No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 316: Siscon instead of Oedipus

Chapter 316: Siscon instead of Oedipus

Damn headache, I hate politics.

"Hey Listen! Let's destroy those idiots, democracy is a lie that only idealistic idiots who read the news on social media believe!" – Navi screamed my inner desires.

"Ne, senpai, let's take over the world, then have the UN officials replaced with perverted lolis so senpai can fill their little holes~" – BB, please, just shut up…

"Luis, I know things are difficult, but you can't destroy human society, now you bear the responsibility of protecting this world" – Tsubaki continues to be the voice of reason and the only sane woman in my mind.

I sighed.

I spent three hours listening to the crap from the congressmen from Japan and now I'm starting to think that the best thing to do would be to kill them all.

It is not worth explaining everything that happened in the meeting, everything can be summed up as that now the government will try to cause problems for the Ichijo family, but the Tachibana family and the Chinese government support us, in addition, most of the guardian deities in Japan seem to view me favorably so the government can't start a direct battle, they'll just try to use legal routes.

For a couple of decades now, the government has been in a fight against the yakuza. Various laws have been passed that harm the mafias' businesses and this has caused problems for the Ichijo family, but now the Tachibana family is on our side, so the government will have trouble arresting the yakuza.

For now, Mr. Ichijo said that he would take care of these problems. Although it all seems like a massive headache, he is proud of me as my actions have brought great prestige to the Ichijo family.

Even if world powers try to label me a terrorist, no one can deny that I saved the world.

I even heard that the Russian government and the Vatican want to give me the title of hero of humanity. They do that to have a better friendship with Paradise, but the prestige will help me pressure NATO members not to do stupid things.

Anyway, I'm tired of politics.

Koyanskaya is moving to Japan in a week so she will take care of those matters, so for now, I'm going to relax, or at least I would like to, but my paranoid mentality makes me feel uncomfortable.

Paranoia detected that something troublesome is about to happen, but there is something blocking her analysis abilities, so we don't know what will be stupidity that will increase my desire to hit the stupid author.

It could be something as simple as one of the women from my past looking for me to demand money from me, or it could be an invasion by a Higher Entity. My life is totally random chaos and anything can happen.

Leaving the government building I thought about the places I need to go to, for example, the Ichijo residence. I'll need to talk to Chitoge.

When the China disaster struck, it became clear that Bee Hive Gang was not an ally of the Ichijo family.

Now Japan's yakuza and America's mafia are in hostile silence. A single mistake and a war will begin between the criminal organizations of both countries.

Mr. Ichijo is a peaceful and friendly man who would risk his life to protect his friends, so he was extremely furious that his friend had betrayed him.

Chitoge's father, Adelt Kirisaki Wogner, was not in Japan when this problem occurred.

Shiki confirmed to me that Adelt didn't know that his subordinates were planning to kill me, actually, he sincerely wanted Chitoge and me to become a married couple, so I would be willing to protect Chitoge from any danger.

Apparently, Adelt knows that the world is in danger, but he doesn't know the level of danger and believes that humanity can survive after some sacrifices.

Ignorance is happiness...

On the other hand, Shiki is very useful since she can see everything that the natives of this world see, she even gave me information about some troublesome idiots that I will delete later, for now, my vacations are more important.

By the way, Tsugumi was officially expelled from Bee Hive Gang and labeled as a traitor, now she will live in Japan with me, but she wasn't the only one who stayed in Japan.

Chitoge may be an impulsive jerk, but she's not totally stupid. She noticed that her family had betrayed the Ichijo family so she sought out Mr. Ichijo and gave up her pride to apologize as she knelt down.

Our time together in the Arifureta world made her fall head over heels in love with me and she can't imagine her life without me.

She thought that Mr. Ichijo would cancel her engagement with me because of her family's actions, but Mr. Ichijo not only kept the engagement in effect but also gave Chitoge shelter so that she could live in Japan.

