No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 309: Waifus Chat Room

Chapter 309: Waifus Chat Room

(Umaru Perspective) (Himouto! Umaru-chan)

It's been a week since I entered a chat room with people from the multiverse, and as exciting as the experience has been, I admit I'm disappointed.

To begin with, there was no kind of administrator or divine entity that explained the operation of the chat room, we had to learn through trial and error.

The chat room has basic features like a group chat where you can send messages, videos, pictures, and even make video calls. There are also private chat rooms to talk with other chat members about private topics.

In addition, each chat room member has a space inventory where we can store personal items no larger than a guitar case.

Each inventory is limited to 100 slots, and each slot can store 100 items of the same type. For example, in a space, I can put 100 cookies.

One little trick we discovered is that the boxes or containers count as one item, for example, I can keep 100 boxes, and each box can have 1000 cookies.

The disappointing thing was that this chat room doesn't have a send item function, so we can't exchange valuable items or anime magic items.

That was doubly disappointing since some members of the chat room come from worlds where there might be some medicine that can help my brother.

Although I destroyed my brother's medical record, I have an excellent memory and can remember every word, so I asked the group members for help.

My hope grew as two chat members have access to medical resources that can heal my brother's deteriorating organs, but the limitation of not being able to send items made me depressed.

Who designed this garbage?!

I can only sigh and wait for the chat room to let me meet the other members of the group.

The chat room does not have instructions or a timer that indicates a trip to other worlds, but following the logic of fanfic chat rooms, a space trip should occur if there is a lot of interaction between the members of the room. chat.

Actually, this week has been a lot of fun as the members of the chat room are very interesting, I even talked about this with Ebia, but she might think that I went crazy and she will tell my brother, so I told her that I am writing a novel on the internet.

Ebina is my best friend, but I know that she values her love for my brother more than her friendship with me.

That doesn't bother me since I understand how difficult it is for her to relate to other people, but sometimes I feel lonely thinking that I don't have a single friend who only values me for who I am.

In that sense, I'm happy to get to know the members of the chat room, even if they are a bit… peculiar.

One of the chat room settings allows us to change our names, so we made introductions to get to know each other and understand the situation we were in.

I am Imouto, but I changed my name to Umaru-chan. I like my name, even though my brother always calls me a brat.

Chocobunny turned out to be Rumi Usagiyama. The number 5 pro hero in the My Hero Academia anime, and my favorite character from that series.

Abs are justice!


She is very energetic, burly, and rude, but she is also very kind… Well, kind in her own way.

When I asked for help to cure my brother, she wanted to take advantage of the fact that the money in her world and the money in my world is the same, so she thought of sending me money to pay off my father's debt and my brother's treatment, but the limitations from the chat room were a problem.

Thinking about it rationally, it will be very suspicious if I suddenly get money, and technically we are illegal immigrants so getting money from other worlds will be very dangerous.

I wish life were as simple as in fanfics...

Apart from Mirko, the other members of the chat room are equally striking people.

Kaichou is Medaka Kurokami, the Mary Sue from the Medaka Box anime.

She is the embodiment of idealistic thinking mixed with the power of a shonen protagonist. Basically, she is invincible thanks to the power of the plot.

She is very kind and tried to find every possible way to help me. I appreciate that kindness, but her idealistic personality makes me slightly nauseous.

Medaka thinks that all people are good by nature, and I hate that thought.

My brother always says that people are trash, and nice people are naive idiots who don't even realize that life is trash.

Crazy_Girl is Eto Yoshimura, a sadistic psychopath from the Tokyo Ghoul anime.

She is half-ghoul, half-human, but she decided to eat both groups so she is a cannibal in both senses.

Even though she is crazy and very dangerous, I don't dislike that woman. My brother is not a saint, so it would be hypocritical to hate someone who kills to survive.

Loli/Milf is the one and only Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade, also known as Shinobu Oshino from the Monogatari franchise.

She is a strange woman with a strange personality.

Sometimes she seems melancholic, other times she is apathetic, but usually, she acts mocking and narcissistic. Well, she's the best vampire waifu so that's her charm.

Yandere is Esdeath, she is the crazy general from the anime Akame ga Kill.

Kyaaa Esdeath-sama!

… ahem.

She is just like in the anime, a narcissistic and cruel woman who lacks any sense of human empathy.

