No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 304: (2): Revy's Punishment

Chapter 304: (2): Revy's Punishment

Selfish people with psychopathic tendencies lack the emotional capacity to feel guilt.

This is because narcissistic personality traits prevent them from feeling empathy or sympathy, therefore they feel no guilt even if their actions cause innocent deaths, which is why corrupt politicians can cause thousands of deaths while acting outraged when singled out for being corrupt, they are a bunch of narcissistic hypocrites.

Now, the human mind is more complex than just classifying psychopaths as idiots without morals.

Humans are social animals, even the most selfish and narcissistic people depend on human interaction. Because of this, cocky jerks seek to show off and gather minions, and the need for human interaction is something present even in the insane.

Whether it's hate, friendship, love, or disgust, humans depend on social interaction to preserve mental stability.

This need for social interaction is what creates emotional bonds, also known as affective relationships.

Every being with emotions and reasoning has an innate need to create affective bonds with other rational beings. A person who remains isolated from society, but is surrounded by animals, at some point in her life will develop a strong depression since animals can keep physical company but do not allow social interaction.

Psychopaths are not exempt from this.

Contrary to the image popularized by Hollywood movies, the most sadistic killers still have social needs.

Some murderers seek attention and that is why they leave clues, it is a compulsive need for recognition to no longer feel alone.

There are also cases where the murderer kidnaps his victim for long periods of time. This is not just to torture her due to sick sadism, it is also a desperate search for companionship.

In short, even the most degenerate, twisted, and cruel mind needs social interaction to avoid utter loneliness.

For this reason, social networks have become the new basis of human interaction, with them, even the strangest and most marginalized people can find a minimum of social acceptance.

Now, what happens when a psychopath falls in love?

Love is not a basic emotion, but a cluster of other emotions, sexual fetishes, personal hobbies, and the need to avoid loneliness.

The word love has an abstract meaning that can vary according to time, society, culture, and person.

Whether it's obsession, physical abuse, emotional abuse, equal treatment, complete submission, sexual desire, an impulse to tease, or extreme shyness, it can all be love depending on the perspective.

You can protect someone out of love in the same way that you can mistreat a loved one.

Even psychopaths can love, in fact, many serial killers love their victims and express that love through violence.

Thus, love has infinite meanings, but the base is the dependence on social interaction.

In that sense, psychopaths are the people most in need of affection since they tend to be the loneliest people.

So what if a psychopath feels guilty for betraying the person he loves?

The answer is simple, but the context is complex. The psycho breaks.

When a person without empathy or sympathy feels guilty, it becomes a totally self-destructive feeling.

When a normal person feels guilty, he has two options: he seeks to make amends for her actions, or he avoids the issue, which causes the guilt to only grow into an emotional disorder.

The case of psychopaths is different.

Rationally, they know the cause of the guilt, but even if they manage to repair the damage of their actions, they will continue to feel guilty since they do not feel that they have helped the loved one. This is because they are people without empathy or sympathy, therefore, they do not understand the sensation of relieving the suffering of others.

Normally, psychopaths who feel guilty do more damage to the people they love, this is because the psychopath suffers by hurting the one he loves, and that suffering becomes self-punishment, which makes the suffering continue to advance.

To give an example, some of the mothers who mistreat their children feel deep guilt for hurting their children, but they continue with this abuse as a form of self-punishment.

From a religious perspective, that would be the same as doing penance by self-flagellation.

Why am I explaining all this?

It is to give the context about the mental and emotional situation of Rebecca Lee, aka Revy from the Black Lagoon series.

I already forgave Revy, I showed her how much I love her, and she even fought by my side inside the Lostbelt.

Her desire to make up for her mistakes reached the point where she decided to undergo physical and spiritual reconstruction surgery to become an angeloid. Even with anesthesia, that process is inhumanly painful.

Sure, [Hero's Martyrdom] would help Revy feel no pain, but I let her suffer every second of the painful surgical process or she would continue to drown in guilt.

Ever since we met again, Revy has been in a deep depression as she feels guilty for what happened between us.

We've practically known each other since I learned to walk, we lived in the same neighborhood so she was the first person with whom I formed a true social bond, therefore she is one of the most important people in my life.

It was her betrayal that made me a man obsessed with making the women around me dependent on me, thus reducing the chances of a betrayal.