Adelt pretended to be furious at his daughter's attitude and he announced that Chitoge was expelled from her family so she was no longer related to Bee Hive Gang. He did this so that Chitoge could stay in Japan without being pressured by the Bee Hive Gang members.

Chitoge can be a bit annoying because of her violent temper, but I found it nice that she was willing to give up everything she owns to be with me. I'll pamper her later.

"Boy" – Mr. Ichijo came out of the building and patted me on the shoulder. – "Things are about to become chaotic, we have to speed up the plan for you to form a harem with the daughters of prestigious families"

We're surrounded by a magical barrier that prevents eavesdropping so he wasn't worried about us being overheard.

"I know" - I sighed and smiled wryly. – "But first I want a vacation, I really need a break"

A strong-minded person is trustworthy, but pretending that my mental fatigue is on the edge makes me look more human, which increases the feeling of closeness and favorability that people may feel towards me.

On the other hand, I really want a vacation…

Mr. Ichijo smiled and patted my back hard. – "Hahaha, it is true, you need to rest or you will become a bitter old man… I will contact the important families and I will notify you when things are ready, for now, take some time to rest…"

Mr. Ichijo took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to me. – "There is a hot springs inn where you can relax, take this letter to the owner of the place, she was a good friend of my grandfather and she was like a grandmother to me so I would appreciate it if you greet her for me… It would be nice if you take your sister, it is important that you do not neglect your family, I will take care of all the problems"

I still can't get used to the paternal affection that this man gives me. It bothers me that he sincerely sees me as his son, although it's not an unpleasant feeling.

I smiled. – "Thank you, I think I will go for two or three days, anyway, face-to-face classes have not resumed due to the earthquake and the pandemic"

The virus I released has already spread around the world, but the pandemic is under control as a pharmaceutical company in China managed to come up with a vaccine.

Several Western media outlets have tried to smear the company, but Monika is in control of social media so the Chinese vaccine is giving China's healthcare system a good name.

By the way, Japan is the country with the highest priority when it comes to receiving vaccines, which has made the Ichijo family more famous since the yakuza are distributing the vaccines for free.

The women who stayed in China are doing a good job, I will reward them later.

"Take two weeks' vacation, you've earned it, boy" – Mr. Ichijo's voice seems more pleasant.

Mr. Ichijo said goodbye to me and left in his limousine along with his escorts.

I think my childhood traumas not only made me want motherly affection, but maybe I also have a need for a father figure…

Oh, whatever.

In the distance, I could see that two annoying presences were watching Mr. Ichijo's car. Idiots are predictable.

A man and a woman appeared behind me and bowed respectfully.

"Protect that man, nothing should hurt him" – I looked at the letter in my hand. – "Also protect his son"

The two people nodded and turned into purple light which disappeared.

They are not living beings or people, they are the result of the last experiment I did to create an army.

Things have gotten complicated so I need strong people to protect my wives, daughters, and people who are useful to me.

For now, my harem members are safe thanks to the wedding rings and my daughters remain in my private worlds, but I can't fully protect my allies since I don't give them much importance.

The two people from before were something I made with the help of Nia Teppelin, the core of the Anti-Rasen energy.

One of the more interesting powers of the Anti-Spiral is the hive mind and multiple existence. Basically, he is millions of entities and he won't die unless all of the Anti-Spirals are killed at once.

According to Nia, that was the reason why the Anti-Spiral survived after being defeated at the end of the Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann story. Later, he became a Higher Entity, befriended the protagonist, and small things happened that I didn't even bother to listen to.

Unlike the Anti-Spiral, I didn't clone myself since having clones of myself disgusts me, instead, I made puppets.

It's somewhat similar to the black blood monsters I made in the past, but the difference is that my new puppets have learning ability, judgment ability, logical reasoning, and each one has the strength of a veteran hero.

To create a single Spiral Puppet, I need a thousand people totally loyal to me who are willing to give up their souls, minds, and free will, then those people will be turned into a single puppet that will be connected to the puppets' hive mind, which prevents them from having their own personality.

