No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 308: Back to Japan

Chapter 308: Back to Japan

I was finally able to go back to Japan and find my much-needed vacation, but even the short plane ride turned out to be a headache.

When I traveled to China, I was only accompanied by Xiao Bai, Lin Ruoxi, and the staff from her company. This time, the people traveling with me were so many that we had to use a private plane.

Lin Ruoxi's company became the leader of the Chinese economy, so its branch was transferred to the best street in Beijing. Although Shanghai is the center of commerce in China, Beijing is the capital of the country and thus offers a more secure location from possible foreign attacks.

Lin Ruoxi and Tang Wan were now the two wealthiest businesswomen in China, and possibly on the Asian mainland, but they struck a strange deal.

Tang Wan will stay in China to lead the new trade alliance that controls China's economy, meanwhile, Lin Ruoxi will accompany me to Japan to help the Ichijo family establish a direct trade route with China.

I'm not sure about the details, but I think Tang Wan agreed to stay in China in exchange for her getting pregnant before Lin Ruoxi...

My family life is chaos.

Although Japan is technically my base of operations, China became my territory due to political issues.

To begin with, Yui managed to establish several commercial and political agreements with the BRICS trade alliance, which caused the enmity of NATO.

The Western powers were furious as they were unable to gobble up China's resources, in fact, China was now more stable than ever as the government was totally unified, and even Hong Kong and Taiwan were officially annexed to the Yang family government.

When the earthquake hit the world, Hong Kong and Taiwan almost disappeared under the sea.

It was with my help and the gods of China that both territories managed to survive, but all the representatives of the autonomous governments died during the natural disaster. A tragic coincidence.

The UN claimed that annexing autonomous territories was a violation of international agreements and a violation of human rights.

Yui's response was the same as everyone shown before the UN, no one paid attention to those idiots.

Western countries always resort to media warfare while talking about human rights, democracy, and that idealistic rubbish.

They started a media war by labeling the Yang family, business alliance, and Char Siu as groups of inhumane dictators.

Pictures of people suffering, news of innocent people being killed by the government, and hungry children. The news was filled with garbage political propaganda.

Additionally, Western countries put multiple trade sanctions on China, but Yui's response was more intelligent.

Does the West not want Chinese products? Ok, so everything will be shipped to Russia, India, and Middle Eastern countries.

A trade war started and in two months a world recession will start but none of that will affect China as I am providing resources from my personal worlds.

Additionally, Western social networks were flooded with information about China's economic heyday. Western countries are putting a lot of resources into censoring such news, but Monika is the most advanced artificial intelligence in this World.

In a year, China will be the new world power, which will cause the fury of the western countries, but hey, none of that matters to me, I hate politics and bureaucracy so I left those problems to my wives.

Now my job is to protect the world, world wars are not my problem and I will only intervene if some idiot uses nukes or powerful Guardian-level entities.

While society is going through one of the biggest crises in the last 40 years, I can only sigh for my personal problems.

Alaya gave me control of the female Servants, but no one told me that Servants with real bodies can stay in their physical forms for as long as they want.

The group of Servants did not want to change into a spiritual form or enter my Core of Existence.

It wasn't enough to have loud voices in my head, now I have an additional group of loud women following me...

Fortunately, the women who fell in love with me in China stayed in that country or things would get too rowdy.

Luo De and the snake sisters will stay in the Raksasha Sect to unify all the supernatural beings in China, I even managed to make the immortal cultivators and the gods sign peace, so now China has its supernatural forces unified under one banner.

Supernatural women will train in the Raksasha Sect, on the other hand, normal women will continue their work and studies.

I promised to visit them every week, although actually I can see them every day thanks to Abby's spatial abilities, I'll just have to manage my time and create pocket dimensions with spatial warp abilities, so I can satisfy the need for the affection of each member of my harem.

By the way, Lin Ruoxi will not accompany me alone. In addition to her best friend Mo Qianni, she also brought two women who look exactly like her.

Lin Hui, Lin Ruoxi's cousin, she insisted on accompanying me to Japan since she became interested in what is known as an idol in Japan. They are basically women who wear colorful clothes while singing and dancing.

Nyaruko put some stupid ideas into Lin Hui's head, so now she wants to go into entertainment, so I'll talk to Ichika since she's formed her own talent agency.

The other woman accompanying Lin Ruoxi is an exact copy of Lin Ruoxi, the only difference is that the woman's face is totally emotionless as if she were a stone statue.

That woman was born to be an experiment so she has no name, she literally has no name. [Character Sheet] only shows a number in the name section.