Revy is not only my childhood friend and first love, she was the foundation of my mental stability during my childhood.

Without her, I would have become a complete psychopath who gets turned on by killing people and even finds pleasure in eating human flesh, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I would be the new Vlad Tepes. This was confirmed by the Samsara Cycle.

The main reason I was able to easily forgive Revy was that despite my emotional shortcomings and mental problems, I am deeply in love with her.

She is in a similar situation, with the difference that I have learned to regulate my emotions while she hasn't.

My experiences in Kenichi's world allowed me to open my heart and trust, other people, even learning to value human lives and not just see people as pieces of raw meat.

When I left for Japan, Revy also left the United States, but she traveled to the Middle East in search of a battlefield where she could die.

In the three years, we didn't see each other, she became an elite mercenary, always looking for suicide missions since she thought I was dead, and her guilt was killing her.

She literally maintained a lifestyle that was killing her.

Beginnings of cirrhosis from drinking too much, lung cancer from excessive smoking, neural problems from lack of sleep, internal injuries from gunshots and beatings, atrophy of the nervous system from continuous lead contact, there was even poisoning in her blood from radioactive materials.

I can imagine the kind of suicide missions she was doing, it's obvious that Revy was looking to be killed on the battlefield.

Well, we certainly are right for each other. Before the system, I was also dying.

Even if I can forgive Revy, she can't forgive herself.

I can use [Reader's Madness] to modify her mind, but that will make her submissive towards me, which would damage her rebellious, chaotic, cynical, and troublesome personality.

Because of her, I feel attracted to problematic women...

I tried to talk to her while using tactics from different types of therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, or logotherapy.

Revy's mind has always been in chaos, but her suicidal depression is making something broken even more broken.

With all this comes a big problem, Revy doesn't want to forgive herself since she feels that she deserves punishment at the level of death.

Revy is at the point where she can only be helped with antidepressant medication or mind manipulation, but mind manipulation is a complete no. On the other hand, her body is now immune to drugs and poisons so that won't work either.

At this point, I only had one idea...

Stupid plot.

Right now I'm still in China, I'm in the basement of the Yang residence since Yui's basement is still occupied by the group of Outer Gods and Great Old Ones who are being punished.

In the middle of the basement is Revy.

She is wearing high-heeled white boots which are stuck to the ground forcing her to stand with her legs apart.

Her hands are tied with a thin rope that cuts off circulation to her wrists.

That rope is holding her hands in such a way that her hands are pulled towards the ground, which forces her to lean her back forward as if she were trying to use her hands to touch the balls of her feet, however, there is a necklace of dog which has a chain that is connected to the ceiling.

Revy is very flexible, but the dog leash forces her head up while the rope pulls her hands to the ground.

Revy is no longer human, so being suffocated by the dog leash won't kill her, it just causes her mild pain and discomfort.

All of the restraints are made with [Anti-Rasen] so she can't break free even if she uses her full strength.

Due to the kind of violent life we've had since we were children, Revy developed both a sadistic and a masochistic side. The sadistic side of her makes her enjoy hurting other people, while the masochistic side of her makes her enjoy rough sex.

By the way, she has a deep disgust for men since a policeman tried to **** her when she was entering her teens, luckily I got there in time and killed the policeman, then used his body to feed the stray dogs in our neighborhood.

It can be said that it was because of that experience that she fell in love with me, also, she has avoided all forms of physical affection from other people. One time, a lesbian woman tried to flirt with her so Revy broke her neck, I had to help her disappear the corpse.

Anyway, due to that masochistic side, this bondage scenario is not enough for Revy to feel that she is being punished.

Although I can use [Sadism] on her to make her suffer, it will make her think that I'm really mad at her so her feeling of guilt won't go away, so I have to give her a punishment and a reward at the same time.

Since physical and psychological torture will only worsen her condition, I will use a light level of humiliation that will make her feel wronged, but at a tolerable level.

To begin with, Revy has always hated cute and childish things, even when she was a child she hated playing with dolls and preferred playing with knives or guns… Maybe it was my fault, since I was a child I always liked potentially deadly things like weapons or poisons.

Several of my wives like cosplay, so I asked them to help me make a special costume for Revy.

Now Revy was dressed in a purple dress of something called mahou shoujo.