In my two personal worlds, the religious fanaticism that people have for me allowed me to gather several devotees so now I have 20,000 Spiral Puppets.

Using a few puppets to protect people I like slightly isn't a waste, anyway, then I plan to combine several puppets to create stronger puppets.

My goal is to create puppets that are as strong as the original Anti-Spiral. That subject can create millions of copies of itself, which is interesting.

Anyway, for now, I won't use too many puppets or Shiki will get nervous if she sees so many inhuman monsters filling the world.

Although we are now allies, I am sure that she has prepared emergency measures to fight against me if I decide to betray this world. I like that she's paranoid.

For now, I have several options.

Although I need to comfort Chitoge, I also need to talk to Ichika.

For starters, there's the matter with her talent agency, on the other hand, she called me when she found out that I came back to Japan. Apparently, her sisters want to talk to me.

I understand that Nino wants to see me since I left for China shortly after we started a formal relationship. Surely she will want to hit me in the face, then she will hug me, and possibly we will end up in bed.

I also understand that Itsuki wants to talk to me. She's the responsible sister so she's worried that I'm only using her sisters, after all, I'm famous for being a womanizing bastard who ruins marriages.

Yotsuba has the brain of a squirrel, so she must keep thinking about the time she saw me have sex with Nino. I wouldn't be surprised if my abilities and plot armor had caused problems in her relationship with Futaro.

Finally, Miku…. Uh, well, I've never liked her. Among the quintuplets, my relationship with her was always the worst, though I feel like I'm forgetting something about her...

Whatever, I have more important things to think about.

I have affairs with several women, but honestly, my mental fatigue and migraine have worsened to an absurd point. I want vacations.

The female Servants are not by my side as they are with Lin Ruoxi, Aotian, and Nyaruko. My pretty wife was understanding and she agreed to take care of the group of noisy women.

I thought about going to Ichika's house, but I saw a familiar figure.

I smiled wryly and approached the brat who was trying to hide in a bush to spy on me.

"Senpai can't resist the temptation of mofu mofu, senpai is furry~ gross~"

"Hey Listen! The siscon is not a furry, he is a lolicon who has a fetish for stroking the heads of lolis with animal ears!"

"Oh, that's why senpai pats the lolis' heads so much~"

"Hey Listen! Run away dog, you were discovered hahahahaha!"

These idiots...

I walked over to the bush and smiled wryly. – "I did not imagine that you were a little stalker"

"I-I'm not!" – Senko rushed out of the bush, her face showing nervousness as she waved her little hands. – "I was just worried… I heard that you faced great danger while you were in China…"

I smiled and stroked her head. – "What a cute wife I have"

Senko sighed and looked at me seriously, though her fox ears and tail were waving happily. – "I'm serious, stop getting into so much trouble, it's as if you find danger in every step you take"

She may look like a brat, but her mind is more like an elderly woman.

I smiled wryly. – "Yes mom, I will be more careful"

"I'm not kidding!" – Senko pouted. – "You have to be more careful! I don't want to be alone again…!"

And so began the awkward silence.

I sighed and charged Senko.

Senko didn't try to break free of me, instead, she hugged my neck and pressed her face into my shoulder.

"Senko, I promised you that I would take care of you and I'm not going to break my promise" – I spoke softly while my hand caressed her back. – "I'm sorry for making you worry, but I'm a hero, even if I don't like it, my duty is to fight and protect the world"

"..." – Senko hugged me tightly. – "Can't you give up? You can leave that life, you can undo it and live in peace…"

I would like that, but there are still many stupid things that I have to solve... Stupid plot.

I started stroking Senko's hair. – "This world has deficiencies, people have mistakes, but I will not let anyone destroy our home… I'm sorry, but I can't stop fighting"

"..." – Senko hugged me in silence.

After ten minutes, Senko stopped hugging me. She pulled her face away from my shoulder and looked up at my face as her hands cupped my cheeks.