[Name: Seventeen

Origin: My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Categories: Woman. Milf. Secondary character. Dead person]

In the original plot, she should be dead, but as always, I spat on the laws of reincarnation and revived Yang Chen's daughter's mother.

Seventeen is only able to feel a little maternal affection towards her daughter Yang Lanlan, everything else is irrelevant to her, even her own life.

She entered my harem because I kept my promise to protect her daughter, and even though she doesn't love me, she will choose to die rather than betray me. As for Yang Chen, she knows that in the future I will kill that idiot and she has no complaints.

Lin Ruoxi was uncomfortable knowing that a second soul lived inside her, but she decided to treat Seventeen as her own sister. The fact that her father had died during the Lostbelt had caused her mixed feelings of sadness and relief, so she was happy to have a sister.

As for her mother... I don't want to talk about it, that woman is beautiful, but she disgusts me because she is just as stupid as my own mother.

That idiot fell in love with me because I saved her life during a mission in the Lostbelt, but I dislike her so much that I have a hard time accepting her into my harem.

The good side is that Lin Ruoxi is very uncomfortable with the idea of her mother being my lover, and she thinks that I haven't given in to her mother's shameless seduction yet since I value Lin Ruoxi's love. I didn't correct her misunderstanding as it's nice to see my naive wife's smile.

As for the woman's name, she is Xue Zijing, and her appearance is identical to Lin Ruoxi. That woman doesn't know what it means to get old, and that's not entirely a compliment, her brain is like that of an emotionally dependent girl.

The author no longer has creativity for character designs...

On the subject of the goddess Athena, that is a matter that I am handling together with Aphrodite, Cerberus, and another woman who accompanies Adrofita. That's a plot for another time


Now we are about to come to Japan.

Mr. Ichijo told me that he would pick me up at the airport since we have to talk about something very important.

Apparently, the United States government threatened the Japanese government. If Japan doesn't hand over China's resources, then they will receive various economic sanctions, which will be a big problem.

Japan is already the most indebted country in the world so economic sanctions could destroy the country's economy, also, after World War II, Japan became the territory of 'democracy' country, so the government of Japan is in a panic.

The current president is a puppet imposed by the US government, so Mr. Ichijo said that the situation is not good.

The Ichijo family has the power to face the other prestigious families of Japan, but it is troublesome to antagonize the power of the most warlike and strongest nation in the world.

I was already expecting and so I made various preparations, so I'm not worried.

In the worst case, I will cause a tsunami and eradicate the political enemies of the Ichijo family.

Shiki said that it's okay to cause multiple genocides as long as I don't exterminate more than half of humanity.

Furthermore, Shiki was not only referring to the version of the world I know, but to all the layers of reality that make up Gaia.

Whenever there was an apocalypse, disaster, or problem got out of hand, then Alaya (Mumei) would send the destroyed region into an alternate reality layer while the rest of the world continued to function.

It can be said that Mumei is the kind of person who hides the trash, lowered the carpet, and then pretends that everything is fine…

Umaru does the same…

Anyway, I can kill millions of people without having a problem with Mumei and Shiki, I just have to make sure that Japan doesn't get destroyed since both women enjoy Japanese culture.

Stupid worlds based on anime, there are also western hero comics…

Are Superman and Spiderman from the same world?

Ah whatever, all heroes are the same so I don't care, I just watched a few movies on public TV.

For now, I'll head to the meeting and endure the urge to punch every idiot who says annoying things...

"Hey Listen! Everyone is bored with bullshit politics! It's time to switch to a funnier perspective!"

I have a very bad feeling...

[System Notification: The 'Paranoia' skill can't understand because it has a bad feeling, but something very bad is about to happen]


"Senpai's vacation is like the end of On■ Piec■, they will never appear~"


Wait you fucking author...

Stop you fucking moron!




(Umaru Perspective) (Himouto! Umaru-chan)

I did it!

I finally finished Dark Souls without using the keyboard!

"I am the best!" – I felt so excited that I forgot to contain my voice and shouted out loud, but the truth is that it didn't matter, the house is always silent.

On the second monitor of my setup, I could see thousands of comments congratulating, praising, and venerating me, but as always happens, those comments don't make me happy...

"Waaa, I'm really tired, so that's all for today~" – I used the tone of a little sister and said goodbye to the thousands of viewers who were watching my stream, then I closed the stream.

I stopped paying attention to the number of viewers a long time ago.

Earning money playing video games was a lot of fun at first, but I'm starting to feel tired.