When I talked about my brother, she said that it's normal for the weak to die. I couldn't get mad since my brother used to say such things, maybe that's why I like Esdeath's direct and strangely sincere personality.

Living with these people has been very pleasant, although they usually spend all their time fighting.

Eto, Kiss-shot, and Esdeath believe that human life is worthless, only the strong prevail, and life is a competition to survive.

Mirko and Medaka are believers in justice and the welfare of common people, they reject all acts of cruelty against innocent people, and they hate creatures that feed on human flesh.

Every day has been an endless debate about morale, strength, and survival.

[Kiss-shot: The best is the heart]

[Eto: I don't know, the liver concentrates various fascinating flavors, I even heard that the liver of alcoholics is a delicacy, although I don't like alcohol]

Here we go again…

Kiss-shot and Eto often talk about their favorite foods. They don't have this awkward conversation in private as they like to make other members of the chat room uncomfortable.

[Esdeath: Taste is irrelevant, meat only exists to fill the stomach]

Esdeath is crazy, but she has no interest in eating human flesh, although, in reality, she has eaten some people since, in her homeland, winter caused deadly food shortages, so she many times had to eat human corpses to survive.

My brother once said that all living things are just raw meat, so the life of an animal is worth the same as the life of a person. He said that after breaking the hands of a kid who tried to hit my brother's cat.

[Medaka: ….]

She must be throwing up while she reads the messages, she is the most sensitive towards this type of topic.

[Rumi: I understand that ghouls and vampires are monsters that depend on human flesh to survive, so that part can be understood as the nature of predators... But, really Esdeath? You are human!]

[Esdeath: If you've never fainted from hunger then you wouldn't understand, human life is meaningless, and surviving is all that matters]

[Hiroki: Regardless of the circumstances, hurting others for one's own benefit is a horrible thing]

Ugh, that idiot is here…

Even though Medaka is a naive idealist, I like her as she is a genuinely kind person.

On the other hand, the only man in the group is too unpleasant.

Hiroki Fenrir Orion…

In fanfics, I find it funny when the protagonist uses a ridiculous and exaggerated name, but meeting a person who actually does that is so stupid that I can't even laugh, it just disgusts me.

This week I realized that Hiroki is the stereotype of a fanfic protagonist.

His demeanor is heroic and kind, but he is also a sexual degenerate who only thinks with his dick, which is disgusting since his appearance is that of a ten-year-old boy.

I say that only his appearance is that of a child since he is a reincarnated 25 years old. Most likely, he was an otaku who died a virgin and now became the protagonist of the chat room.

His innocent good boy attitude disgusts me, that idiot constantly wants to have video calls to stare at women's bodies. It's like watching a stupid dog in heat, totally disgusting.

What bothers me is that the women in the chat room are smart people, but they all seem to have fallen for Hiroki's trick, it's like every woman's IQ drops to the floor when they talk to him.

I have a theory that Hiroki is the administrator of the chat room and somehow, he is affecting the minds of women to fall in love with him.

The other option is that the chat room does this automatically and Hiroki is just a lucky idiot.

The women in the chat room have treated me well and I like them, even the most cynical people like Esdeath, so I want to help them.

In my whole life, my brother has always protected me, so I have never achieved anything by myself and I feel useless.

For once in my life, I want to feel like I can help someone and be useful.

Thus, I set out to protect the nice people who offered me their friendship.

The problem is that no one listens to me...

Hiroki is a jerk who talks too much when provoked, so I could easily make him admit that he has the mental age of a perverted 25-year-old male who only thinks about boobs all day.

The annoying thing is that no one took that comment seriously, it's like some kind of hypnosis or charm ability has damaged the intellect of women.

The biggest problem is that Hiroki is extremely and ridiculously handsome.

He is just an elementary school boy, but his appearance shows that he will become the most handsome man ever seen. That helped her act cute to gain acceptance from women.

He is somewhat similar to a small dog that does tricks to earn food. Fucking a disgusting idiot.

I don't hate hypocritical and manipulative people since my brother is a mythomaniac, but I do hate sexual degenerates who drool when looking at a woman's breasts.

Characters like Issei are unbearable to me.

My brother is a pervert, but he doesn't go around asking women if he can touch their breasts.

Hiroki if he did, he asked women if they want to be his girlfriends, although he did it innocently to take advantage of the innocence and tenderness of a little child.

I want to throw up...

