with you makes everything better"

"You're a womanizer" - Afrotida showed a sincere smile. – "Be careful, at this rate I might want you to be my husband~"

I enjoyed another cup of coffee. – "Then let me prepare the wedding"

"I will only get married when the affairs of Olympus are resolved" – Aphrodite sighed melancholy. – "Times as gloomy as the end of the Age of the Gods are approaching…"

I sighed exaggeratedly so she wouldn't have time to go into depressive thoughts. – "You are beautiful, but your requests are increasingly exaggerated…"

Tragic women, my day-to-day.

Aphrodite let out a soft laugh, then she looked at me appreciatively. – "I am a goddess, it is normal to be demanding, but believe me, it will be worth the effort~"

Of course it will be worth it, I'll make sure of that.

We continue to flirt unsubtly while ignoring Cerberus' glare.

A very pleasant moment of peace…

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