According to Nyaruko, this is the dress worn by a deadpan black-haired brat from the Fate franchise. If that's true, I'm concerned about the fact that those clothes show too much leg, it's the design made by a pedophile.

Anyway, now Revy looks so ridiculous that I took several photos of her, later I'm going to show them to Tsugumi for laughs.

Revy has her mouth gagged with a red ball which makes her gasp like an animal in heat, furthermore, her eyes are blindfolded while her ears are covered by sound-isolating headphones.

Sight and hearing are the main senses when it comes to perceiving the world, so losing both senses makes the rest of the senses sharpen.

Despite being an angeloid, Revy's bodily functions work just like a normal human, only now her senses are stronger.

Smell, taste, and touch, these three senses are now much more sensitive than normal, which also affects her sensitivity towards sexual pleasure and physical pain.

Revy can't hear me so it's useless to talk to her, anyway, her gag prevents her from answering me.

Even though I haven't touched her yet, her vagina has started to get wet. Something expected of a masochist.

Revy was in the right position to be spanked so I raised my hand and activated a weak version of [Sadism].

Revy's body jerked violently as my hand slammed across her buttocks.

It's not the first time we've played a sexual game where I spank her, but it's the first time she's felt pain without feeling pleasure.

I waited a few seconds for Revy to realize that her body was in pain, but I didn't give her time to get used to the pain and I spanked her ass again.

In this way, I spanked her ass until her skin showed a red mark in the shape of my hand.

Revy was biting the gag hard, she is frustrated because she can't enjoy the spanking and she only feels pain.

I deactivated [Sadism] and smacked her ass again.

This time Revy had a small orgasm, she even let out a small moan that was drowned out by the gag in her mouth.

So I kept up.

I spanked her ass using [Sadism] until her body could only feel pain, then disabled my skill to allow her to feel pleasure.

I was careful so that Revy doesn't become a complete masochist, I don't want her to be a simple sex slave that only serves to vent my stress. Turning women into sex dolls with no will is so boring that only a jerk with no self-esteem would do it.

Something interesting about the human mind is that it can adapt to suffering. Anyone can hurt another, but it takes knowledge of the human mind to be able to use torture without the victim getting used to the pain.

Although I am an expert in torture, I only use it to get information. Hurting people for fun or revenge seems like a waste of time to me.

When I have violent sex with my wives with sadistic or masochistic fetishes I keep a certain limit so as not to hurt them.

Even in this case, I kept things within a limit so as not to break Revy's mind.

I only punished Revy's butt for an hour, then went to her chest and started pulling on her nipples while using [Sadism].

As a word of advice, when doing fake torture sexual scenarios, it is important to maintain self-control as many people get carried away and hurt their partners.

Sometimes the person being tortured loses the ability to complain so it is important to see her reactions, otherwise, it is possible to cause a real injury such as a muscle tear or a blood clot.

This is more important when the person torturing is stronger than the victim, if the tormentor has a high tolerance for pain then it is possible to underestimate his own strength, which can cause a nasty accident.

In this case, what I'm doing is not a good idea to replicate because Revy has not only accumulated experiences that make her resistant to pain, but now her body is no longer that of a human so she can be subjected to injuries that would normally kill normal humans.

For Revy's nipples, I only spent 10 minutes punishing her, then let her rest for a minute.

When Revy's breathing had calmed, I removed her headphones, the blindfold on her eyes, and the gag on her mouth.

Revy was breathing slightly labored, the pain having overtaken the pleasure, so she was having trouble speaking.

[Sadism] can break through the mental barriers and willpower of the victims. Even if Revy has a stronger mind than the elite soldiers, she has a breaking point, so I stopped myself before her willpower collapsed.

Revy looked at me resentfully, she wasn't enjoying this and so she was angry, although deep down in her heart, she had mixed emotions.

On one hand, she was anxious and scared that I would hate her and that's why I'm torturing her, on the other hand, she's grateful that I show resentment against her and that she can finally take her punishment.

The feeling of guilt is one of the most self-destructive emotions along with melancholy and loneliness.

My face was expressionless, I raised my hand and activated [Sadism], then slapped her.

"Don't look at me like that" – I spoke with disgust. – "Do you understand?"

Revy's body froze, she never expected me to do that.