Fortunately, the mind control of the chat room seems to have limitations since they rejected it, although they did it kindly, so in the future it is possible that they fall in love with Hiroki…

I have to stop that idiot from getting his hands on my new friends.

All this has generated doubt in me that made me reflect on my whole life.

Why can't Hiroki's charm affect me?

If I had stats like in a video game, my mental stamina and willpower would be much lower than the other women in the chat room, especially someone with a mind of steel like Esdeath.

In that case, it's impossible for me to resist mind control thanks to my willpower, there must be another reason.

Maybe my world has supernatural elements and I have an innate ability to resist mind control, that would also explain why my brother has had superhuman strength and stamina since he was little.

Maybe we're both special, though that only makes me worry more.

If there really are special abilities, then my brother must be involved in dangers beyond my understanding.

My fear of losing him grows every day...

Another option is that I can resist mind control thanks to a mystical being that protects me, something like having the blessing of a god or being magical.

That doesn't make me happy either. A god won't give a blessing for no reason, and if this is real, that god must want to use me for some specific purpose.

Edgar Allan Poe, one of my brother's favorite authors, has a phrase that stuck in my mind; Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.

I see that Hiroki is an idiot, but that could also be an act to make me lower my guard, after all, it's already clear that I don't like him.

In fact, Hiroki is mad at me because I always talk about my brother, but I can't help it, whenever I see a man I can't help but compare him to my brother.

Something that caused me a mixture of curiosity and disgust is that, according to Hiroki, I am a character from an anime called 'Himouto! Umaru-chan'.

Hiroki showed me the manga and anime where I appear and made fun of me saying that I'm an incestuous with a brother complex, but that helped me confirm a theory.

According to the Theory of Parallel Universes, there are infinite realities that show infinite possibilities.

Maybe every anime world is real because the reality of one world is fiction for another world. That would explain why I can meet fictional characters as if they were real people.

According to that theory, I am an alternate version of the anime protagonist 'Himouto! Umaru-chan'.

I know that because my family is different from the family of the main character in the anime, my life has also been totally different.

Although the Umaru from the anime seems to have a calmer and more peaceful life than me, I'm not jealous, my life is nice as long as my brother is a part of it.

I don't want to lose my brother...

Hiroki seems like the kind of idiot who spreads spoilers, so I sent copies of each anime to the chat room before he did.

If he sent the information, the women would be grateful and I'm not going to let Hiroki take advantage of my new friends.

Apparently, each member of the chat lives at a point in time before the plot of each anime.

Mirko was grateful to learn of All For One's plans, though she seemed excited at the thought of fighting to the near death.

Esdeath couldn't think of falling in love with a traitor to the empire and she didn't care about the corruption of the empire either. She didn't care if she knew about the anime Akame ga Kill, but she thanked me for giving her the identity of the Night Raid members… Oops.

Medaka was not at all interested in her anime, but she seemed happy to see the development of her relationship with the protagonist Zenkichi Hitoyoshi. This caused Hiroki great displeasure… heh.

Eto showed curiosity about her anime, though her attention seemed to be totally directed toward the protagonist Ken Kaneki. Again, Hiroki was upset… Hehe.

Kiss-shot was totally apathetic towards her anime. Whether it was the plot with the vampire hunters, the reappearance of her first servant, or the entire plot with Koyomi Araragi, she was indifferent to everything.

I couldn't find any information on Hiroki, which reaffirmed my theory that he is a reincarnated without an anime origin.

Anyway, the last week has been exciting, especially because of a message that appeared yesterday.

[Chat Room Notification: Chat members have shared the required number of messages to unlock stage 2.

The first-dimensional journey will begin in 24 hours.

During dimensional travel, each chat member's personal time will be altered so that chat members can travel without a single second passing on their home worlds. Upon returning from the trip, the impact of the dimensional adaptation will be distributed among the chat members to lessen the impact]

I couldn't understand the last part of the message, I just hope it's not too painful as pain scares me.

There are 10 minutes left until the journey to another world begins so I spent the whole day storing things in my inventory.

My brother says there are four things to prioritize during emergencies: food, water, medicine, and a weapon.

My brother had sent a large supply of food, so I packed everything into boxes and suitcases, then put the food in my inventory.

Today in the early morning, my brother sent me a text message to say that he will come back to Japan today and he will come to see me at night, so I can take all the food without worrying, my brother can cook again when he gets home.

In addition to food, I went to my room and took out a box under my bed.