"If one day you face a danger that you cannot overcome, you must flee... Running away is the greatest dishonor of a warrior, but a good man is the one who protects his family..." – Senko looked at me seriously. – "I do not want to be the widow of an honorable warrior, I want to be the wife of a good man"

It's amazing that a brat is one of the most mentally mature women I've ever met.

"Senpai's heart had a doki-doki beat! Senpai is furry!"

"Hey Listen! Muahahaha he is being consumed by loli power!"

My heart is still beating normally… Idiots.

I used [Dissociative Identity] and switched to Concept 'Fraud', then smiled sincerely. – "I promise that I will take care of my safety and I will escape from any danger that exceeds my strength"

"Okay, I'll believe you" – Senko nodded and kissed my cheek, then smiled. – "You seem to be busy so I won't distract you, but I wish we could meet later, I really want to cook with you, and Shiro wants to see you too"

I smiled and stopped carrying Senko.

Senko left and I stood still for a moment.

"What's up senpai? Are you disappointed that you didn't taste the furry loli's little tongue?"

"I was just thinking" - I sighed internally. – "I am becoming too soft…"

It's nice to have feelings, I don't dislike the idea of loving people who love me, but I'm starting to worry about my emotional dependency.

I'm not going to restrain my emotions, but it will be a problem if I turn into a good jerk.

"Oh, I have an idea!" – Haachama shouted with joy. – "Let's go to a world and cause an apocalypse!"

"Hey Listen! Let's eliminate the men so you turn all the women into onaholes!"

"Luis!" – Tsubaki frowned.

"Don't worry, Tsubaki, I won't make a pointless genocide" – I sighed and started walking towards Ichika's house.

"Then you will commit a justified genocide" – Tsubaki continued to frown.

She knows me too well, she's so cute.

"Tch, trash" – Yoko clicked her tongue in disgust.

"Well, maybe you're right" - I agreed internally. – "Maybe I should empower humans to evolve without control, then I will watch them in silence while they start a war that they cannot win, anyway, the genocide of innocent people is justified in exchange for freedom, in the worst case, they will all die and only one dictator will be left with no world to oppress… Oh, a déjà vu"

"FUCKING BASTARD!" – Yoko yelled with extreme hatred.

The big-breasted redhead is fun to tease, but Nia suffered collateral damage.

I sighed. – "Fine, I'm sorry, idealistic dreams are not so bad, life needs honest heroes or there would be no hope"

"You hypocritical idiot…" – Yoko was still angry, but Nia didn't look so depressed anymore.

Although I treat Nia better, I like Yoko's defiant and rebellious personality more, also, her body is very good...

The funny thing is that Yoko hasn't noticed, but her hatred towards me has slowly decreased as she has seen the way I take care of my family.

It seems that she has a deep emotional void, so seeing me play with my daughters and take care of my wives affected her mood.

The same is for Nia. She seems particularly sensitive to the subject of parenthood.

Being a good father and husband is helping me to enter the hearts of both women... Repressed traumas are convenient.

Ah, it sure is much more fun to win women's hearts through emotional blackmail, manipulations, and stupidly complex schemes. Leaving everything up to the plot armor is just too boring.

Now, going back to the previous topic, Haachama has a bit of a point.

I have been overly attentive to my wives and daughters, which has helped me stabilize my emotional problems.

In order not to lose my psychopathic impulses, maybe I need to conquer a World through unethical means, besides, I'm bored of facing situations that are easy to solve by force, and I want to return to a battlefield where everything can be destroyed in an instant.

… It is difficult to have feelings and it is dangerous to be bored…

I was about to get to Ichika's house, but I had a bad feeling, a terrible feeling...

[System Notification: The skill 'Pannonia' has detected spatial anomalies near the entities 'Umaru' and 'Mamako']

"Abby!" – I spoke to the girl in my mind.

Not caring that I was in a public place, I disappeared from the place and was transported inside the apartment where my sister and the stupid woman live.