"…" – Revy didn't respond so I slapped her again while [Sadism] was still activated.

"Answer me when I talk to you" – My voice only expressed disgust.

"…" – Revy gritted her teeth in frustration but refused to speak.

"You are not going to answer me?" – I frowned. – "It seems that your father did not educate you well"

Revy's eyes widened in surprise, then she tried to break her restraints to attack me. – "You son of a bitch, don't you dare mention that fucking bastard!"

Revy's father is a taboo subject for her. He was an abusive alcoholic jerk, very similar to my stupid father.

Due to the constant insults from her father, she didn't stay at her house, we both used to look for shelters to sleep in so we wouldn't go home.

One day, Revy had a fight with her father so she ran away from home.

That was already commonplace, but that day, a policeman ambushed her in an alley and beat her, then tried to **** her.

After I murdered the policeman, I found out that the day before, that policeman had tried to arrest Revy's father since that idiot had stolen several bottles of alcohol from a store.

Revy's father had tried to bribe the policeman, but since he had no money, the two made a deal. The father would create an opportunity for the cop to **** Revy, then she would be arrested and taken to a juvenile detention center where she would be used as a sex toy by other crooked cops.

When we found that out, Revy grabbed a gun and shot her dad right in the face while using a pillow as a silencer, then I made sure to remove all traces of evidence and made it look like the jerk was killed in a mugging.

As for her mother, she died when Revy was born so she never cared for that woman.

Anyway, Revy doesn't tolerate hearing about her father, especially on topics involving training, education, or prostitution.

Her look was full of hate, anguish, and pain, she felt deeply hurt because I used the subject that hurt her the most.

I slapped her again. - "Do not look at me like that"

Revy spat out some blood, then glared at me again.

She is furious, but she is still not enough, the desire to die remains rooted in her heart and the feeling of guilt continues to torment her mind.

I need to make her feel like I'm betraying her. She needs to be so mad that she wants to kill me, then we can fight until we're even.

When we are both equally at fault, we can start our relationship over from scratch.

It will be like destroying an old dilapidated building to build a stronger, bigger, and more luxurious building. This is not a solution for rational people, but Revy and I are idiots with deranged minds.

At least that was the idea, but all of Revy's fury was gone in a breath.

"Luis, you can stop you now, I know what you're doing" – Revy sighed while her mouth formed an ironic smile, although her gaze was full of self-contempt. – "You forced me to read all that damn rubbish about the psychological experiments during the Second War, I know you want to make me hate you to forget what I feel… But it won't happen, just… Please… kill me…"

I like cunning women, but a woman who is too cunning is just as troublesome as a woman who is too dumb.

I sighed internally, this foolish troublesome woman…

I made the bindings of [Anti-Rasen] disappear.

Revy fell to the ground but didn't try to get up even though her body was totally fine, her new regenerative ability had healed any small marks left by the punishment I gave her.

"I know what I did…" – Revy was looking at the ground, she is unable to look at my face. – "Many times I tried to think about it, I wanted to think that I betrayed your trust to protect you, but deep down I always knew… I was jealous and that is why I wanted to kill your family…"

I already expected something like this, but there are still a couple of things I don't understand about her jealousy.

That's why I prefer not to use [Reader's Perspective] to fully get to know the women around me, surprises bring color to life, even unpleasant surprises.

"Your father is shit and your mother is an idiot, but you always took care of your little sister…" – Revy clenched her fists as tears began to come out of her eyes. – "I didn't like that, I couldn't accept it… It was supposed to be you and me against the world, we weren't supposed to need a family while we were together… I was supposed to be your family…"

There are many things I can say about that, for example, at that time Tsugumi was my girlfriend while Revy was something like my lover, besides, I slept with other women.

For now, I'll just let her vent.

"I always wanted to kill your sister... but I knew you wouldn't allow it, you would stop me at the slightest sign of danger, so I gave up the idea..." – Revy covered her face with her hands to try to contain her tears, but that it only made her cry more. – "That is why, when I had the opportunity to kill her, to make someone else do it, I did not hesitate to give the location of your family… I wanted her to die, I wanted you to forget her and stay with me, I wanted you to be my family…"

I heard that the mere presence of a system user can affect the fate of other characters, so a character will never be the same as the original script when near a system user.