I hate fighting, I'm scared of pain and I panic when I see blood, but my brother forced me to learn about self-defense, or well, he calls it self-defense, but I call it terrorism.

In the box there was a pistol and several magazines for the weapon, there was also a military knife, vials with odorless poisons, and a grenade. My brother told me to use this if I'm in danger and he's not around.

I know how to shoot, I know where to stab, and I know how to administer poisons.

I've always wanted to never wear these things, but my death will also be my brother's death and I can't let that happen.

In addition to the box, I searched the entire house for anything that might be useful.

My brother is obsessed with hiding weapons, so there must be more stuff in unexpected places.

In our previous house, there were guns, knives, scalpels, needles, and poisons hidden in furniture and walls, but in this apartment there was nothing. It seems that my brother trusts the safety of this place and he did not put in new weapons.

I sighed and put away some kitchen knives, this is better than nothing.

With everything ready, I prepared for the trip while the chat members continued to argue.

[Esdeath: Girl, what is your point of view on eating human flesh?]

… I don't want to get involved in this conversation.

This chat room is the only place where I can talk about my brother honestly, so I've mentioned everything I've seen.

Medaka and Mirko were worried and upset that my brother was literally a serial killer, but they couldn't complain since my brother committed all sorts of crimes in order to feed and protect me.

Eto said that my brother was an interesting human, Kiss-shot had no interest in the subject and Esdeath just nodded in approval.

Something I have noticed is that the chat room is divided into two groups; heroes and villains.

According to the anime Himouto! Umaru-chan, I should be on the side of the heroes, not because I was a hero, but out of moral and humanitarian thinking.

If things were like this, then it would be 3 heroes and 3 villains, so Hiroki could be the neutral side and thus be on good terms with all six women.

The mistake in this is that my perspective is closer to the villains because of my brother's teachings, but I'm not totally selfish like them, so I'm on the neutral side, which has caused an imbalance in favor of the villains.

In order to prevent arguments and fights, I took the role of a mediator and do my best so that the villains don't humiliate the heroes, but that made Hiroki side with the heroes, which caused him to have many arguments with the woman who more caught his attention, Esdeath.

In that aspect I understand Hiroki, Esdeath-sama is cool~


[Umaru: Some time ago I saw a news that a human thumb was found inside a hamburger in a fast food place, maybe we have ingested human meat without realizing it, but nobody complains as long as we think it is animal meat... My brother says that humans are talking animals, so from the perspective of ghouls and vampires, humans are no different than a talking cow... As for Esdeath, I've read that people in poor regions of the world spend every second struggling to survive so I can't judge her for wanting to survive]

[Medaka: But… Ugh, can we change the topic?]

[Eto: Miss rabbit, look at this~]

[Eto has sent an image]


Eto is holding the decapitated head of a child while she chews on one of his eyes.

[Rumi: I'm going to smash your fucking face in!]

[Eto: Oh, how scary~]

[Kiss-shot: Don't play with food, those are bad manners]

[Esdeath: A flashy hobby]

[Hiroki: …]

[Medaka: I'm going to vomit…]

We are barely about to meet in person, but they already want to fight.

I sighed. Being the mediator between them will be the biggest challenge in my life.

[Chat room notification: The first-dimensional journey will begin.

Selected World: Infinite Stratos

Mission: Find the anomaly]


Is it the kind of plot where the members of the chat room have to fix the plot errors of the anime worlds?

I wanted to have fun… Ahem, find a cure for my brother, yes, that.

[Esdeath: Girl, information]

I became a Wikipedia...

[Umaru: I think we'll have to face some kind of plot error or fate... I really have no idea, we'll have to check the situation]

[Hiroki: Maybe a monster from another dimension appeared and is causing chaos, so we must save the world... Or maybe the protagonist turned into a woman and a man must take her place... a free harem... hehe]

[Eto: Oh, a war, that sounds exciting~]

[Medaka: No matter the situation, we must help those who need it]

[Rumi: I hope to find some strong idiots to beat up]

Is seriously no one going to make a comment about Hiroki's stupidity?!

This is frustrating…

[Chat Room Notification: Dimensional Travel Begins]

I saw the world around me fade like an old movie, only the chat screen had color.

[Begins on...…..■■■■■■...........0101010101000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111....]

What's that?!

Why is there an eye on the screen?!




Author's Note:

Happy New Year!

My best wishes to all of you.

A big hug and much love <3

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