[System Notification: The skill 'Hero's Destiny' has detected the energy of a system user]

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' from controlling the user's mind]

In an instant, I appeared in the hallway towards Umaru's room. Umaru's presence was mixed with the energy of the system user…

It was less than a second, but it was too late… she was kidnapped…

My mother's presence also disappeared and I feel a trace of familiar energy in her room. It looks like she got caught by a hero summon, but that doesn't matter, it would be great if that stupid woman dies once and for all.

My hands were covered in [Rasen], then my fingers dug into the space where the last trace of Umaru's presence came from.

Using [Rasen], I can tear apart the spatial structure and thus capture Umaru…

Some Worlds may experience space storms, but that's not my problem.

"Wait Luis, we don't know if Umaru is still in the process of a dimensional journey!" – System Goddess panicked. – "If you break space, she could be destroyed by a space storm!"


[Anti-Rasen] covered my arms and I made purple energy chains hold the corners of the crack I made in space.

[System Notification: The Shiki entity has sent a message]

She noticed that I made a hole in the spatial structure of this world, but I'll talk to her later, now I must get Umaru back…

"Abby, analyze the spatial coordinates… System Goddess, analyze the energy traces, I want to know if my sister was kidnapped by some idiot with a system based on sex, or if she was summoned as a tool" – I tried to use [Reader's Madness] to look at Umaru's Destiny, but the enemy system was interfering…

No, it's not just the system...

Higher Entity…

A fucking Higher Entity is helping the system user…

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' from controlling the user's mind]

"Ortro, try to ignore distances to bring Umaru back" – I tried to determine Umaru's direction for Ortro to bring my stupid sister.

She will feel a lot of pain if Ortro bites her, but I can heal her wounds, now the only thing that matters is getting her out of danger.

"... I can't... I don't see her..." – Ortro answered sadly.

She can ignore the Distance Concept to bite anything, but she needs to spot the target.

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' from controlling the user's mind]

"Luis, take a deep breath, don't be impulsive" – Tsubaki tried to use Soul Resonance to calm me down.

I was able to regain some of my rationality, but the mix of anger, anxiety, worry, and insanity is making my vision blurry.

"The concept of time doesn't exist in dimensional travel, a single second can be a thousand years for Umaru" – I used [Sadism] to torment my mind and soul.

[System Notification: The stat 'Obsession: Spiral King' has prevented the user's mind from breaking]

[System Notification: The skill 'Masochism' has been used to empower the skill 'Paranoia'].

I can't track the system user, but Paranoia was able to find him, although there are many barriers that are making it difficult to track spatial coordinates…

"Luis, let Abby, BB, and I connect to Paranoia" – System Goddess spoke quickly.

[System Notification: The entity 'Tsubaki' has used 'Soul Resonance' for the entities 'System Goddess', 'BB-chan', and 'Abby' to connect with the skill 'Paranoia']

It's been two seconds since Umaru was kidnapped… that's too long…

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' from controlling the user's mind]

"I found her!" – System Goddess yelled.

"Abby, bring Nyaruko and Aotian, let's go get my stupid sister" – I released the space crack and repaired it with [Anti-Rasen] or there will be another crack in Gaia's barrier.

"Um… Luis…" – The voice of System Goddess began to tremble. – "The location is the base of the Seekers of Truth…"


[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' from controlling the user's mind]

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' from controlling the user's mind]

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' from controlling the user's mind]

Breathe deeply.

Those sons of bitches want to use my sister as a lab rat…

"I know that place" – Abby spoke quickly. – "These are not the coordinates of the central base, but the private laboratory of one of the leaders of the Seekers of Truth, we can invade them without the entire organization attacking us, but first we must close all the exits to prevent the enemies request reinforcements"

Maybe Abby entered that lab to steal information since she likes to get new knowledge, but that doesn't matter, Abby seems to know the structure of that lab so her idea is not a bad one.

"Abby, gather the strongest members of the Raksasha Sect, Monika, prepare our entire army, also the deities" - I began to give instructions.

Paranoia, how long do I have to save Umaru?

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' is rolling on the ground........]