I am hungry…

I tried to grab one of the cookies that I put on the table, but the plate was empty.

I looked around, but there was only garbage left, the rest of the food must be in the kitchen…

That's the advantage of the VTuber world, I don't need to shower and groom myself, and I can even protect my privacy by using a voice modulator.

I tried to get up, but my legs were numb.

How long have I been playing?

Mom hasn't looked for me so it couldn't have been more than two days.

I am hungry…

I left my room when my legs regain circulation.

I'll have to do some exercise or my brother will be very angry if he finds out that I've gone back to my sedentary habits.

I looked at my cell phone and saw that there was no new message from my brother.

A week ago my brother went on a trip and said that he would return in two or three weeks.

I'm already used to him going out for several days, although I feel like he's changed a bit.

Before, he wouldn't tell me anything and he would just disappear, but now he sends me a message every day to remind me to exercise and take a bath.

Hmph, bathing is not mandatory, my body smells good.

I can also eat all the junk food I want and I won't gain any weight, my body is perfect.

Silly brother, he always says that I am a mix between a pig, a koala, and a skunk...


I hope that he is fine…

I'm scared that something could happen to him...

A year ago, my brother came home with his clothes covered in blood, his own blood.

He went to the bathroom and extracted a bullet from his abdomen, then heated a knife on the stove and did a cauterization.

In the whole process, he didn't make a single sound to avoid getting my or our parents' attention, I only found out since I happened to want a glass of water.

For as long as I can remember, my brother forced me to learn how to hide and escape, so I'm good at hiding my presence like an anime ninja.

I watched as my brother treated his own wounds and then cleaned up the blood so as not to leave traces, then he left the house and I didn't hear from him for two days.

In all that time, anxiety was killing me. I couldn't sleep because, when I closed my eyes, I could only imagine the bloody corpse of my brother.

My brother always makes me stay at home, and honestly, I prefer that. The outside world is scary.

Despite my fear of the world, when we moved to Japan it felt like my biggest dream had come true, so sometimes I used my brother's teachings to get out of the house and go to anime events.

One day I came back from a convention and heard something strange.

A pink-haired girl similar in age to my brother was looking at a document while she was crying, then she tore up the document and threw it in the trash.

I don't normally get involved in other people's problems, my brother tried hard to impress on me the belief that curiosity killed the cat, but for some strange reason, I felt the need to look at that document.

After the girl left, I searched the trash can and pieced together the document.

Since I was a child I have been good at putting together puzzles, so it was not difficult to put together the document, but when I read it, I regretted it.

Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat, but pain can be worse than death...

The document was an unnamed medical record, but the patient's description was that of my brother.

A dying body, failing organs, less than 10 years of life expectancy, and that number is decreasing...

I knew my brother did dangerous things for as long as I can remember. I can't forget the first time I saw him kill a man who was giving me disturbing looks in a park when I was five years old.

My brother scares me, he is capable of using a screwdriver to stab a person's neck, he has no remorse when killing and he does not hesitate to dismember corpses to eliminate evidence.

My brother is a heartless monster, a dangerous psychopath who should be jailed, but he is my brother...

He took care of me, he fed me, he gave me clothes and he put a roof over my head…he is my family…

I love my mother, but I know that she only cares about my father and she does not think about my well-being, as for my father... I prefer to imagine that this man does not exist...

For as long as I can remember, my brother has always been the one who has taken care of me.

When I got chickenpox, he got me medical help even though he was a child.

When some kids bullied me because my father was an alcoholic, my brother broke their thumbs.

My brother always says that I am a nuisance and unpleasant, but he has never stopped protecting me.

When I was sad, he made me a cake.

When I was scared, he made me a Pikachu stuffed animal to cuddle with at night.

My brother is not a good person, he can't even be considered a human, but he is the most important person in my life…

Losing my brother… just imagining that… scares me…

Despite everything, I did not know how to help him.

I started a career as a VTuber, but the debt my father caused is so ridiculous that it's impossible to pay my brother's medical bills, we even had to flee our country to avoid gangsters.

I'm useless, I can't help him...

My depression won't help my brother, it will only cause him trouble, so I forgot about the problem.

My brother is smart, too smart. It's almost impossible to lie to him or trick him, so I learned a way to keep secrets from him.

Every time I see my brother, I forget everything.

I forget loneliness.

I forget the fear.

I forget the sadness.

I forget that he is dying.

Just by forgetting, he doesn't know that I know the truth, he's about to leave me.

I do not really know what to do.