Maybe Revy's jealous and possessive attitude comes naturally to her character, or maybe it's the result of growing up with me.

Regardless of the reason, I can't help but think that she's kind of cute.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for betraying you... I'm sorry for putting you in danger... I didn't want to hurt you... I did not want to take you away from me..." – Revy was sobbing on the ground. - "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…"

The first time I was shot in the kidney Revy was near, she used a gun to steal medicine from a hospital, kidnap a doctor, and forced him to treat me. Throughout that process, she had been crying because she thought that this would be my death.

That was the first and only time I saw her cry, but that was insignificant compared to her current crying.

I stayed silent while she cried, nothing I say will help. She is apologizing, but she is not seeking my forgiveness, she is trying to take out all the pain in her heart, but she is not succeeding, the guilt was eating away at her desire to live.

Even when several hours passed, Revy couldn't stop crying.

I sighed and spoke in a voice of concern and sadness. – "Do you really want to die?"

Revy didn't speak, just nodded.

"Fine" - I sighed with resignation. - "Stand up"

Revy managed to get to her feet, though her gaze remained glued to the floor.

My right hand was covered in [Rasen] while Ortro's soul devours skill was activated.

Even a person with no knowledge of these skills can feel that my right hand can cause worse than death.

"Revy..." - I sighed with complex feelings. - "Really I love you"

"..." – Revy managed to look up, finally her expression stopped showing misery and suffering, now she had a soft smile. – "I love you too… bye"

I sighed and my hand crossed her chest.

Revy had gained strong spiritual sensitivity from becoming an angeloid, so she could sense that she was truly dying.

With one last grateful smile, Revy fell to the ground.

I looked at the soul in my hand, the sensation is… so unpleasant…

[System Notification: The 'Paranoia' skill has used the 'Mythomania' skill so that the user does not have a PTSD attack]

Thanks, this reminded me of the Samsara Cycle and almost gave me an anxiety attack.

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill raises a thumbs up while smiling]

I sighed, I need a vacation.

Black blood flowed from my body and formed an alchemy circle under Revy's corpse.

I used [Dissociative Identity] to use the Concept 'Fraud', then I used [Mythomania] to cheat the entity that protects the principle of equivalence, I also cheated the Laws of life and death that govern the reincarnation cycle.

I sacrificed 20,000 human souls in Ortro's stomach to achieve a perfect resurrection with no side effects.

Tsubaki is going to be mad at me when she sees that the pool of souls has decreased…

The soul in my hand began to float and entered the corpse's chest, then the hole in the corpse's chest closed, and Revy's heart beat again.

"Ugh, my head hurts…" – Revy she held her head and tried to get up, but dizziness made her fall to the ground.

To revive causes an unpleasant dizzy feeling, but she'll be fine in a few hours.

As for me, the feeling of killing my wife is something that will haunt me for a very long time...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' and the entity 'Ortro' can remove a part of the user's memory to prevent the user's mind from generating new trauma]

No, it's fine, this is tolerable and will help me avoid turning into an idiot who treats his wives like disposable objects.

I felt Ortro's concern, I'll give her some cookies later.

Revy looked at her hands, then at me, then at the surroundings.

Instead of showing relief to be alive, she looked at me with such a complex mixture of emotions that her expression didn't even look human.

Before she exploded, I crouched down and held her face in my hands.

Looking into her eyes, I spoke with a mixture of relief, exhaustion, and concern. – "Rebecca, listen to me for a moment"

Revy kept silent, but she seems to want to bite my neck and gouge out my eyes.

"I just killed you, it wasn't a lie or a false setup, I literally just killed you with my own hands" – I sighed with sincere mental and emotional exhaustion. – "You just felt it… that was death, that is how it feels to die… you have already suffered enough, really, most people go crazy when they are resurrected due to the trauma that death generates, but you are here, your mind is here, like this That's enough, you already paid for your crimes"

Revy was silent for a few minutes until she managed to speak quietly. – "I betrayed you once, I can betray you again…"

My right hand came away from her face and pressed to her neck.

A choker appeared on her neck. It looked like a simple decorative piece, but it was actually an accumulation of Contracts, restrictions, and seals made with [Anti-Rasen].

Revy could feel her free will being suppressed, but she didn't look uncomfortable.