"Oh…" – System Goddess had a complex expression. – "Paranoia broke her own consciousness and attached it to your sister's soul… I think I can use Paranoia to connect to the system that kidnapped your sister and thus protect her, I need five seconds…"

… Paranoia…

This dumb skill.

What she did was similar to a person opening her own skull, removing a piece of her brain, and then putting it in a box to give as a gift to a person who is moving to another country.

Currently, Paranoia's conscience is broken and she could have destroyed her own personality, but she took that risk to protect my sister...

I have mixed feelings.

It gives me relief that my sister will be protected by my most useful skill, but now I'm worried about Paranoia's safety.

There is a great risk that Paranoia's consciousness will receive permanent damage...

If Paranoia really takes permanent consciousness damage, I'll have to kidnap Auriel, she's the best medical kit there is...

"Luis, the system is a chat room" – System Goddess spoke with a relieved tone. – "Records show that your sister is barely in her first world, she is safe, besides, your food made her avoid the affective influence of the owner of the chat room"

BB, Nyaruko, and System Goddess have explained to me all the types of systems that exist.

Chat rooms are a subspecies of individual systems. Unlike an individual system, chat rooms bring together characters from different worlds.

There are many times when the system user does not know that he is the owner of the chat room, sometimes the chat room creates an imaginary administrator whose only purpose is to favor the system user, either by giving missions that strengthen the user, or affecting the emotions of the characters so that everyone loves the system user.

My sister is not the owner of the chat room, but a simple system user tool...….

My only relief is that Umaru will not be affected by the mental abilities of the system user, and in case that idiot tries to hurt my sister, Paranoia can use [Schizophrenia], [Sadism], and the two spiral energies to protect Umaru.

On the other hand, System Goddess can't take control of the chat room, but she can keep an eye on what's going on around my sister and warn me if Umaru is in danger.

"Can we enter the world where Umaru is?" – I asked while I opened the message function of my system.

[Message to Anti-Spiral: I'll send you some space coordinates. I want you to seal those coordinates with the same technique you used to separate your homeworld from the rest of the multiverse]

[System Notification: The Anti-Spiral entity has sent a message.

The coordinates are too big, it will take a long time to enclose the whole place]

"Abby, Chiyo, you help the Anti-Spiral" – I spoke to the two women with the best control of the [Anti-Rasen]. – "Do it discreetly, I will attract the attention of the enemies so that no one escapes"

"We can invade the World where your sister is, but that will destroy the structure of the space which will kill all the members of the chat room and it is very possible that your sister's soul will be seriously damaged" – System Goddess frowned. – "It seems that the enemy made a mini multiverse isolated from the rest of the multiverse… This is interesting, it is like creating a simulator, but using real worlds…"

Damn fucking scientists… I'm also curious about that experiment though.

Nyaruko and Aotian appeared next to me.

"We can't go directly with Umaru, so we'll steal the simulator" - I started to form hypothetical scenarios in my mind, I need to analyze all the possibilities... - "We must also completely destroy the laboratory without leaving survivors, no one should know about Umaru or our identities"

"Kill…." – Ortro's voice was distorted, she is being influenced by my emotions.

"Yay! Extermination!" – Haachama shouted with joy.

"Oh, shit…" – System Goddess turned pale. – "Inside the simulator is the heir of an Ancient One and a sleeping Outer God! The purpose of this experiment is to sacrifice the members of the chat room in order to control the Outer God!"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' from controlling the user's mind............ ...….. ERROR…. It was not possible to suppress the user's destructive impulses]

My eyelid is twitching.

"Heh, senpai is in a bad mood~"

"Nyaruko, become the Harem King, Aotian, suppress your new techniques for now and just show the strength you had before you met me" – I did my best not to lose self-control. – "The three of us will invade the laboratory to make the enemy think that they can capture us… When the Anti-Spiral cage is complete, we will attack with all our might…"

I can repair Umaru's soul if she is damaged, but she is a mere human and even with my abilities, there will be harmful side effects if she is killed by an Outer God.