I consider myself smart, but I don't know how to do business, actually, it's a miracle that I became a famous VTuber even though I debuted a year ago.

I earn enough money to buy anime stuff or invest in games, but even if I sell my organs, I won't be able to cover even 1% of the debt my father caused.

The worst part is that my brother got completely involved with the yakuza.

A luxurious apartment, top quality food, a credit card that I can use without consequences...

None of it makes me happy, it just increases my anxiety.

Rewards arise from risks. If my brother receives so many rewards, it's because his life is hanging by a thread.

I'd rather live like a homeless woman with my brother than be a lonely millionaire.

Without my brother, I don't know how to live in this scary world.

I used a corner of my shirt to wipe the tears from my face and went to the kitchen.

I am hungry…

My brother has always been talented in the kitchen, but his skills improved dramatically in a short time.

Maybe he had to infiltrate a rich person's mansion, so he pretends to be a chef to get information or kill someone...

I try my best not to think about those things.

When I think too much about my brother's life, I have a strong urge to lie on the ground and cry until my body stops moving.

Going to the kitchen, I passed in front of Mom's room.

I could hear subtle gasping sounds that would humiliate a porn actress so I went to the kitchen in silence.

She is masturbating again while she thinks about her boyfriend…

I've never seen mom's boyfriend and I think she hasn't seen him either, but I learned my lesson. Curiosity is dangerous.

I don't know what kind of man mom's new boyfriend is, but he can't be worse than my father, no man is worse than my father.

I poured myself a glass of milk and grabbed a box of cookies made by my brother.

My brother insists that I should eat healthily, but it's his fault for making such delicious food.

He was about to go back to my room with the food, but something appeared in front of my face.

[Congratulations! You were chosen to participate in the Multiverse Chat Room!

Great adventures, unimaginable experiences, rewards beyond imagination, and the possibility of fulfilling your most cherished wishes.

Will you accept this unique and unrepeatable opportunity?



The glass and cookies fell to the floor.

Wasting food is the biggest sin according to my brother, but I couldn't care less.

My legs were shaking.

My hands were shaking.

My whole body was shaking.

I pressed my hands to my mouth to keep from screaming with all my might.


It's like in generic fanfics!


A chat room appeared in front of me!

I can't describe my feelings right now.

Happiness is such a small word and elation is such an insignificant word.

Just like in fanfics, I have the opportunity to travel to other worlds, meet my favorite characters, and live new adventures outside of this terrifying planet...

And the most important….

No, the only really important thing...

I can save my brother...

I had to wipe my face with my shirt as the tears prevented me from seeing the blue screen floating in front of me.

When my finger was about to press the [YES] button, I remembered my brother's words.

"Idiot, remember this…"

"There are no miracles and nobody cares about our lives…"

"If God exists, then he does not care about us, it is even possible that he is amused by our suffering…"

"There are no good things that are free and the dangers are disguised as blessings..."

"If someone offers you wealth, happiness, or anything you want, then that person wants to hurt you..."

My hand stopped short of pressing the button.

What if this is dangerous?

I remember that, in most fanfics, the characters face horrible dangers and bitter experiences, only the protagonist with a superiority complex can enjoy the benefits because the authors project their power fantasies onto their protagonists.

What if real life is not like in the fanfics?

What if some evil god or cruel demon is behind this chat room?

What if I'm not the lead and I'm just part of the female cast destined to be the trophy of the protagonist?

Will I be forced to love a narcissistic idiot with less personality than a stone?

My hand started to move away from the button, but something in my heart told me I must accept the invitation.

Even if this is dangerous, even if my fate is tragic, even if I have to sacrifice myself… I want to save my brother…

My brother is all I have.

I gritted my teeth and pressed the [YES] button.

[You have accepted......■■■■■ the invitation......■■■■00010111111000........ Congratulations!.......... ..........■■■■■010101010100101011111111111111111100000000000000000000000]

I backed away in fear.

The blue screen was filled with strange symbols as if it were a terrifying version of the Matrix movie.

I was about to escape from the apartment, but the blue screen returned to normal, although my concern has not abated.

[Imouto has connected]

[Chocobunny has connected]

[Kaichou has logged on]

[Crazy_Girl has gone online]

[Loli/Milf has connected]

[Yandere has connected]

[Shota has gone online]

Breathe deeply.

No matter the price, I will protect my brother...

And well, having a little fun shouldn't be a problem.

I want to meet my favorite characters.

It would be great if I can take pictures with my waifus!

As for the anime boys…. Eh… I don't know, men make me uncomfortable, even 2D men.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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