"Now you can't betray me even if you want to" – I sighed, this is unpleasant.

"... I still want to kill your sister, also your daughters..." – Revy looked me directly into my eyes. – "As for your harem, I really don't care, you were always a fucking gigolo"

I sighed. – "I know, but this necklace will prevent you from doing something stupid again"

"…" – Revy took a deep breath, as she exhaled it was as if she had released a lot of the pain in her chest, but a lot of the guilt in her heart hadn't disappeared and possibly never will. - "Are you sure of this?"

"Yes" – I didn't even try to pretend, I just sighed tiredly. – "You are a source of problems, but you are still the woman I love"

"I still can't get used to you being honest, it's weird to talk to you and you don't lie every three words" – Revy smiled wryly.

"How do you know I'm not lying?" – I also smiled wryly.

"I don't know" – Revy shrugged. – "I only trust you, and I do it because I am an idiot"

"Well, I trust you too because I'm an idiot" – I removed my hand from his face and stood up, then I extended my hand towards Revy.

Revy tried to stand up, but the dizziness made her legs wobble, so I had to carry her on my back.

"Take me to a place where I can change out of these stupid clothes, the back of this shit is squeezing my ass" – Revy sighed with annoyance. – "Who designed this shit? I feel like my butt is being displayed like ham in a store"

"I don't know, but it's the clothes an elementary school brat wears" – I sighed and started walking to leave the basement.

"Seriously?" – Revy showed disgust. – "Shit, even the clothes I usually wear don't show my butt as much as this shit, pedophiles are a serious thing… oh, right, now you are a pedophile too"

My mouth trembled. – "I am not a pedophile, the undeveloped bodies of brats do not turn me on"

"I heard you slept with some brats" – Revy sneered.

"... They are older than me, I only did it with women of legal age according to the global state" - I can feel that my migraine is getting worse.

"That doesn't change that you put your dick in the vagina of some elementary school girls" – Revy was holding back her laughter.

"..." - I took a deep breath to calm down. – "I am a teenager so it was not something illegal"

Revy rested her head on my shoulder. – "Whatever you say, I will just wait until your name makes headlines for possession of child pornography… oh, right, now you are a millionaire and you can easily cover up your crimes, you could even be a Hollywood director"

I rolled my eyes. – "I am not going to use my influence to blackmail celebrities, nor am I going to do children's programs to cover up sexual crimes"

"Heh, whatever you say" – Revy no longer showed melancholy, now she had her usual expression of contempt and mockery. – "I need a cigarette… ah, do you still hate cigarette smoke?"

Since I was born I had an excellent sense of smell which is why I have always hated cigarettes, which is why I don't smoke even though I am the stereotype of an idiot frustrated with life.

Revy started smoking as a child and she liked to blow smoke in my face to annoy me.

"Do what you want, now you're immune to cancer and smoke doesn't matter anymore" – I smiled when I saw Revy frown.

"Tch, that's not fun" – Revy sighed. – "… Hey, have we changed?"

"Life is a constant change, we advance or we perish" - I smiled thinking about everything I have changed so far.

I can have a lot of problems and a permanent migraine, but I wouldn't give up my current life for anything in the multiverse.

"I missed your stupid cheap philosophy" – Revy smiled. - "I missed you a lot…"

"…" – I sighed with a mixture of emotions. – "I missed you too, Rebecca"

Revy smiled and closed her eyes.

The torture with [Sadism] and the subsequent resurrection had exhausted her mental stamina.

It is possible that she will sleep for two or three days, so I will let her rest.

I took Revy to a nice room, put her into comfortable pajamas, and settled her on the bed so she could rest.

To think that such a troublesome woman would look so cute when sleeping…

I have become soft.

Well, I'll stay with Revy for a few hours, then I have to fix some things so I can go back to Japan and have my necessary vacation.

Every day I go to my personal world and spend time with my wives and daughters who are in my personal worlds, but my constant obsession with pleasing my family prevents me from relaxing.

What I need is a real vacation.

Maybe going to a hot spring together with Tsubaki, Ortro, and the women who are normally inside my head, I could even take my sister.

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill draws circles on the ground]

I rolled my eyes, obviously, you're going with us, you literally became the administrator of my system.

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill says >////< Yay!]


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