"…Luis" – Tsubaki spoke to me with determination. – "Many people will die, but you have my full support, you should not hold back"

A good wife...

I changed my costume to that of the Hero of Harmony, I also took out the chainsaw sword. – "System Goddess, break the structure of the chat room to form a crack"

"Luis, that will kill the members of the chat room" – System Goddess had a doubtful expression.

"Umaru's soul will suffer irreparable damage only with the presence of an Outer God… If Paranoia tries to protect my sister then she could be destroyed since she is just a skill and not an entity with her own existence…" – I finished doing the simulation mentally and waited for Abby to open the Dimension Gate. – "Paranoia and Umaru are all that matter, the rest is disposable"

I put a lot of life insurance on Umaru's body, soul, and mind, but I made a big mistake by not adding a space anchor to her soul.

My stupid traumas and family conflicts prevented me from being more careful with Umaru since I didn't want her to get involved with the supernatural world.

My idea was to let Umaru have a peaceful life, then she would grow old and die after having a peaceful life that I can never have.

It seems like my wish was for Umaru to have a happy life, but actually, I did it because deep down in my heart, I still hate my family.

Although I admit I have sisterly affection for Umaru, she reminds me of our parents, the two people who disgust me the most in the entire multiverse.

On the other hand, and being totally rational, I am an extremely possessive mental patient with serious affective problems.

If Umaru spends too much time with me, my possessive obsession and kleptomania will prevent me from letting her have her own life, it's even possible that I'll put her in my harem just to keep her by my side. My 'Obsession: Yandere' stat is not a decoration.

That's also why I don't want to go near my mother.

I have too much plot armor and that idiot woman loves me obsessively. It is very possible that the plot will create a scenario where I will have to forget my hatred towards her and thus accept her in my harem.

Just thinking about Umaru or my mother becoming my lovers causes me infinite disgust, to the point that I have slight suicidal thoughts.

Despite the disgust I feel, this all happened because of my own stupidity.

I have noticed for a long time that Umaru shows symptoms of depression, but I always ignored her emotional problems since I kept an emotional wall between us.

Now that I finally decide to open up to her and finally be a family, this shit happens….

On second thought though, it's possible this was caused by my excess plot armor.

Perhaps the title of Fourth Candidate did this to force me to become involved with the Seekers of Truth...

Being a protagonist sucks.

I'll have to talk to Umaru and explain the whole situation to her, I can't stop her from getting involved with the multiverse anymore, although knowing her, she'll end up enjoying this stupidity...

"BB, I will give you the most important role" – The Dimensional Gate began to appear in front of me. – "When System Goddess makes an opening in the simulator, enter that place and bring my sister"

BB is crazy, she is a dangerous woman and she loves to cause trouble, but she is very reliable in risky situations. She will never do anything that crosses the line as she is afraid that I might leave her.

"And what about the waifus? Chat rooms always have waifus for all kinds of fetishes" – BB had a big smile.

"They will die so they don't matter, just focus on Umaru and Paranoia... If you have a chance, you should also kill the system user, but the priority is to escape" - I saw that Nyaruko had a bad expression, she wanted to rescue my sister, but my look tells her that I'm not in the mood for stupidity.

Nyaruko is the second strongest person in my group, but it's quite possible that the members of the chat room are popular anime characters. Nyaruko would rather lose her head than see her favorite characters die.

On the other hand, BB enjoys increasing the size of my harem, but also has fun causing other people misery. She will be willing to sacrifice the women in the chat room to save Umaru.

"All set" – Abby formed a Dimensional Gate.

Before entering the Gate, I spoke to the girl who was sleeping in the quietest place in my mind. – "Gogh, wake up, soon I will need your help"

"Gogh is useful, Gogh will help" - Gogh had an innocent smile and radiant as the sun.

"Wow, senpai is really going to remove all traces… This is fun~"

For now I will have to restrain myself from destroying everything in a fit of rage.

I must ensure Umaru's safety first, then I can destroy everything...…

All must be destroyed...…


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